Board Of Supervisors Meeting Minutes 2014


Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Reorganizational / Regular Meeting
January 6, 2014

SUPERVISORS PRESENT:  Ed Sharrah, Jerry Arrison and JR Crushong

OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor; Kathleen Franklin, Secretary

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Supervisor Jerry Arrison.  The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to appoint Jerry Arrison as temporary Chairman.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to appoint Kathleen Franklin as temporary Secretary.  Motion carried, 3-0. 


MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to elect Jerry Arrison as Chairman of the Board.  Motion carried, 3-0.           

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Arrison, to elect JR Crushong as Vice-Chairman of the Board.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

The Board announced a vacancy for the position of Township Auditor caused by the lack of any candidates in the elections held in 2013.  Wally Davis reminded the Board that they have until February to appoint someone to fill the vacancy. 

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison, to appoint Kathleen Franklin as Secretary/Treasurer, setting the wage at $14.20 per hour.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to appoint Jerry Arrison as Assistant Secretary, setting the wage at $12.00 per hour.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to establish the Treasurer’s Bond at $600,000.  Motion carried, 3-0.

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to appoint Jeff Black as the Road Crew Foreman setting the wage at $18.25 per hour.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to appoint Curtis MacBeth and Dale Byers as full-time road crew employees setting the wages at $16.13 and $15.60 per hour, respectively.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to appoint Matthew Williams, Randy Pritt, Randy Fetter and Daniel Fetter and Dan Gebhart as part-time snow removal employees setting their wages at $15.00 per hour.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to appoint Land & Sea Services – Scott Merryman – as the Code Enforcement Officer.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to appoint Land & Sea Services – Wilbur Slothour – as the Zoning Officer.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to appoint Walton V. Davis as the Township Solicitor.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to appoint KPI Technology as the township’s engineering firm.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to appoint Gil Picarelli as the Sewage Enforcement Officer.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to appoint Dominic Picarelli and Leah Heine as the alternate Sewage Enforcement Officers.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to appoint Judy Singley as Vacancy Board member.  Motion carried 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to appoint Dennis Robinson for another 4 year term (ends 12/2017) on the Franklin Township Planning Commission pending Planning Commission confirmation.  Motion carried, 3-0.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to appoint Deb Hahn for another 5 year term (ends 12/2018) on the Municipal Water Authority. Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to appoint William Lower for another 3 year term (ends 12/2016) on the Zoning Hearing Board. Motion carried, 3-0

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to appoint Chris Santay for a 5 year term (ends 12/2018) on the Municipal Sewer Authority.  Motion carried 3-0.   

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to appoint Kathleen Franklin as Open Records Officer.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison to appoint Kathleen Franklin as the Pension Plan Chief Administrative Officer.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to appoint Ed Sharrah and Kathleen Franklin as Representative and Alternative Representative, respectively, to the Board of Directors of the York Adams Tax Bureau.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to appoint Darrin Flake and Jerry Arrison as Representative and Alternative Representative, respectively, to the Adams County Tax Collection Committee.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to appoint Jerry Arrison and Jeff Black as Representative and Alternate Representative, respectively, to the Adams County Council of Government.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to establish PLGIT and Adams County National Bank as the depositories for Township funds.  Motion carried, 3-0.   

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah to certify Jeff Black as PSATS State Convention Delegate and the Voting Delegate for Franklin Township and approve any incurred expenses as allowed by law.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to approve Land and Sea’s 2014 fee schedule.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to approve KPI Technology’s 2014 fee schedule.  Motion carried, 3-0.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to set the 2014 Board of Supervisors meetings for the first Thursday of each month at 7:00p.m.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to establish the 2014 holidays observed for Township employees.  Motion carried, 3-0.

There being no further business to conduct, the reorganizational meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m. and the regular meeting was immediately called to order.




MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Arrison, to approve the minutes for the meeting held December 12, 2013.  Motion carried, 3-0.


MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to approve Bill List #12, General Fund checks 31844-31915 totaling $56,309.42. Motion carried, 3-0. 


Michaux Forest Gun Range – Ken Kozak of DCNR requested approval of plans to update the Gun Range noting that requirements set by KPI have been met.  Gil Picarelli indicated that approval should be pending receipt of a Wetlands Permit.  When questioned about a bond, Mr. Kozak said he would check to see if the Township can be on the bond that DCNR is going to obtain.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong that the Michaux Forest plan be approved, contingent upon DCNR obtaining a bond for an amount approved by KPI that includes Franklin Township’s name.  Motion Carried, 3-0.

            Adams County Emergency Tower – Sayber Trail  – The results of the Zoning Hearing were presented.  There were 3 conditions set for approval: 1. Ensure that the private road is returned to the original condition, 2. An agreement for the attorney about impervious coverage and 3. Ensure that there is a 200 foot lot width.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to approve the Adams County Sayber Trail plan contingent upon final zoning hearing board approval, a 200 foot lot width and the return of the road to its original condition.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

A question was raised about the financial security requirements for the Adams County plan.  Adams County would like to put a cap on how much taxing power Franklin Township has for the bond.   


Supervisor Sharrah read the code enforcement report.  There were two cleared violations in December and twelve cases remain open.  The zoning enforcement officer reported he worked a total of 8 hours.

Supervisor Sharrah read the Zoning report from Land and Sea.  There were a total of 38.75 hours worked in December, 18.75 for zoning, 12 for UCC and 8 for code enforcement.

Supervisor Crushong read the road report for December.  Activities included maintenance and repairs of equipment and brush cutting on several roads. The road crew also plowed and anti-skidded roads several times and applied stone to dirt roads.  Snow drifts on roads were also removed as needed.

Supervisor Arrison read the report received from Buchanan Valley Fire Department.  For December they had 24 responses for a total of 262 in 2013.

The Secretary noted that the report for the Cashtown Community Fire Department was not received.  The report is still in the preparation process and will be on file at the office when received.


NEW BUSINESS             


            Darrin Flake asked about the status of the Dollar General Store plan.  The Supervisors told him that the plan was dropped by them because of their inability to meet the parking requirements.  Dominic Picarelli of KPI has attempted to contact them but they have not responded.  Mr. Flake, chairman of the Sewer Authority, also asked the Supervisors if they feel that there is any money due to the Township from the Sewer Authority now that it has been sold.  The Supervisors responded that none is due.   

He also stated that he feels the Township should put conditions on the contribution they make to the Youth League that would allow the contribution to only be used for Franklin Township residents.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Franklin

Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
February 6, 2014

SUPERVISORS PRESENT:  Jerry Arrison, J R Crushong and Ed Sharrah

OTHERS PRESENT:  Dominic Picarelli, KPI Technology, Wally Davis, Solicitor and Kathleen Franklin, Secretary

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Arrison.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to approve the January 2014 Reorganizational meeting minutes, as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried, 3-0. 


MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to approve the January 2014 Regular meeting minutes, as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried, 3-0. 


MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to approve Bill List # 1, General Fund checks 31916-31976 totaling $66,589.41.   Motion carried, 3-0. 




Supervisor Arrison read the road report for the month of January.  Activities included maintenance and repair of vehicles, cutting of brush on several roads and repair of road signs.  Road crew was in several times during the month for snow removal.  They spread 1 B stone on dirt roads and anti-skid as needed. Anti-skid mixture was done for several deliveries of salt.  

Supervisor Crushong read the Buchanan Valley Fire Department report.  They responded to 26 calls in January.  They also had a vendor conduct in-service training with members and repaired vehicles. 

Supervisor Crushong read the Cashtown Fire Department report. Cashtown had 45 calls for January.  There were 34 responses in Franklin Township, 4 in Hamiltonban Township, 2 in Cumberland Township, 1 each in Highland and Butler Townships, 1 in Gettysburg Boro and 1 each in Greene and Guilford Townships in Franklin County.  The Annual Cashtown Fair will be held February 6th, 7th and 8th.  

Supervisor Sharrah read the Code Enforcement Officer’s report.  There was 1 cleared violation in January.  Active violations include 3 for property maintenance, 2 for building maintenance and 3 for inoperable vehicles.  One citation has been issued so far this year.

Supervisor Sharrah read the Zoning Officer’s report for the month of January.  There were a total of 3.5 zoning hours worked, total UCC hours of 6.5 and code enforcement hours of 10.5 for a total hours worked of 20.5.  There were 2 building permits issued for a total construction value of $40,000.00.


Vacant Township Auditor Position – the Supervisors discussed the vacancy and determined that the matter should be turned over to the Vacancy Board.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to  approve requesting the Vacancy Board to search for candidates for the Township Auditor position.  Motion carried, 3-0.

After the motion was approved, the Secretary was directed to prepare a letter to the Vacancy Board to set up a meeting with the Board to discuss the vacancy.


EMA Director – The Township received a letter from Jeff Bowling, chief of the Cashtown Community Fire Department requesting the appointment of Evan Hochberg as EMA Director.  T J Pritt requested that he be appointed Assistant Director.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to  appoint Evan Hochberg as Emergency Management Director pending the results of the criminal background check and that T J Pritt be appointed as Assistant Director.  Motion carried, 3-0.               

Trash Service  – The Supervisors discussed the problems that both our Township and others are having with the new trash hauler, Advanced Disposal Service.  It was mentioned that other Townships are considering fines and/or declaring a breach of contract by Ads.  Wally Davis said that, if the fine option is selected, they would then be limited to only problems that occur after the date of the fine if they would try to declare the contract breached.  The Supervisors feel that the options should be discussed further.

Residents Tom Young and Roy Fluke talked about ongoing problems they have had with the service and the Supervisors acknowledged both they and the office have received many complaints.  The question arose about how the selection of hauler was made.  Wally Davis explained the process requires the Townships to put the contract out for bids.  He said that when the bids are opened, the Supervisors are required to award the contract to the lowest bidder unless they are aware of substantive problems.  At the time the bids were received, the group including our Township had not been able find any problems.  The Supervisors are working with both the trash hauler and the other Townships in the Northwest Adams group to resolve the situation. 


There were no questions or comments from guests.

Supervisor Arrison thanked the Scouts for attending the meeting and said he and the other Supervisors hoped they found it a good learning experience.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:25 P.M.

                                                                               Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Franklin

Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
March 6, 2014

SUPERVISORS PRESENT:  Jerry Arrison, J R Crushong and Ed Sharrah

OTHERS PRESENT:  Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Wally Davis, Solicitor and Kathleen Franklin, Secretary

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Arrison.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to approve the February 2014 Regular meeting minutes, as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried, 3-0. 


MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to approve Bill List # 2, General Fund checks 31978-32039 totaling $80,282.55.   Motion carried, 3-0. 




Supervisor Crushong read the road report for the month of February.  Activities included maintenance and repair of vehicles, cutting of brush on several roads, opened ditches and grates to allow water to drain, filled sinking areas and cold patch pot holes.  Road crew was in several times during the month for snow removal.  They spread 1 B stone on dirt roads and anti-skid as needed. Anti-skid mixture was done for several deliveries of salt. Approximately $60,000.00 in salt for this winter season – November 2013 thru March 2014. 

 Supervisor Arrison read the Buchanan Valley Fire Department report.  They responded to 31 calls in February. 

Supervisor Arrison read the Cashtown Fire Department report. Cashtown had 34 calls for February.  There were 30 responses in Franklin Township, 3 in Menallen Township, 1 in Greene Township.  Shrimp Feed will be held Saturday, March 8, 2014. 

 Supervisor Sharrah read the Code Enforcement Officer’s report.  There was 1 cleared violation in February.  Active violations include 1 for Dangerous Structures, 7 for property maintenance, 2 for building maintenance and 2 for inoperable vehicles.  One citation has been issued so far this year.

Supervisor Sharrah read the Zoning Officer’s report for the month of February.  There were a total of 4 zoning hours worked, total UCC hours of 3.5 and code enforcement hours of 10.5 for a total hours worked of 18.  There were 2 building permits issued for a total construction value of $163,400.00.


Vacant Township Auditor Position – Janet Hertz has volunteered to take the vacant Township Auditor Position.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to approve Janet Hertz to fill the vacant Township Auditor Position.

Motion carried, 3-0. 

Trash Service – Supervisor Arrison stated that he has had four (4) compliments on the trash service.  Supervisor Sharrah stated that he is still seeing trash on the road.  Dwayne Brasee of 125 Bingaman Road and his mother of 25 Orrtanna Road have made several attempts to get results from Customer Service to no avail.  Supervisor Sharrah asked Bill Piszczek with Advanced Disposal if he could check and provide any work order on the complaints from Mr. Brasee.  Supervisor Arrison asked when fines could be started and indicated that BOS may want to have these in place.  Wally responded that ADS lawyer wants a written letter documenting the problems.


Appointment of Susan Plank as Assistant Secretary with a starting wage of $13.50 per hour.

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah to hire Susan Plank as Assistant Secretary.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

.GASD request for Bond reduction – Township received letter from KPI with a request from GASD to release the Bond on the Franklin Elementary School project.  Gil recommends that the minimum amount of surety that should be retained is $17,867.00 ($1,500 + original 10% contingency of $16,376.00) resulting in a proposed reduction of $162,269.00.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to retain $17,867.00 for the bond which proposed a reduction of $162,269.00 to bond for Franklin Elementary School project.  Motion carried, 3-0.  

South Mountain Antique Engine Assn., Inc. has requested permission to hold an antique tractor drive starting and ending at the South Mountain Fairgrounds on May 17, 2014 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to send letter approving antique tractor drive starting and ending at the South Mountain Fairgrounds.  Motion carried, 3-0.  

Supervisor Crushong asked Supervisors Arrison and Sharrah to attend the Planning and Zoning workshop on March 19, 2014 at 6:00 pm.  Motion to give Wally the go ahead to work with Dominic Picarelli to move forward with zoning redo.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Arrison to have Wally work with Dominic Picarelli to move forward with zoning redo.  Motion carried, 3-0.


There were no questions or comments from guests.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.                                                                       

Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Franklin

Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
April 3, 2014 

SUPERVISORS PRESENT:  Jerry Arrison, J R Crushong and Ed Sharrah

OTHERS PRESENT:  Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Kathleen Franklin, Secretary, and Susan Plank, Assistant Secretary

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Arrison.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to approve the March 2014 Regular meeting minutes, as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried, 3-0. 


MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to approve Bill List #3, General Fund checks 32040-3211339 totaling $80,282.55.   Motion carried, 3-0. 



MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to approve the Adams County Emergency Communication Tower Maintenance Agreement.   Motion carried, 3-0. 

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to approve the Storm Water Maintenance Agreement – Michaux shooting range.   Motion carried, 3-0. 


Supervisor Crushong read the road report for the month of March.  Activities included maintenance and repair of vehicles, cutting of brush on several roads, BFPE inspected fire extinguishers at Township, filled sinking areas and cold patch pot holes.  Replaced 10 ton and no truck sign at Cashtown/Short Cut Road, Stop sign at Newman and Old 30.

Supervisor Crushong read the Buchanan Valley Fire Department report.  They responded to 14 calls in March. 

Supervisor Crushong read the Cashtown Fire Department report. Cashtown had 19 calls for March.  There were 10 responses in Franklin Township, 1 in Menallen Township, 1 in Germany Township, 1 Cumberland Township, 2 Highland Township, 2 Butler Township, 1 Mont Alto Boro, and 1 in Greene Township.  450 Club Fee/Drawing will be held Saturday, April 19, 2014. 

Supervisor Sharrah read the Code Enforcement Officer’s report.  There was 1 cleared violation in March.  Active violations include 1 for Dangerous Structures, 6 for property maintenance, 1 for building maintenance and 2 for inoperable vehicles.  Five (5) certified Letters have been sent and One (1) citation has been issued so far this year.

Supervisor Sharrah read the Zoning Officer’s report for the month of March.  There were a total of 5.75 zoning hours worked, total UCC hours of 18  and code enforcement hours of 11.5 for a total hours worked of 35.25.  There were  building permits issued for a total construction value of $00.00.   


GASD request for Bond release – Township received letter from KPI with a request from GASD to release the Bond on the Franklin Elementary School project.  Gil recommends that the Bond be released in its entirety in the amount of $17,876.00.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to release GASD Bond on the Franklin Elementary School project in its entirely. Motion carried, 3-0.

Dynamic Hydra-Pruners request for Bond release – Township received letter from KPI with a request from Dynamic Hydra-Pruners to release the Bond on the addition at Dynamic Hydra-Pruners project.  Gil recommends that the Bond be released in its entirety in the amount of $99,742.50.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to release Dynamic Hydra-Pruners Bond on the addition project in its entirely. Motion carried, 3-0.

Trash Service – Supervisor Sharrah stated that he is seeing haulers leaving trash bins untouched if they cannot reach them. Supervisor Arrison stated that he is going to send a letter requesting that Advance Disposal send Franklin Township and list of all complaints and the corrective action from January 1, 2014 to present. Roy Fluke wanted to know how long Advance Disposal’s contract was for.  Supervisors stated that the contract was for three years.

Hamiltonban – Franklin Sewer Interconnect – Gil stated that URS has suggested running the sewer line on the shoulder of Sunset and Flohrs Church Roads.  After discussion it was agreed to run the sewer line in the middle of the road way.  Gil is going to inform URS of this decision.


. Alpha Space Control Company, Inc. was low bidder on line painting for the Township at approximately .18 per mile.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to accept line painting bid from Alpha Space Control Company, Inc. at approximately $.08 per foot. Motion carried, 3-0.

Adams County COG Stone materials bid for Multiple Municipalities.

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah to reject the Adams County COG stone materials bid.  Motion carried, 3-0.

Franklin Township to advertise for materials and seal coating bids for 2014 season.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to advertise for materials and seal coating bids for the 2014 season. Motion carried, 3-0. 


Resident Sandy Kint of 405 Poplar Springs Road was inquiring about the public sewer coming to Poplar Springs Road area.  Supervisor Arrison responded by telling her to call PAWC with her questions.  Supervisor Arrison noted that if enough residents would want this to happen the better chance that PAWC would consider it.

Resident Nancy McGlaughin was inquiring when lines would be painted on Hilltown Road and also reported stop sign at the corner of Old Route 30 needed to be fixed. Supervisor Arrision responded that the painting would be done late summer – early fall.  Secretary Kathy Franklin responded that the stop was fixed this afternoon – April 3, 2014.

Resident Mearle Cassatt had several issues to be discussed:

  1. Fine for cleaning up his residence.  He informed the supervisors that he would only work a couple of days a week because of his health and that he could not work during the cold weather.  Supervisors stated that they have seen some improvement but since the winter the improvements have declined.  Mr. Cassatt was informed to call Mr. Merriman about the fine and let him know that he is working on getting the residence cleaned-up.
  2. Mr. Cassatt was inquiring about the Watch Children Signs that were on Poplar Springs Road and now have disappeared.  Dale Byers of the road crew will look into where the signs are.
  3. Mr. Cassatt made a complaint about a building that was erected about 10 feet off the road at the house on the corner of Orrtanna Road and Poplar Springs Road.  Stated that he did not see a permit.  Also, this resident parks cars along the road for 4 – 6 hours at a time.  Mr. Cassatt was informed to call the state police about the cars.  He was also informed that the Township would look into the building.

Resident Walter Waldemen was inquiring when the Saber Trail Towers were going to be approved.  Supervisors informed him that the Towers have been approved.

Resident (did not give name) was asking about the Hotel Tax refund and why Franklin Township did not receive a refund.

Resident Tom (did not give last name) was asking about the sewer draft resolution and the per household refund.  Supervisor Arrison said that they will be getting a refund but he did not know that details.  Kathy Franklin, Secretary gave the resident the resolution to read.

Dale Byers was inquiring about the Fire Tax.  Supervisors informed Dale the distribution has not been determined as of this date.  The fire companies will be paid on a quarterly basis.

Resident Roger Forsythe was inquiring about plans to pave Bingaman Road.  Supervisor Arrison informed him that Bingaman is on the list but that the harsh winter that we had this past year has caused some of the projects to be postponed.  Mr. Forsythe also inquired about who would be responsible for fixing his driveway from the snow plows and that the Township has left some mud on his blacktop driveway.  Supervisor Arrison informed Mr. Forsythe to call Jeff tomorrow and inquire about these matters. 

There were no questions or comments from guests.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M.

                                                                                 Respectfully submitted,
Susan Plank
Assistant Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
May 1, 2014

SUPERVISORS PRESENT:  Jerry Arrison, J R Crushong and Ed Sharrah

OTHERS PRESENT:  Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Kathleen Franklin, Secretary

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Arrison.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to approve the April 2014 Regular meeting minutes; (Note: change April Minutes to read that Wally was not present), as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried, 3-0. 


MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to approve Bill List #43, General Fund checks 32115-32182 totaling $55,636.80.   Motion carried, 3-0. 




Gil reported that Dominic said they’re going to tie all comments to present
Supervisors and it will be completed as a new ordinance.

Jeff is working with URS concerning the sewer along Flohr’s Church Road and Sunset Drive.  JR asked if standards should be documented.  Wally and Gil responded that they should be in SALDO.

Supervisor Crushong read the road report for the month of April.  Activities included maintenance and repair of vehicles, cutting of brush on several roads, cold patch on hard road as needed, swept intersections and some areas for anti-skid.  Replaced stop sign at Old 30 and Broadway, moved and reinstalled speed limit sign along Hilltown Road.

Supervisor Crushong read the Buchanan Valley Fire Department report.  They responded to 20 calls in April. 

Supervisor Crushong read the Cashtown Fire Department report. Cashtown had 22 calls for April.  There were 14 responses in Franklin Township, 1 in Menallen Township, 1 in Hamiltonban, 2 in Fairfield Boro, 1Quincy Township, 1 Guilford Township, 1 Mont Alto Boro, and 1 in Washington Township. Golf Tournament May 2 at Mountain View. 

Supervisor Sharrah read the Code Enforcement Officer’s report.  There was 1 cleared violation in April.  Active violations include 1 for Dangerous Structures, 8 for property maintenance, 1 for building maintenance and 2 for inoperable vehicles.  Six (6) certified Letters have been sent and One (1) citation has been issued so far this year.

Supervisor Sharrah read the Zoning Officer’s report for the month of April.  There were a total of 8.5 zoning hours worked, total UCC hours of 11 and 8 code enforcement hours for a total hours worked of 27.50.  There were 7 building permits issued for a total construction value of $223,650.00.   


Box Card changes.  Contact Fire Departments to find out if there have been any changes and if there have been there will need to be a vote on the changes. 

Valley Quarries was low bidder on stone for the Township.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to accept stone bid from Valley Quarries.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

Rebid Fuel for the Township.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to advertise and rebid fuel.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

Cottle’s Asphalt Maintenance was low bidder at $337,900.00 on seal coat for the Township.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to accept seal coat bid from Cottle’s Asphalt Maintenance.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

Discussion of Fire Tax distribution for Franklin Township.           

            MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah to accept and distribute funds as currently recommended by county study with flexibility to adapt and update as needed.  Motion carried, 3-0.

Letter to County to approve updated Fire map as submitted.

            MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to send letter to County to approve updated Fire map as submitted.  Motion carried, 3-0. 

Salt shed is in need of repairs.

       MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah to have Gil look at the salt shed and make recommendations for repairs. Motion carried, 3-0.


Resident Nancy McGlaughin reported that street sign was down and in grass at Route 30 and Broadway.

It was noted that Mary Grimes and Brenda Scott both passed away. Supervisor Sharrah recognized Mary’s concern for the Township in the last couple of weeks.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Plank
Assistant Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
June 5, 2014 

SUPERVISORS PRESENT:  Jerry Arrison, J R Crushong and Ed Sharrah

OTHERS PRESENT:  Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Walton Davis, Solicitor, Susan Plank, Assistant Secretary

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Arrison.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to approve the May 2014 Regular meeting minutes as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried, 3-0. 


MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to approve Bill List #5, General Fund checks 32207-32272 totaling $79,592.32.   Motion carried, 3-0. 




Gil reported that the Architect recommended that the broken boards be replaced on the shed.  The only other option is to construct a new shed.

Gil also reported that the Zoning changes are all but completed and Dominic and Wally will have them completed by next meeting for the Supervisors to review and approve.

Supervisor Crushong read the road report for the month of May.  Activities included maintenance and repair of vehicles, open ditches on several roads, cold patch on hard road as needed, issued driveway permit along Misty Lane.  Replaced road sign at New 30 and Broadway, call in for flooding and trees after heavy rain.

Supervisor Crushong read the Buchanan Valley Fire Department report.  They responded to 19 calls in May. 

Supervisor Crushong read the Cashtown Fire Department report. Cashtown had 18 calls for May.  There were 13 responses in Franklin Township, 1 in Menallen Township, 1 in Hamiltonban, 2 in Highland Township, 1Ardentsville Boro. Shrimp feed will be held Saturday, June 21st. 

Supervisor Sharrah read the Code Enforcement Officer’s report.  There were 2 cleared violations in May.  Active violations include 1 for Dangerous Structures, 8 for property maintenance, and 3 for inoperable vehicles.  Seven (7) certified Letters have been sent and Two (2) citations have been issued so far this year.

Supervisor Sharrah read the Zoning Officer’s report for the month of May.  There were a total of 11.5 zoning hours worked, total UCC hours of 27 and 11.5 code enforcement hours for a total hours worked of 50.  There were 8 building permits issued for a total construction value of $439,300.00.   


No Bids were received for the Fuel Re-Bid. 


ACNB Corporate Authorization Resolution to add Susan Plank as an official signature to the accounts.

       MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to add Susan Plank as authorized signature on the ACNB Accounts. Motion carried, 3-0. 

Michaux Forest maintenance agreement was signed and the Ordinance will be advertised.  Representative Ken Kozak was informed that the Township would need Mylar drawings and copy of contract listing the Township on the Bond from the Contractor before a permit would be issued.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to advertise the Ordinance for the maintenance agreement for Michaux Forest.   

Executive Summary of Cable Franchise Agreement with Comcast.

            MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to advertise the Ordinance for the Cable Franchise Agreement with Comcast.  Motion carried, 3-0.


Resident Gary Phillips brought his concern about the “Commercial Business at 784 Mount Carmel Road owned by Bill and Jane Shord.  Mr. Phillips stated that the noise is a definite nuisance and was inquiring about the variance that was issued.  Supervisor Arrington informed Mr. Phillips that he would look into the variance and be in contact with him.  Resident Bill Althoff who lives 70 yards from the barn also complained about the noise nuisance.  Resident Dave Hershey complained about the Trolleys and vehicle that were blocking the private lane.  Supervisor Arrison informed all parties that the best recourse of action would be to file a multiple plaintiff suit.  Resident Cheryl Waters stated that she does not have a problem with the Wedding held here.

Supervisor Arrison informed everyone that the Township is looking for a Historian for Franklin Township.

Ms. Jamie Gebhart from the Sewer Authority informed the Board that Judge Kuhn approved the refund this morning and that refund checks would be issued sometime in July.

Resident Tom Sweitzer has concerns about the dog barking and trash at 400 Church Road.  Mr. Sweitzer informed the Board that the dogs bark constantly and are kept on the front 12 x 15 porch.  He also stated that they burn all their trash in an open pit and it has scorched the pines that are along the property.  Supervisor Sharrah informed Mr. Sweitzer that Scott Merryman has issued a letter with June 5 as a deadline for removal of trash and so forth.  Mr. Sweitzer informed the Board that they are encroaching on other’s properties.  Resident Nancy McGlaughlin informed Mr. Sweitzer that he should call about the dogs not having and license and the condition that they are being kept in.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.                                                                       

Respectfully submitted,

Assistant Secretary, Susan Plank

Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
July 3, 2014

SUPERVISORS PRESENT:  Jerry Arrison and J R Crushong

OTHERS PRESENT:  Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Walton Davis, Solicitor, Wilbur Slouthour, Land and Sea Services, LLC, Susan Plank, Assistant Secretary

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Arrison.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison to approve the June 2014 Regular meeting minutes as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried, 2-0. 


MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison, to approve Bill List #6, General Fund checks 32280-32334 totaling $88,781.51.   Motion carried, 2-0. 




There was no road report for the Month of June.

Supervisor Crushong read the Buchanan Valley Fire Department report.  They responded to 22 calls in June. 

There was no report from the Cashtown Fire Department. 

Supervisor Arrison read the Code Enforcement Officer’s report.  There were 3 cleared violations in June.  Active violations include 1 for Dangerous Structures, 6 for property maintenance, and 2 for inoperable vehicles.  Nine (9) certified Letters have been sent and Two (2) citations have been issued so far this year.

Supervisor Crushong read the Zoning Officer’s report for the month of June.  There were a total of 11 zoning hours worked, total UCC hours of 35 and 8.5 code enforcement hours for a total hours worked of 54.5.  There were 3 building permits issued for a total construction value of $41,500.00.


 Ordinance No. 2014-01 – Comcast Contract was read by Supervisor Arrison

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison to adopt Ordinance No. 2014-01 – Comcast Contract. Motion carried, 2-0.   


.Gil reported that the Zoning changes are completed.  Wally informed the BOS that a complete new Ordinance should be made to replace the old Zoning Ordinance.  Wally also informed the BOS that Adams County Zoning must receive a copy of the Zoning Changes and they has 45 days to respond, at that time Franklin Township will advertise for a Public Hearing on the changes.

            MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison to send copy of Zoning Ordinance to Adams County zoning for review and when approved, to advertise for a Public Hearing on changes.  Motion carried, 2-0. 


Resident Gary Phillips, spokesman for the residents on Mt. Carmel Road brought their concern (Neighbors for Accurate Zoning Interpretation) about Beech Springs Farms.  Mr. Phillips and Wally discussed each item on the letter dated June 27, 2014.  Wally informed Mr. Phillips that the Neighbors had 30 days after they were notified of the operations of Beech Springs Farm to express their concerns and have the Township act on it.  There was no such request. Wally informed Mr. Phillips again that the neighbors could file a complaint on their own through the courts.  Wilbur Slouthour explained the process of making a decision to allow the Weddings.  Wilbur informed all present that he has been at Beech Springs Farm at different times during the events and has not heard any excessive noise.  Mr. Slouthour informed Mr. Phillips that he will continue to monitor the operations.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.                                                                       

Respectfully submitted,

Assistant Secretary, Susan Plank

Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
August 7, 2014

SUPERVISORS PRESENT:  Jerry Arrison, J R Crushong, Ed Sharrah

OTHERS PRESENT:  Brandon Guiher, KPI Technology, Walton Davis, Solicitor, Susan Plank, Assistant Secretary

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Arrison.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison to approve the July, 2014 Regular meeting minutes as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried, 3-0. 


MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to approve Bill List #7, General Fund checks 32335-32378 totaling $42,186.62.   Motion carried, 3-0. 




There was no road report for the Month of July.

Supervisor Crushong read the Buchanan Valley Fire Department report.  They responded to 25 calls in July. 

Supervisor Crushong read the Cashtown Community Fire Department report.  They responded to 10 Fire/Rescue Calls, 2 Fire Police Assist, and 7 Medical calls for a total of 19 calls for the month of July.

Supervisor Crushong also thanked the Cashtown Fire Department for their help in cutting trees down during the last storm.  Their help is greatly appreciated by all. 

Supervisor Sharrah read the Code Enforcement Officer’s report.  There was 1 cleared violation in July.  Active violations include 1 for Dangerous Structures, 9 for property maintenance, 1 building maintenance, and 1 for inoperable vehicles.  Two (11) certified Letters have been sent and Two (2) citations have been issued, and One (1) abated so far this year.

There was no Zoning Officer’s report for the month of July.

Solicitor Davis informed the BOS that the GASD is considering putting a Security Resource Officer (Policeman) in the School.  The School District may be sending a Joint Municipal Agreement to the Township.  Mr. Davis informed the School District that the Township would agree as long as there was no cost incurred by the Township.

Solicitor Davis informed the BOS that a bill needed to be sent to The General Mountain Lodge of Gettysburg, LLC before the Township can request monies from the Letter of Credit held by Adams County National Bank.

Brandon Guiher from KPI reported on PAWC.  There are several comments that need to be addressed.  Paving note was added as requested by the Township.  There is no start date at this time. 


Salt shed repair bids.  There were three (3) bids and Fetter Construction was the low bidder.

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah to award the salt shed repairs to Fetter Construction. Motion carried, 3-0.

 Solicitor Davis informed the BOS that they should send the SALDO to the County for review when the Township receives the reviewed copy.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to send the SALDO to the County for review when received by the Township.  Motion carried, 3-0.  



Resident Joyce Brister appeared about her property maintenance.  She was under the impression that she had to appear or she would be fined.  Supervisor Arrison informed her that that was not the case.  She informed the BOS that she continues to try to clean up but her health is not good.  Her nurse is trying to get her home health care and some up in cleaning up the area.  Supervisor Arrison informed Ms. Brister to make sure that is a way for the Fire Department to get access to her in case there was an emergency.

Resident Gary Phillips, spokesman for the residents on Mt. Carmel Road brought their concerns (Neighbors for Accurate Zoning Interpretation) about Beech Springs Farms.  Mr. Phillips was very disappointed in the BOS for not taking a stand for the six (6) residents that are affected by the Weddings.  He also informed the BOS that there was a lot of information missing from the file for the Barn restoration.  Supervisor Arrison informed Mr. Phillips that he would look into getting all the paperwork concerning the barn and wedding receptions.  The residents were again informed that their best avenue for action would be to hire their own lawyer.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M.                                                                       

Respectfully submitted,

Assistant Secretary, Susan Plank

Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
September 4, 2014

SUPERVISORS PRESENT:  Jerry Arrison, J R Crushong, Ed Sharrah

OTHERS PRESENT:  Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Walton Davis, Solicitor, Susan Plank, Assistant Secretary

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Arrison.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.



MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah to approve the August, 2014 Regular meeting minutes as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried, 3-0. 


 MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong, to approve Bill List #8, General Fund checks 32393-32434 totaling $50,036.24 and August State Fund Bill List, Check 6555 totaling $239,093.28.   Motion carried, 3-0.




Supervisor Arrison read the road report for the month of August.  Mow along township roads, replace tile at New Road, Cut tree limbs along bus routes and remove tree that was down on Short Cut Road, replace vandalized road sign along Bingaman, Orchard, and Mt. Carmel roads and stop ahead sign on Old Route 30 and New 30, and sweep loose stones off roads that were sealed.

Supervisor Crushong read the Buchanan Valley Fire Department report.  They responded to 20 calls in August.

 Supervisor Crushong read the Cashtown Community Fire Department report.  They responded to 13 Fire/Rescue Calls, 1 Fire Police Assist, 1 Fire Police Only and 8 Medical calls for a total of 23 calls for the month of August.  Noted that Community Days are being held in Cashtown on September 6, 2014.

Supervisor Sharrah read the Code Enforcement Officer’s report.  There were 0 cleared violations in August.  Active violations include 1 for Dangerous Structures, 10 for property maintenance, 1 building maintenance, and 1 for inoperable vehicles.  Thirteen (13) certified Letters have been sent and Four (4) citations have been issued, and One (1) abated so far this year.

Supervisor Sharrah read the Zoning Officer’s report for the month of August.  There were a total of 11.25 zoning hours worked, total UCC hours of 15 and 13 code enforcement hours for a total hours worked of 39.25.  There were 8 building permits issued for a total construction value of $750,500.00.   



 The Outdoor Experience Organization will hold The Iron Cross Cyclocross Race on October 5, 2014 in Franklin Township.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, and seconded by Supervisor Crushong to allow The Outdoor Experience Organization to hold the Iron Cross Cyclocross Race on October 5, 2014 in Franklin Township.  Motion was carried, 3-0.

A Public Hearing will be held October 2, 2014 at 6 PM to discuss the SALDO and Zoning Ordinances.

            MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, and seconded by Supervisor Crushong to hold a Public Hearing on October 2, 2014 at 6 PM to entertain questions regarding the SALDO and Zoning Ordinances.  Motion was carried, 3-0.

 Franklin Township is to advertise a Legal Notice of the Public hearing being held on October 2, 2014 at 6 PM to discuss the SALDO and Zoning Ordinances.

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, and seconded by Supervisor Sharrah to place a Legal Notice in the Gettysburg Times concerning the Public Meeting to be held on October 2, 2014 at 6 PM to discuss the SALDO and Zoning Ordinances.

Susan Plank is to be hired as Full Time effective October 1, 2014 or four (4) weeks after she turns in her resignation to her current part time employer.

Motion by Supervisor Crushong, and seconded by Supervisor Sharrah to hire Susan Plank as Full Time effective October 1, 2014 or four (4) weeks after she turns in her resignation to her current part time employer.


 Mickey Short, George German, and Gary Phillips addressed the Board regarding their dismay with the way that the Beech Spring Farm nuisance complaints were being handled.  Again the BOS advised the gentleman that they are more than welcome to hire a lawyer and bring this to the Courts to decide if their complaints are warranted.

John Halbrendt informed the BOS that he is in the process of opening a small winery and wanted the BOS to give him the ok to develop a waste management plan to manage both solid and liquid waste from his winery.  The BOS informed Mr. Halbrendt that he would need a permit from DEP before the BOS can give the ok to dispose of the waste.

Carol Weber wanted to make the BOS aware of the home along Old Route 30 that was beginning to accumulate trash again.  The BOS informed Ms. Weber that they are aware of the situation and that Scott Merryman has been in contact with the resident and he is keeping a close watch on this property.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M.                                                                     

Respectfully submitted,

Assistant Secretary, Susan Plank

Franklin Township, Adams County

Board of Supervisors

 Regular Meeting

October 3, 2014

SUPERVISORS PRESENT:  Jerry Arrison, J R Crushong, Ed Sharrah

OTHERS PRESENT:  Dominic Picarelli, KPI Technology, Walton Davis, Solicitor, Susan Plank, Assistant Secretary

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Arrison.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to approve the September, 2014 Regular meeting minutes as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried, 3-0.


MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah, to approve Bill List #8, General Fund checks 32441-32486 totaling $54,141.64.   Motion carried, 3-0.




Supervisor Crushong read the road report for the month of September.  Mow along township roads, replace tile at Pleasant Valley Road, helped Butler & Hamilton Townships with oil and chipping, Graded Ragged Edge Road, put sand on Old 30 as instructed by EMA, open ditches and grade Fox Hill & Flohrs Church Road dirt sections, swept roads for loose gravel, graded Poplar Springs Road, removed blade from grader to have repaired, Unit 2, 5, and 14 taken for state inspection, Cold patch as needed, Township received Dirt and Gravel Road grant for work on Jack Road.

Supervisor Crushong read the Buchanan Valley Fire Department report.  They responded to 17 calls in September.

 Supervisor Arrison read the Cashtown Community Fire Department report.  They responded to 7 Fire/Rescue Calls, 1 Fire Police Assist, and 10 Medical calls for a total of 18 calls for the month of September.  Noted that October 450 club feed/drawing will be held on October 18, 2014.

Supervisor Sharrah read the Code Enforcement Officer’s report.  There were two (2) cleared violations in September.  Active violations include one (1) for Dangerous Structures, ten (10) for property maintenance, one (1) building maintenance, and one (1) for inoperable vehicles.  Sixteen (16) certified Letters have been sent and seven (7) citations have been issued, and two (2) Cleared Violations so far this year.

Supervisor Sharrah read the Zoning Officer’s report for the month of September.  There were a total of 10.75 zoning hours worked, total UCC hours of 9 and 13 code enforcement hours for a total hours worked of 32.75.



Halloween Trick or Treat in Franklin Township will take place on Thursday, October 30, 2014 between the hours of 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, and seconded by Supervisor Crushong to have Halloween Trick or Treat in Franklin Township on Thursday, October 30, 2014 between the hours of 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM.  Motion was carried, 3-0.

The Margaret H. Burcham Estate Subdivision plans were approved to sign.

            MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, and seconded by Supervisor Crushong to approve the signing of the Margaret H. Burcham Estate Subdivision.  Motion was carried, 3-0.


There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:10 P.M.

                                                                      Respectfully submitted,

Assistant Secretary, Susan Plank

Chairman _________________________________



Franklin Township     November 6, 2014   Public Hearing on Proposed Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision and Land Development.


  1. No questions regarding the SALDO.
  2. SALDO was approved at the BOS Meeting that night.


  1. Zoning was tabled at the BOS Meeting that night.
  2. Questions asked at the meeting (and answered)
  3. Will there be anymore changes to the map?

There are no more changes proposed to the map.

  1. How will the map changes affect taxes?

(Wally Answered) The changes should not affect many people with their taxes. Taxes are based on the “Use” of the land, not how the land is zoned.

  1. Will previous properties that used all their “development rights” be affected by the changes?

No. All previous subdivisions remain in affect. If a property does not have any “development rights”, it does not gain any new “development rights” with the proposed changes.

  1. A farm is preserved and has been changed from Agricultural to Residential, why and will this affect the preservation.

The change was made because the surrounding area was being changed to residential. The change will not affect the preservation of the farm. The farm is still preserved.

  1. Why did the tillage Overlay District be reduced in size?

Parts of the Village Overlay District were reduced because it does not appear the area is activelv

trying to add commercial businesses.

  1. Why were certain farms (properties) changed from Agricultural to Residential zoning district.

The most common concern with the residents was along Orrtanna Road. It was explained that a new public utility (sewer line) would be added along the road in the near future and any property that had the public utility located on/near their property would be changed.

  1. Have any builders (developers) approached the Township about expanding certain zoned areas or are interested in development once the proposed zoning is approved?

No developers have approached the Township regarding changing the zoning or developing after zoning has changed.

  1. Will the Township require people to connect to the new sewer line?

The Township is not going to require properties to connect to the sewer line.

  1. Has the “criteria” of each zone changed (i.e. setbacks, lot sizes, etc)?

In general, the “criteria” is consistent with the previous zoning ordinance. Changes have been made to preserve/conserve more agricultural land.

Franklin Township, Adams County

Board of Supervisors

 Regular Meeting

November 6, 2014


SUPERVISORS PRESENT:  Jerry Arrison, J R Crushong

OTHERS PRESENT:  Dominic Picarelli, KPI Technology, Walton Davis, Solicitor, Susan Plank, Assistant Secretary

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Arrison.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison to approve the October, 2014 Regular meeting minutes as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried, 2-0.


MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison, to approve Bill List #11, General Fund checks 32493-32564 totaling $67,890.35.   Motion carried, 2-0.

PLANS – No subdivision or land development plans were presented to the Board.


STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN – No stormwater management plans were presented to the Board.


Supervisor Crushong read the road report for the month of October.  Replaced Stop sign at Hilltown, High Street, and Crooked Creek Roads.  Installed road name signs at Bingaman & Old 30, High Street and Old Route 30.  Inspected truck Nos. 1, 2, 5, 8, 12, 14, and 15.  Maintenance on all equipment for the winter months.  Met with Highland Township about sewer line.  Removed down tree on Short Cut Road.  Salt shed repairs completed.  Cut brush along roads.  Installed Lincoln Highway signs along Old Route 30 that were missing.  Installed spreaders and rear lights on most trucks for winter.

Supervisor Crushong read the Buchanan Valley Fire Department report.  They responded to 24 calls in October.

 Supervisor Crushong read the Cashtown Community Fire Department report.  They responded to 10 Fire/Rescue Calls, 1 Fire Police Assist, and 3 Medical calls for a total of 14 calls for the month of October.  Noted that Shrimp feed will be held November 8, 2014.

Supervisor Arrison read the Code Enforcement Officer’s report.  There was one (1) cleared violations in October.  Active violations include one (1) for Dangerous Structures, nine (9) for property maintenance, one (1) building maintenance, and one (1) for inoperable vehicles.  Seventeen (17) certified Letters have been sent and seven (7) citations have been issued, and two (2) Cleared Violations so far this

OLD BUSINESS – There was no old business.


 The Assistant Secretary requested approval to release funds for 2014 budgeted charities:  SPCA $100 Library $600 Office of aging $650 Youth League $2,050 ACTA $500.00

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, and seconded by Supervisor Arrison to approve to release funds for 2014 budgeted charities:  SPCA $100 Library $600 Office of aging $650 Youth League $2,050 ACTA $500.00 under the contingency that the Charities show how the funds are being used before check will be cut. Motion carried 2-0.

 The budget for this year provided for funds to be donated to the following fire companies:  Cashtown Community Fire Company – $10,000; and Buchanan Valley Volunteer Fire Company – $10,000.

            MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, and seconded by Supervisor Arrison to approve the Contributions to the Fire Companies – Cashtown $10,000 and Buchanan Valley $10,000.  Motion carried 2-0.

 The Chairman raised the issue of the failure of General’s Mountain Lodge to pay for the road work performed by the Township as part of the secured improvements in the approved land development plan.  Despite billings to the developer, no payment has been received.  It was felt that the developer is unlikely to make payment anytime soon and that the Township is now justified in seeking payment from the improvement security issued by ACNB for the Paint the Wind, LLC and General Mountain Lodge of Gettysburg, LLC in the amount of $11,222.65.

            MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, and seconded by Supervisor Arrison to approve a draw on the Security held by ACNB for the Paint The Wind, LLC General Mountain Lodge of Gettysburg, LLC in the amount of $11,222.65.  Motion carried 2-0

The Assistant Secretary requested that the Township Office hours to be changed to 8 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday effective today November 6, 2014, with normal holidays being observed as in the past.  This change is appropriated given the expected change in personnel at the Office.

            MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, and seconded by Supervisor Arrison to approve the office hours to be 8 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday effective today, November 6, 2014, with holidays being observed as in the past with the Office being closed.  Motion carried 2-0

 Kathleen Franklin, the existing Secretary/Treasurer, is stepping down from those positions.  Susan Plank the current Assistant Secretary is able and willing to be appointed as Secretary and Treasurer for the Township starting immediately, with her pay being as it is currently.

            MOTION by Supervisor Arrison, and seconded by Supervisor Crushong to appoint Susan Plank as Secretary/Treasurer effective immediately.  Motion carried 2-0.

 Since Kathleen Franklin is no longer Secretary/Treasurer of the Township, it is appropriate to remove Katherine Franklin as an authorized signatory on any accounts held by the Township, including any account with ACNB, Bank, and to authorize Susan Plank to be added as an authorized signatory on the Township’s banking accounts.

             MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, and seconded by Supervisor Arrison to approve the removal of Katherine Franklin from the Township’s banking account, including the ACNB, Bank accounts and authorizing Susan Plank, Secretary/Treasurer to be included as a signatory on the Township’s banking accounts.  Motion carried 2-0.

 It was reported that the change in Secretary/Treasurer was occurring since that last regularly schedule Board of Supervisors meeting, and to meet the needs of the Township in a timely manner, the required bonding for Susan Plank in her expected appointment as Treasurer was obtained.  As a result, a retroactive approval of the acquisition of a bond for Susan Plank, Secretary/Treasurer in the amount of $650,000.00 was deemed appropriate.

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison, to retroactively approve the acquisition of the Treasurer’s Bond for Susan Plank in the amount of $650,000.00.  Motion carried, 2-0.

 Based upon the lack of comments at the public meeting held just prior to the commencement of this meeting concerning the amended Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, the Supervisors felt that they should adopt the draft as advertised.

            MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison, to adopt the SALDO Ordinance draft dated November 6, 2014, as the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance of Franklin Township, effective on and after November 11, 2014 (pursuant to the Municipalities Planning Code. Motion carried, 2-0

 Due to the number of questions and comments from the public at the public hearing held just prior to the commencement of this meeting, the Zoning Ordinance approval was tabled by the Board of Supervisors until the December 4, 2014 meeting, and authorization was given to the Secretary to advertise the Board’s intent to consider adoption of the draft at that meeting.

            MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison to table the approval of the Zoning Ordinance until the December 4, 2014 meeting, and to authorize the advertisement of the Board’s intent to consider adoption of it at that time.  Motion carried, 2-0. 

The Supervisors presented the proposed budget for 2015 and directed that it be made available for viewing at the Township Office.

             MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison to approve advertisement of the 2015 Budget in the Gettysburg Times, and to make it available for inspection at the Township Office.   Motion carried, 2-0.


 Darin Flake informed the BOS that Franklin Township will be getting $2,033.01 from the YATB for the Township’s share of the operating fund excess.

Resident John Crockett asked which side of Orrtanna Road the sewer would be coming down and if water was anticipated being run down Orrtanna Road also.  Mr. Crockett was informed that the sewer line would be installed down the middle of Orrtanna Road and that there was no plan for water lines at this time.

Residents also inquired about whether they will be forced to hook onto the Sewer when the project was complete.  Supervisor Arrison informed them that at this time they would not be forced to hook on.

 There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:25 P.M.

                                                                                 Respectfully submitted,

Assistant Secretary, Susan Plank

Chairman _________________________________





Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
December 4, 2014

SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Jerry Arrison, J R Crushong, Ed Sharrah

OTHERS PRESENT: Dominic Picarelli and Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Walton Davis, Solicitor, Susan Plank, Assistant Secretary

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Arrison.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Arrison to approve the November, 2014 Regular meeting minutes as pre-read by the Supervisors. Motion carried, 3-0.


Because of computer problems, there was no bill list to approve. November’s bill list will be approved at the January 2015 meeting.

PLANS – No subdivision or land development plans were presented to the Board.

STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN – No stormwater management plans were presented to the Board.


Supervisor Arrison read the road report for the month of November. Marked tiles for the fire companies to flush and clean, ordered 200 tons of salt, took Unit #1 to repair two speed rear, replace Husqvarna chain saw with new 16” Husqvarna chain saw, installed plows and spreaders on trucks, clean leaves from tile ends, ordered plastic, 36 inch squash and 15 inch squash aluminized tile, ordered 2 RC stone, ordered brush blades and hoses for boom mower, had shop heater repaired, cut brush along roads, replaced fuel hose and fitting on diesel fuel tank, plowed and anti skidded roads as needed due to icy conditions and snow.

Supervisor Arrison read the Buchanan Valley Fire Department report. They responded to 35 calls in November.

Supervisor Crushong read the Cashtown Community Fire Department report. They responded to 9 Fire/Rescue Calls, 4 Fire Police Assist, and 10 Medical calls for a total of 23 calls for the month of November.

Supervisor Sharrah read the Code Enforcement Officer’s report. There were no cleared violations in November. Active violations include one (1) for Dangerous Structures, eleven (11) for property maintenance, one (1) building maintenance, and three (3) for inoperable vehicles. Nineteen (19) certified Letters have been sent and seven (7) citations have been issued, and zero (0) Cleared Violations so far this month.

Supervisor Sharrah read the Zoning Officer’s report for the month of November. There were a total of 4.75 zoning hours worked, total UCC hours of 14 and code enforcement hours of 12.5 for a total hours worked of 31.25. There was one (1) building permit issued for a total construction value of $466,000.00.

The Supervisors motioned for approval of the 2015 budget.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, and seconded by Supervisor Crushong to approve the 2015 budget. Motion carried 3-0.

The Chairman raised the issue that due to the County losing the updated Zoning Map and the fact that they did not review the change in the map as of this meeting, the Zoning Ordinance approval was tabled by the Board of Supervisors until the February 5, 2015 meeting, and authorization was given to the Secretary to advertise the Board’s intent to consider adoption of the draft at that meeting.

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah to table the approval of the Zoning Ordinance until the February 5, 2015 meeting, and to authorize the advertisement of the Board’s intent to consider adoption of it at that time. Motion carried, 3-0.

The Supervisors scheduled the Reorganizational/Regular Meeting for January 5, 2015 at 1:00 PM.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, and seconded by Supervisor Crushong to schedule the Reorganizational/Regular Meeting for January 5, 2015 at 1:00 PM. Motion carried 3-0.
Authorization was given to the Secretary to advertise the Board’s intent to consider adoption of the PSATS Unemployment Compensation Ordinance.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, and seconded by Supervisor Crushong to approve the advertisement of the Board’s intent to consider the adoption of the PSATS Unemployment Compensation Ordinance. Motion carried 3-0.

Due to some questions not being address by the 2L Race Services, LLC concerning the Gettysburg North/South Marathon to be held on April 26, 2015, the approval was tabled by the Board of Supervisors until the January 5, 2015 meeting.

MOTION by Supervisor Sharrah, seconded by Supervisor Crushong to table the approval of the Gettysburg North/South Marathon to be held on April 26, 2015 until questions are addressed. Motion carried, 3-0.

Supervisor Crushong made the Board aware that James McDannell of 340 Church Road would like to fill the empty member seat vacated by William Cole.

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah to appoint James McDannell to the vacated seat on the Planning Commission. Motion carried, 3-0.

Gil Picarelli informed the BOS that the Secretary had received from Sharrah Design Group, Inc., two (2) request pertaining to The Village of Laurel Run. One (1) Joint Permit for Wetland & Waterway Impacts and one (1) Major Modification of Existing NPDES Permit. Gil requested that Susan would be able to sign for the BOS.

MOTION by Supervisor Crushong, seconded by Supervisor Sharrah to have Susan Plank sign for the Laurel Run Major Modification to Existing NPDES Permit and Joint Permit for Wetland & Waterway Impacts from Sharrah Design Group, Inc. Motion carried, 3-0.

A number of residents commented upon the proposed Zoning Map which accompanied the revised Zoning Ordinance text. A summary of comments that presents a sampling of the residents’ statements appears below, but is not intended to be a complete recitation of every comment given:

John Malloy, Railroad Lane asked why the only the errors on the existing map couldn’t be corrected. Chairman Arrison said that it cannot be done and KPI informed the residents that it would result in spot zoning which is illegal.

Amy Masenheimer questioned the 70/30 division and what will happen if her land is zoned residential can she put a building on her land. She was informed that they could build on the property per the pre-existing legal non-conforming use. She would need to get a special exception. As for the 70/30, that would no longer apply.

Joe Riddlemoser questioned the same thing as Ms. Masenheimer and was told that he or his son would have to get a special exception to build or construct a silo on his property.
Steve McShane questioned the zoning affecting the way of life and impeding the rights of the residents.

John Ingram questioned his land being zoned Industrial and there is no spot zoning problem around his property. He quoted that “large scale development is discouraged” in Franklin Township. Mr. Ingram wants the board to vote “no” to the zoning changes and requested copies of the Zoning Ordinance and Map, Contract with PAWC and the map showing where the sewer line will run.

John Crockett questioned the sewer line going down Orrtanna Road and the damage to the road. Mr. Crockett was informed that PAWC has to submit plans to the state and that they would be required to fix the road. The connection has to be completed because the Orrtanna plant is failing.

Charles Sheridan questioned if the residents would be required to hook-up? Chairman Arrison told Mr. Sheridan that they would not be required to hook-up.

Dan Eckert asked if he could get a copy of the agreement that reads that the Residents do not have to hook-up to the sewer. Chairman Arrison informed Mr. Eckert that he could get a copy.

Richard Fuller – Orrtanna Road – He moved here 10 years ago from Frederick County and they were told the same thing 10 years ago and he said now look at Frederick County.

Tom Norman questioned that if his Land is zoned Industrial will he still be able to give his children lots off his farm. He was informed that with the zoning changes he would not be able to sub-divide.

Carol Rebert understand the changes and mentioned that if she had 70+ acres and someone offered her money for it she would want the changes to be made so that she could sell.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Plank, Secretary/Treasurer

Chairman _________________________________