Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 2006


Franklin Township Planning Commission

January 4, 2006

The meeting was called to order by Merry Bush at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Pat Schindel             John Newell              Dennis Robinson

John Kramb             Mary Lower              Sandra Spence

Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to nominate Merry Bush for Chairman.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to nominate Dennis Robison for Vice Chairman.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to nominate Mary Lower for Secretary.  Motion carried.


Approval of Minutes

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Kramb to approve the minutes of the December 2005 meeting.  Motion carried.


John & Hallie McFadden – Sketch Plan – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

Would like to put subdivide two 1-acre lots from the remaining 3.007 +/- acres to be developed.  There is a power line right-of-way that goes over a portion of one of the new proposed lots.  Gil suggested he investigate the right-of-way issue with regards to placement of the proposed driveway.

Aquillas Peachey – Preliminary Plan – Poplar Springs Road – Ag Zone

Subdivide 7 single-family residential lots from an existing 219 +/- acre parcel.  Remainder will continue to be used as a residence and dog kennel.

They never submitted a revised plan.

MOTION was made by Schindel, seconded by Spence to table the plan until the February meeting.  Motion carried.

Mark and Evelyn Susol – Preliminary/Final – Land Development Plan – Orchard Road – Ag Zone  Construct a 21,060 sq ft stable with a 3-acre pasture and 24,000 sq ft riding area on an existing lot.

Merry Bush read Adams County comments dated 12/28/05 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 12/30/2005.  Only remaining issue is the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Newell to approve the plan pending NPDES permitting.  Motion carried.

New Business:

Dennis & Lynne Bishop – Request for Variance – New Road – Open Space Zone

Has an 8.253 +/- acre lot in the Open Space zone.  He would like to subdivide the lot into two separate lots because of an existing gravel driveway that runs through the lot.  Bishop would like to dedicate the gravel road to the other adjoining land owners.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Kramb to recommend approval of the variance.  Votes were two in favor and 3 opposing votes.

The recommendation from the Planning Commission is to deny the variance request in the Open Space zone   We do not feel that just because the 8.253 acre lot is split by an existing driveway that this creates a hardship or the need for subdivision of the lot.

ABC’s of Land Use Management course was announced for 4/23/06 at Hershey.  If anyone is interested in attending let the Township know.

Motion made to adjourn and passed unanimously.

Mary Lower,

Planning Commission Secretary

Franklin Township Planning Commission

February 2006


Present:  Dennis Robinson, John Newell, Merry Bush, Pat Schindel.  Also present: Gil Picarelli, Jim Temchack


Minutes of the January meeting by Dennis Robinson, and seconded by John Newell.  Motion approved.


Pam Grimes (Hollow Hill Farm)- Sketch

Wants to subdivide 58.8.  Wants to do away with the boundary separating the 4 acre piece.

Cumberland Township will need to concur.


Aquilas Peachey- Asked for an extension-Preliminary


Harry and David Irvin- 389.96 acres to subdivide- Preliminary

They will be subdividing Tract 2 (110.182 acres) into 2 lots.

A clear sight triangle and sight distance should be shown. (Comment 2 KPI)

Tract boundaries of the entire lot should be shown.  At minimum, a description should be added to the site map. (Comment 3 KPI)

Sewage Planning Module approval. (Comment 5 KPI)

There should be a conspicuous note that a stormwater management plan is required for all building lots prior to issuance of a building permit (Comment 8 KPI)

It should be noted on the plan that occupancy cannot occur until the existing dwelling is removed or declared as nonresidential use.  (Comment 9 KPI)

KPI note #7 was approved.  Motion by Dennis Robinson, seconded by John Newell.  Pat Schindel opposed, to have corner concrete markers.

Motion by John Newell to approve the Preliminary, seconded by Dennis Robinson.


Paul Dean- represented by Christina Simpson- Preliminary- 12.318 acres

No county comments

Has used his 30% so Lot A cannot have a house on it.

Attorney Simpson will relay this to her client.


Cindy Grove brought in a detailed private road agreement.  The planning commission told her to present this to the supervisors.


Zoning Hearing next week Wednesday February 8, 2006- Bishop


Zoning Hearing to be held late March- Robert Mannis.  Motion by Pat Schindel, seconded by John Newell to support the actions taken by our zoning officer, Jim Temchack.  Motion approved.


Respectfully Submitted,


Pat Schindel, Acting Secretary

SALDO Workshop

February 1, 2006


Present:  Dennis Robinson, John Newell, Merry Bush, Pat Schindel

Also present:  Jim Temchack and Gil Picarelli


The Supervisors have asked that the Planning Commission review the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) for revision.  It no longer conforms to present requirement and in some cases the township would not be able to enforce some of the provisions.  Gil believes there should be some procedures included in our revision.


Those articles flagged to be looked at:

146-4 Merry believes the word “moral” should be removed.

146-36 Anything that would require erosion and sedimentation should not be the responsibility of the township and should be worded accordingly.  The Conservation District should hold that responsibility.

146-22 Construction of Improvement.  Merry would like to see a bond and developer’s agreement.

146-24 (D) Grading- can be tied into Monocacy River Plan.  There should be final grading requirements.

(G) House Numbers- should read “township or code enforcement officer or County of Adams”

(H) Residential Parking- we may want to take this out

(K) Required side yards and rear yards- need to be consistent with zoning ordinance. 146-25 Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks-all of regulations look the same/building of roads is a big issue

(S) Storm Sewerage- catch basins are a new thing

(U) Private Roads- we will be looking at private streets vs. private roads.  We will be looking at 3 lots or less-little restrictions.  With more lots, developers may have to bring it up to township specs.


146-27 (E) Monuments- We will be looking at requiring monuments.

146-28  Storm Water Drainage will be the Monocacy River Plan.  We may want to delete this part.

146-29 Lot Grading- will probably tie into the Monocacy River Plan.

146-30 Erosion and sedimentation control.  We may want to put in more requirements for the Conservation

146-32 We may want to consider a rec fee and look at the playground acreage per family.

146-23 Water Supply- We will be at water supply sources.

146-24 (E) Minimum Lot Size and width is different in zoning ordinance.


Gil will make an effort to have some proposed changes available in April.


Respectfully Submitted,


Patricia Schindel

Franklin Township Planning Commission

March 1, 2006

The meeting was called to order by Merry Bush at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Pat Schindel             John Newell              Dennis Robinson

John Kramb             Mary Lower              Sandra Spence

Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of SALDO Workshop Minutes

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Newell to approve the minutes of the February SALDO workshop.  Motion carried.

Approval of February Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Robinson to approve the minutes of the February Planning Commission meeting.  Motion carried.


Marshall McMullen – Sketch Plan – Church Road – Ag & Residential Zone

Owns a lot which is divided by Church Road.  Would like to subdivide into two lots.  Existing septic system is on opposite side of road from the house.  Will need to put a new septic system on the lot where the existing house is located.

Paul Dean – Preliminary Plan – Church Road – Ag Zone

Subdivide a 12.318 acre lot into a 0.300 lot addition, three 1.100 single family residence lots and a remainder 8.718 acre agricultural lot.

Merry read KPI’s comments dated 1/25/06 and the Adams County comments dated 2/8/06.

Some of the major concerns were the following:

  • The proposed development will leave 0.095 acres remaining for future development associated with Lot 1 (Ag lot), and Lot 1 is not being calculated as part of the development.  At least 1 acre of development rights are needed to be associated with Lot 1 to allow any future development with the lot, this includes a single family residence.  Can’t build on Lot 1 – they’ve already used the 30%
  •  175-9.D(2)(c)(1) requires a note stating that the tract area outside of the development area be limited to agricultural uses and shall not be subsequently divided.  Note #8 contains some of this language but should be expanded to include the statement about future subdivision.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to table the plan since the problems with Lot 1 haven’t been addressed.  The Township needs to send a certified letter to the Deans about our concerns on this plan.  Motion carried.

Paul Dean Sewage Facilities Planning Module

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to approve the module.  Motion carried.

Penn Forestry Co., Inc. – Preliminary Plan – Buchanan Valley Road/Bottom Road – Open Space

Subdivide and convey 21.658 acre lot from an existing 151.0 +/- acre parcel to another property that the subdivider owns.  This subdivision will allow road frontage for both parcels of land on the existing right-of-way.

Merry read KPI’s comments dated 3/1/06 and there were no Adams County comments.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Kramb to table the plan due to the fact that no Adams County comments have been received.

Harry and Dave Irvin – Final Plan – Mountain Road – Ag Zone

Proposal is to subdivide 10.141 +/- acres from an existing 110.182 +/- acre parcel for a single family residence.  Merry read KPI’s comments dated 2/15/06 and Adams County comments dated 2/15/06.  All comments have been addressed.  DEP misplaced the paperwork and will review the plan soon.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the final plan pending DEP approval.  Motion carried.

New Business:

Deb Flake – Re: Dog barking ordinance was to be present to voice her concerns over dog barking but she was not present at the meeting.  Her neighbors who operate the Buckingham Palace Pet Suites were present to show us pictures and brochures of their establishment.

Letter for the Mannis Zoning Hearing Board application needs to be written.

Motion by Kramb, seconded by Newell to adjourn.  Motion passed unanimously.

Mary Lower,

Planning Commission Secretary

Franklin Township Planning Commission

April 5, 2006

The meeting was called to order by Dennis Robinson at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Pat Schindel             Dennis Robinson        Sandra Spence

John Kramb             Mary Lower

Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer

Approval of March Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to approve the minutes of the March Planning Commission meeting.  Motion carried.


Rick Hise/Adams County Office of Mapping & Anthony Herring/Cashtown Fire Dept.

Emergency Services and the fire departments are having a problem with our township roads and lanes not being marked and numbered properly.  Some of the lots have non-sequential numbering.  A number of private lanes/roads are not labeled on a map.  This creates a time delay in reaching people who need their services when time is of the essence.

Two areas of concern were shown on maps – Old Rt. 30 and Green Ridge Road but there are other areas that need addressed too.

We need to label the roads/lanes in new developments and then work on updating existing private lanes.  Perhaps we could get the developer to pay for the initial sign for new developments.

MOTION made by Kramb and seconded by Schindel to suggest the Supervisors form a committee consisting of the three Cashtown fire chiefs, Jim Temchack and the planning commission members to come up with a new way of labeling the private lanes and renumbering the existing problem areas in the township.  Motion carried.

Diane Shultz – Sketch Plan – Shortcut Road

She would like to put another trailer on the property for her daughter.  Land development plan would be needed.  Suggested she get a perc test.

Paul Dean – Preliminary & Final Plan – Church Road – Ag Zone

Subdivide a 12.318 acre lot into a 0.300 lot addition, three 1.100 single family residence lots and a remainder 8.718 acre agricultural lot.

Denny read KPI’s comments dated 3/30/06 and the Adams County comments dated 3/16/06.

Concerns were the following:

  • Due to the recent adoption of the Monocacy River Watershed Stormwater Management Ordinance, all subdivision plans should now conspicuously note that “a stormwater management plan is required for all building lots prior to issuance of a building permit.”
  • Sewage planning approve is required.
  • The County Conservation District should be consulted regarding if an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan should be required and we should be notified of their decision.
  • It is recommended that a corner monument be placed along a common lot line for every two proposed lots.
  • An executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided.

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Kramb to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plan pending resolution of the concerns listed above.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Schindel to recommend approval of the Final Plan pending resolution of the concerns listed above and DEP approval.  Motion carried.

Penn Forestry Co., Inc. – Preliminary Plan – Buchanan Valley Road/Bottom Road – Open Space

Subdivide and convey 21.658 acre lot from an existing 151.0 +/- acre parcel to another property that the subdivider owns.  This subdivision will allow road frontage for both parcels of land on the existing right-of-way.

Denny read KPI’s comments dated 3/20/06 and Adams County comments dated 3/1/06.

Concerns were the following:

  • Township’s Zoning Officer’s comments should be considered.
  • A non-building waiver is required.
  • Adams County Comments should be considered.
  • It is recommended that a corner monument be placed along a common lot line for every two proposed lots.
  • An executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided. Also, an executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided for the person receiving the lot addition.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to recommend approval of the preliminary plan and we recommend to the Supervisors that if they would like to approve it as a preliminary and then a final plan we would agree to that decision.  Motion carried.

Aquilias Peachey – Plan was tabled. Asking for an time extension.

Pamela & Allen Grimes – Preliminary/Final  – Crooked Creek Road – Residential Zone

Proposal is to combine Lots 1 & 2 (3.88 & 28.06 +/- acres) which are both owned by the same owner.  A modification request has been submitted to allow the submission of one Preliminary/Final Plan versus separate submissions.

Denny read Adams County comments dated 3/27/06 and KPI’s comments dated 3/30/06.

Comments were the following:

  • An executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to recommend approval of the plan as a preliminary/final.  Motion carried.

Pamela & Allen Grimes – Planning Waiver

            MOTION by Spence, seconded by Kramb to approve the waiver

Pete Califano – ATM Advantage – US Rt. 30 – near Seven Stars

Proposed Water Park with wave, lap and swimming pools.

Concert and music venue

Hotel – small resort type

Convenience store – i.e. Rutters

According to the ordinance this use is not allowed in the Ag Zone.

A Group of Concerned Property Owners – near Railroad Lane/Orrtanna Road

They are worried about Stanley Wolf putting in a large development on his remaining 60 +/- acreage.  This is in an Ag Zone and he previously developed his 30% of the property.  If the proposed ordinance change (see below) is approved he may be allowed to build one dwelling on the property in the future, but no more than one dwelling.

A question was brought up about how much he has left for development out of the 70/30% split.  Suggested they go to the County Planning Department to check the mapping to see exactly how much he has left of his 30%.

New Business:

Ordinance Change

An ordinance of the township of Franklin, Adams County, Pennsylvania, amending section 175-9-.D.(2) (c) [2] of Article III (Zone Regulations) of Chapter 175 (zoning) of the code of ordinances of Franklin Township to permit one single family residential dwelling on the preserved, non-developable portion of tracts in the agricultural zone.

“The plan or plat shall explicitly state that the use of the tract area outside of the development area is limited to agricultural uses and shall not be subsequently subdivided.  All of the foregoing in this section D.2. notwithstanding, in addition to the agricultural uses permitted in the tract area outside of the development area, one and only one single family residential dwelling may also exist and be used for residential dwelling purposes only.”

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to recommend approval of the ordinance.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.


Mary Lower,

Planning Commission Secretary

Franklin Township Planning Commission
May 3, 2006

The meeting was called to order by Merry Bush at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance
Merry Bush Pat Schindel Dennis Robinson Sandra Spence
John Newell Mary Lower

Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer

Approval of March Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the minutes of the April Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried.


Guy M. Kump Jr. – Sketch plan – Near Hidden Pines development – Open Space
Would like to subdivide 20.965 +/- acres into three lots
Sizes: Two five acre lots and one 10.965 acre lot.
Substandard road in use at the present. Concern is about the access to the lots.

Joan Swisher – Sketch Plan – Mummasburg Road
Has approximately 72.661 acres and would like to subdivided a flag shaped lot of 1.5 +/- acres. Plan should show a right-of-way to the highway.

Patrick Davis – has concerns about the amount of power lines and poles that will be installed on the former McFadden property for the new lots. He would like to see lines installed underground. MetEd would like to put a supporting cable on his property.
Suggested he discuss this matter with MetEd or the PUC.

Mark & Katherine Rarrick – Crooked Creek Road – Preliminary Plan
We have not received Adams County’s comments so No action was taken on this plan. If the comments of KPI Technology are addressed and the plan comes in next month marked as a Final plan, pending no further changes that would need to be addressed it could be approved as a Final plan.

New Business:
Gil Picarelli would like us to have a workshop to discuss the changes. It was decided to have a workshop and it will be scheduled for June 7th at 6 PM. This meeting will need to be advertised.

Robert Mannis Application ZAH 6-01 –Seven Stars Road – Zoning Hearing Board granted his appeal.

Driveways on multiple lot subdivisions. Driveways are showed on the plans but that doesn’t mean that PennDOT will agree with the location. We don’t think we can hold up a plan based on an outside agency review. Perhaps a revision to the ordinance needs to be made to state that the developer must provide a revised plan if any driveway changes were made on the plan by PennDOT .

Meeting adjourned at 7:47 PM.

Mary Lower,
Planning Commission Secretary

Franklin Township Planning Commission
June 7, 2006

The meeting was called to order by Merry Bush at 6:00 p.m.
In attendance
Merry Bush Pat Schindel Dennis Robinson Sandra Spence
Mary Lower John Kramb

Also present: Gil Picarelli and Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer

We are going to have several workshops in order to review the proposed changes to the SALDO.

Changes noted from this meeting: Highlighted areas will be replaced by the BOLD wording.
1. Page I-1 – 102 PURPOSE
A. To protect and promote safety, health and morals; (morals was removed and replaced with welfare)
2. Page III – 2 303 Preliminary Plan Procedures
In proposed residential developments involving no more that five (5) [replaced by three (3)] lots proposing exclusively single family detached dwellings that (each of which) will abut an existing public right-of-way and will not require construction of public improvements the submission of a Preliminary Plan is waived.
3. Page III-2 303A
In conjunction with the submittal of the plan, an application must be completed and signed. The developer shall complete and sign the application.
Next paragraph – the word withdraw will be replaced by withdrawal
4. Page III-3 303A – 2.
Eight (8) [Six (6)] blue-line or black-line paper prints of the Preliminary Plan showing all the information required in Section 304 of this Ordinance.
5. Page III-4 303C 3.
The decision of the Board of Supervisors concerning the plan shall be (add made) in writing and shall be communicated to the developer not later than (15) days following the meeting at which the decision is made.
6. Page III-5 303D
1. The second paragraph shall be changed to – Preliminary plan approval will not be granted prior to (add written) proof of conformance to the Zoning Ordinance as it relates to the preliminary plan.
2. Eliminate the next section (2) from the ordinance.

7. Page III-5 303E
Where deemed in the best interest of Township planning the Board (Commission) may solicit the review and (other) comments of additional agencies and public services such as the appropriate fire department, emergency management agency, school district, PennDOT, etc.
8. Page III-8 304A 32.
If wetlands are present, a recognized professional with specific expertise in this type of survey (an Army Corp of Engineers recognized professional) shall perform a field delineation of existing wetland boundaries.
9. Page III-8 304A 34. KPI Technology is going to review this section again.

Next meeting scheduled for July 5, 2006 at 5 PM.

Franklin Township Planning Commission
June 7, 2006

The meeting was called to order by Merry Bush at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance
Merry Bush Pat Schindel Dennis Robinson Sandra Spence
John Kramb Mary Lower

Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer

Approval of May Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the minutes of the May Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried.


Joan Swisher –Sketch Plan – Mummasburg Road
Has approximately 72.661 acres and would like to subdivide a flag shaped lot of 1.5 +/- acres. Plan now shows a right-of-way to the Mummasburg Road. They found some wet areas where the right-of-way will be shown on the plan. They should have a crossing permit.

James Pennington – Sketch plan – New Road – Open Space
Showed two different sketch plans. Would like to subdivide 132+/- acres into lots. First sketch showed 5 lots. There was a problem locating all of the driveways. Second sketch plan showed the land subdivided into three larger lots. This seemed to be the preferable sketch.

David Hurlbert – Sketch Plan – Church Road – would like to subdivide a lot off the property owned by Willie Burcham. They will need a land development plan. There is already a mobile home on the near the site where they wish to subdivide. If they exclude the mobile home they will need to show the septic and well for the site.

Dennis Bishop – Sketch Plan – New Road
Has three lots. One lot is 8.05 +/- acres, one lot is 9.15 +/- acres and the remaining has 20.575 +/- acres. Would like to reconfigure the lot lines so the smaller lots each have 10 acres.

Bob Sharrah / McFadden Plan – Bob received a copy of a letter from our Solicitor about some of the driveways for the McFadden plan were denied by PennDOT. The plan will need to come back again and go through the process.

Mark & Katherine Rarrick – Crooked Creek Road – Preliminary Plan – Ag Zone
At May’s meeting we had not received Adams County comments so no action was taken on the plan. Merry reviewed ACOPD’s comments dated 5/22/06. We also reviewed KPI Technology’s comments dated 5/23/06.
Issues were the following:
• The site data table should be revised to indicate that the minimum lot size is one acre.
• A portion of Lot 1’s proposed driveway clear sight triangle is missing and should be provided.
• The seal and signature of the licensed surveyor should be provided on all sheets of the plan.
• An executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided.
• Stormwater Management Plan comments:
o The pipe size associated with the piping for “IA #5” should be indicated.
o The proposed infiltration pit should be dimensioned and detailed to the degree necessary to permit construction.
o It should be clarified if a berm will be constructed to collect runoff from the driveway and convey it to the proposed facilities. The designer should also consider a water quality trench/swale or some other BMP that might help to minimize the impact the proposed driveway has on the downstream Lot No. 2.
o The proposed erosion control and stormwater management facilities should be bonded to ensure they are constructed.
o A specification for the proposed geotextile should be provided on the plan.
o The designer should review the proposed silt fencing conceptual locations.
o Inspection ports should be incorporated into all proposed subsurface stormwater management facilities.
o Some of the proposed infiltration facilities are in a “fill” condition. This should be reviewed by the Designer and where possible the locations should be adjusted.
o Specific reference should be made to providing some form of debris screening for pipes leading to infiltration facilities.
o Meadow conditions should be used unless a lower runoff curve number is more appropriate.
o Infiltration/percolation tests associated with dewatering of the proposed subsurface facilities should be indicated.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the preliminary plan pending the above issues are resolved. Motion carried.

Discussion was had about approving the plan as a preliminary/final since most of these issues are minor.
MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to rescind the above motion. Motion carried.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to recommend approval of the plan pending the above issues are resolved and if the Supervisors want to approve as a final plan we concur. Motion carried.
Mark Rarrick Sewage Facilities Planning Module
MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the module. Motion carried.

Scott Ham – Preliminary Plan – Chambersburg Road – Commercial Zone
Proposal is to subdivide an existing 3.481 +/- acre parcel into two separate lots. Lot 1 – 2.136 with a single family residence. Lot 2 – 1.346 acres and contains a commercial use. Merry reviewed ACOPD’s comments dated 5/22/06 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 6/7/06. Mr. Ham presented a new plan which was not reviewed by KPT Technology, he then decide to go with the original plan that was reviewed by the Adams County Office of Planning and Development.
Issues are the following:
• Plan should depict the zoning boundaries.
• Based on the zoning district boundary bisecting Lot 1; the front, side and rear setbacks for Lot 1 appear incorrect.
• Landscaped screening needs to be provided to shield the view of the residential property from the commercial property.
• It should be noted if a right-of-way or easement will be associated with the macadam drive that connects Lot 1 with Lot 2.
• The summary table should be updated to include the residential zoning district.
• An executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided.
MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Robinson to recommend approval of the plan pending the issues from KPI Technology are resolved. Motion carried.

Scott Ham – Planning Module
MOTION by Spence, seconded by Kramb to approve the module.

Randall Tenney’s property – Ag Zone – There was a gentleman present who is interested in knowing if it could be further developed. More research is needed to see if there is any percentage left for development.

Old Business:
Peachy’s subdivision – they are asking for another extension.

New Business:
Zoning Hearing Board Application ZHB6-03
Daniel Keys was issued a warning that he is in violation.
MOTION by Bush, seconded by Schindel recommending that the Zoning Hearing Board uphold the decision of the Zoning Officer. Motion carried.
Letter will be sent to the Zoning Hearing Board.

Private Roads Ordinance – Section 146-25.V
In the event that the township would ever take over private roads this would ensure that the roads would all be standardized.
MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to recommend adoption of the ordinance. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower, Planning Commission Secretary
Franklin Township Planning Commission



The meeting was called to order by Merry Bush at 5:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Pat Schindel             Dennis Robinson        Sandra Spence

Mary Lower              John Kramb


Also present:  Gil Picarelli and Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Page II-1 – Definitions

#4     AGRICULTURAL PURPOSE – Add small farm winery to the list of uses.

#25    DWELLING UNIT – One or more rooms having cooking and/or sanitary facilities and access directly outdoors or through a common entrance hall.

#38    LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) – change “LOS a” to LOS A

#54    PLAN PRELIMINARY – A tentative subdivision “of” (replace with or) land development plan, in lesser detail “that” (replace with than) the final plan, indicating the approximate proposed layout of a subdivision as a basis for consideration prior to preparation of the final plan.


Add the definition of Township – refers to the Supervisors or their designated representative(s); i.e., Planning Commission, Zoning Enforcement Officer, etc.


Page III-12 – section 305 A

#2 – change “Eight (8)” to Six (6) blue-line or black-line paper prints of the Final Plan showing all the information required in Section 306 of this Ordinance.

#3 – change “Four (4)” copies to Three (3) copies of all other required documentation including but not limited to Stormwater Management Report, Erosion Control Plan and Calculations and Wetlands Delineation Report. Add this – Four (4) copies of the Sewage Facilities Planning Module are required for documentation.

Page III-13 – Recording of Plan

Upon approval of a final Plan, (remove comma) by the Township, the developer shall record the approved Final Plan (and other documentation required under plan approval) in the Adams County Recorder’s office, within ninety (90) days of such final approval, (remove comma) or the date the approval of the Township is noted on the Plan, which ever is later.


Duplicate pages are inserted in the booklet and need removed – Pages III-1 thru Pages III-14


Page III-16 – section 306-A

#30 – All plans for property on which hydric soils shall provide a report, prepared by a qualified wetland delineator (subject to approval by the Township), indicating the absence or presence of wetlands on-site.  If wetlands are present, (add) an Army Corps of Engineers recognized professional with specific expertise in this type of survey shall perform a field delineation of existing wetland boundaries.


Page III – 18 –  Section 306 B – Supplementary Data Required

We need to have our solicitor check into the “requirements” for this section.


Page IV-1 – Section 401 – Application of Standards

Gil Picarelli will check into this section.  We need to find out what can be “required” of the County.


Page IV-2 – Section 402 – #7 Replace “falling aircraft” with airport operations


Page IV-2 – Section 403-A – #5 – Replace “it’s” with its in the first paragraph.


In the second paragraph on Page IV-4 change the following:

In general new private streets for residential Subdivisions and Land Developments are “prohibited” (replace with approved only at the discretion of the Township).


#8 – The wording in #8 needs reworked.


Page IV- 8 – Section 403-F – Cul-de-Sac Streets

The last sentence in #1 needs removed.  (remove – The Board of Supervisors may grant a waiver of maximum length requirement with the recommendation of the Planning Commission.)


Other issues:

Merry Bush would like to have copies of the flood plan map for the Township.


John Kramb should research where the load bearing weight of a fire truck needs to be inserted into the ordinance in reference to roads, bridges, etc.




Next meeting scheduled for August 2, 2006 at 5 PM.

Franklin Township Planning Commission

July 5, 2006


The meeting was called to order by Merry Bush at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Pat Schindel             Dennis Robinson        Sandra Spence

John Kramb             Mary Lower


Also present:  Gil Picarelli and Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of June Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to approve the minutes of the June Planning Commission meeting.  Motion carried.




James Pennington –Sketch Plan – New Road

Would like to subdivide 132+/- acres into lots.  Sketch showed 5 lots.

Lot 1 – 20-25 +/- acres, Lot 2 – 49 +/- acres, Lot 3 – 18 +/- acres, Lot 4 – 20 +/- acres & Lot 5 – 20 +/- acres.  Considered using a cul-de-sac for three of the lots.  Suggested that he instead use three 25’ wide panhandle drives to Lot 3, 4 and 5.


Aquillas O. Peachey – Preliminary Plan

No changes have been made to the plan.

MOTION by Bush, seconded by Schindel to recommend denial of the plan.  Motion carried.


Scott Ham – Final Plan – Chambersburg Road – Commercial Zone

Proposal is to subdivide an existing 3.481 +/- acre parcel into two separate lots.  Lot 1 – 2.136 with a single-family residence.  Lot 2 – 1.346 acres and contains a commercial use.  The current lot is existing nonconformity because the commercial building is located within the building setbacks; however, the proposed subdivision will not have a positive or negative affect on this situation.

Issues are the following:

  • Based on the zoning district boundary bisecting Lot 1; and given that Lot 1 “fronts” on Lincoln View Drive, it would seem that the depicted setbacks are not oriented correctly.
  • A note has been added to the plan regarding the maintenance agreement for the macadam drive that connects Lot 1 with Lot 2; however, KPI has not received a copy of the agreement.  We recommend that the Township refer this matter to its Solicitor regarding the appropriateness of the agreement.


MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to recommend approval of the plan pending the issue shown above regarding the setbacks is resolved and the Solicitor reviews the maintenance agreement.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 7:28 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary

Franklin Township Planning Commission

SALDO WORKSHOP August 2, 2006


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Pat Schindel             Dennis Robinson        Sandra Spence

Mary Lower              John Kramb


Also present:  Gil Picarelli and Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Page IV-11 – section 403-L-Alleys

#1     either remove (a) before the word public or remove the (s) after street.

“Alleys are permitted in single family, detached or semi-detached residential development to provide access to the rear of lots that have frontage on (a) public minor, collector, or arterial street(s).”

#2      mentions bituminous or concrete paving material but does not mention a gravel driveway.  We would like to make gravel driveways a “hot topic” for the Supervisors to decide whether this should be added.


Page IV- 12

#5      add something regarding parallel parking, green spaces, etc.

Section 405-A-Residential

Access to any public street or highway “in” (replace with from) a residential “area” (replace with lot or area) shall be governed by the following:

#3      Access drives – we’ll need to make sure the SALDO and the zoning ordinance is the same – WILL NEED MORE REVIEW


Pages IV –14 & 15

406 – BLOCKS – needs to be in bold print

406 – A – GENERAL – needs to be in bold print


#1      Blocks shall have a maximum length of one thousand six hundred (1,600) feet and a minimum length of five-hundred (500) feet, provided that the Township Planning Commission or Township Supervisors may increase the maximum and/or decrease the minimum length of blocks if the opinion of either body, (add access to public sewage and public water), topography of the land in question and/or surface water drainage condition warrant such a change.

407- A – GENERAL STANDARDS – we’ll need to make sure the SALDO and the zoning ordinance is the same – WILL NEED MORE REVIEW


Page IV – 17 407 – B – LOT FRONTAGE – we’ll need to make sure the SALDO and the zoning ordinance is the same – WILL NEED MORE REVIEW



#3      A planning module (add or planning exemption) for land development for any new subdivision or land development shall be prepared by the developer and approved by the Township and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection prior to the approval of the Preliminary Plan.


Pages IV 20 & 21

#7      No company intending to install any petroleum product or natural gas transmission line shall be allowed to construct the line on less “that” (replace with than) a fifty (50) foot right-of-way,


  1. – #1, #2 #3 – remove “is to be” after the word Land.


Page IV – 25


Add a reference to the Potomac River Basin, in addition to the Susquehanna River Basin Commission





Next meeting scheduled for September 6, 2006 at 5 PM.

Franklin Township Planning Commission

August 2, 2006


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Pat Schindel             Dennis Robinson        Sandra Spence

John Kramb             Mary Lower              John Newell


Also present:  Gil Picarelli and Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of June Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the minutes of the July Planning Commission meeting.  Motion carried.




Mary Ann Clapsaddle – Sketch Plan – Seven Stars Rd. – Ag Zone

She would like to subdivide 1 acre from the 2 acre tract.  With the 70/30 split in the Ag Zone she doesn’t have enough acres left for development.  She could contact the adjoining farmer and see if they would like to purchase an acre.


Karen Smith for Scott Ham – US Rt. 30 –  Ms. Smith has power-of-attorney for Mr. Ham and is representing Ham on his behalf.

Lot 1 has 2.555 +/- acres and Lot 2 has .926 +/- acre.  They would like to change a lot line and add some from Lot 2 to Lot 1.

Concerns were:

Does the commercial lot have enough road frontage?

They are removing the “green space” from the commercial lot.

No other problems seen with the plan.


Carrie Adkins – Sketch plan – US Rt. 30 & Seven Stars Road

Adkins would like a land development plan.  Will need to check with Jim Temchack to see if can subdivide three lots.


Ron Lynch – Sketch – Chambersburg Road

Swapping and/or changing a lot line with a neighbor.  No problems seen with this plan.


John & Hallie McFadden – Revised Final Plan – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

Shared Driveway Agreement issue.  Merry Bush read Attorney Davis email regarding shared driveways.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Robinson to approve the plan pending the shared driveway agreement is approved by the solicitor.  Motion carried.


Aquillas O. Peachey – Letter from Ronnie Martin Realty asking for an extension to September 15, 2006.

MOTION by Bush, seconded by Schindel to recommend granting the extension.  Motion carried.


Other business:

John Lynch – concerned over the excessive illumination from the Desert Flower business along US Rt. 30.  Currently there are approximately 17 lights lit every evening.  It is a privacy issue and an escessive use of lighting at the business.

Suggested he file a complaint with Jim Temchack and/or come to the Supervisor’s meeting and discuss the situation.



Meeting adjourned.



Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary

Franklin Township Planning Commission

SALDO WORKSHOP – September 6, 2006


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Pat Schindel             Dennis Robinson        Sandra Spence

Mary Lower              John Kramb


Also present:  Gil Picarelli and Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Page IV – 25  – 411 – WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS

Add a reference to the Potomac River Basin, in addition to the Susquehanna River Basin Commission


Page IV-26

  1. – Remove this section.
  2. – Change the first sentence to: Where water supply is to be provided by means other than by private wells owned and maintained by the individual lot owners within the proposed subdivision or development, applicants shall present evidence to the Board of Supervisors “or” (replace with and) the Planning Commission, (remove – the case may be,) that the subdivision or development is to be supplied by a certified public utility, a bonafide cooperative association of lot owners, or by a municipal corporation, authority, or utility.

f.  Change to: A Water Resources Impact Study “shall” (replace with may) be required when the proposed…..

Change the numbering of a., b., & c., to 1., 2., & 3.

  1. The adequacy of water supply shall be determined based upon the guidelines established in the Adams County Wellhead Protection Plan (ACWHPP) of 300 gpd per household for peak demand calculations, and used as “a conservative” (replace with an) estimate by which……..


Page IV-27 – Section 412 – Water Resources Impact Studies

#1. – Check into this section and also whether we should add something about fire hydrants to this section.


Page IV-29 – Remove paragraph #3.

#6 – Check the meaning of the word “Franklin”


Page IV-30 – #9. Check into why we are collecting water samples and into the State DEP Standards.


Section 412 – Water Resources Impact Study Determination

On “relatively large” (remove) projects “and when” (replace with where) deemed appropriate and necessary………..


Access Drives Handouts – Differences between Zoning and SALDO – decided which to keep and what to change


SALDO ORDINANCEWidth:Min: 12 feet              KEEP

Max: 20 feet



1 per lot (unless 2nd is justified)  KEEP

Within 50 feet of right-of-way line of an intersection arterial street            KEEP

(35 feet of a collector street)


Within 15 feet of fire hydrant       KEEP



Does not allow for second access.



Does not comment on. CHANGE TO ZONING’S


Sight Distances:

A clear sight triangle of 75’ measured along the street and driveway centerline shall be maintained.  Permanent obstructions other than mailboxes and utility poles shall be prohibited.  KEEP









Handicap Parking:

1001 and over  –  20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1000       REMOVE


Max: 35 feet



2 per lot      CHANGE TO SALDO’S



Within 40 feet of right-of-way line of an existing street.   CHANGE TO SALDO’S



Within 5 feet of fire hydrant.  CHANGE TO SALDO’S


Within 25 feet of second line.   KEEP



Within 5 feet of property line.     KEEP



Sight DistancesCHANGE TO SALDO’S

A driveway/access drive must be located in safe relationship to sight distance and barriers to vision.  A clear sight triangle of 75’ as measured along the street centerline and 30’ along the driveway/access drive center line commencing at the street center line must be maintained for all driveways and access drives.  Permanent obstructions of plantings shall not exceed a height of 3’ in the clear sight triangle area.



Handicap Parking:

Doesn’t comment on 1001 and over


Slopes:  This section is different also, but will need further clarification from Gil Picarelli regarding the State regs. for 8% slope.


Page IV-13

#4. Second paragraph  – Add this to the end of the paragraph – “The height of the bank must not exceed three feet within 10 feet of the street right-of-way.”


#6. – Dominic Picarelli will research what chapter 441 of the PennDot rules and regulations is and report back to us.  Also, he’ll research emergency vehicles and slopes.


Page IV-17

#3. – “Generally” (remove this word from beginning of sentence).

#4. – Where the lots in a subdivision are large enough for re-subdivision or where a portion of the tract is not developed, “adequate” (remove) access to these areas shall be provided.

#6.  This paragraph needs reworded.


Next meeting scheduled for October 4, 2006 at 5 PM.


Franklin Township Planning Commission

September 6, 2006


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Pat Schindel             Dennis Robinson        Sandra Spence

John Kramb             Mary Lower


Also present:  Gil Picarelli and Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of June Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to approve the minutes of the August Planning Commission meeting.  Motion carried.




Tom Kalathas – Sketch Plan – Chambersburg Rd. & Golf Course Road – Commercial Zone

Site of the former Caledonia Manor – Would like to install rental units.  Two separate rows, 23 units in one row and 21 in the other row.  Each unit would be 8’ x 10’.

The use would be a special exception.  There were no concerns with the plan.


Carrie Adkins – Sketch plan – Chambersburg Rd. & Seven Stars Road – part Ag Zone and part Industrial Zone – 19.129 +/- acres in the Industrial Zone.  They would like to subdivide a three-acre lot with road frontage and a five-acre panhandle lot off of the 30.168 +/- acres.   They are considering a shared driveway.


Scott Ham – Subdivision and Land Development Plan – Chambersburg Road

There were no County Comments but they would like us to look at the plan. Lot 2 has .926 +/- acres and Lot 2A has .420 +/- acres which will be adjoining Lot 1. Screening should be on the commercial zone lot.  They may change a lot line to accommodate the screening in the Commercial zone.

Question as to where the “front” of the lot is located.  Mark Kuntz will call Gill Picarelli to discuss.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Kramb to table the plan.  Motion carried.


Aquillas O. Peachey – Preliminary/Final Plan – Poplar Springs Road

No County Comments for revised plan submitted August 24.

This appears to be a new plan.  They are having Sam Teeter draw up a shared driveway agreement and they do not see why they need individual driveways.  Ordinance states that each lot should show individual driveways.  They don’t have to actually use the driveway.

Ronnie Martin stated that they will send a letter to withdraw the previously submitted plan and will submit a new plan for review.


Other business:

A citizen had questions about the water runoff from a State road that runs down her driveway.  This property is located near Railroad Lane.


Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary

Franklin Township Planning Commission

SALDO WORKSHOP October 4, 2006


The meeting was called to order by Merry Bush at 5:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson        Sandra Spence

Mary Lower


Also present:  Gil Picarelli and Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Page IV-19 – 407 – E – Unique Lots

#1 – Change panhandle width from fifty (50) to twenty-five (25)

#2 – Remove the second paragraph from #2


Page IV-25 – 414 – Landscaping Requirements

#1 – Replace “an individual experienced in selection of plantings” with “registered landscape architect”.


Page IV-36 – 415 – Recreation Areas/Facilities

At Dwelling Units – replace “24 or less” with “10 – 24”


Page V-2 – 502-A – Street Construction

Remove this entire section


Page V-10 – 505-Sewage Disposal and Water Supply Systems

Replace the word designed with designated.


Remove Article VI – Stormwater Management


Article IX – is our Solicitor’s area of expertise


Page X-1 – 1001 Definitions

Mobile Home Park definition needs to match page II – 6


Page X3 – 1002 – B –Application for Mobile Home Permits/Mobile Home Park Licenses

  1. b. – second paragraph – Change forty-five (45) days to fifteen (15) days


Page X-6  1005 –A-Site Design

#1 – Change thirty (30) contiguous acres to ten (10) contiguous acres.


Next meeting will be scheduled for 6 PM and will start with Mobile Homes

Franklin Township Planning Commission

October 4, 2006


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson        Sandra Spence         Mary Lower


Also present:  Gil Picarelli and Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of September Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to approve the minutes of the September planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.




Andrew & Laura Tarbet – Sketch Plan – Poplar Springs Road – Ag Zone

Would like to subdivide three lots – Question regarding driveways – Whether they could have three panhandles side by side shown on the plan but they would actually be using only one of the driveways or if they could put in a private street with a cul-de-sac.  They should check our new driveway ordinance and ask the Supervisors about the issue.


Lynn Smallwood – running for office – Green Party –  She spoke of her goals if she gets elected as State Representative, District 91


Ken Ketterman – Sketch plan – Fox Hill Rd. – Ag Zone

He would like to subdivide 2 +/- acres off the remainder.  Some of the land is on opposite side of the road.  Duke Energy pipe line runs through the lot.  He will check with Duke Energy for the correct right-of-way setbacks.


Scott Ham – Karen Lee Smith and Mark Kuntz were present – Chambersburg Road

Merry read Adams County comments dated 9/28/06 and KPI’s comments dated 9/5/06.  There is still a question regarding the screening.  The screening should be in the commercial zone.


Aquillas O. Peachey – Preliminary/Final Plan – Poplar Springs Road

Merry read KPI’s comments dated 9/6/06 and Adams County comments dated 9/15/06.

There is a driveway easement dated 9/26/06 from Teeter, Teeter & Teeter.

MOTION by Bush, seconded by Robinson to approve the plan pending Gil Picarelli’s review of the Stormwater Management Plan and the addition of the E &S note. Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary

Franklin Township Planning Commission

SALDO WORKSHOP – November 1, 2006


The meeting was called to order by Merry Bush at 6:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson        Sandra Spence

Mary Lower              Pat Schindel             John Kramb


Also present:  Gil Picarelli and Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Dominic gave everyone a copy of the revised rough draft of the SALDO.


Two “hot topics” remaining are the following:


Gravel driveway – mentions bituminous or concrete paving material but does not mention a gravel driveway.


Street Lighting issue –  The language added in the draft SALDO was acceptable to everyone.  The illumination section (175-24) in the Zoning Ordinance needs to have further clarification from the solicitor.


Mobile Home Park section – Article IX

Issues are:  How can we provide mobile home housing in the Ag zone for the agricultural workers since mobile homes are not allowed in the Ag Zone.   If mobile homes are on a permanent foundation are they still considered mobile homes?   How many mobile homes would constitute a mobile home park?


Dominic will ask the solicitor about the mobile home issues.


Next workshop will be scheduled for 6 PM before the December 6th planning commission meeting.


Franklin Township Planning Commission

November 1, 2006


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson        Sandra Spence         Mary Lower

Pat Schindel             John Kramb

Also present:  Gil Picarelli and Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of October Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the minutes of the October planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.




Mike Spielman – Sketch Plan – Belmont Road – Ag Zone

Would like to purchase a property in an Ag Zone for an automotive restoration business in the 30’ x 60’ building on the property.  This use is not allowed in an Ag Zone.


Regina Orndorff & Ronald B. Lynch – Preliminary/Final Plan – Chambersburg Road – Residential District

Orndorff will subdivide 0.135 +/- acre to adjoining lot owner, Ronald Lynch; while Lynch will subdivide a .091 +/- acre to Orndorff.

Merry read Adams County comments dated 10/30/06 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 11/1/06.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Robinson to approve the plan.  Motion carried.


Orndorff and Lynch – Planning Waiver & Non Building Declaration

Approved and motion carried.


Scott Ham – Karen Lee Smith was in attendance – Chambersburg Road

Merry read KPI’s comments dated 11/1/06.  A standard highway disclaimer should be added for access along Chambersburg Road for Lot 2A.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to approve the preliminary plan pending the addition of the standard highway disclaimer note.  Motion carried.


Scott Ham – Final Plan

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the final plan pending the addition of the standard highway disclaimer note.  Motion carried.


Scott Ham – Form B

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the Form B. Motion carried.


Aquillas O. Peachey – Preliminary Plan – Poplar Springs Road

Merry read KPI Technology’s comments dated 11/1/06.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to approve the plan.  Motion carried.


Aquillas O. Peachey – Final Plan – Poplar Springs Road

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Robinson to approve the final plan.  Motion carried.


New Business


Ordinance 2006-04 Zoning Ordinance Sewer Amendment

This ordinance will allow a public utility building and/or service structure in any zone.

Motion by Schindel, seconded by Robinson to recommend approval of the ordinance by the Supervisors.


Zoning Hearing – Mini Storage Buildings – Route 30 & Golf Course Road – Special Exception request – Tom Kalathas  is asking for the special exception

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Robinson to recommend granting the special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board.  Motion carried.



Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary

Franklin Township Planning Commission

SALDO WORKSHOP – December 6, 2006


The meeting was called to order by Merry Bush at 6:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson        Mary Lower              Pat Schindel


Also present:  Gil Picarelli and Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Mobile Home Park – Dominic spoke to Attorney Wally Davis about the issue of having mobile homes in an Ag Zone.  Dominic feels Wally’s interpretation is that the only way according to our Zoning Ordinance that this would be feasible is if the Ag workers are seasonal employees.


Our consensus is that if someone removes the axels and puts a mobile home on a foundation, then it should be considered a permanent structure.


We could change the zoning ordinance to add verbiage about mobile homes in the definition of Migrant Camp.  There will be other changes to be made to the zoning ordinance due to the SALDO update so now would be a good time to add something if necessary.   Maybe we could have them as a special exception in the Ag Zone so that a hearing would be necessary for each mobile home.


Dominic will draw up a list of the changes that need to be made to the zoning ordinance.


We would like to see a Land Development plan submitted for each mobile home.


After much discussion it was decided that a group of planning commission members should meet with Attorney Davis to work on this issue.  Merry Bush will set up the meeting.  Mary Lower and Pat Schindel volunteered to attend the meeting with either Gil or Dominic Picarelli in attendance.


Gravel driveway issue – Suggested we make them either paved or concrete unless they apply for a special exception to have a gravel driveway.



Next meeting – If the group meets with the Attorney and comes to a consensus we could have him draw something up to present at the January planning commission meeting.


Franklin Township Planning Commission

December 6, 2006


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson        Mary Lower    Pat Schindel

Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of November Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Robinson to approve the minutes of the November planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.




John Unger – Sketch Plan – Gun Club Road – Ag Zone

Original parcel of 17.4 acres and still has 2.437 +/- acres left to subdivide.  He would like to add two lots.  Suggested he get a surveyor to research the acreage left to subdivided and draw a preliminary plan.


Dave and Mary Margaret Kuhn – Sketch Plan – Cashtown – part Village Overlay

They would like to remove a section of land off a .657+/- acre lot to make a wider driveway access to an adjoining property.  Lot would have a remainder of .4 +/- acre.  Needs a 10’ setback from the side of the house, which is located on the property.


Richard Greenfield – Preliminary/Final – Church Road – Ag Zone

He would like to subdivide an 8,113 square foot parcel of land and convey it to an adjoiner, Stephen Coldsmith.

Merry read Adams County comments dated 11/30/06 and we reviewed KPI Technology’s comments dated 12/6/06.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Lower to approve the plan as a preliminary/final.  Motion carried.


Richard Greenfield – Planning Waiver and Non-Building Declaration

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve.  Motion carried.


Bush made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Schindel seconded and the motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary