Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
January 10, 2012
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Cullison, Chairman, Donald Martin, Michael Wassuta and Darrin Flake
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney John Phillips; and Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order at 7:50 PM by Robert Cullison.
Approval of the December 13, 2011 meeting minutes was tabled until 2/14/12 meeting.
MOTION by Donald Martin, seconded by Darrin Flake to approve December 21, 2011 Special Meeting Minutes. Motion passed 4-0.
MOTION by Donald Martin, seconded by Michael Wassuta to approve Bill List #1 with the addition of Control Systems 21 for $475.00. Motion passed 4-0.
Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary read the December, 2011 report submitted by Michael White that states he pulled and cleaned DO probe. On 12/16 there was high flow from elementary school. Sent form 26R Residual Waste which we have not had anything drop out of compactor. SBR mixer tripped on the 11th, it was tripped again on 1/8/12 and he called Keith Bowling to come and check the amps while under load, most likely this is going to need pulled. Will keep us updated. Ordered Chlorine and Sodium Biosulfate.
Solicitor Phillips reported that on 12/23 Jim Dougherty sent a letter to PAWC with the 7 concerns, 6 Franklin and 1 Hamiltonban and they have until 1/13/11 to respond. Regarding collections there were three District Justice complaints filed for C/M, 1 property paid, 1 judgment was entered, 1 property signed a payment plan. Two District Justice complaints were filed for Poplar Springs properties and 1 has made no contact and the 2nd states they will pay in full. Six new properties have had liens placed on them and 1 letter was sent to a property owner.
Franklin Township Municipal Sewer Authority Regular Meeting January 10, 2012
Thomas Kerr, Franklin Township Sewer System resident was present for the meeting with no comment.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:34 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary
Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
February 14, 2012
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Cullison, Darrin Flake, Donald Martin, Michael Wassuta, and Jamie Gebhart
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Robert Cullison at 7:00 pm.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Donald Martin to approve the December 13, 2011 meeting minutes. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Donald Martin to approve the January 10, 2012 reorganization meeting minutes. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Donald Martin to approve bill list #2. Motion carried 4-0.
Micheal White, Sewer Operator reported that on 1/8/12 mixer #2 needed reset, and that was the 2nd time in 2 weeks. Keith Bowling went to the plant and checked amps and nothing seemed to be wrong. He contacted Aqua and they suggested to run mixer backward which he did and it ran about 3 weeks without any problems. In the past week it has tripped every day. On Saturday 2/11/12 his brother helped to fix somethings in #1 SBR so he could transfer from #2 to #1 SBR, which took 2 hours. #1 SBR is now up and running. The waste line seems to be freezing on real cold nights, when SBR’s are down he would like to rap heat tape around them to prevent freezing. One of the effluent pancake blowers is tripping. It is possible it could be from corrosion from the chemical room. He is asking the board for approval to replace the blower at a cost of $100.00. On 2/13/12 the settlement was not very good. He emailed a couple people from Aqua for advise. It probably has something to do with the switch since everything was good before and will keep everyone updated. He had to order a DO cap for the DO sensor. And after switching, neither DO sensor would work. He called HACH and they said they that the sensors should be changed once a year. He informed them that before switching tank the sensor that was being used before did work and they could not explain.
MOTION by Donald Martin, seconded by Darrin Flake to approve the purchase of $100.00 pancake compressor as well as any other materials needed to have the plant run smoothly. Motion carried 4-0.
Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that during the month of January/February 2 checks were returned for insufficient funds, there was 1 request for no additional penalties added to their account, total amount deposited into Cashtown/McKnightstown account $43,882.22, Poplar Springs account 965.96, 24 liens with total amount being owed $39,829.33, 1 District Judgment $1177.05 and 1 payment plan, 2 requests to have fees lowered based on non-usage, 3 sheriff sales coming up 873 Old Rt 30, 1072 Old Rt 30 and 3380 Chambersburg Rd, update on Met-Ed shut off notice, resubmitted 1st quarter local service tax, ACNB Poplar Springs loan amount $9,166.54, filed end of yr Social Security, PA state income and York/Adams Tax bureau taxes, working on updating billing issues and there were 47 delinquent residents.
Robert Cullison, Chairman reported that the property located at 1245 Old Route 30 was officially connected to the system on 2/2/12 and that there was concern over the septic system being crushed. Mr. Cullison reported that he observed the installation of the line and the destruction of the septic system and took pictures for the file.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Donald Martin to not approve the request for waiver of lowering fees based on non-usage. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Donald Martin to change sewer secretary pay from $5,000.00 yrly with no expenses to $14.00 hourly w/ $20.00 paid towards telephone bill effective 2/14/12. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Donald Martin to send out certificates to Thomas Norman regarding sewer hook-ups. Motion carried 4-0.
Resolution 2012-01 was tabled. Solicitor Phillips reported that to date no revised term sheet has been received due to two issues: one being questions concerning the connection ordinance and the ability of Hamiltonban transferring of their H2O grant.
MOTION by Donald Martin, seconded by Michael Wassuta to repay the $150,000.00 township loan in full. Motion carried 3-2.
MOTION by Donald Martin, seconded by Michael Wassuta to reinstate District Justice complaint and have the constable serve resident said complaint. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Donald Martin, seconded by Michael Wassuta to approve the operator/back-up operator employee agreements presented by Solicitor John Phillips and have operators sign said agreements. Motion carried.
Independent contractor agreement approval was tabled.
MOTION by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Donald Martin to authorize solicitor to draft a contract to compensate any Board member for their time for going above and beyond what is expected. Motion carried 4-0.
Present during this meeting were Celia Wagner, Nancy McGlaughlin, Lisa Dawes, Dale Byers, Debra Flickinger, Dale Riley, Metha Williams, Thomas Kerr and Supervisors Sandra Spence, Jerry Arrison and Ed Sharrah.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:37 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary
Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Cullison, Darrin Flake, Donald Martin, and Jamie Gebhart
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Robert Cullison at 7:00 pm.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Donald Martin to approve the February 14, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Donald Martin, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve bill list #3. Motion carried 3-1.
Micheal White, Sewer Operator reported that he had trouble after switching SBR 2 to SBR 1 with settlement. The switch upset the micro-organisms, which now has been resolved and the plant is back to good settling. Pulled out mixer and replaced with new mixer, which was still under warranty. The old mixer were returned. Keith Bowling, Denny and Billy White assisted with installing 90 on influent pipe and removing and installing mixer. The effluent tank was also cleaned. For unknown reasons both DO probe’s broke and he is working with Hach Co. and they made the decision that they were no good and both were still under warranty for only 3 more days and to disregard the bill once received. The cost for a new DO probe would be around $3,000.00 if not under warranty. The new DO probe is in service and working. The spare will remain at the plant for future use. DEP was in for two inspections and he reported all problems. They seemed to be pleased with the results after the first inspection.
Jamie Gebharts, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month beginning 2/14 through 3/13/12 there were 33 penalty notices sent on the 15th of February, 31 interest notices sent on 1st of March, received 1 check returned for insufficient funds, the electric company credited the Township account for our payment and should be transferred to our account immediately, there were 4 liens satisfied in the amount of $7,483.02, $32,403.24 was deposited into the Cashtown/McKnightstown account, $1,394.85 into the Poplar Springs account. Total amount of liens owed $37,002.76, $1,177.05 DJ Judgment and 1 payment plan. The Thomas Norman certificates were sent and the invoice for $28,000 was sent via email and 1st class to the GASD on 3/5/12. There are 3 sheriff sales scheduled for 3/16/12, 873 Old Route 30, 1072 Old Route 30, 3380 Chambersburg Rd. The 2nd quarter Federal income tax form 941 was submitted. ACNB Poplar Springs loan balance is $9069.84. Spoke with VUB regarding fixing billing problems. There are currently 51 Cashtown/McKnightstown delinquent residents and 4 Poplar Springs delinquent residents. Spoke with ACNB about problems with differences between deposit slips and bank statement.
Resolution 2012-01 was tabled.
MOTION by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Darrin Flake to approve the Independent Contractor Agreement. Motion carried 4-0.
Approval to repair chemical room bid was tabled.
281 Poplar Springs Rd issues has been tabled for further investigation.
Present during this meeting were Celia Wagner, Nancy McGlaughlin, Lisa Dawes, Metha Williams, Thomas Kerr, and Dale Byers.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary
Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
April 10, 2012
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Cullison, Darrin Flake, Donald Martin, and Jamie Gebhart
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Robert Cullison at 6:59 pm.
MOTION by Donald Martin, seconded by Darrin Flake to approve the March 13, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Donald Martin to approve bill list #3. Motion carried 4-0.
Micheal White, Sewer Operator reported that during the past month there was a DEP inspection and to date he has received no report. He fixed the airline in effluent tank and that both DO probes went out and they were both still under warranty (3 days left). Both probes are now back in service. He switched to using both SBR tanks and this has helped with better effluent quality. He was having trouble with ammonia because when running only one tank the influent would mix with the effluent decant and cause high ammonia with much more in the first tank than in the second. Other than those few issues at this time there are no other issues. He reported that the generator is down to a little more than half.
MOTION by Donald Martin, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve the operator report and to contact AERO Energy to have the generator fuel filled to capacity. Motion carried 4-0.
Jamie Gebharts, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month beginning 3/14/12 through 4/10/12 46 delinquent notices were sent on March 15th, 64 delinquent notices were sent on April 1st. $49,694.49 was deposited into the Cashtown/McKnightstown Sewer Fund and $1008.59. There is currently $37,468.95 liens and $1,177.05 DJ Judgment and 1 payment plan currently in effect. The $28,000.00 connection fee was received from GASD on March 5, 2012. There were 3 sheriff sales on 3/16/12, 873 Old Rt 30, sold, 1072 Old Rt 30, continued 5/18/12 and 3380 Chambersburg Rd, sold. Should receive payoff’s within 30 days. 1st quarter payroll taxes were submitted. ACNB, Poplar Springs Sandmound loan balance is $8,971.16. There are currently 54 C/M delinquent resident and 5 P/S delinquent residents. Received a call re: a 149 acre lot selling to a developer and the possibility of hooking into the system. Credit was received on the Met-Ed bill which makes the electric bill correct and up-to-date.
MOTION, by Donald Martin, seconded by Darrin Flake to approve the secretary’s report. Motion carried 4-0.
Resolution 2012-01 was tabled. Meeting scheduled with PAWC on 4/11/12 at 9:00 am.
281 Poplar Springs Rd problem was tabled.
MOTIOn, by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Donald Martin to approve bid submitted by Gary Redding in the amount of $3,560.00 to have chemical room repaired. Motion carried 4-0.
Thomas Norman certificates died for lack of motion. New certificates to be sent to Mr. Norman.
MOTION by Donald Martin, seconded by Darrin Flake to approve ACNB to accept payment at the Cashtown branch office and authorize mailing notice to residents.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Donald Martin to approve effective June 1, 2012 converting to a monthly billing and authorize mailing notification to residents.
Present during this meeting were Thomas Kerr and Deborah Flickinger.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary
Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
May 8, 2012
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Cullison, Darrin Flake, Donald Martin, and Jamie Gebhart
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Robert Cullison at 7:01 pm.
MOTION by Donald Martin, seconded by Darrin Flake to approve the April 10, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Donald Martin to approve bill list #5. Motion carried 4-0.
Micheal White, Sewer Operator reported was not available for review.
Jamie Gebharts, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month beginning 4/11/12 through 5/8/12. There were 49 delinquent notices sent on April 15 and 40 delinquent notices sent on May 1st. $17,103.12 was deposited in Cashtown/McKnightstown Sewer Fund and $0 deposited into the Poplar Springs account. Current amount owed to clear liens is $44,554.65 and 1 DJ Judgment in the amount of $1,177.05. There is 1 sheriff sale scheduled for 5/18/12, 1072 Old Route 30 and 1 sheriff sale pending for 7/20/12, 1045 Old Route 30. ACNB Poplar Spring Sandmound Loan balance is $8,873.81. There are currently 39 Cashtown/McKnightstown delinquent residents and 5 Poplar Springs delinquent residents. Spoke with IESI in April regarding a rate decrease effective immediately, however upon receipt of the bill on 5/7/12 it was discovered that no decrease was received. Will follow up with IESI. Had a request from part-time beauty salon owners to decrease their’s .5 EDU however Board member Donald Martin informed the board that he has contacted Cumberland Twp to inquire on how they assess part-time businesses and all businesses regardless of size are assessed 1 full EDU therefore the request from the beauty parlors is denied.
MOTION, by Donald Martin, seconded by Darrin Flake to approve the secretary’s report. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Donald Martin to approve Resolution 2012-1 with the recommendation to the supervisors that PAWC agrees to extend the rate freeze until 2014 unless Act 11 lowers the rate below the $85.00 beforehand. Motion carried 4-0.
Attorney Phillips advised the board that he sent a letter to 281 Poplar Springs Rd informing the resident that they must allow Peck’s Septic Service onto the property to perform annual maintenance otherwise the board will be forced to get an injuction. A lien has also been filed for nonpayment of fees and he has until May 30, 2012 to pay in full or sale proceeding will begin. This item has been tabled until the June meeting in order to give the resident time to comply.
MOTION, by Donald Martin, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve proceeding with foreclosure process on residents that owe over $2,000. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Donald Martin to approve a $15.00 per hourly rate to compensate any board member the goes beyond the duties described within the creation of the authority. Motion carried 4-0.
Present during this meeting were Nancy McGlaughlin and Debra Flickinger.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary
Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
June 12, 2012
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Cullison, Darrin Flake, Donald Martin, Michael Wassuta and Jamie Gebhart
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Robert Cullison at 7:00 pm.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Michael Wassuta to approve the June 12, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Michael Wassuta to approve bill list #6. Motion carried 4-0.
Micheal White, Sewer Operator’s report for May was read and he reported that he was using both SBR’s because of ammonia problems. The influent was entering the effluent when decanting and is no longer an issue. He had to replace another DO probe and it was under warranty. He had one call for an air valve that failed to open. Generator fuel is at low and requests that it be filled.
Jamie Gebharts, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month beginning 5/9/12 through 6/12/12 25 delinquent notices were sent on the 15th, 66 delinquent notices were sent on the 1st of June. $70,859.00 was deposited into the Cashtown/McKnightstown ACNB account and $236.64 was deposited into the Poplar Springs ACNB account. There are 2 sheriff sales scheduled 1045 Old Route 30 on 7/20/12 and 155 High St on 9/21/12. ACNB Poplar Springs loan balance is $8775.38. There are currently 58 Cashtown/McKnightstown delinquent residents with a total balance owed of $19,436.69 and 4 Poplar Springs delinquent residents with a total balance owed of $3202.46. Request permission to attend a quickbooks training. New property owner of 3380 Chambersburg Rd is requesting to have all late fees that have accrued since taking possession of the property be waived. Motion by Mike Wassuta, seconded by Donald Martin to deny her request to waive late fees. Motion carried 3-2. Received one bounced check for insufficient funds, 20 Tillietown Rd notice was mailed to customer.
The Chairman of the Board then called an executive session at 7:20 pm.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Donald Martin to approve moving forward foreclosure process on 281 Poplar Springs resident. Motion carried 4-0.
Present during this meeting were Nancy McGlaughlin and Debra Flickinger and Dale Byers.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary
Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
July 10, 2012
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Darrin Flake, Donald Martin, Michael Wassuta and Jamie Gebhart, excused Robert Cullison
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Donald Martin at 7:00 pm.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Michael Wassuta to approve the June 12, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion carried 3-0.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Michael Wassuta to approve bill list #7. Motion carried 3-0.
Micheal White, Sewer Operator’s report for June was he had purchase 2 batteries for the generator and called Penn Power out on a service call for generator because of communication failure. Problem was battery charger took a crap and ruined the batteries that were purchased 3 weeks prior. Ordered Chlorine and sodium biosulfate.
Jamie Gebharts, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month beginning 06/13/12 through 7/10/12 there were 57 delinquent notices sent on the 15th of May, 56 delinquent notices sent on the 1st of June, deposited $31,889.06 into Cashtown/McKnightstown ACNB, $839.67 into Poplar Springs ACNB. There are a total of $42,388.21 in outstanding liens owed and a $1,177.05 District Judgment. A Sheriff’s sale on 1045 Old Route 30 will be held on 7/20/12 and a sheriff’s sale for 155 High Street scheduled for 9/21/12. The current account balance on the Poplar Spring ACNB loan is $8667.45. There are currently 53 Cashtown/McKnightstown delinquent residents with a total amount owed of $20508.42. There are currently 6 Poplar Springs delinquent residents delinquent with a total amount owed of $3321.74. Received paperwork from Selective Insurance on 7/5/12 requesting a Worker Comp audit. Completed and submitted paperwork for audit on 7/9/12. 2 quarter Federal, State, and Local income taxes were submitted. Sent 7 change of address letters to residents informing them of Authority PO Box. Created a back-up file of all Sewer Authority business and is now located in the safe at the Township Office.
The interim-Chairman of the Board then called an executive session at 7:10 pm.
Authority Board returned from executive session at 7:48 pm.
Motion by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Darrin Flake to approve dissolving the contract with NexEra Engery (energy supply company). MOTION CARRIED 3-0.
PAWC update – Attorney Phillips reported that the attorneys all met 1 ½ week ago to discuss asset purchase agreement. The finished agreement will be completed by 7/31/12 and PAWC has begun changes in the Act 537 plan and will be submitting PUC application by 9/1/12. Tentative closing date scheduled for 12/31/12. Attorney Phillips has also prepared and mailed a writ of execution on 281 Poplar Springs Rd and will begin Writ of Execution on 2 highest owing Cashtown/McKnightstown residents. Will confer with Sewer Secretary to get updated costs owed.
Present during this meeting were Debra Flickinger with no comment and Dale Byers who ask if Supervisor Spence or the Authority board was replacing the Sewer Secretary and why it was posted on Facebook. Donald Martin responded that the Sewer Secretary would not be replaced and Michael Wassuta responded not to believe everything that is said on the internet.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary
Franklin Township, Adams County
Special Meeting Minutes
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Darrin Flake, Michael Wassuta and Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary, Robert Cullison was1 Excused
OTHERS PRESENT: John Phillips, Solicitor
The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00p.m. by Darrin Flake.
The purpose of the meeting was to organization after the recent resignation of Donald Martin.
The meeting was turned over to Solicitor Phillips to conduct.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve Darrin Flake as the Chairman of the Board. Motion carried 2-0.
MOTION by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Darrin Flake to approve Michael Wassuta as Vice Chairman of the Board. Motion carried 2-0.
The meeting was then turned over to newly elected Chairman of the Board Darrin Flake to conduct.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve Michael Wassuta and Darrin Flake as signatures on both ACNB Poplar Springs and Cashtown/McKnightstown sewer fund accounts. Motion carried 2-0.
Discussion over Resolution 2012-05, Dissolution of the Franklin Township Municipal Sewer Authority by the Franklin Township Board of Supervisors began and a vote will be held by the Supervisors on Thursday, August 2, 2012. Newly elected Chairman of the Board stated very clearly that until the Supervisors vote to dissolve the Authority it will be business as usual.
Residents from the Orrtanna Rd and Railroad Lane began discussing the possibility of having to hook into the Cashtown/McKnightstown Wastewater Treatment Plant and were concerned with costs. John Malloy asked for clarification regarding running the line down the Orrtanna Rd. Another resident voiced concerns over a secret meeting held between the Franklin Twp BOS and the Hamiltonban Twp BOS which were quickly responded to by Supervisor Sharrah (present) stating that no meeting had ever occurred. Residents continued with questions regarding the sale and the connections down the Orrtanna Rd? Chairman of the Board Darrin Flake as well as Solicitor Phillips responded to the residents stating that at this point in the negotiation process and all paperwork received so far that no resident along the Orrtanna Road would have to hook into the system. Supervisor Sharrah responded to the residents located on the Orrtanna Rd and Railroad Lane that they should request a copy of the draft contract and read it carefully.
One resident ask why the line cannot run through the vacant farmland currently owned by Knouse Foods. Board member Jamie Gebhart responded that at one point that possibility was discussed. Solicitor Phillips responded that we have no control over where PAWC engineers design the construction of the line and pumping station.
Deb Flickinger, Hilltown Rd resident current customer on the Cashtown/McKnightstown Sewer System asked if the dissolving of the Authority would negate any sales agreement signed by all parties. Solicitor Phillips responded no if the Authority is dissolved it would not affect any agreement. Ms. Flickinger also asked Supervisor Sharrah if any issues in the past can be forgotten and to start fresh so that it is beneficial to have all parties put their heads together for the sale. Supervisor Sharrah stated that he didn’t know if that was possible.
Nancy McGlaughlin, Hilltown Rd resident and current customer on the Cashtown/McKnightstown Sewer System expressed her concerns over the dissolving of the Authority and asked Supervisor Sharrah that if the Supervisors do dissolve the Authority would the customers see a rate increase. Supervisor Sharrah responded with where and why would she think such a thing?
Board member Jamie Gebhart had a chance to speak and apologized to the Board, Solicitor Phillips as well as the customers for her behavior the past few months due to stress.
Supervisor Sharrah questioned the Board, as well as Solicitor Phillips regarding their
decision to elect Darrin Flake as Chairman, and how they were intending to
handle the two vacancies on the Board. Solicitor Phillips responded that there was only one vacancy on the Board, and that Bob Cullison has not been removed and is still on the Board. Supervisor Sharrah continued to question how Bob Cullison could be on the Board as Chairman, when he has not been officially removed from that position, yet at the beginning of the meeting, the remaining members installed Darrin Flake as the new Chairman. Chairman Flake responded that the Board was following the advice given to them from their Solicitor.
Dale Byers a current customer on the Cashtown/McKnightstown Sewer System was also present.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:13 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary
Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
August 14, 2012
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Darrin Flake, Michael Wassuta, Ed Sharrah and Jamie Gebhart, excused Robert Cullison
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Darrin Flake at 7:01 pm.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve the July 10, 2012 regular and July 26, 2012 special meeting minutes. Motion carried 3-0.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve bill list #8. Motion carried 3-0.
No Operator report was submitted. Sewer Secretary reported that the only thing she was aware of was that there were AC problems that were addressed. Darrin Flake asked if the pump issue had been resolved and sewer secretary responded that she has not heard anything further concerning the pump. Chairman of the Board Darrin Flake requested that Michael White submit a monthly report two days prior to the monthly meeting. Ed Sharrah stated that he relay the request to Michael White.
Jamie Gebharts, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month beginning 07/11/12 through 8/14/12 there were 50 delinquent notices sent on the 15th of July, 60 delinquent notices sent on the 1st of August. $18299.74 was deposited into the Cashtown/McKnightstown ACNB account and $13363.20 was deposited into the Poplar Springs ACNB account. There is one sheriff’s sale scheduled for 9/21/12, 155 High Street. ACNB Poplar Springs Sandmound loan balance is $8578.51. Currently there are 6 delinquent Poplar Springs residents with total amount due of $3704.95. Discussion was held as to whether or not the board wished to continue with paying bills monthly or go to a bi-weekly pay schedule. The board decided to continue with paying bills on a monthly basis. Discussion was held on lien fees associated with 851 Old Rt 30 with total amount owed being $118.67. The customer requested that these fees be waived and the board denied this request based on the fact that the fees were an expense to the Authority. Update on missing check(s) for the month of July. All checks have been located and all customers have been notified. Received a request from the resident at 3291 Chambersburg Rd to suspend monthly fees due to hardship and vacant property. The board denied this request. A $152.00 was deposited into the Cashtown/McKnightstown ACNB account when it should have been deposited into the Water Authority account. A reimbursement check was issued to the Water Authority. $13363.20 was deposited in the Poplar Springs ACNB account when it should have been deposited into the Cashtown/McKnightstown account. A reimbursement check was issued to the Cashtown/McKnightstown account. A letter to GASD will be sent requesting the 2012-2013 enrollment numbers for the Franklin Township Elementary School so that they can be assessed the appropriate amount of EDU’s.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Ed Sharrah to approve the secretarial report. Motion carried 4-0.
Darrin Flake began discussion on the bid repair addressing the chemical room deterioration that was submitted and approved by the board but work was never completed. Darrin asked Solicitor Phillips his feeling on the sale and whether the work should be completed. Solicitor Phillips asked what the bid was and Darrin responded that the bid was $3,600.00. Solicitor Phillips responded that this repair would be considered normal operations although there is a provision in the draft contract that deals with reimbursement of capital expenses however if the expense is under $5,000.00 the expense would not be considered capital. Solicitor Phillips suggested that the board make the repair just as if there was no sale of the system. Darrin Flake asked the board if they would like to revisit this subject. The majority of the board agreed that the repair is necessary and should be completed as soon as possible. More details on work to be done on the bid were requested and Ed Sharrah stated that he would coordinate with contractor about the work and report back to the board.
An update on the PAWC purchase agreement was given by Solicitor Phillips stating that on August 10th he received the latest comments from PAWC. There are three items that PAWC undid. The first one concerned the Pennvest Loan that the Township must retain because it cannot be signed over to a private corporation. The agreement states that PAWC would pay the township the exact amount of the loan payment three days prior to the due date of each month and the township would then pay the loan payment to Pennvest. The issue is what type of collateral supports that agreement and after several consultations with Attorney Davis (Township Solicitor) he recommended that it should be secured with a lien on the property. PAWC verbally agreed to secure payments with a lien on the property however what came back in the agreement stated to secure payment would be lien on revenues. There is already a lien on revenues by Pennvest and does not protect the Township. Solicitor Phillips agreed to submit a counter for a lien against the property to secure the Pennvest loan. The second item section 4.9 easements that has nothing to do with the pipeline extensions, this only based on property for the existing system. Solicitor Phillips goes on to explain that the township/authority either owns the property or we have easements. This section requires Franklin to show all the easements that we have and for them to do a title search to show where the pipes run and that we have the right to run pipes. If there is anything where we don’t have the appropriate easement, what the first agreement states is that we would have to cooperate with them and support that up to $50,000.00 which is to by easements from property owners which we don’t have. What we countered is that we would use imminent domain if necessary in which case we would pay anything. PAWC countered with a no more than $25,000.00. Solicitor Phillips is confident that the Board of Supervisors obtained all the appropriate easements for the properties and in which case this section will not even come into play. It is ultimately up to the Authority as well as the Board of Supervisors to decide if they are willing to put up any money with the chance that we are missing an easement. Solicitor Phillips advised that we put up no money and use imminent domain. Darrin Flake asked if we would have to provide copies of all easements to PAWC and Solicitor Phillips responded, yes, after we ship all the paperwork to them, PAWC is responsible for paying for the title search. The third item is the change to the closing date from December, 2012 to December, 2013. By extending it out it gives everyone the opportunity to get the paperwork together, along with getting things through the PUC. Michael Wassuta suggested a counter closing date of June, 2013. Next item discussed was page 18 item 6.1.9 Township tap in ordinance basically states that all tap in ordinances must remain the same. One item that was moved from page 20 to page 18 because it was a covenant of 6.1.9 and it states that the tap in ordinance stays however PAWC will not certificate the area along the forced mail. It means that those areas will not be subject to the tap, however if a new property goes in the current area serviced by the system the tap-in ordinance will go into effect. Ed Sharrah expressed concern that it does not state that anywhere in 6.1.9 that properties along the Orrtanna Rd will not be required to hook-in to the pipeline. Solicitor Phillips responded that if it’s not certificated then they cannot hook-in. Ed Sharrah responded that upon closing, FTMA shall cooperate with PAWC if it applies for certificated territory along the pipeline route and that the board cannot sit here and say that those residents along that pipeline don’t have to hook-up which is what the board was saying at the last meeting. Solicitor Phillips responded that he was very careful when responding to resident’s concerns regarding having to hook into the pipeline. As a result of this agreement there will be no additional customers if after the sale is final then PAWC can ask the PUC for permission to certificate the area which is the same process that DEP would require of the Township to extend territory. Ed Sharrah’s point is that the board needs to be cautious of what they say now because 2, 3, 5 years down the road whomever is sitting at that table will have to answer some very difficult questions about what they were initial told about this agreement. Solicitor Phillips responded that he agreed but all we know at this point is what going to happen with result of this agreement and that is that a pipe is going to be run there and that no one will be required to hook-up. Michael Wassuta asked if he knew how long, a general idea on how long, that maybe. Solicitor Phillips responded that he had no idea. Darrin Flake questioned if any expense regarding right-a-ways would be at the cost of the township. All costs associated with right-a-ways would be at the expense of PAWC. Ed Sharrah stated that in the rules and regulations of the current adopted 537 plan cover the granting of right-a-ways and easements and PAWC has a copy of the 537 plan to support what they want to do. Jamie Gebhart then changed the subject to page 15 item 4.16 it states that Franklin represents and warrants that it has not entered into any contracts to provide free wastewater. Doesn’t FMSA provide free sewer service to the Cashtown Fire Dept. right now? Ed Sharrah responded that we are not in a contractual agreement with them; however it was brought up in the original 2 page proposal and should be included in the transfer of liabilities where they list Norman and Spence EDU’s. Solicitor Phillips responded that it can be listed as a liability and to clarify it is the Firehouse not the Firehall. Official name on the contract should be Cashtown Community Fire Department.
Darrin Flake brought up Page 26 8.1.19 that has been crossed out and Solicitor Phillips responded that it is just a reserved paragraph. Jamie Gebhart asked if because target closing has been pushed back 6 months, can the rate freeze be extended by six months? Solicitor Phillips suggested that because target closing was December, 2012 and every month thereafter that we don’t close the rate freeze is extended by one month.
To recap Solicitor Phillips repeated the boards concerns:
Security for the payment of the Pennvest loan changed back to a first lien on all property unless they secure a $6.5 million bond over the course of 25 years, termination date changed to June 30, 2013, no changes to the liability of up to $25,000 to obtain easements to the existing system boundaries if necessary, one free EDU provided to the local fire company for engine house only, provide rate freeze period be extended by one month for each month settlement occurs after December 31, 2012 target so as to maintain the benefit of negotiations to the customers.
Chris Santay, guest requested that the board clarify the deal between PAWC and Hamiltonban and how Franklin Township and this certificated area that was referred to earlier all ties in together. Solicitor Phillips responded that the big picture is that Franklin Township has a brand new under-utilized system, it has a capacity of about 800 EDU and we have about 300 on the system. Hamiltonban has and antiquated sewer system that has been running on a consent order, in other words they have been told that it is illegal to run the system and it must be replaced. They operate at about 160-170 EDU’s. Early on the board looked at ways to combine these problems, to fill capacity here and Hamiltonban’s need for a new system. What is has come down to is this deal with PAWC. Our deal with PAWC is completely separate from the Hamiltonban deal except that they both have to happen. In other words PAWC only wants it if they can have both. Our contracts are going to be separate. Where we are now is we’ve put together this base contract that reads for Franklin, Hamiltonban has entered into their own negotiations, so all three parties are at the table each time because it is so intertwined. The documents, payments and how it handled are separate. The key to it is connected these two systems and a lot of the discussions going on are where we are now are once both contracts are settled into the Franklin settlement will happen relatively quickly. PAWC will take over this system. The settlement with Hamiltonban will take a little bit longer because some of the money that they have available can only be used by an municipal authority so they have construction project to do on a lift station which is the first piece of the puzzle and once the lift station is complete settlement will happen. At that point PAWC will have to tie the two systems together. Chris Santay asked that the certificated area that he was referring to would be the area between the two systems. Solicitor Phillips responded that the certificated area is the area that PAWC is given by the PUC in which to operate. In other words the township can operate within the township boundaries without getting anyone’s permission. For an outside utility company, regardless of what utility company that is, that have to certificated or assigned a territory. As a starting point PAWC will ask the PUC to certificate the existing outline Franklin and Hamiltonban’s sewer system pipeline and not the area in between. The properties between Franklin and Hamiltonban will not be forced to connect unless and until PAWC certificates the area. They have to go through a process, hearings and they have to show the need. Can they do it, absolutely. Darrin Flake added that the rate would reduce immediately upon the sale to $85.00 per month through October, 2014 at which point they will go to the PUC with the possibility to reduce the rate further. Chris Santay just wanted the board to be aware that this is the same company that owns the water in Camp Hill where they were having issues with the water pressure and had to replace the main several times. All costs/upgrades will be spread throughout the entire customer base. If this sale were to fall through the board would be looking at a rate increase of about $105-$115. Solicitor Phillips said that he has heard that Act 11 rates could be as low as $55-$70 however he is not going to say that’s what it’s going to be because it is ultimately up to the PUC. Even PAWC can’t decide that but for them to get their foot in the door using Act 11. Ed Sharrah stated that the state representatives are encouraging the use of Act 11 and if the private company’s do not utilize the Act they are to contact their representative. Glenn Harzel, guest asked the board what the projected net was going to be after the sale was complete and does this affect the loan that was given. What about the grant? Darrin Flake responded that it will wipe out the loan however it does not affect the grant. PAWC would be acquiring our debt along with the Poplar Springs Sandmound by paying off the existing $9,000 loan to ACNB and would take the liability off the township.
Solicitor Phillips provided the board with an update list of all Township and Authority liens. Of the township liens two customers still owe fees and remain outstanding, two we are awaiting payment on, one is scheduled for sheriff sale in September and one that has been paid and satisfied of record. Of the Authority liens 4 went through DJ Magistrate, 3 have been satisfied and 1 remains. And as of the end of July we have covered everything that had an outstanding balance of $5,000.00. Move forward with Writ on 328 High Street, 3425 Chambersburg Rd and 182 Old Route 30. All liens have a running invoice and have been increasing each month. Ed Sharrah requested that the lien list be provided to the township supervisors each month. Jamie Gebhart stated that the list will be forwarded to the BOS each month prior to the supervisors meeting. Michael Wassuta requested that 3601 Chambersburg Rd be added to the Writ of execution list. No action needs to be taken by the board because action was taken in the June, 2012 meeting. A limit of $500.00 was set for sending out a Solicitor letter as well as filing of liens.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Michael Wassuta to approve not to renewing the garbage contract with IESI and going with Parks Garbage Service effective 10/1/12. Motion carried 4-0.
Guests present were Chris Santay, Glenn Hartzel, Dale Byers, Dan Arrison and Jesse Shull.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:31 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary
Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
September 11, 2012
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Darrin Flake, Michael Wassuta, Ed Sharrah, Chris Santay and Jamie Gebhart,
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Chairman of the Board Darrin Flake at 7:07 pm.
MOTION by Ed Sharrah, seconded by Chris Santay to approve the August 14, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion carried 5-0.
MOTION by Ed Sharrah, seconded by Chris Santay to approve bill list #9. Motion carried 5-0.
MOTION by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Ed Sharrah to approve the Operators Report. Motion carried 5-0.
Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month beginning 08/15/12 through 9/11/12 there were 39 penalty notices sent on August 15th, 58 interest notices sent on September 1st. $35262.14 was deposited into the Cashtown/McKnightstown ACNB account and $3570.22 deposited into the Poplar Springs ACNB account. ACNB Poplar Springs loan balance is $8480.06. Currently there are 54 Cashtown/McKnightstown delinquent customers with total amount owed of $39764.96 and 4 Poplar Springs delinquent customers with total amount owed of $1054.66. She was contacted by the customer living at 3525 Chambersburg Rd regarding a payment plan. There is currently a lien on the property filed August 18, 2011 with face value of $992.00. By agreeing to a payment plan the board was advised by Solicitor Phillips that the board would agree to hold off on filing a writ of execution against the property so long as she makes payments. Further discuss on customer liens and sheriff sale’s was deferred until the solicitor’s report. Chairman Flake asked if delinquent customer numbers are down from prior months. Secretary Gebhart responded that the $20.00 penalty is getting customer’s attention. One item discuss in the past was when the actual billing invoices would be sent out. Currently the bills are sent on the 1st of the month with no grace period between billing months.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Ed Sharrah to approve that the bills be sent no later than the 5th of the month and any payment received up to the and on the 5th of each month will not receive an interest penalty assessed. Motion carried 5-0.
Solicitor Phillips reported that there were changes to the lien list provided to the board from the previous month. He went on to explain that Young has a lien with the authority as well as three liens with the township. A writ was issued on 8/22/12 and we are currently awaiting sheriff service. Shull lien placed on property 7/31/12 was paid and satisfied of record at the end of August. Gilland check cleared and lien was satisfied of record on the 31st of August. Murdoch filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy and our action on that was to file a proof of claim against the property which is fully secured claim and we will be paid back by the bankruptcy court and done taking any action against Mr. Murdoch. Falk is coming up for an up-set tax sale on 9/28/12. A statement was provided for the account and was delivered to the tax claim office. A writ was issued for Jesus is Lord Ministries on 8/22/12 and awaiting sheriff service. A writ of execution was issued for the Sloat property. Working to clean up items that were started by the township. Pritt amount on lien filed were just fees and costs owed and have entered into a payment plan. Sweezy has paid in full and Attorney Davis has satisfied the lien. Discussion ensued regarding the Pritt payment plan and costs owed. It was decided that the secretary would review Attorney Davis’ invoices from Jan ’10 through June ’10 and recalculate the amounts and forward a detailed statement to the customer along with a new (if necessary) payment plan.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Chris Santay to proceed with Writ of Execution on 3525 Chambersburg Rd and letters sent to 20 Tillietown Rd and 1137 Old Route 30. Motion carried 5-0.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Ed Sharrah to approve the secretarial report. Motion carried 5-0.
Ed Sharrah reported that Gary Redding would be in contact with the Sewer Operator by the end of the month to discuss the repairs in the chemical room. There are a couple of things that need moved out and plumbing in the corner needs to be cut out for the concrete work and will be hooked back up.
Electrical update: A wiring diagram was needed to work on the air conditioning unit in order to work on the electrical issues. Fresh air return vent is broken at the plant and needs repaired.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta and seconded by Ed Sharrah to proceed with Chris Santay’s recommendation not to exceed $10,000.00 on the electrical repairs needed and as long as three board members are in agreement. Motion carried 5-0.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta and seconded by Chris Santay to purchase 5 new ABLOY keys for the sewer plant as well as any other keys including the front door and to replace the Masterlock. Motion carried 5-0.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta and seconded by Chris Santay to approve the PAWC purchase agreement. Motion carried 5-0.
MOTION by Ed Sharrah, seconded by Michael Wassuta to authorize the Chairman and secretary to sign the Cashtown Community Fire Department Sewer Service Agreement as amended per discussion on August 14, 2012. Motion carried 5-0.
MOTION by Micheal Wassuta, seconded by Chris Santay to approve the purchase of a new scanner for the purposes of scanning information and submitting to PAWC. Motion carried 5-0.
MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Michael Wassuta to approve the Parks garbage service agreement. Motion carried 5-0.
Guests present Nancy McGlaughlin and Dale Byers.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8: pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary
Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
October 9, 2012
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Darrin Flake, Michael Wassuta, Ed Sharrah, Chris Santay and Jamie Gebhart,
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney John Phillips, Craig Zack, KPI
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Chairman of the Board Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.
MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Ed Sharrah to approve the September 11, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion carried 5-0.
MOTION by Ed Sharrah, seconded by Chris Santay to approve bill list #10. Motion carried 5-0.
Craig Zack reported that a copy of the latest draft NPDES permit was received and reviewed. The information needs to be forwarded to Mike White regarding the new requirements. To summarize the memo some things have been added and restrictions have increased based on peak and outage flow. Total Residual Chlorine has decreased significantly from .2 mg to .026, Ammonia decreased from 2.5 mg to 2.0 mg. Also introduced was Instantaneous Maximum effluent limitations with Total Residual Chlorine decreasing from .65 to .084 other than the Total Residual Chlorine the other restrictions should not be a problem to meet. The monitoring requirements have changed BOD and TSS monitoring will now be once per week and all sample types that were previously 8-Hr composite have been changed to 24-Hr composite. DEP has instituted an annual fee of $500.00 for the permit due 3 months prior to the anniversary date. The more restrictive effluent Total Residual Chlorine average and instantaneous maximum limits are too low to reliably be met with the existing chlorination and dechlorination technology and he recommends the plant be upgraded to ultraviolet disinfection. DEP has requested that a schedule outlining the steps needed to come into compliance with the new effluent TRC limit be submitted to them as soon as possible. The Board was notified that they will have 3 years to come into compliance with the new TRC limit. If the board fails to meet DEP’s requirements they would be looking at fines. To make comments on the draft NPDES permit the board would have to respond no later than November 6, 2012. One other option available is that testing can be also completed at the stream to determine what the chlorine demand is. Attorney Phillips recommended that the board is to forward this information onto PAWC allow them to make comments or to provide a compliance schedule. Projected costs for the upgrade could be as much as $200,000 and yearly replacement costs on the UV lights would be $2,500.00.
Mike White reported that he is still having issues with the heater in the chemical room. The fan locks up and Keith Bowling is getting prices on a new fan motor or a whole new unit. He also suggested that the board think about putting the exhaust fan on the floor. He scanned the bill from Soliday’s for fixing the AC unit. Soliday left the AC on and the temp was around 74% in the building. There is a problem with the heat staying on when the system was off and temp earlier this week was around 91/95%. He moved the Chlorine tanks away from the way so work could begin on the new wall. He ordered Chlorine and ask for a 200 gallon delivery and for some reason the delivery guy put 310 gallons in so it will delay the wall construction for 2 weeks. He ordered a couple small things from BlueBook and Jordan took care of the plant from 9/21-9/29/12. Overall plant is running good.
MOTION by Ed Sharrah, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve the Operators Report. Motion carried 5-0.
Chris Santay updated the board on the electrical repairs needed done to the AC unit. He informed the board that the bill from Mike Soliday included the costs of 2 circuit boards and a relay for the fresh air system. There is an additional $120.00 for a trouble call only to discover that the thermostat was turned off. A plan should be formed on what should be done when the AC is no longer needed and recommend the thermostat be placed on an automatic setting. While Soliday was at the plant he completed a temperature check on the coil in the AC unit and it was 31 degrees and seems to be working well. The proposed cost to repair the motorized damper is $2300-2400 and the purpose of that is to introduce fresh air into the building and prevent it from being overrun by fumes. The damper is currently in the open position it is just not operating electronically. Chris is concerned with the impending sale and possible UV upgrade which would eliminate the need for chemicals is this a necessary expense. Ed Sharrah responded that it should work properly because of sewer fumes not just chemical fumes. The board is in agreement that repairs to the motorized damper should be completed.
Ed Sharrah reported that all work on the chemical room wall was stalled for 2 weeks due to chemical tanks being over filled as previously noted in the operators report.
Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month beginning 9/12-10/9/12 42 penalty notices were sent on the 15th of September. 53 interest notices were sent on the 1st of October. Total amount deposited in Cashtown/McKnightstown ACNB account was $26,021.81 and Poplar Springs ACNB account was $588.65. One Sheriff’s sale scheduled for 9/21/12 (155 High St) and one upset sale scheduled for 9/28/12 (264 High St). The ACNB Poplar Springs loan balance in currently at $8,381.37. There are currently 47 Cashtown/McKnighstown delinquent residents with total amount owed being $40480.40 and 6 Poplar Springs delinquent residents with total amount owed being $1178.30. There was 1 lost check located at the township office and returned to resident. 6 letters were sent out to various residents concerning issues such as payment plan, unable to contact, no endorsement on check, improper check writing and request for a appearance. One lien was filed on 20 Tillietown Rd. Received a bankruptcy notice for 175 High St, and will make that account inactive and create a new account. Received a letter from Peoples bank informing the board that the 1,200.000 loan has been paid in full. Notified insurance agent of operator falling down drain with no injuries. Transferred all PA One calls to sewer secretary from the late Bob Cullison. There were 2 billing questions 342 High St and 1080 Old Route 30. The secretary contacted the resident at 1080 Old Route 30 met with him and organized all paperwork. 342 High St resident was present to discuss his concerns.
MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Ed Sharrah to approve the secretarial report. Motion carried 5-0.
Solicitor Phillips reported that there were changes to the lien list provided to the board from the previous month. He went on to explain that a new lien was filed on 20 Tillietown Rd after a letter was sent. Another letter was sent to 1137 Old Route 30 and payment for delinquent funds was received within the 30 day deadline. 155 High St was sold at Sheriffs sale on 9/21/12 and payment should be received within 45 days. Still awaiting payment plan on 3261 Chambersburg Rd. Authorization to send a solicitor letter was given for 29 Tillietown Rd in an attempt to avoid the lien process.
The board has agreed that based on population numbers provided by the GASD Franklin Township Elementary School the EDU’s would decrease from 22 to 21 for the 2012-2013 school year and will revisit this issue again in October, 2013.
Guests present were Steve Wentz with concerns over whether or not there were warranties on any of the equipment that is getting repaired and that the APR is not being properly displayed on the late notices as well as monthly billing invoices. Sewer Secretary reported that will be on all future invoices. Chris Santay responded that there were only 1 year warranties on everything at the plant. Glenn Hartzel was also present.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:29 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary
Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
November 13, 2012
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Darrin Flake, Chris Santay and Jamie Gebhart,
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Ed Sharrah Excused, Michael Wassuta, Unexcused
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Chairman of the Board Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve the October 9, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion carried 3-0.
MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve bill list #11. Motion carried 3-0.
Mike White reported that Control 21 was in for flow meter calibration and Pecks removed 3 loads of waste sludge from digestors. Keith Bowling was in to unhook chemical heater and took it to Myers Electric for repair. He the picked up the chemical heater and it was replaced. Chemical heater is in and working well. Plant is now running good with no issues.
MOTION by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Chris Santay to approve the Operators Report. Motion carried 5-0.
Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that for the month beginning 10/10/12 through 11/13/12, 34 penalty notices were sent on the October 15th, 52 interest notices were sent on November 1st. $55,836.30 was deposited into the ACNB Cashtown/McKnightstown account and $0 was deposited into the ACNB Poplar Springs account. There are 46 Cashtown/McKnightstown delinquent residents with total amount due of $33,781.96 and 6 Poplar Springs residents with total amount due of $1,184.18. 6 liens were cleared during the month and the property located at 3612 Chambersburg Rd has been over billed since 2010 and 1227 Old Route 30 has been under billed since 2010. Residents will or have been contacted concerning the billing error.
MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Darrin Flake to approve the secretarial report. Motion carried 5-0.
MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Jamie Gebhart to approve the advertisement on draft 2013 budget. Motion carried 3-0.
Guest present Debra Flickinger with no comments or questions.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary
Franklin Township, Adams County
Municipal Sewer Authority
Regular Meeting
December 11, 2012
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Darrin Flake, Chris Santay, Michael Wassuta, Ed Sharrah and Jamie Gebhart,
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney John Phillips
The meeting was held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, and called to order by Chairman of the Board Darrin Flake at 7:00 pm.
MOTION by Jamie Gebhart, seconded by Chris Santay to approve the November 13, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion carried 5-0.
MOTION by Ed Sharrah, seconded by Chris Santay to approve bill list #12. Motion carried 5-0.
Mike White reported that the R26 form was sent and the plant has another roof leak. The leaking in in the office above the main panel. There is also the issue of the crack in the blower room wall that needs attention.
MOTION by Chris Santay, seconded by Micheal Wassuta to approve the Operators Report. Motion carried 5-0.
Jamie Gebhart, Sewer Secretary reported that there were 35 penalty notices sent on the 15th of November and 49 interest notifications sent on the 1st of December. $26,048.54 was deposited into the Cashtown/McKnightstown ACNB account and $117.73 deposited into the Poplar Springs ACNB account. The Poplar Springs ACNB loan balance is $8046.72. There are currently 40 Cashtown/McKnightowns delinquent residents with total amount due $33,944.10 and 6 Poplar Springs delinquent residents with total amount due $1896.48. Board requested statements of Poplar Springs delinquent residents be forwarded to Solicitor Phillips so that he is able to send letters.
Solicitor Phillips continued with reporting that PAWC have signed the contracts and turned them in, awaiting PUC items for application. KPI has revised a map of both the Poplar Springs and Cashtown/McKnightstown areas. Chuck Johnson has everything and looking to get PUC application in by the end of 2012. There were 4 new liens placed on December 6th (25 High St, 1691 Hilltown Rd, 95 Orrtanna Rd and 3261 Chambersburg Rd). Letters to the banks have been sent with a response date of 12/21/12.
MOTION by Michael Wassuta, seconded by Ed Sharrah to approve the secretarial/solicitor report. Motion carried 5-0.
MOTION by Darrin Flake, seconded by Michael Wassuta to approve the 2013 budget. Motion carried 5-0.
Guest present Dale Byers with no comments or questions.
There being no further business to conduct, meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie Gebhart
Sewer Secretary