Municipal Authority Meeting Minutes 2010




January 5, 2010


Reorganizational Meeting


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Richard Hartman  & Bill Hewitt


Guests present:  Jeremy Davis


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by acting Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Election of Officers:


Motion by Hahn, seconded by Hewitt to appoint Robert Cullison Chairman.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hartman, seconded by Hewitt to appoint Wally Kane as Vice-Chairman.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hartman, seconded by Hewitt to appoint Debra Hahn as Secretary-Treasurer.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to appoint Bill Hewitt as Open Records Officer.  Motion carried unanimously.


Appointed Positions:


Motions were made and unanimously approved for the following appointed positions:

D&T Excavating as Excavators/Plumbers

ACNB as Depository

Carl Frantz as Backup Plumber

Mason Dixon as Testing Agent *

Robert McQuaide as Solictor

Glace Associates as Engineer

Musselman & Creager as Accountants

Coyne Chemical as chemical supplier

Robert Cullison as plant manager


  • It was noted that Mason Dixon would be appointed at Testing Agent but the Board would be interviewing other persons for this position at the February Board meeting.


Cullison advised monthly board meetings would be held on the following dates in 2010:

February 2, March 2, April 6, May 4, June 1, July 6, August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2, December 7.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt, to approve the Minutes from the December  meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve Bill List #1 for 2010.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve General Account Report  for December.  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison submitted the Yearly report for water pumped from both wells.


Cullison reported that there was a recent water leak at 264 High Street.   Costs to fix the leak from D&T was $497.00.   Cullison also advised that he used the services of OneCall to notify customers on High Street that there may be an interruption of water service during the repair of the leak.   Members of the Cashtown Fire Police were available to direct traffic while this leak was repaired.  MOTION by Cullison, seconded by Hewitt, to give a donation to the Fire Police for their services.  Secretary Hahn was directed to send a check for $50.00 as a donation.


Jeremy Davis presented two water invoices to the Board, for work performed to fix two leaks caused by the sewer line construction.  One leak above the firehall cost $330.00 to repair.  Fred Welty was the company working on the sewer line where the leak occurred.   The other leak was located at 1129 Old Route 30.  Cost to correct this leak was $90.00.  Ron Kuykendall was the company working on the sewer line where this leak occurred.   Invoices for both repairs will be sent to the respective company, requesting reimbursement.


Jerry advised that the Authority’s supply of extra curb boxes was almost gone.  Cullison instructed Davis to purchase additional curb boxes and a case of meters.   He also requested that Davis take any old meters to LB Waters, to see if they could rebuild the meters.  Cullison also advised that when he read three meters this quarter, the outside reads had not changed since the last reading.  Those meters were located at:  960 Old Route 30, 342 High St., 264 High St.  Cullison requested that Davis take a look at these meters and have them replaced.   Davis was also requested to replace the meter at 1024 Old Route 30 to a higher position.


Cullison extended his thanks to Davis for plowing snow at the plant during the recent snow fall.


At the last Board meeting, discussion was held to start replacing the old meters, with the new touch read meters.  MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to enlist the services of D&T to begin replacing 15 meters.   Motion carried unanimously.   Cullison will get together a list of meters to be replaced and give to Jeremy Davis.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted

Debra Hahn, Secretary




February 2, 2010


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Richard Hartman  & Bill Hewitt


Guests present:  Jeremy Davis


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt, to approve the Minutes from the January meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve Bill List #2 for 2010.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve General Account Report for January.  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison advised that he was monitoring the water meter at 12 Edwards Court, due to the customer’s complaint of high water usage on their 4th quarter invoice.   Cullison noted that water usage appeared to be between 100 – 200 gallons a day, which was normal usage.  He advised he would continue to monitor the meter for the balance of the week and report usage back to Secretary Hahn, so she could put together a response to send to the customer.


Cullison submitted paperwork from DEP outlining all water testing needing to be performed for the year 2010.


Board members reviewed Mason Dixon Environmental’s proposed yearly contract.  After review of the contract, Motion was made by Hewitt, seconded by Hahn to sign the contract for another year’s service.   Kane noted that he would like to see a list of all expenses paid to Mason Dixon for the past year.  Secretary Hahn will gather that information and present it at the March meeting.   It was also requested that Hahn submit a letter to George Kritchen along with the signed contract advising him that he was only to attend Water Authority business at the request of Chairman Cullison.


Secretary Hahn advised that the balance due on the Authority’s PennVest loan at the end of December 2009 was $ 12,6099.


Jeremy Davis reported that he had replaced one water meter and had two more meters to do over the next few weeks.   Board members discussed replacing all water meters within the system that were not touch read meters.  MOTION by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to retain the services of Jeremy Davis to replace all meters that were not touch read meters.  Motion carried unanimously.  Cullison advised he would give Hahn a list of all customers whose water meters needed to be replaced.  Hahn was instructed to send each customer a letter, advising them they would be contacted by Jeremy so he could request access to their properties to replace the meter.


Chairman Cullison advised that Cashtown resident Joe Sharrah had expressed an interest to serve on the Water Authority Board.   Richard Hartman expressed an interest that he go off the board for the balance of his term ending 12/31/11.  Hahn was directed to contact the Board of Supervisors to request they appoint Joe at their Feb 4 meeting.   Cullison advised he would request that Joe attend the March meeting as a new board member, if the Supervisors were in approval.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn





March 2, 2010



Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Richard Hartman  & Bill Hewitt


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.



Approval of Reports:


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt, to approve the Minutes from the February meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to approve Bill List #3 for 2010.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hartman, seconded by Hewitt to approve General Account Report for February.  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison distributed the Feb. 17 edition of the CHAR Government Relations Newsletter.  He drew attention to Governor Rendell’s Budge Proposal for 2010-11 concern Sales Tax.  The proposal includes a tax on water and sewer services.


Cullison advised that he would like for the water meter replacement project to resume in April.  He requested that Kane talk with Jeremy Davis to see if he would be able to start replacing meters that month.   Cullison advised he would give a list of customers needing their meters replaced to Secretary Hahn, so she could send notices to those customers advising that their meters would be replaced during a certain time frame.


Kane requested that any extra wages paid to Mr. Cullison or any other Board member, should be approved by the Board, before payment is made.  He felt that any extra wages over the set salaries should be recorded in the minutes.  Board members were in agreeance.


Chairman Cullison reported that Fred Welty contacted him concerning the invoice to repair a broken curb box, sent to Welty last month.    Welty advised he did not feel he was responsible for reimbursing the Authority for the repairs, because the curb box was not marked.  Cullison advised he could not confirm whether or not the box was marked, before Welty began construction on the sewer line.  It was noted by Cullison that there was no response from Ronald Kuykendall for the other invoice sent out for reimbursement.  Secretary Hahn was directed to resend the Kuykendall invoice.


MOTION by Hartman, seconded by Kane, to give Secretary Hahn a pay increase of $50.00 per month.  Motion unanimously approved.   This would bring Hahn’s part-time salary to $300 per month.


Board members reviewed end of year receipts and expenses for the year 2009.   After review, Board members worked on the proposed  2010 budget.  MOTION by Hartman, seconded by Hahn, to approve the 2010 proposed Budget.  Motion was unanimously approved.   A copy of the Budget Worksheet is attached to these Minutes.


It was recognized that this meeting would be Board Member Richard Hartman’s last meeting as member.  Hartman had expressed a desire to be relieved of his duties on the board.   The Supervisors at their February meeting, appointed Cashtown resident Joe Sharrah as Hartman’s replacement.   Chairman Cullison presented Hartman with a plaque, commending him for his many, many years of service on the Board.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Debra Hahn





April 6, 2010



Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Joe Sharrah & Bill Hewitt


Guests present:  Jeremy Davis


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve the Minutes from the March meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to approve Bill List #4 for 2010.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve General Account Report for March.  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison gave information to Jeremy Davis concerning the following water meters:

960 Old Route 30 – Readout was not working.

342 High Street – Outside readout not measuring correctly.  Needs new meter.

Uncover the curb box at the Firehouse, before the area was paved.


Secretary Hahn was instructed to send a letter to the owners at 328 High Street to advise their meter could not be read for this quarter, due to lumber being piled in front of the meter.  Property owners would be requested to move this obstruction.


Cullison presented Jeremy with a list of approx. 100 customers who are scheduled to have their meters replaced.  Jeremy advised he would work on replacing the first 10 this month.  Secretary Hahn was requested to send letters to the customers to let them know about the work.


Cullison advised that the Authority’s Emergency Permit was due to expire 5/10/10.  He was in the process of applying for a new permit.  The permit which lasts for one year, can be used up to 25 times.


Secretary Hahn was requested to send Ron Kuykendall another letter seeking reimbursement for water line damage due to the sewer line construction.  This will be the third attempt in collecting payment for the damages.


Discussion was held on two shutoff notices that had been mailed for properties at 1047 Old Route 30 and 1389 Old Route 30.  It was noted that if payment in full had not been received by 4/25/10, water service to those properties would be terminated.  Secretary Hahn was also instructed to switch over the water account for the property at 1047 Old Route 30 from the renters to the property owners.    As stated in the Authority’s bylaws, the sole responsibility for the water usage lies back on the property owners if the renters do not pay their water bills.  Due to ongoing issues with getting this particular renter to pay, the board was in agreeance to revert back to having the water invoice go directly to the property owner.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn





May 4, 2010



Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Joe Sharrah & Bill Hewitt


Guests present:  Jeremy Davis


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.



Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve the Minutes from the April meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Sharrah to approve Bill List #5 for 2010.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve General Account Report for April.  Motion carried unanimously.


Jeremy Davis advised no water meters were replaced last month, due to his focus on sewer hookup work.  He hoped to get to replace the 10 meters before the June meeting.  He also advised that the water meter at 863 Old Route 30 was being monitored for usage.  This customer had received a water invoice that appeared to be inaccurate based on usage.  Readings show water usage to be over 73,000  gallons for the first quarter.   Jeremy advised the homeowners were monitoring usage every day and it appeared to be working correctly now.   He also noted this meter was one of the 10 meters slated to be replaced.


Secretary Hahn advised the two delinquent customers had paid their past due balances in full, to avoid their water being shut off on April 27.   She also confirmed that the account at 1047 Old Route 30 had been transferred over to the homeowner’s name, for them to collect all future payments from their renters.


Cullison advised that he recently received notice from DEP that a high nitrate report came back from the water test done in March.   The result was 4.59 mg/l.   The notice advised that since the result was greater than ½ the MCL, the Authority would need to conduct quarterly monitoring for both nitrate and nitrite.  After 4 consecutive quarters that are less than ½ the MCL, the testing would then be reduced to annual monitoring.


Cullison also reported that he recently received information about another company,   FPS out of Palmrya, PA, that could be used as a backup source, if PA Rural was not available when a water leak occurred.


Cullison reported that he completed and received the renewal on the Authority’s Emergency Work Permit. The permit is for a period of one year.


Cullison also advised he spoke with Plumber Ronald Kuykendall about the past due amount due from him to reimburse the Authority for their work performed to correct a water leak, caused by his excavation.  Kuykendall advised he would pay the invoice.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn




June 1, 2010



Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane & Joe Sharrah


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.



Approval of Reports:


Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Hahn, to approve the Minutes from the May meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Sharrah to approve Bill List #6 for 2010.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Hahn to approve General Account Report for May.  Motion carried unanimously.


Secretary Hahn advised that Plumber Ronald Kuykendall paid the Authority in full for their invoice to correct a water leak caused by his excavation equipment when installing the sewer lines.


Cullison advised he had the annual Consumer Confidence Report ready to mail to all water customers. The report would be mailed before the July 1st deadline.


It was reported that Jeremy Davis had not begun replacing the list of water meters given to him at the May meeting.  Kane advised he was hopeful that the meters would be replaced by the July Board meeting.


Secretary Hahn asked the question whether or not the Board should begin thinking about changing the name of the Municipal Authority to the Municipal Water Authority to differentiate themselves from the Sewer Authority.  Kane advised he would speak to Solicitor McQuaide to get his advice on what to do.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn





July 7, 2010


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane & Joe Sharrah


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve the Minutes from the June meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Sharrah to approve Bill List #7 for 2010.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Sharrah to approve General Account Report for June.  Motion carried unanimously.


Cullison advised that the first round of water meters had been replaced by Jeremy Davis.  Additional  meters had been ordered but would take 3 weeks to get.


Kane noted that Solicitor McQuaide advised the Municipal Authority did not have to officially change their name to the Franklin Township Water Authority to differentiate themselves from the Sewer Authority.  He advised the Authority could ‘nickname’ themselves the Water Authority, but no formal change was needed.


Cullison advised that the water meter at 893 Old Route 30 had been replaced, due to another high reading.


Secretary Hahn was requested to followup with Solicitor McQuaide’s office on the pending foreclosure of the property located at 1245 Old Route 30.   The current homeowners were two quarters behind in their water invoices.


Cullison advised he was looking for a volunteer to weedwack at the upper plant.  Member Hewitt said he would be willing to do the work.


Cullison noted that drought conditions had caused three pine trees located around the pump house at the school to die.   He advised he would need to have the trees cut down and removed.


Secretary Hahn was advised to send a shut off notice to the customer located at 129 Orrtanna Road for non-payment of services.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at  7:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted

Debra Hahn, Secretary




August 3, 2010


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane & Joe Sharrah


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hahn, to approve the Minutes from the July meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Sharrah to approve Bill List #8 for 2010.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Kane to approve General Account Report for August.  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison advised that the Authority received two tax assessment notices.   He noted that the property located at the Rock Top water plant was listed as two separate properties.  Kane reported that he talked with Solicitor McQuaide and McQuaide advised he could arrange to have the two properties deeded as one, but since the Authority was exempt in paying taxes on either property, it would be less expensive to let them be separated into two than to pay the legal fees to have them combined on one deed.   Authority members were in agreeance.


Cullison advised that their hand held meter reader was only reading 4 digits of the water meters.  This was ok for the majority of the water meters, but not for those meters that were high volume meters, having 5 digits, it was not registering the first number.  He advised that L/B Waters programmed the meter reader to read 5 digits.  He also advised he only had 4 new water meters that were  programmed to accept 5 digit readings.  He advised the Cashtown Inn would be having their meter replaced with one of the new high usage water meters.


Cullison announced that both wells were holding good water levels, considering the dry conditions..  He would continue to monitor levels and would advise on water restriction use, if necessary.


There being no further business to be held, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn





September 7, 2010


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane & Joe Sharrah


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Kane, to approve the Minutes from the August meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Sharrah to approve Bill List #9 for 2010.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve General Account Report for September.  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison approached the Board asking them to consider looking for a new water testing consultant and engineering firm for the year 2011.  Cullison advised he was not satisfied with the performance of the present consultant and engineering firm.  After some discussion, it was noted that Secretary Hahn would contact Gettysburg & Fairfield Municipal Authorities to see who they used for these services.  Cullison would contact Arendtsville Muncipal Authority to get their consultant’s name.  Kane advised he knew of another person who might be interested and would come highly recommended.  Cullison ask that proposals for these services be brought back to the October meeting for review and consideration.


Cullison also advised that a shut off notice had been sent to the property owners at 133 Orrtanna Road.  The customer was sent a shut off notice due to being behind three quarters in paying their water bill.  He noted that if the entire balance was not paid in full by September 10, services to that property would be terminated.


Cullison shared with the Board a notice of water testing which was coming up in the future.  The Authority would have to have their water testing consultant perform CWS Demonstrations of 4 Log Treatment of Virus.


Cullison advised that the water levels in both wells were holding their own throughout drought conditions.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn – Secretary




October 5, 2010


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane & Bill Hewitt


Guests present:  Shannon Trostle, Jeremy Davis, Trent Stumbaugh, Barb Cullison, Victoria Cullison


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve the Minutes from the September meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to approve Bill List #10 for 2010.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve General Account Report for October.  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison advised that discussion was held previously, about Board members having some type of photo id when conducting Water Authority business.   He presented a sample badge to the Board, asking if Board members would agree to have their pictures taken and badges made.   Board members agreed.   Victoria Cullison  took pictures of all members.   Chairman Cullison will construct the badges and present them at the November meeting.


Shannon Trostle of D&T Excavating informed the board that he and Jeremy Davis had replaced 44 of the 82 water meters that needed replaced.   Cullison advised that D&T had some problems with customers not allowing them on the property to change out the meters.   Hahn advised that she had sent out letters to 10 customers in April, advising them someone would be around to replace their water meter.   Cullison requested that Hahn send out new notices for the other 38 residences so they are aware of D&T coming by to replace their meter.


Cullison advised that the Authority used the Services of One Call in September to advise customer’s of restriction of water use, due to drought conditions.   Cullison noted the contract for One Call would be up in November.  He instructed Hahn to contact One Call to find out what needed to be done to have the contract renewed.


Trent Stumbaugh of Negley’s Well Drilling Inc, presented a proposed contract for his services as a Contract Water Operator.  At October’s meeting Board members discussed the desire to replace current water operator, Mason Dixon Environmental.  Stumbaugh gave a description of services would be included in his contract and the cost.  The Board advised they would review the contract and would make a decision at the November meeting.   After Stumbaugh left the meeting Hahn suggested getting reference letters from the companies that have contracted Stumbaugh for his services.  Hahn was to contact Stumbaugh to request the references and will forward them to board members for their review before the November meeting.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn, Secretary



November 2, 2010


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Joe Sharrah


Guests present:  Terry Lautenslager


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Hahn, to approve the Minutes from the October meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Sharrah to approve Bill List #11 for 2010.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Sharrah to approve General Account Report for November.  Motion carried unanimously.


Terry Lautenslager, Contractor Builder from Chambersburg, approached the Board with questions on the Heckman Right of Way through the Authority’s property at the Rock Top well site.  Lautenslager advised he was the contractor hired to construct the Heckman’s new home.  He presented a map of the area and asked the Board to review the map with him, to confirm the Right of Way area.   After reviewing the map, Motion by Cullison, seconded by Sharrah giving Lautenslager permission to proceed with constructing the driveway to the construction site.  Motion carried unanimously.  Lautenslager advised he wanted to begin construction of the driveway before winter (bad weather) set in.   Cullison did advise Lautenslager that he would have to pursue a Right of Way agreement through Met-Ed for the installation of the electric lines, as the deeded Right of Way only pertained to the roadway.


Board members discussed the letters of recommendation for Trent Stumbaugh, who the Authority interviewed at the October meeting for their Water Operator replacement.   Motion by Cullison, seconded by Hahn, to award a yearly contract for Water Operator services to Stumbaugh.  Motion carried unanimously.   Contract would run from 1/1/11 to 12/31/11.  Cullison advised he would sign the Contract and send it to Stumbaugh.   Hahn requested that Cullison personally contact current Water Operator, George Kritchen to advise him that his contract would not be renewed for 2011.   She requested that she would followup with an official notification to Kritchen, once Cullison spoke with him.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn, Secretary




December 7, 2010



Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, William Hewitt


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hahn, seconded by Hewitt, to approve the Minutes from the November meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve Bill List #12 for 2010.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve General Account Report for December.  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison advised that he had spoken with George Kritchen to personally let him know that the Authority would not be renewing his contract for the year 2011.  Hahn reported that she had followed up by sending Kritchen a letter stating the same.   Board members were in agreeance that a letter should be sent to Kritchen requesting that all copies of blueprints/mylars and all keys to buildings be returned to the township office by 1/1/11.  Hahn said she would get the letter out to Kritchen.


Wally Kane reported that he had a phone interview with Musselman & Creagers office, concerning the most recent checkbook audit.  M&C advised they had some concerns with operating procedures which the Board should review and address.


M&C found 23% of checks written only had one signature, when two signatures were required.  Board members reviewed the list of checks that had been signed by only one person and confirmed that all expenses had been approved at the monthly board meetings.  Kane, Cullison & Hahn advised they would be more diligent in the future to be sure all checks had two signatures.


M&C recommended that Board members review copies of cancelled checks from the previous the month and compare them to the list of approved expenses at each Board meeting.  Hahn advised she would make copies of the cancelled checks for review monthly.


M&C asked if both Hahn & Cullison had definitive job descriptions to back up the checks issued for their salaries.  Cullison confirmed that job descriptions are defined in writing.  Kane also advised M&C that any extra work Cullison performs above his defined job description in where he receives additional pay, are always approved by the Board.


Board members then reviewed the 2010 audit booklet prepared by M&C.

Cullison reported that an additional locked 4 drawer filing cabinet was needed to store the Authority’s records.  MOTION by Hahn, seconded by Kane, for Cullison to contact Eicholtz Co., to order & have a cabinet delivered to the township building.  Motion unanimously approved.


Hahn advised in reviewing the recent billing, there were only 3 delinquent accounts.  One being the Reuille property at the corner of High St & Old Route 30, which is in mortgage forclosure.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn
