Municipal Sewer Authority Meeting Minutes 2014


Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Reorganizational Meeting
January 14, 2014
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Dale Byers, Michael Wassuta and Jamie Gebhart.  Chris Santay (excused)
OTHERS PRESENT:  Attorney John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order at 7:00 PM by Darrin Flake.

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to re-elect Darrin Flake as Chairman of the Board.  Motion passed 4-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuata, seconded by Dale Byers to re-elect Chris Santay as Vic-Chairman of the Board. Motion passed 4-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to appoint Jamie Gebhart as Secretary/Treasurer and Open records officer. Motion passed 4-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byersd to have ACNB as the depository.  Motion passed 4-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to appoint Attorney John Phillips as solicitor.  Motion passed 4-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to appoint KPI Technology as engineer.  Motion passed 4-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to have meeting location at the Franklin Township office located at 55 Scott School Rd, Orrtanna, PA every second Tuesday of the month beginning January 14, 2014 at 7:00 pm. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dales Byers to appoint Sturgill Trostel as the accounting firm.  Motion passed 4-0. 

There being no further business to conduct, reorganizational meeting adjourned at 7:01 pm.

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Reorganizational Meeting
January 14, 2014

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Dale Byers, Jamie Gebhart, and Michael Wassuta (Chris Santay excused)
OTHERS PRESENT:  John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Darrin Flake at 7:01 pm.

MOTION by Dale Byers, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve the November 12, 2013 meeting minutes.  Motion carried 4-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to approve bill list #1.  Motion carried 4-0. 
Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month $7505.39 was deposited into the Cashtown/Mkinightstown ACNB account.  Updated the board on possible new owners of propery located at 155 High St.  Question concerning 749 Old Rt 30 waiver of $30.00 bad check fees.  There are currently 16 delinquent residents with total amount in arrears being $13824.47.




There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:34 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
February 11, 2014
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Jamie Gebhart, and Chris Santay and Michael Wassuta (Dale Byers excused)
OTHERS PRESENT:  John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Chris Santay to approve the January 14, 2014 re-organizational and regular meeting minutes.  Motion carried 4-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve bill list #2.  Motion carried 4-0. 
Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month $350.00 was deposited into the ACNB Cashtown/McKnighstown account and $115.00 was deposited into the ACNB Poplar Springs account. There are currently 16 delinquent residents with total amount owed $19441.70.



            A special meeting will be advertised to discuss the disbursement of sewer account funds on Tuesday, April 8, 2014.  The March 11, 2014 meeting has been cancelled.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Gebhart

Sewer Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
March 11, 2014


Meeting Cancelled

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
April 8, 2014

Meeting held – minutes to be approved at August meeting

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
May 13, 2014

Meeting Cancelled

Franklin Township, Adams County

Municipal Sewer Authority

Regular Meeting

June 10, 2014
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Jamie Gebhart, Chris Santay, Michael Wassuta  and Dale Byers (Darrin Flake excused)
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Chris Santay at 7:00 pm.

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to approve bill list #6.  Motion carried 4-0.



            MOTION by Dale Byers, seconded by Michael Wassuta to approve signing of refund checks.  Motion carried 4-0.



There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Gebhart

Sewer Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
July 8, 2014

Meeting Cancelled