Municipal Sewer Authority Meeting Minutes 2013


Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Reorganizational Meeting

January 8, 2013

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Chris Santay, Dale Byers, Micheal Wassuta
OTHERS PRESENT:  Attorney John Phillips; and Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order at 7:00 PM by Darrin Flake.

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded Chris Santay to appoint Darrin Flake as Chairman of the Board for 2013.  Motion passed 5-0. 

MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Michael Wassuta to appoint Chris Santay as Vic-Chairman of the Board for 2013.  Motion passed 5-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to appoint Jamie Gebhart as Secretary/Treasurer.  Motion passed 5-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to appoint Darrin Flake as Open records officer.  Motion passed 5-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Chris Santay to approve John Phillips as Solicitor, Keith Bowling as the Electrical Contractor, Carl Frantz as General Plumber, D&T Construction as General Contractor and Coyne Chemical as the Chemical Supplier.  Motion passed 5-0.   

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve Michael White as the Sewer Operator at a rate of $60.00 per day with $30.00 per hour overtime.  Motion passed 5-0. 

MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Dale Byers to approve Jamie Gebhart as sewer secretary at a rate of $14.50 per hour.  Motion passed 3-1. Jamie Gebhart abstained from the vote. 

MOTION by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Dale Byers to approve KPI as the engineers.  Motion passed 4-1. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve Angelia White as an independent contractor.  Motion passed 5-0. 

There being no further business to conduct, reorganizational meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
February 12, 2013

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Chris Santay, Michael Wassuta, Dale Byers and Jamie Gebhart
OTHERS PRESENT:  Attorney John Phillips, Craig Zack, KPI
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.

MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Dale Byers to approve the January 8, 2013 reorganizational and regular meeting minutes.  Motion carried 5-0. 

MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve bill list #2.  Motion carried 5-0. 
Mike White, Plant Operator reported that there is still the roof leak issue and thinks it maybe coming in around the heating/ac unit.

MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve the monthly operator’s report.  Motion carried 5-0. 

Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that during the month beginning January 9-February 12, 2013 that there were 43 delinquent notices sent on the 15th of January, 48 delinquent notices sent on the 4thof February.  $28527.42 was deposited into the Cashtown/McKnightstown ACNB account and $4234.26 was deposited into the Poplar Springs ACNB account.  There are currently 43 Cashtown/McKnightstown with total amount due $32003.03 delinquent residents and 4 Poplar Springs delinquent residents with total amount due $1065.65.  2nd and 3rd batches of paperwork were submitted to the auditor upon request.  Received a call from customer located at 3261 Chambersburg Rd stating that they are planning to pay their delinquent account in full by the end of February.  Received a call from customer located at 3708 Chambersburg Rd stating that he is currently unemployed and will no longer be able to pay his sewer bill.  Received a third call from a customer from 942 Old Route 30 with concerns about the school construction and how if at all it may affect the sewer line.

MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Dale Byers to approve the secretarial report.  Motion carried 5-0.


MOTION by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Chris Santay to approve Chapter 94 report.  Motion carried 5-0. 
            Approve signing of White Bell Sewer Service Agreement.
Approve signing of Poplar Springs Sandmound repairs that include replacing 1 filter and 2 8” caps.  Ask Solicitor to send letter to 281 Poplar Springs resident requesting compliance when Peck’s arrives to complete maintenance. 

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:52 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
March 12, 2013

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Chris Santay, Michael Wassuta, Dale Byers and Jamie Gebhart
OTHERS PRESENT:  Attorney John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.

MOTION by Micheal Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to approve the February 12, 2013 regular meeting minutes.  Motion carried 5-0. 

MOTION by Micheal Wassuta, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve bill list #3.  Motion carried 5-0. 
Mike White, Plant Operator reported that plant is running good.  There were 6 loads of sludge taken out in February.  Roof leak still present.  Fuel is needed for the generator and walls were painted after they were repaired.

MOTION by Micheal Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to approve the monthly operator’s report.  Motion carried 5-0. 

Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that during the month beginning February 13, 2013 through March 12, 2013 there were 42 penalty notices sent on February 15 and 51 Interest notices sent on the March 1st.  $33071.41 was deposited into the Cashtown/McKnightstown ACNB account and $470.92 was deposited into the Poplar Springs ACNB account.  The Poplar Springs ACNB loan balance is currently $7747.53.  There are currently 42 delinquent Cashtown/McKnightstown residents with total amount due $30755.18 and 4 delinquent Poplar Springs residents with total amount due $1541.90.  Received a bankruptcy notice on 140 Old Rt 30 and received a request to have penalties and interest fees waived on 74 Orrtanna Rd.  Board ask that a certified letter be sent to resident denying request.

MOTION by Micheal Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to approve the secretarial report.  Motion carried 5-0.


            Motion to by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Dale Byers to approve KPI’s back-up operator fee schedule.  Motion carried 4-0 Michael Wassuta abstained.              
Thomas Kerr was present and ask if the closing was still on time schedule.  The board responded that to date closing is still set for June.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:04 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Gebhart

Sewer Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
April 9, 2013

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Chris Santay, Dale Byers and Jamie Gebhart, Excused: Michael Wassuta

The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.

MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Dale Byers to approve the March 12, 2013 regular meeting minutes.  Motion carried 4-0. 

MOTION by Dale Byers, seconded by Chris Santay to approve bill list #4.  Motion carried 4-0.
Mike White, Plant Operator reported that he bought three belts for one of the blowers and 3 quarts of oil from Excelior.  He changed the oil in all the blowers because run times were up.  He called the blower people because there is another oil leak.  The same blower that was fixed in November.  Plant is running well with no permit issues.  When the permit is renewed, the .02 DEP wants for the chlorine residuel effluent limits might become an issue.

 Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that during the month beginning March 13, 2013 through April 9, 2013 31 penalty notices were sent on March 15th and 49 interest notices were sent on April 1st.  $22,739.46 was deposited in the Cashtown/McKnightstown ACNB account and $357.18 was deposited into the Poplar Springs ACNB account.  The Poplar Springs ACNB loan balance currently stands at $7646.80.  There are currently 58 Cashtown/McKnigtstown delinquent residents with total amount owed of $31,695.39 and 6 Poplar Springs delinquent residents with total amount owed of $1652.04.

MOTION by Dale Byers, seconded by Chris Santay to approve the secretarial report.  Motion carried 4-0.


            The board discussed the delay in closing and everyone was informed that closing is now tentatively set for November, 2013. PAWC is drafting a Capital Lease Agreement per Pennvest request and the decision of the board was that a letter from Pennvest was needed stating that they are agreeing to the lease agreement before they continue negotiations with PAWC.  An email to the solicitor requesting said letter was requested and a response will be provided at the next meeting.           

            The board discussed a potential for “Plan B” should the sale of the sewer system fall through.  An email to the engineer was requested asking what if anything would be needed for the sewer plant to begin accepting septic hauler waste and if it was something our plant is capable of handling.  A response will be provided at the next meeting. 


Nancy McGlaughlin was present for the meeting.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Gebhart

Sewer Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
May 14, 2013
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Chris Santay, Dale Byers, Jamie Gebhart, and Michael Wassuta
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.

MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Dale Byers to approve the April 9, 2013 regular meeting minutes.  Motion carried 5-0. 

MOTION by Dale Byers, seconded by Michael Wassuta to approve bill list #5.  Motion carried 5-0. 
Michael White, Plant Operator reported that for the month the generator ran on May 19th for 4 hours due to power outage and fuel is between ¾ and full.  He installed coolant compressor to sampler since weather is getting warmer.  The SBR mixer was tripped so he switched the wires and ran it in reverse for 10 minutes then switched it back and it ran ok.  The SBR 1 mixer was tripped again and if it does not stop he will either have to drain the basin or have a crane in to pull.  Will keep the board updated.

Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month 36 penalty notices were sent on the 15th of April, and 44 interest notices were went on the 1st of May.  $44,906.04 was deposited into the ACNB Cashtown/McKnightstown account and $720.01 was deposited into the ACNB Poplar Springs account.  There are currently 41 Cashtown/McKnightstown delinquent residents with total amount due $26,219.94 and 5 Poplar Springs delinquent residents with total amount due $$2130.07.  The ACNB Poplar Springs loan balance is $754.88 and the Cashtown/McKnightstown Pennvest loan balance currently stands at $5,545,761.15.

MOTION by Dale Byers, seconded by Chris Santay to approve the secretarial report.  Motion carried 4-0.


PAWC Capital Lease Agreement approval was tabled till next month’s meeting. 
3612 Chambersburg Rd Sewer Planning Module approval was tabled till next month’s meeting.  The board is requesting additional information regarding the total amount of hours employees will be working throughout the year.            
Debra Flickinger was present for the meeting.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Gebhart

Sewer Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
June 11, 2013
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Chris Santay, Dale Byers, Jamie Gebhart, and Michael Wassuta
OTHERS PRESENT:  John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Chris Santay to approve the May 14, 2013 regular meeting minutes with the addition of John Phillips after Other Present and correction under secretary’s report of Poplar Springs loan balance from $754.88 to $7547.88.  Motion carried 5-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to approve bill list #6.  Motion carried 5-0. 
Michael White, Plant Operator reported that for the month the roof has not leaked with all the rain and had to run SBR mixer #1 backwards again because of tripping out.  He doesn’t see anything in the basin after doing this that might cause the trip.  Replaced DO cap but is still having problems with DO readings.  Aqua had a tech in at Gettysburg and he ask him to check it out.  Ordered chemicals and is requesting long distance service at the plant.

Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month 37 penalty notices were sent on the 15th of May, 45 interest notices were sent on the 1st of June.  $33938.57 was deposited into the ACNB Cashtown/McKnightstown account and $353.19 was deposited into the ACNB Poplar Springs account.  Poplar Springs loan balance is currently at $7448.00.  There are 48 Cashtown/McKnightstown delinquent residents with total amount due $29145.30 and 8 Poplar Springs delinquent residents with total amount due $2496.26.  The Pennvest loan balance is currently at $5,545,761.15.


PAWC Capital Lease Agreement approval was tabled till next month’s meeting.  Submitted counter offer of lowering rates to $75.00 with cash payment of $115,000.00.

MOTION by Chris Santay seconded by Michael Wassuta to approve 2

EDU’s and the Sewer Planning Module for 3612 Chambersburg Rd.  Motion carried 5-0. 


Debra Flickinger was present for the meeting.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Gebhart

Sewer Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
July 9, 2013
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Chris Santay, Dale Byers, Jamie Gebhart, and Michael Wassuta
OTHERS PRESENT:  John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Chris Santay to approve the June 11, 2013 meeting minutes.  Motion carried 5-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to approve bill list #7.  Motion carried 5-0. 
Michael White, Plant Operator reported that for the month that the plant was running good with no problems.  The electrician has to get with him for the wiring of the DO meter and he is having the generator serviced this month.

Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month 41 penalties notices were sent on the 15th of June, 49 interest notices were sent on the 1st of July.  $27,087.25 was deposited into the Cashtown/McKnightstown ACNB account and $236.64 was deposited into the Poplar Springs ACNB account.  There are currently 54 Cashtown/McKnightstown delinquent customers with total amount owed $31072.81 and 6 Poplar Springs delinquent customers with total amount owed $2270.33.  The new Pennvest loan # is P3300769-102 in addition to the original loan #71348.


MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Chris Santay to approve first amendment to sales agreement with editorial changes.  Motion carried 5-0. 
MOTION by Micheal Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to approve the Penn Power Systems Preventative Maintenance Agreement pending any refund due after sale of sewer system.  Motion carried 5-0.            
Debra Flickinger and Metha Williams were present for the meeting to discuss the sale and possible refunds to sewer customers.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
August 13, 2013

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Dale Byers, Jamie Gebhart        Michael Wassuta and Chris Santay (EXCUSED)

OTHERS PRESENT:  John Phillips

The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.
MOTION by Dale Byers, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve the July 9, 2013 meeting minutes.  Motion carried 3-0. 

MOTION by Dale Byers, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve bill list #7.  Motion carried 3-0. 
Michael White, Plant Operator reported that for the month there were no new issues at the plant.  Sludge will be hauled out and Jordan will be taking care of the plant from 8/15-8/23.

Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month 37 penalty notices were sent on 7/15/13 and 54 interest notices were sent on 8/1/13.  $34267.92 was deposited into the ACNB Cashtown/McKnightstown account and $236.25 was deposited into the ACNB Poplar Springs account.  ACNB Poplar Springs loan balance is $7248.15.  There are currently 41 Cashtown/McKnightstown delinquent residents with total amount owed $32242.68 and 7 Poplar Springs delinquent residents with total amount owed $2046.77.


MOTION by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Dale Byers to approve the Cashtown Fire Dept station house located at 1069 Old Rt 30 be assessed .5 EDU.  Motion carried 3-0. 
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Dale Byers to approve that contingent upon the sale being completed by 8/31/13 there be no monthly fee for customer on sewer services provided for the month of August, 2013.  Motion carried 3-0. 

            MOTION by Dale Byers, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve Resolution 2013-01 (rate change)  Motion carried 3-0. 

            MOTION by Dale Byers, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve Resolution 2013-02 (authorization to sign closing documents).  Motion carried 3-0.           
Debra Flickinger, Thomas Kerr and Jay Arrison were present.

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:37 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Gebhart

Sewer Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
September 10, 2013
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Dale Byers, Jamie Gebhart and Michael Wassuta, Chris Santay (EXCUSED)
OTHERS PRESENT:  John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.

MOTION by Dale Byers, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve the August 13, 2013 meeting minutes.  Motion carried 3-0. 

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to approve bill list #8.  Motion carried 4-0. 
Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month 38 penalty notices were sent August 15th, 47 interest notices were sent on September 1st.  $19832.56 was deposited into the Cashtown/McKnightstown ACNB account and $119.50 was deposited into the Poplar Springs ACNB account.  There are currently 42 Cashtown/McKnightstown delinquent residents with total amount owed $34,367.61 and 5 Poplar Springs delinquent residnets with total amount owed $2,055.22.

OLD BUSINESS           
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Gebhart

Sewer Secretary

Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
October 8, 2013
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Darrin Flake, Dale Byers, Jamie Gebhart, Michael Wassuta, and Chris Santay
OTHERS PRESENT:  John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Dale Byers to approve the September 10, 2013 meeting minutes.  Motion carried 5-0. 

MOTION by Dale Byers, seconded by Chris Santay to approve bill list #10.  Motion carried 5-0.

Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month $8705.38 was deposited into the ACNB Cashtown/McKnighstown account and $3230.64 was deposited into the ACNB Poplar Springs account.  There are currently 23 Cashtown/McKnighstown delinquent residents with total amount due $26785.91 and 4 Poplar Springs delinquent residents with total amount due $1813.06.



            MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Chris Santay to approve transfer ownership of the snow blower, pressure washer and six buckets of degreaser to the Franklin Township Board of Supervisors.  Motion carried 5-0.           
Rob Barber was present to discuss the delinquent accounts on 25 High St and 1691 Hilltown Rd.  Board went into executive session at 7:25 pm.

MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Chris Santay to approve an agreement with terms set at $5,000.00 due to the Sewer Authority no later than Friday, October 11, 2013 at 12:00 pm and $200.00 due each month, first payment due on November 1, 2013, thereafter until April 1, 2014 with account paid in full on April 14, 2014 to pay off any and all fees owed on the properties located at 25 High St and 1691 Hilltown Rd.  Motion carried 5-0. 

There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Gebhart

Sewer Secretary

DECEMBER 10, 2013