Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 2005



Franklin Township Planning Commission Meeting

January 5, 2005 – 7:00 PM

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, John Kramb, and Mary Lower

Also present:  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer and Gil Picarelli, S.E.O.

Election of Officers for the Year 2005:


MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Robinson to nominate the following by acclamation:

Merry Bush as Chairperson, Dennis Robinson as Vice-Chairperson and Mary Lower as Secretary.  Motion carried.


Approval of Minutes:

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Kramb to approve the December 2004 minutes.  Motion carried.



Daniel and Carol Glatfelter – Preliminary plan – Crooked Creek Road – Ag Zone

Would like to subdivide 0.456 +/- acres to an adjoiner, Tom McGlaughlin.  Adams County comments have not been received.  Noticed the plan needs clear site triangles and clear site distances to be shown on the plan.  If these issues are addressed, it was recommended that Preliminary/Final be shown on the plan the next time it is presented to the planning commission.


Randell Tenney – Mr. Tenney had a question regarding putting the new zoning information on his plans.  Suggested he attend the next Zoning Workshop to be held on February 2, 2005.


Wrenice W. Kauffman – Preliminary Plan – Belmont Road – Ag Zone

Would like to subdivide a 6.344 +/- acre single family residential lot from 30.935 +/- acres.

Adams County comments have not been received.  Since there were no problems seen with the plan it was suggested that Preliminary/Final be shown on the plan the next time it is presented to the planning commission.


Wrenice Kauffman – Sewage Facilities Planning Module

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Lower to approve the module.  Motion carried.


Daniel and Carol Glatfelter – Planning Waiver

            MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Robinson to approve the waiver.  Motion carried.


Daniel and Carol Glatfelter – Sketch plan – 138 Crooked Creek Road – Ag Zone

They have approximately 48.365 +/- acres and would like to subdivide three lots.

Lot 1 – 1.25 +/- acres, Lot 2 – 2.12 +/- acres, Lot 3 – 2 +/- acres.  There would be a 1.75 +/- acre area that would be located behind Lot 2 that would contain a tenant dwelling.  Concerns were over the driveway to the 1.75 +/- acre tenant lot.  The Glatfelter’s also wondered whether they could place a duplex on Lot 2.  Duplexes are not allowed in an Ag Zone.  Suggested they go to an engineer and discuss their options.


Old Business

Zoning Workshop will be held at 6 PM on February 2, 2005.

Special Exception Hearing – Planned Golf Community – Carl Sturges – Application Number SE5-01

Since planned golf communities are permitted in an Ag Zone by special exception we recommend approval of the special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board.


New Business


7 Year Review of Ag Security Area #1 – modifications and additions

Area #1 additions are as follows:

Heidi Myers & Charles Barney – 115.71 +/- acres; Mark Bream 13.47 +/- acres, 91.03 +/- acres & 100.69 +/- acres; Gary Deardorff – 9.15 +/- acres and Robert Sharrah – 5.62 +/- acres.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Kramb to recommend approval of the 7-year review of Ag Security Area #1 with the modifications and additions.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Franklin Twp. Planning Commission




February 2, 2005 – 7:00 PM


Members present: Merry Bush, John Kramb, Dennis Robinson and Mary Lower


Others present:  James Temchack, Gil Picarelli and Dan Fetter


Purpose: The items that we are to address are the following:  remapping Industrial Zone, revising the Open Space zone, creating a Parks & Recreation Ordinance and other miscellaneous zoning issues.


Jerry Heckman was representing Ray Grimes Mr. Grimes has an issue with his Christmas tree sales building located along US Rt. 30 (Ag Zone).  Mr. Grimes would like an area around the building to be made commercial zone because he would like to be able to sell other items at the building throughout the year.  We discussed what was allowed by special exception and as a use by right in the Ag Zone and the Commercial Zone.  We advised him that he is allowed to sell Ag related products; repair, sell or service Ag equipment, etc. at his present establishment.


Open Space Zone

Some of the supervisors would like to consider changing the 5 acres to 20 acre lots.  We discussed issues such as most of the current open space is located in a State Forest Land.  The main area of concern is located in the vicinity of Cashtown-Arendtsville/Boyer Nursery Road towards New Road and Bottom Road.

Suggestions and concerns were:

  • Have a percentage on development such as in the Ag Zone or change it to Ag Zone.
  • Once the land is developed it will be gone forever.  Also, the potential tax increases due to development and the related services if open space is developed.
  • We need to decide what our goal is in having an open space zone.
  • Our definition of Open Space is the following: “The purpose of the Open Space Zone is to provide for the protection and preservation of areas of the Township which, by virtue of slope, limited accessibility, unique natural beauty, or established State Forest Land, are inappropriate for development.  The Open Space Zone provides for a limited number of low-intensity residential, agricultural, or recreational uses.”
  • Discussed whether migrant worker camps, single family detached dwellings and Bed & Breakfast Inns should be still listed as a use by right.
  • Dan Fetter would like to see the pros and cons of open space before he decides if the acreage needs to be changed.

It was decided that we should all obtain more information and bring to the March Zoning Workshop.


Industrial Zone

We currently have around 400 acres in industrial.  We are not required to have an Industrial Zone but then that would open the door to having that use being located anywhere in the Township.

The Supervisors are interested in reducing the acreage and reverting some of the area back to Ag Zone.  We should write down our questions regarding the industrial zone and perhaps have Cheri Fogerty come back to one of our workshops give us guidance and recommendations.  It was decided that Jim Temchack would get a map of the industrial zone that shows the lots, so that we could possibly make a determination of exactly where the boundaries should be located.


Park and Recreation Ordinance

We need to obtain examples of other townships ordinances to see if there are any ideas that we could apply to our township.


Proposed map of sewer lines – We viewed a proposed map showing the approximate location of the public sewer line locations.  Hopefully this project will be completed in 2009.


Section 175-68 – Vehicle, rental, sales, service and/or repair facility.

This section needs to separated into two distinct areas.  Sales should have its own requirements.  Possibly registering or licensing for the sales of cars.


Sign Ordinance – for home occupations

One square foot needs to be changed to up to 2’ x 3’ square – this issued was missed on the last zoning change.


No impact home based business – New state law – this issue needs to be included.


Another concern was brought to our attention about businesses that are already in non-compliance with our zoning ordinances and they should be addressed.


Next meeting will be scheduled for 6 PM on March 2, 2005.


Franklin Township Planning Commission Meeting

February 2, 2005 – 7:00 PM


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, John Kramb, Pat Schindel and Mary Lower

Also present:  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer and Gil Picarelli, S.E.O.


Approval of Minutes:

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Robinson to approve the January 2005 minutes.  Motion carried.



John McFadden – Sketch plan – Rt. 234 Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

He would like to subdivide his farm into lots.

Lot 1 would contain the present house and barn.

Lot 4 which was already approved, would be combined with new Lot 7 for a total of 35.011 +/- acres.

Lot 8 would have 41.022 +/- acres.

Lot 9 would have 26.016 +/- acres.

Lot 10 would have 27.072 +/- acres.

These lot sizes do not comply with our zoning ordinance.  We do not feel that we should allow these lots to go below the 35 acres per lot.  Mr. McFadden can go before the Zoning Hearing Board but at this time we do not feel that this is a hardship.


Steve Higgs – Sketch plan – Caledonia Acres – Greenwalt Road

Mr. Higgs has approximately one acre.  He would like to construct a 30’ x 32’ x 10’ pole building on his property.  He’ll need to go to an attorney and combine his lots into one deed.  Suggested he come to the Supervisor’s meeting and discuss this with our solicitor to see if he will need a simple subdivision plan.


Daniel and Carol Glatfelter – Preliminary plan – Crooked Creek Road – Ag Zone

Would like to subdivide 0.456 +/- acres to an adjoiner.  Merry Bush reviewed the Adams County Office of Planning and Development’s comments dated 1/20/05 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 1/3/05.  It was noted the plan has not been revised.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Kramb to table the plan due to the fact it has not been revised.  Motion carried.


Wrenice W. Kauffman – Preliminary/Final Plan – Belmont Road – Ag Zone

Would like to subdivide a 6.344 +/- acre single family residential lot from 30.935 +/- acres.

The Adams County Office of Planning and Development’s comments dated 1/20/05 were reviewed.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Kramb to approve the preliminary/final plan.  Motion carried.


Edward H. Spence – Preliminary plan – Hilltown Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 1.995 +/- acre parcel from an existing 90.5 +/- acre lot.  Merry Bush reviewed KPI Technology’s comments dated 2/2/05 and Adams County Office of Planning and Development’s comments dated 1/24/05.

Note:  A statement should be noted on the plan that describes the percentage of land being subdivided and the remaining percentage of land that may be subdivided at a future date.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Kramb to approve the plan.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Kramb to recommend approval of the plan as a final pending the addition of the above listed note.  Motion carried.


Edward H. Spence – Planning Waiver & Non Building Declaration

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the waiver.  Motion carried.


Hundredfold Farm – Final plan – Old Route 30 – Ag Zone

Condominium development with 14 dwelling units on an 80.183 +/- acre parcel of land.

KPI Technology’s comments dated 2/2/05 were reviewed.

The list of items to be addressed is the following:

  • The date of revisions needs to be on the plan.
  • The surveyor’s seal and certification should be provided.
  • An approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and subsequent NPDES Permit are required.
  • Evidence of DEP permits for sewer systems should be provided.
  • From review of the Stormwater Management Report, we note the following:
    • A fifteen foot easement is required to allow access to all stormwater systems and appurtenances.  A note or an agreement can be worked out with the township solicitor.
    • The location of infiltration beds and their specific size based on proposed home dimensions and soil condition should be shown.
    • Plunge Pool 1 is located over an existing gas line.
    • Bonding is required for stormwater management and security in regards to excavating over a gas line.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Lower to approve the final plan pending the above listed comments are addressed.  Motion carried.


New Business

2/23/05 – Stormwater Management Workshop – Ag Center, Gettysburg – 7 PM


County is considering have a basic planning course.  They would like to know how many would be interested in attending.


Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Franklin Twp. Planning Commission


Franklin Township Planning Commission Meeting

March 2, 2005

Present: Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, Pat Schindel, Gil Picarelli, Jim Temchack.


Merry stated that our intentions tonight was to talk about the industrial zone and open space.

Jim showed an aerial photo of the industrial zone. Merry asked for audience comment. Dennis though a Commercial/Industrial may be the answer. Motion by Schindel, seconded by

Robinson to move the line of the Industrial Zone to encompass a smaller area so outlined on the aerial map. Motion carried.

Open Space. Dennis commented that we have to think what the purpose is of open space. Gil read what is already allowed in the open space. Merry surveyed planning commission members present on their feeling about making lots in open space 20 acre minimum. Craig Hartley shared some of the history of open space in the township. We will bring this to our April workshop meeting. Craig will try to get in touch with Sherri Fogarty.

The State approved funding for updating the township’s comprehensive plan. We will be working with other municipalities on this. They are: Menallen, Bendersville, Biglerville, Arendtsville, and Butler. There will be seven people total from those municipalities that will be selected for the committee.

Ed Spence, Jr. Would like to see the Agricultural Zone rezoned especially near his former orchard (Magnetic) off Hilltown Road. He has approached the planning commission previously about installing a driving range. Ed has two sons who will have gone through Penn State’s degree program relating to Gold and would like to see his land used this way. It could help him financially to farm the rest of his orchards. Our next workshop is planned for April 6, 2005.

Planning Commission Meeting. Same members present.

Motion by Robinson, seconded by Schindel, to approve the minutes of the February 2005 meeting. Motion carried.

Mary Myers-sketch plan. Concerned about Clean and Green Was told by them, she reports, that the planning commission makes the decision on the two acre minimum. She must have two acres excluding right of way to qualify for Clean and Green. Jim pointed out tha tif Mary has a shed that is less than 500 square feet, it must be 25′ from the property line.

Jim Richie, Jr.-sketch plan-intersection of Poplar Springs and Orrtanna Road. Buying twelve acres from Jerry Justice. It is in flood plain. Would like to build a home for his mother. Talked about the options. Planning Commission recommended having it surveyed, getting a highway permit. You must have sight distance before Penn Dot will grant a permit and there is another driveway next to it.

Gloria Beecher-Chambersburg Road (formerly CB&O). Now called Rooster’s Pub and Hotel. Sketch Plan. Was unaware that Texas Eastern gas line passes over property. Planning Commission recommended calling them. Also see if it will perc. She would like another trailer with separate driveway for herself as she now commutes from Shippensburg. Recommended getting a map with pipeline shown.

The Real Estate Place-sketch plan-Fairview Fruit Road. Ag Zone. Presented a plan for the former Spence property. Cluster development utilizing 27.176 acres appropriately. Two turn arounds shown on property to cut down on driveways. Must be build to township specs. The developer is unsure if they would like to try to turn this over to township or have a homeowner’s association.

John & Hallie McFadden-Buchanan Valley Road–sketch plan-Ag Zone. 243.55 acres. Reconfigured. 11 lots. Recommended soil tests and driveway permits.

Gary Grove-preliminary-34.174 acres into 4 lots. Ag Zone-Buchanan Valley Road. Parent tract will go back into Clean and Green. Pre existing non-conforming house on Lot 4. Sight distances on private road should be shown. Highway occupancy permit is required. Lot 2 is land locked. Road maintenance agreement. Lane needs to be no more than 500 feet with cul-de-sac. Schindel made a motion to table seconded by Robinson. Motion carried. Planning module. Motion by Robinson, seconded by Schindel, motion carried.

Jake Bream-Orchard Road-Ag zone-Preliminary-6.284 acres. Comments were: no sight distance for driveway. No vote due to no county comments. Motion by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve sewer module. Motion carried.

Jake Bream-Green Ridge Road-Ag zone-Preliminary-15.809 acres. Comments were: limit to 3 single family lots. Noted that spring may have been used previously by an adjacent land owner. Surveyor (Bob) will check this out. No county comments. Motion by Schindel, seconded by Robinson to approve sewer module. Motion carried.

Spigot Valley Road-final-Road realignment. Road will be reconfigured to go behind Nolan Huffbaker’s home. Motion by Schindel, seconded by Merry Robinson abstained. Motion carried.

Robert Barber-sketch-High Street and Hilltown Road (formerly Catherine Miller store property) Has plans to remodel house into a store. Planning Commission in general agreement with plan.

No further business. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Shindel

Acting Secretary


Franklin Township Planning Commission

Zoning Workshop

April 6, 2005 – 7:00 PM

Members Present: Pat Schindel, Sandy Spence, Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, Mary Lower & John Kramb.

Others Present: James Temchack, Gil Picarelli

Gil commented on Sherri Fogarty’s proposal for Open Space. It is very involved and complicated. Discussion was had whether the zone should be five, ten or twenty acres.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Lower to return the Open Space Zone to twenty acres. Motion carried with one opposing vote.

Recreation Plan- Merry brought up having a recreation plan. We think it would be a good idea. Mt. Joy, Straban and Cumberland Townships all have Rec. Plans. Merry will get samples for our review.

Signs- Jim would like to see the sign ordinance reviewed. Size limits, portable signs, temporary sighns, etc.

Home Business Sign- MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to make attached business signs the same as freestanding 50 sq’ maximum area permitted. Motion Carried.

T-10 Portable Business Sign- If we were to allow temporary signs in more zones perhaps more people wouldn’t decide to install permanent signs. MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to add all zones and to add the note about permission from landowners.

Items to be addressed in the future: temporary signs, definition of temporary, shared driveways, dog kennels, and minimum acreage for horses.

Franklin Township Planning Commission Meeting

April 6, 2005 – 7:00 PM

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, Sandy Spence, John Kramb, Pat Schindel and Mary Lower

Also present:  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer and Gil Picarelli, S.E.O.

Approval of Minutes:

Robinson made a correction to the March minutes regarding the Spigot Valley section.  Road will be reconfigured to go behind Jerry Settle’s property instead of Nolan Huffbaker’s property.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Kramb to approve the March 2005 minutes as amended.  Motion carried.


Gary Sterner – Sketch plan – Flohr’s Church Road

Would like to subdivide approximately 131 +/- acres from the total acreage of 624 +/- acres.

The 131 +/- acres would go with the house and the remainder is to be considered for a passive recreation park.

Conway Williams – Sketch Plan – Seven Stars Road

144 +/- acres – Shown two versions.

Plan A – would have Lots 1 through 14 with approximately 1.15 +/- acres each and a 1,300’ cul-de-sac driveway. Lot 15 = 46.122 +/- acres, Lot 16 = 46.167 +/- acres and Lot 17 = 35.350 +/- acres.

Plan B – would have Lot 1 = 35.005 +/- acres, Lot 2 = 35.017 +/- acres, Lot 3 = 35.006 +/- acres, Lot 4 = 35.003 +/- acres and Lot 5 = 3.768 +/- acres.

Suggested they come to the Supervisor’s meeting to discuss the driveway length and told them to check the percs.

Recommendation to the Supervisors is for Plan B and consider a shared driveway.

Tom McGlaughlin – Sketch – Rt. 30 – Ag Zone

He has approximately 30.459 acres.  Would like to put in a cluster development of condominiums on 6.301 +/- acres.  Eleven buildings with 2 dwelling units per building.  The buyers would purchase the footprint and not the land.  Question regarding single family detached and semidetached dwellings in the cluster housing section of the ordinance 175.43

Another question is where the land will perc.

Jim will make a determination regarding single family detached and semidetached dwelling.

Jim Richie Jr. – Sketch – Poplar Springs and Orrtanna Road – Ag Zone

12 acres from Jerry Justice – in flood plain – would like to put two houses on the site

Suggested that he make sure the soil tests are still valid and also will need a land development plan.

Carol and Daniel Glatfelter – Sketch –  Crooked Creek Road

48.821 +/- acres   Lot 1 – remainder, Lot 2 = 2 acres, Lot 3 = 1.5 acres, Lot 4 = 1.8 acres and Lot 5 = 1.4 acres – Suggested they get percs done again on Lot 3.

New Business

Zoning Hearing Board Meeting  – April 13th

Robert Barber would like to have a restaurant & retail store in a building at High St. and Hilltown Road intersection.  Two variances and a special exception – one variance because it is too close to a neighbor and one variance because it is too close to the road.  The special exception is because he is changing the use.  “Restaurant, Drive Through and or Fast Food” are not allowed in the Commercial Zone.

Recommended approval for 75’ from the neighbor instead of the 100’ and also 35’ from the road variances.  Also, recommended that the front door and porch be used only as an emergency exit.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Robinson to recommend approval of the special exception for the change in use.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower

Franklin Twp. Planning Commission

Franklin Township Planning Commission Meeting

May 4, 2005 – 7:00 PM


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, Sandy Spence, John Kramb, Pat Schindel and Mary Lower

Also present:  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer and Gil Picarelli, S.E.O.


Approval of Minutes:

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Robinson to approve the April 2005 minutes.  Motion carried.



Sherry Turner – Sketch Plan – US Rt. 30 and Pine Valley Road – Ag Zone

30.75 +/- acres.  Would like to develop the 30% developable area.   7 +/- lots.  Will need to have the property perc tested to determine how many lots can be developed.


Marian Gulden – Sketch Plan – Belmont Road

57 +/- acres. She has one house and septic system on the property.  Would like to add a trailer or possibly two trailers.  Will need to do a land development plan and will need another septic system.  Can use the same well.


Paul Dean – Sketch Plan – Church Road – Ag Zone

11.73 +/- acres – Would like to add three one-acre lots with the remaining 30% developable land as an adjoiner to Dean’s parent tract.  Suggested he get it perc tested.


Mary & David Myers – Sketch Plan – Crooked Creek Road

36.693 +/- acres – Would like to subdivide a 10 acre lot off of the 36 + acres.


Rex & Sandy Craven – Sketch Plan – Green Ridge Road

Howard Seaton presented the plan – They would like to put a small dwelling on the property for their children when visiting.  They will need a land development plan and a septic system.


Tom McGlaughlin – Sketch Plan – US Rt 30 – Ag Zone

Would like to put the house on its own lot. Gil stated there is a malfunction septic system on the property and he would not be able to sign the planning module until the situation is corrected.

They will have to get a system designed and get the permit approved before they can subdivide.


Jesus is Lord Ministries – #1 – Sketch Plan – US Rt. 30 – Commercial Zone

They want to subdivide the area around the former food bank from the remainder Church area.

A septic system should be put on the food bank area lot.


Jesus is Lord Ministries – #2 – Sketch Plan – US Rt. 30 – Across from the Church

Would like to subdivide a 2 +/- acre lot – Wetland issues were cleared.  A day care facility would like to purchase this lot.


Dennis Bishop – Sketch Plan – near Mummasburg Road – Open Space

Grandmother’s property – 8.25 +/- acres  – Right-of-way issue.  An abandoned Township road goes through the property.  Would like to subdivide into two lots and will need a variance.  If he wants to add another house and not subdivide, he would need a land development plan and a septic system.

Should check with the Solicitor and/or Supervisors about who owns the abandoned road.


Mark Rarrick – Sketch Plan – Crooked Creek Road

He has 104.552 +/- acres with a 1750’s farm house.  Would like to build a new home on the property for a starter home while restoring the farm house in the future and then eventually subdivide property into two lots.  Suggested he consider applying for a permit to tear down the farm house initially and then perhaps within 6 mths. reconsider that decision.


Gary Sterner – No county comments were received and no one was present for the plan.


Jacob Bream – Preliminary and Final Plan – Green Ridge Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of 15.809 +/- acres into 3 single family residential lots

Lot sizes are: 1.095 +/- acres, 3.255 +/- acres and 11.459 +/- acres

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the preliminary plan.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Kramb to approve the final plan.  Motion carried.


Jacob Bream – Preliminary and Final Plan – Orchard Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of 6.284 +/- acres into 2 single family residential lots

Lot sizes are 1.034 +/- acres and 5.250 +/- acres

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the preliminary plan.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the final plan.  Motion carried.


Old Business

Zoning Hearing Board Meeting  of April 13th

Robert Barber – restaurant & retail store in a building at High St. and Hilltown Road intersection.

Everything was approved by the Zoning Hearing Board.

Changes to Section 175-68.E. of the Code of Ordinance regarding vehicle rental, sales, service and /or repair. – Only 175-68.E. will change.  The “junk yard” ordinance will remain the same.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Kramb to recommend approval by the Supervisors for Section 175-68.E. Motion carried.


New Business

Discussed upcoming workshops.


Other issues that should be discussed at a workshop:  Livestock grazing on sand mounds.  We have no regulations that address this issue.

Shared driveways

Livestock allowed per acre



Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Franklin Twp. Planning Commission



May 4, 2005 – 6:00 PM


Members present:  Pat Schindel, Sandy Spence, Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, John Kramb & Mary Lower


Others present:  James Temchack, Gil Picarelli, Dominick Picarelli


Open Space – Sandy discussed the Supervisor’s concern about the 20 acres being too restrictive.  They contacted the engineers to draw up a new proposal for an open space zone.   Gil Picarelli read the Purpose which is:  The purpose of the Open Space Zone is to provide for the protection and preservation of areas of the Township which, by virtue of steep slopes, wetlands, floodplains, streams, limited accessibility, unique natural beauty or established State Forest Land, are inappropriate for development.  The primary goal of the Open Space Zone is to preserve land from the detrimental impacts caused by urban and suburban sprawl.  The Open Space Zone provides for a limited number of low-intensity residential, agricultural, or recreational uses.


The Uses by Right will remain the same as before.  The newest idea would use an Adjusted Tract Area (ATA) concept. Some of the proposed changes to the Open Space Zone are as follows: Each development proposal in the Open Space Zone is required to calculate “The Adjusted Tract Area” for the entire tract(s) of land.  The Adjusted Tract Area equals the gross tract area minus the constrained land (listed below):

  1. Constrained Land Area equals the sum of the following:
    1. Right-Of-Way:  multiply all land within the rights-of-way of existing public streets or highways, or within the rights-of way for existing or proposed overhead rights-of-way of utility lines by 1.0.
    2. Streets: multiply all land under existing private streets by 1.0.

Critical Natural Features:

    1. Wetlands: multiply the acreage of designated wetland by 0.80
    2. Floodway: multiply the acreage within the floodway by 1.0.
    3. Floodplains: multiply the non-wetland portion of the 100-year floodplain by 0.50
    4. Steep Slopes:  Multiply the acreage of land within natural ground slopes exceeding 25 percent by 0.50
    5. Moderately Steep Slopes: multiply the acreage of land with natural ground slopes of between 15 and 25 percent by 0.50
    6. Streams:  Multiply the acreage of the stream(s) by 1.0
  1. If a portion of the tract in underlain by more than one critical natural feature subject to a density factor, that acreage shall be subject to the most restrictive density factor.
  2. Since acreage that is contained within the public or private right-of-ways, access easements or access strips is excluded from developable lot area, any portion of these items that also contains a critical natural feature subject to a deduction from the total tract acreage should not be included when calculating the adjusted tract area.


Under no condition shall steep slopes, wetlands, streams, and floodways be disturbed unless permission from the Franklin Township Board of Supervisors is granted; also, appropriate permits from County, State and Federal Agencies are required.


Unit Layout and Lot Dimension Requirements:

  1. Unit Layout:
  2. All planned residential communities containing 20 or greater dwelling units shall undergo conceptual planning and are mandated to organize their development proposal in the following layout process:

1)         Provide maps that exhibit all existing conditions and constrained land areas on the proposed development lot.  The speculated ATA should be shown on the concept plan.

2)         Locate all utilities and access roadways showing minimal impacts to the existing environment.  Underground utilities should be utilized wherever possible.

3)         The rural character of the land shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from existing roadways.

4)         Locate all dwelling units in close proximity to one another within the developable lands in the tract.  The units shall be sited directly next to the planned infrastructure and access roads.

5)         Neighborhood(s) interconnectivity shall be shown on all concept plans.  Interconnectivity includes roadways and pedestrian and bike pathways.

6)         A gateway (neighborhood entrance access area) landscaping plan is required as part of the land development plan submission process.

7)         Landscaping plans are also required for all public lands and areas within the planned neighborhood development.

  1. Minimum Lot Area:  Once the ATA is determined for each tract(s) the minimum lot area requirement is as follows:

Less than 10 acres        – No lots are permitted for ATA lots less than 10 acres

10-30 acres – 2-6 lots – 5 acre minimum lot size

30-50 acres – 6** lots – 5** acre minimum lot size

50-100 acres – 10** lots – 5** acre minimum lot size

100-150 acres – 15** lots – 5** acre minimum lot size

More than 150 acres – Dependant upon size of the ATA –        40% – 5 acre lots, etc.

*The aforementioned Constrained Land Areas(s) located on any and/or all lots: cannot be utilized to meet the minimum lot area requirements.

**The remainder of ATA land shall have lot sizes at a minimum of ten (10) acres.


Another area that was discussed was Maximum Permitted Height with Principal structures at 35’, Accessory structures at 25’ and Agricultural structures at 50’ provided all structures are set back a distance at least equal to their height from all property lines.  The       township does have maximum permitted height restrictions in the other zones.  It was decided after discussion that the sections of Accessory structures and Agricultural structures should be changed to:  All other structures are set back a distance at least equal to their height from all property lines, but not less than the required minimum set backs.                   


We were advised that the Solicitor has reviewed the proposed Open Space Zone and thinks it would hold up in court whereas the 20 acre limit is too restrictive.


The burden would fall on the developer to comply with the requirements of the open space zone.


MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to accept the Open Space proposal with the changes discussed at tonight’s meeting.  Motion carried.


Signs – Proposed changes are the following:

Chart A of Permitted Permanent Signs

Addition of P-3C: Home Occupations – 1 per dwelling – 6 sq. ft. max area – 5 ft. min setback – 6’ max height freestand – 12” max projected attached – All Zones permitted

Addition of P-8C:  Attached business sign (Mounted parallel to building surface) – 1 per street front – 1 sq. ft/1 liner ft. – height of building max height attached – Zone where use is permitted

Chart B of Permitted Temporary Signs

New T-7A1: Portable sign use.  Sign Permit is required. Not to exceed 30 days and signs shall be removed within 7 days of the event. – 1 per street front – 36 sq. ft. max area – May be placed within street right-of-way but not on a public sidewalk or between such sidewalk and edge of roadway min setback – 6’ max height freestand – All zones permitted

Revised T10: Portable sign use for a business (See 175-30E) Sign Permit is required. Must be removed when not in use.  Must be removed at the end of seasonal events. Sign is of temporary use only. – 1 per street front – 36 sq. ft max area – 10 ft. min setback – 6 ft. max height freestand – Commercial Zone permitted

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to approve the above listed additions/revisions.  Motion carried.


Next workshop will be held June 1st at 6:00 PM.  Shared driveways will be discussed.


June 1, 2005 – 7:00 PM



Members present:  Pat Schindel, Sandy Spence, Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, & Mary Lower


Others present:  James Temchack, Gil Picarelli


Shared Driveways – Merry stated she checked online and was unable to find any ordinances that addressed this issue.  Gil doesn’t know of any either.

We should check with the Solicitor about adding an addition to the ordinance regarding shared driveways.  We want to keep the existing ordinance as is, but just add a section about shared driveways.  We may need to have some legal agreement and/or statement to cover sharing driveways.


Horses – Concern over the amount of horses allowed on a lot and setbacks.  The State doesn’t enforce anything because horses aren’t considered livestock.  Donna Young suggested forming a committee to obtain information and do research on the subject.  Some horse owners may be ignorant of the best management practices for good horse ownership.  A pamphlet was passed out to each member titled Zoning Guidelines for Permitting Domestic Livestock Uses.

MOTION by Bush, seconded by Schindel to recommend to the Supervisors that we check into this issue and form a committee to do research for an ordinance.  Donna Young volunteered to be on a committee.


Ordinance 2005-01 – Vehicle rental, sales, service and/or repair facilities – junk vehicles

Merry read the draft copy.  Everyone was satisfied with the draft copy.


Ordinance 2005-03 – Open Space

Merry read the draft copy.  Everyone was satisfied with the draft copy.  Setbacks are now consistent.


Gil is going to check to make sure the Adams County Office of Planning and Development has all the copies of the ordinance changes for Signs, Vehicle rental, sales, service and/or repair facilities – junk vehicles and Open Space.


It was decided to wait until later to check into a Parks and Recreation Ordinance.


The Zoning Hearing Board would like to have someone from the Planning Commission attend their Hearings.  Merry Bush volunteered with Mary Lower as a backup.


Meeting was adjourned.



June 1, 2005 – 7:00 PM


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, Sandy Spence, Pat Schindel and Mary Lower

Also present:  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer and Gil Picarelli, S.E.O.


Approval of Minutes:

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to approve the May 2005 minutes.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Spence to approve the May 2005 Zoning Workshop minutes.  Motion carried.



Trulymay Allison – Sketch plan –  Buchanan Valley Road

7-1/2 +/- acres.  Would like to subdivide approximately ¼ acre to neighbor, Dave and Wendy Schachle, as an adjoiner.  No problems seen with the plan.  Suggested they submit it as a Preliminary/Final plan.


Ronald Groves – Sketch plan – Railroad Lane

20.604 +/- acres.  Former Stan Wolf property.  Settled on the property in 12/1995.  Zoning went into effect 10/1995.  We need to have the date that the preliminary plan was submitted.


Danne Lakin – Carroll’s Tract Road

13.5 +/- acres.  Would like to subdivide a lot to niece, Krystal Anderson.  They are not sure how many tracts or deeds they have.  Suggested they talk to a surveyor to see how many tracts, deeds, etc. they have.  There needs to be more research.  Already have three lots on the driveway.


William Robert Miller – Buchanan Valley Road

Wants to subdivide 2 acres off for son.  Has approximately 21.02 acres.  Suggested he call Gil Picarelli.


Tom McGlaughlin – Revised sketch – Ag Zone – US Rt. 30

Would like to put the house on its own lot. The line has now been drawn to go between the barn and the house.  The lot with house would be 2.059 +/- acres.  28.400 +/- acres would be the remainder.

Area of parent tract eligible for development: 9.137 +/- acres

Area of parent tract to be developed: 2.059 +/- acres

Remaining acreage eligible for development: 7.078 +/- acres


Leonard Zentz – Revised sketch – Seven Stars Road – Ag Zone

Lot 1 – 37.644 +/- acres, Lot 2 – previously approved, Lot 3 – 35.255 +/- acres, Lot 4 – 35.341 +/- acres and Lot 5 – 35.560 +/- acres.  Gross area: 143.800 +/- acres.    Private on-lot sewage disposal systems and private on-lot water wells.

100’ driveways.


John & Hallie McFadden – Revised sketch – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

Gross area: 258.457 +/- acres.  Wants 4 farm lots and 15 building lots.

Farm Lot 1- 50.722 +/- acres, Farm Lot 2 – 40.799 +/- acres, Farm Lot 3 – 35.899 +/- acres, Farm Lot 4 – 51.626 +/- acres.

Smallest lot: 1.102 +/- acres.

Private on-lot sewage disposal systems and private on-lot water wells.

Area of parent tract eligible for development: 30% of 30.459 +/- acres = 77.537 +/- acres

Area of tract previously developed: 57.440 +/- acres

Area of parent tract to be developed: 19.888 +/- acres

Remaining acreage eligible for development: [77.537 – (57.44 + 19.888)] = 0.209 +/- acres


Jesus Is Lord Ministries International – Sketch plan – US Rt. 30

Needed interpretation about the sewer line.

Recommended on site septic and 200’ of frontage.


Gary Sterner – Preliminary plan – Flohr’s Church Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of 131.202 +/- acres from an existing 624.183 +/- acres.

Merry read Adams County comments dated 5/5/05 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 5/3/05.

KPI’s comments:

  1. The Township’s Zoning Officer’s comments should be considered.
  2. Tract boundaries of the entire lot should be shown.  At minimum, we recommend that a description be added to the site map.
  3. It should be noted if a right-of-way or easement is associated with the gas line that runs through the property.
  4. The names of the adjoining owners should be shown on the plan.  At minimum, we recommend these be placed on the site map.
  5. Sewage planning approval or non-building waiver is required.
  6. Adams County Comments should be considered.
  7. It is recommended that a corner monument be placed along a common lot line for every two proposed lots.
  8. An executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the preliminary plan pending the resolution of the comments shown above.  Motion carried.


Gary Sterner – Non-building waiver

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Robinson to approve the waiver.


Old Business

Welty subdivision and private road presented by Dennis Bishop at the May meeting.

(Near Mummasburg Road – Open Space – Grandmother’s property – 115.5 +/- acres which they would like to divide into two parcels, one containing 40 +/- acres and the other 75 +/- acres.  Landlocked from any public road.  It is currently accessed by a private road that connects with the Mummasburg Road and crosses lands of others before it reaches the Welty tract.)

Merry read Walton Davis’ letter dated May 13, 2005.  In summary, the letter stated that the land is landlocked from a public road, and the existing private access does not presently comply with SALDO.  It also appears that a private road could be not constructed that would be able to comply with the requirements of SALDO.  As a result, the proposed subdivision would not comply with the SALDO as written.


New Business


Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Franklin Twp. Planning Commission



July 6, 2005 – 7:00 PM


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, Sandy Spence, Pat Schindel, John Krambe and Mary Lower

Also present:  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer and Gil Picarelli, S.E.O.


Approval of Minutes

June Zoning Workshop minutes

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Schindel to approve the June Zoning Workshop minutes.  Motion carried.

June Planning Commission meeting – Merry Bush has a change to the minutes.  At the bottom of page one it should read 258.457 +/- acres instead of 30.459 +/- acres.

MOTION by Krambe, seconded by Spence to approve the June 2005 Planning Commission minutes as amended.  Motion carried.




Elizabeth Reaver – Sketch – Chambersburg Road – Commercial Zone – across the road from Little Italy V – Would like to add 4 more mobile homes on a property that already has 2 mobile homes and a house – 18.52 +/- acres

Not permitted in a Commercial Zone – needs public water and sewer

Asked if they would be able to have single-family detached dwellings – Yes, they can without public water and sewer.


Frank Gerhart – Village of Laurel Run – Sketch – Chambersburg Road – majority of the property in Open Space with some of the property in the Commercial Zone

85 +/- acres – they have their own water and sewer systems – Needs more independent living homes for their Continuing Care Retirement Community – Would like to add 100 +/- dwelling units on the property.  Suggested they go before the Zoning Hearing Board for a special exception.


Elliott & Mary Schlosser – Sketch – Bottom Road – Ag Zone

28.097 +/- acres total and would like to subdivide 2.0 +/- acres to son.


Wayne Cogswell – Question regarding a note on his plan that says that he can’t sell the land before he brings to the plan before the Planning Commission.


Krystal Anderson/Danne Lakin – Carroll’s Tract Road

13.5 +/- acres.  Would like to subdivide a lot to niece, Krystal Anderson.  They already have three lots on the driveway.  Adding another driveway is not allowed.


Siebor property – sketch – near Triangle Fruit Farm – intersection of Orrtanna Road

Person was interested in purchasing the property.  8.665 +/- acres.  They would like to build a home on the back portion of the property and subdivide the present home with 2.0 +/- acres.


Gettysburg Youth Soccer Complex – Stormwater Management Plan

They have changed the plan to reduce 6 playing fields down to 5 fields. They have also removed the circular driveway.  28.56 +/- acres – Gil is concerned about compaction of the soil for parking if they have more than 2 tournaments per year. The plan was factored on only having two major events a year.  Also, Gil wasn’t sure that he had the plan for the 5 fields for review.

MOTION by Krambe, seconded by Robinson to recommend approval of the plan contingent on Gil’s comments of the 5 field plan.  Motion carried.


David & Mary Myers – Preliminary – Crooked Creek Rd – Ag Zone

Plan is subdivide a 36.693 +/- acres into two single family residential lots. 10.010 +/- acres and 26.683 +/- acres.

Merry read the Adams County’s comments dated 6/14/05 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 6/1/05.

Issues were the following:

  • Side, rear and front setbacks be shown for each lot.
  • Statement should be noted on the plan that describes the percentage of land being subdivided and the remaining percentage of land that may be subdivided in the future.
  • The existing well for Lot 2 be shown.
  • An executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided.
  • Sun Pipe should be contacted to see if a default right-of-way is associated with the gas line on Lot 1.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to recommend approval the preliminary pending the resolution of the issues shown above.  Motion carried.


Myers Sewage Facilities Planning Module

            MOTION by Krambe, seconded by Spence to approve the module.


Allen Beckett – Preliminary/Final – Chambersburg Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of 2.78 +/- acres – Lot A – 1.398 acres will be conveyed to the adjacent property owner, Tom McGlaughlin.  Lot 2 – 1.320 acres and included an existing single family residence.

Merry read Adams County’s comments dated 6/9/05 and KPI Technology’s comments.

Issues are the following:

  • The Township Zoning Officer’s comments should be considered.
  • The limits and dimensions of the Thomas McGlauglin property should be shown.
  • Graphic scale is needed.
  • Planning Waiver and Non-Building Declaration is required.
  • An executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided and an executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided for the person receiving the land.

MOTION by Krambe, seconded by Schindel to recommend approval of the plan pending resolution of the issues shown above.  Motion carried.


Allen Becket – Request for Planning Waiver and Non-Building Declaration

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Robinson to approve the waiver.  Motion carried.


Jesus Is Lord Ministries – Preliminary – Chambersburg Rd. – Commercial Zone

Subdivision of a 10.002 +/- acres; 7.998 +/- acres will be conveyed to the adjoining property owner with a remaining 2.004 +/- acres lot.

Merry read Adams County’s comments dated 7/6/05 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 6/24/05.

Issues were the following:

  • The Township Zoning Officer’s comments should be considered.
  • Sewage planning approval is required.
  • An executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided.


MOTION by Spence, seconded by Krambe to recommend approval of the plan pending the above issues are addressed.  Motion carried.


Jesus Is Lord Ministries Sewage Planning Module

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to approve the module.  Motion carried.


Gary Sterner – Final plan – Flohr’s Church Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of 131.202 +/- acres from an existing 624.183 +/- acres.

MOTION by Krambe, seconded by Schindel to approve the final plan.    Motion carried.


John & Hallie McFadden – review the updated sketch – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

Gross area: 258.457 +/- acres.  Update is the addition of 35 acre farm lots.


Old Business

Proposed Ordinance 2005–08  Shared Driveway Amendment

Merry read the proposed ordinance.

MOTION by Krambe, seconded by Robinson to recommend approval of the ordinance.  Motion carried.


New Business

Proposed Ordinance 2005-06  Amendments to SALDO paving requirements

Merry read the proposed ordinance.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Robinson to recommend approval of the ordinance.  Motion carried.


It was discussed that we should eventually revise the entire zoning ordinance and subdivision and land development plan for the Township.  There are many things that could be revised and updated.


Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Franklin Twp. Planning Commission



August 3, 2005 – 7:00 PM


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, Sandy Spence, Pat Schindel, John Kramb and Mary Lower

Also present:  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer and Dominick Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.


Approval of Minutes:

John Kramb’s name was misspelled in the July minutes.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the July 2005 minutes as amended.  Motion carried.




Wayne Cogswell – Sketch – Buchanan Valley Road –

Would like to subdivide his property.  There is a right-of-way shown on the plan that goes to a neighbor’s property, even though the neighbor doesn’t use the right-of-way.  Suggested he contact a lawyer to do title search to see whoever has ownership of right-of way.  If there is something written then he will need consent from the neighboring property owners regarding the right-of-way.


Scott & Kim Ham – Sketch – Moon Acre Blacksmith Shoppe & Gettysburg Candle Co. – Chambersburg Road – Business in Commercial zone and the residence is in the Residential Zone

They would like to subdivide approximately 42,000 sq. ft. around the business from the property.

In the future he will have public sewer.  Needs 200’ lot width.  He has 150’ road frontage in the Residential Zone and 200’ road frontage in the Commercial Zone.

Suggested he discuss this with the Supervisors and our Solicitor at the meeting on Thursday night.


Leonard and Kathy Zentz – Preliminary plan – Seven Stars Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 143.781 +/- acre lot into 4 single-family residential lots; 37.644, 35.318, 35.278 & 35.541 +/- acres.  Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 7/29/05.

Concerns were the following

  • Proposed development claims each lot to be “farm lots” with dwellings; however dwellings (single family residences) are considered non-agricultural uses.  The plan needs to show the percentages of land that will be considered as development and agricultural preservation.
  • The Township’s Zoning Officer’s comments should be considered.
  • The sight distances and clear sight triangle should be shown for the proposed driveways.
  • Because of the spray irrigation type sewage system they should have an operation and maintenance agreement.
  • Sewage planning approval required.
  • An Erosion and Sedimentation Plan and/or NPDES Permit should be considered.
  • Adams County Comments should be considered.
  • Recommended a concrete monument be placed along a common lot line for every two proposed lots.
  • An executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided.


There were no Adams County Comments available so no action was taken on the plan.

Leonard and Kathy Zentz – Sewage Facilities Planning Module
            Motion by Robinson, seconded by Kramb to approve the module.  Motion carried.




John & Hallie McFadden – Preliminary plan – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 201.013 +/- acre lot into 10 single family residence lots and 4 farm lots.

Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 7/29/05.

Concerns were the following

  • The development proposes 4 “farm lots” with dwellings; however dwellings are considered nonagricultural uses.  The plan needs to show the percentages of land that will be considered as development and agricultural preservation.
  • The Township’s Zoning Officer’s comments should be considered.
  • The sight distances and clear sight triangle should be shown for the proposed driveways.
  • A storm water management should be required by the township.
  • Sewage planning approval required.
  • A right-of-way should be provided for lots 14 & 15 as it pertains to the joint use driveway; also a maintenance agreement needs to be provided.  The plan should also show potential locations of driveways for lots 14 & 15.
  • Adams County Comments should be considered.
  • Recommended a concrete monument be placed along a common lot line for every two proposed lots.
  • A Highway Occupancy Permit is required for each lot.
  • An executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided.


There were no Adams County Comments available so no action was taken on the plan.

John and Hallie McFadden – Sewage Facilities Planning Module – Component 4A
Merry read and answered the questions on the form.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Robinson to approve the component.  Motion carried.



Daniel Glatfelter – Preliminary Plan – Crooked Creek Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of 4 single-family residential lots (2.000, 1.485, 1.756 & 1.584 +/- acres) from 48.365 +/- acres.  Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 7/29/05.

Concerns were the following

  • A statement should be noted on the plan that describes the percentage of land being developed and the remaining percentage of land that may be developed at a future date.
  • The Township’s Zoning Officer’s comments should be considered.
  • Note needed regarding Best Management Practices for the storm water.
  • Sewage planning approval required.  It has not been signed because there are still issues regarding the backup replacement sites for lots 2, 3 & 5.
  • An Erosion and Sedimentation Plan and/or NPDES Permit should be considered.  Adams County Conservation District should be consulted considering plans and permitting.
  • Adams County Comments should be considered.
  • Recommended a concrete monument be placed along a common lot line for every two proposed lots.
  • Recommend that they have a shared driveway.
  • An executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided.


There were no Adams County Comments available so no action was taken on the plan.



Trulymay Allison – Preliminary/Final – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of .273 +/- parcel from an existing 7.240 +/- acre lot that will be conveyed to the adjoining property owner.  Merry read KPI Technology’s comments dated 7/29/05 and Adams County comments dated 7/29/05.

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Schindel to approve the plan pending the addition of an executed owner’s acknowledgement.  Motion carried.

Trulymay Allison – Request for Planning Module & Non-Building Waiver
MOTION by Spence, seconded by Schindel to approve the waiver.  Motion carried.



David C. Myers – Final Plan – Crooked Creek Road – Ag Zone

Subdivide a 36.693 parcel of land into 2 single-family residential lots, 10.010 & 26.683 +/- acres respectively.

We need to take action on the Preliminary Plan before we take action on the Final Plan.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to approve the Preliminary plan.  Motion carried.

Merry read KPI Technology’s comments dated 7/26/05.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Bush to approve the final plan pending the addition of an executed owner’s acknowledgement.  Motion carried.



Allen W. Beckett –Final Plan – Route 30 – Ag Zone

Subdivide a 2.718 parcel of land; 1.398 acres will be conveyed to the adjoining property owner.

Merry read KPI Technology’s comments date 7/26/05.

The plan should show an executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided; also, an executed owner’s acknowledgement should be provided for the person receiving the land.


There were no Adams County Comments available so no action was taken on the plan.



Old Business  – Please review the Mt. Joy Ag Conservation by Design handout.  Email Merry your comments with the next week.


New Business  – At the September meeting there will be a concerned citizen present to discuss the water and water usage for the proposed golf community.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Franklin Twp. Planning Commission


September 7, 2005 – 7:00 PM


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, Sandy Spence, Pat Schindel and Mary Lower

Also present:  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer and Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.


Approval of Minutes:


MOTION by Spence, seconded by Robinson to approve the August 2005 minutes.  Motion carried.



Franklin Twp. Municipal Authority

Bill Hewitt spoke on behalf of the Municipal Authority.  They would like us to take into consideration where the current municipal lines are located and they would like to be involved whenever there is a plan that involves them, such as the proposed golf community.  The planning commission will tell property owners/developers to consult the Twp. Municipal Authority whenever this situation occurs.


Dave & Harry Irvin – Sketch plan – Mountain Road – Ag Zone

The deed has 454 +/- acres with four tracts.  Would like to subdivide 10.141 +/- acres off of farm tract #2.  This portion is not in the Farmland Preservation program.  Presently this land has a labor camp on site.  Dave Irvin will remove the camp and build a home at the site. They would like to use the existing well and septic system.  Septic certification would be advised.


Ed Spence Jr. – Sketch plan – Hilltown Road

Lot addition – adding 2 acres to 8 acres to square up the lot lines.  No problems seen with the plan.


Leonard and Kathy Zentz – Preliminary plan – Seven Stars Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 143.781 +/- acre lot into 4 single-family residential lots; 37.644, 35.318, 35.278 & 35.541 +/- acres.  Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 9/7/05 and Adam’s County comments dated 8/10/05.

Our concern was the 12 +/- acres that are left to be developed in the future.  Mr. Zentz has stated that there would be no further development but a note to the fact on the plan would be appreciated.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the plan pending DEP approval.  Motion carried.


John & Hallie McFadden – Preliminary plan – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 201.013 +/- acre lot into 10 single family residence lots and 4 farm lots.

Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 9/7/05, Adams County comments dated 8/8/05 and an email from Rusty Ryan regarding the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.

No NPDES permit would be required of McFadden for strictly subdividing and selling lots without any infrastructure/improvements proposed.  The eventual lot owners would still need to implement proper Erosion and Sedimentation Plan (E & S) during individual lot development.  The district does however feel it is the responsibility of the developer to disclose the information contained on the subdivision plans including the E & S portion.

Other concerns were the following:

  • Lots shall be laid out and graded to provide positive drainage away from buildings.
  • The applicant should demonstrate that wells can be located on Lots 10 & 11 at least 100’ from the approved perc tests.
  • Show on the plan where the higher concentrations of mercury are located.
  • Add note on Lot #2 indicating that land outside the development area are to be used for agriculture and can not be further subdivided.
  • The remaining 7.007 acres of “nonagricultural area” must be graphically designated on the plan.

Gil Picarelli suggested he speak with the Solicitor about the whole soil testing and note topic.

Mr. McFadden asked if he could have the soil tested again and we didn’t see a problem with him doing so.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Robinson to table the plan until we get further direction.


Daniel Glatfelter – Preliminary Plan – Crooked Creek Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of 4 single-family residential lots (2.000, 1.485, 1.756 & 1.584 +/- acres) from 48.365 +/- acres.  Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 9/7/05 and Adams County Comments dated 8/26/05.

Concerns were the following

  • A statement should be noted on the plan that describes the percentage of land being developed and the remaining percentage of land that may be developed at a future date.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Spence to approve the plan.  Motion carried.


Daniel Glatfelter Sewage Facilities Planning Module

Gil suggested that a maintenance agreement be prepared to go along with the module to DEP for approval.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Spence to table the module.  Motion carried.


Jesus Is Lord Ministries – Final Plan – Chambersburg Rd. – Commercial Zone

Subdivision of a 10.002 +/- acres; 7.998 +/- acres will be conveyed to the adjoining property owner with a remaining 2.004 +/- acres lot.

Merry read Adams County’s comments dated 8/26/05 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 9/2/05.

MOTION by Lower, seconded by Spence to approve the plan.  Motion carried.


Jesus Is Lord Non-Building Declaration

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Spence to approve the declaration.  Motion carried.



Old Business  – Please review the Mt. Joy Ag Conservation by Design handout.  This will be discussed at a future date.



Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Franklin Twp. Planning Commission





October 5, 2005 – 7:00 PM


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Merry Bush, Dennis Robinson, Sandy Spence, Pat Schindel and Mary Lower

Also present:  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer and Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.


Approval of Minutes:


MOTION by Spence, seconded by Robinson to approve the September 2005 minutes.  Motion carried.


Martin Rickell & Jim Kane –Sketch plan – Ag Zone

97.026 +/- acres – would like to have a horse riding, training, breeding and stable facilities – this property is in the Farmland Preservation program.  Would like to erect a 260’ X 81’ pre-engineered building for a stable/training area.  This building would have 22 stalls.  Owner already has an established business in Maryland.  No problems seen with the plan.  They will probably need a land development plan.


Dorena Price – Sketch plan – Tillietown Road – Ag Zone

Would like to put a 32’ x 80’ mobile home on the property that already has an existing home.  Will need a septic and well.  Needs a Land Development plan.  300’ of road frontage.  Will need to check to see if they can have a separate driveway.  Needs to do soil testing.


Neil Beck – Sketch plan – Belmont Road

30 +/- acres in Franklin Twp. and would like to subdivide a 5 +/- acre lot.  Lot has already been perced.  No problems seen with the plan.


William MillerSewage Module – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Lower to approve the module.  Motion carried.


Daniel GlatfelterSewage Module – Crooked Creek Road

Three maintenance agreements need to be sent with the module for approval.  Jim Temchack said the agreements came in to the township and also a contract regarding the shared driveway.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the module pending Supervisors approval of the maintenance agreements.


Gary K. and Cindy Grove – Preliminary Plan – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

Subdivide 34.174 +/- acre lot into four single family residential lots.  Lot 4 – existing dwelling 3.013 +/- acres; Lot 3 – 1.836 +/- acres; Lot 2 – 4.035 +/- acres and Lot 1 – remainder of 25.290 +/- acres.  Merry read the Adams County comments dated 2/22/05 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 3/1/05.

Issues were the following:

  • Change proposed 10’ private gravel driveway to 16’
  • Setbacks for Lot 3 from the proposed private road needs to be shown.
  • Sight distance for the proposed private road should be shown.
  • 10’ side setbacks for Lot 4 needs to be shown.
  • The proposed well for Lot 1 needs to be shown.
  • Cross-section drawing for the proposed private road should be shown.
  • Add the following paragraph
    • “Restrictions and/or conditions relating to private roads serving residential lots: Each deed for the transfer or conveyance of any lot shown on the accompanying plat shall contain the following restrictions and/or conditions, which conditions and/or restrictions shall be deemed to be covenants running with the land: (1) the private road shown on the plat depicting the subject lot shall remain a private road, and Franklin Township shall have no duty or obligation, under any circumstances, to accept the dedication of the same as a public road of the Township; (2) the purchasers or owners of the subject lot, and their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, shall be responsible for the construction, maintenance, repair and snow removal of said private road; (3) so long as the subject private road remains a private road, Franklin Township shall have no duty, responsibility or liability, relative to the construction, maintenance, repair and snow removal of said private road; (4) no further subdivision of any of the subject lots, or the tract from which the lots have been subdivided, shall be permitted unless and until said private road has been constructed or improved so as to comport in all respects with prevailing Township standards and specifications, has been offered for dedication unto the Township by at least 60% of the owners or purchasers of the lots abutting the subject private road, and has been accepted by the Township as a public road of the Township.”
  • The cul-de-sac has to be shown on the plan.
  • Private road agreement has to be filed.

MOTION by Lower, seconded by Schindel to approve the preliminary plan pending resolution of the issues shown above.  Motion carried with Robinson abstaining.


James Ritchie – Preliminary/Final – Orrtanna Road – Ag Zone

Subdivide a 1.059 +/- acre lot from a 12.1 +/- parcel.

Denny read Adams County comments dated 9/15/05 and we reviewed KPI Technology’s comments dated 10/4/05.

Issues were the following:

  • A statement should be noted on the plan that describes the percentage of land being developed and the remaining percentage of land that may be developed in the future.
  • Highway occupancy permit note needs added to the plan.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to approve the Preliminary/Final pending resolution of the issues noted above.  Motion carried.


Leonard and Kathy Zentz – Final plan – Seven Stars Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 143.781 +/- acre lot into 4 single-family residential lots; 37.644, 35.318, 35.278 & 35.541 +/- acres.  Merry read KPI Technology’s comments dated 10/5/05.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the final plan.  Motion carried.


John R. & Hallie McFadden – Preliminary plan – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 201.013 +/- acre lot into 10 single family residence lots and 4 farm lots.

Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 10/5/05 and Adams County comments dated 10/5/05.  It was brought to the Township’s attention that previously there were high levels of mercury in the soil on the property.  Mr. McFadden recently had soil tests taken on two sites and the results were satisfactory.  Sandy was concerned that there was a miscommunication, because she believed the Supervisors recommended soil testing on four sites and that the well water should also be tested.  When the fax of the soil test arrived it only had two sites that were tested.

Concerns were the following:

  • resolution of the soil and well water testing issue
  • Sewage planning approval is required.
  • A maintenance agreement needs to be provided for lots 14, 15 and FM-3 as it pertains to the joint use driveway.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the preliminary plan pending resolution of the issues shown above.  Motion carried.


Thomas L. & Jamie M. McGlaughlin – Preliminary Plan – Route 30 – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 1.672 +/- acres from an existing 30.459 +/- acre parcel.

Merry Bush read Adams County Comments dated 9/15/05 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 10/5/05.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to approve the preliminary plan.  Motion carried.


Thomas L. & Jamie M. McGlaughlin – Final Plan – Crooked Creek Road – Ag Zone

MOTION by Lower, seconded by Robinson to approve the Final Plan.  Motion carried.


Thomas L. & Jamie M. McGlaughlin – Sewage Module

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to approve the module.  Motion carried.


New Business  – Sewer project was approved by DEP.  Supervisors are looking for sources of funding for the project.  They are meeting with Sen. Terry Punt next week.



Meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower
Secretary, Franklin Twp. Planning Commission

Franklin Township Planning Commission

November 2, 2005

The meeting was called to order by Merry Bush at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Pat Schindel             Dennis Robinson

John Kramb             Mary Lower              Sandra Spence

Also present:  Dominick Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.

Approval of Minutes

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to approve the minutes of the October 2005 meeting.


Edward Spence, Jr. – Planning Waiver – Hilltown Road

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to approve the waiver.  Motion carried.

Neil Beck – Sewage Module – Belmont Road

MOTION by Lower, seconded by Robinson to approve the module.  Motion carried.

Aquillas Peachey – Sewage Module – Poplar Springs Road

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the module.  Motion carried.

John McFadden – Final Plan – Buchanan Valley Road

Sewage Module has not been approved by DEP.  Driveway maintenance agreement will be completed before the Supervisor’s meeting tomorrow night.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the Final plan pending sewage module approval and the driveway maintenance agreement meets Supervisor’s approval.  Motion carried.

Gary and Cindy Grove – Final Plan – Buchanan Valley Road

Merry read KPI Technology’s comments dated 11/1/05.

No Adams County comments have been received.

Issues:  Cross section drawing for the proposed private road should be shown.

35’ needs to be shown on Lot 3 along the private driveway.

New Business

Traffic Impact Study – The committee has had their second meeting and should have something to report to the commission soon.

Land Conservancy of Adams County – A letter was sent asking endorsement of a project that they are pursuing to purchase a conservation easement on 400 acres from Penn Forestry on Bottom Road.  The Conservancy is in the process of applying for a grant.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Robinson to write a letter of endorsement for the project.  Motion carried.

Glatfelter plan – Merry said they called to ask whether they could extend their shared driveway from 25’ to 40’.  No problems seen with extending the drive.

Motion made to adjourn and passed unanimously.

Mary Lower,

Planning Commission Secretary

Franklin Township Planning Commission

December 7, 2005


The meeting was called to order by Merry Bush at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Pat Schindel             John Newell

John Kramb             Mary Lower              Sandra Spence


Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer

Approval of Minutes

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Spence to approve the minutes of the November 2005 meeting.  Motion carried.




William Miller – Preliminary Plan – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

Subdivide a 1.840 +/- acre parcel of land from an existing 19 +/- acre lot.

Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 10/4/05 and Adam’s County Comments dated 11/21/05.

Issues:  Sewage planning approval is required.

MOTION by Newell, seconded by Spence to approve the preliminary plan.

Motion carried.

MOTION TO AMENDED THE PREVIOUS MOTION by Newell, seconded by Spence to approve the plan as a Preliminary/Final plan pending sewage module submission and approval.  Motion carried.


Aquillas Peachey – Preliminary Plan – Poplar Springs Road – Ag Zone

Subdivide 7 single-family residential lots from an existing 219 +/- acre parcel.  Remainder will continue to be used as a residence and dog kennel.

Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 11/1/05 and Adam’s County Comments dated 11/21/05.

Issues were the following:

  • Limits and dimensions of the entire property should be shown on the plan.
  • Sight distances for all proposed driveways need to be shown on the plan.
  • Clear sight triangle should be shown on the plan.
  • Sewage planning approval is required.
  • Erosion and sedimentation detail should be shown on the plan.
  • Storm water management plan should be required.  Mark Kuntz, Surveyor, disagreed with this recommendation based on past practices and the fact that this is in a remote location.
    • MOTION was made by Newell, seconded by Schindel to require a stormwater management plan.  Motion carried.
  • Section 175-9.D.2a – requires the plan to specify the area on the Plan to be designated for non-agricultural purposes.  The Plan does not graphically depict the 65.7 area of this parcel that the Zoning Ordinance may allow to be developed with nonagricultural uses.
    • Ronnie Martin suggested adding a note that states that no further development will be allowed on the lots.  The balance of the 65 acres to be developed will be on Lot 1.  We accepted this proposal.

MOTION by Newell, seconded by Spence to table the plan.  Motion carried.

Suggestion was made that they come to the Supervisor’s meeting with a letter requesting an extension to 2/3/05.


Mark and Evelyn Susol – Land Development Plan – Orchard Road – Ag Zone

Construct a 21,060 sq ft stable with a 3-acre pasture and 24,000 sq ft riding area on an existing lot.

Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 12/7/05.  There were no county comments available.

Issues were the following:

  • All setbacks should be shown.
  • Limits, dimensions and lot size of the tract should be shown.
  • Graphic scale is needed; also, the title block should reference this plan as a Land Development Plan.
  • Road number, right-of-way width and cartway width for Orchard Road needs to be provided.
  • Adjacent owners and the trac’s present deed references by Book and Page.
  • Storm water management

o        Measures for the protection of the springhead should be shown.

o        Water quality calculations need to be provided.

o        Finished floor elevation of the stable should be provided.

o        A calculation of the swale, surrounding the stable, needs to be provided to ensure water does not encroach.

  • Contours should be labeled.
  • Engineer’s Seal and signature needs to be on the plan.
  • Erosion and sedimentation plan and any related NPDES permitting is required.
  • Adams County comments should be considered.
  • Signature blocks for the planning commission and the board of supervisors are needed.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to table the plan until we receive Adams County comments.  Motion carried.


Neil Beck – Preliminary/Final Plan – Belmont Road – Ag Zone

Subdivide 3 single-family residential lots from an existing 68.609 +/- acre parcel.  One of the proposed lots is in Franklin Twp. and the other lots are in Butler Twp.

Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 11/1/05 and Adam’s County Comments dated 11/18/05.

Issues were the following:

  • Butler Township’s approval is required.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Kramb to approve the Preliminary/Final plan pending Butler Twp approval.  Motion carried.



Edward Spence Jr. – Preliminary/Final Plan – Hilltown Road – Ag Zone

Subdivide 8.010 acres from an existing 88.5 +/- acre parcel to be conveyed to an adjoining lot owner.

Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 11/23/05 and Adam’s County Comments dated 11/14/05.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Schindel to approve the Preliminary/Final plan.  Motion carried.


Daniel Glatfelter – Final Plan – Crooked Creek Road – Ag Zone

Subdivide 4 single-family residential lots from a 48.365 +/- acre parcel.

Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 11/2/05 and Adam’s County Comments dated 11/28/05 and DEP’s letter dated 12/6/05.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the Final Plan.  Motion carried.


Gary and Cindi Grove – Final Plan – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone

Subdivide a 34.174 +/- acre lot into 4 single-family residential lots.

Merry Bush read KPI Technology’s comments dated 12/6/05 and Adam’s County Comments dated 11/28/05.

Issue remains with the private road agreement, which is being worked on with the Township.

MOTION by Kramb, seconded by Spence to approve the Final plan pending the Supervisor’s approval of the private road agreement.  Motion carried.


New Business:

Northwest Region Comprehensive Plan

7 proposals – They are going to pick the top 3 and then make a recommendation to the Commissioners to hire a consultant.


Motion made to adjourn and passed unanimously.


Mary Lower,

Planning Commission Secretary