Board Of Supervisors Meeting Minutes 2004


JANUARY 5, 2004


SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter, Tim Biggins

OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor; Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.

 MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to appoint Craig Hartley as temporary chairman.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to appoint Lori Killinger as temporary Secretary.  Motion carried.

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by the temporary Chairman, Craig Hartley.


MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to nominate Craig Hartley as Chairman of the Board.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to nominate Dan Fetter as Vice-Chairman of the Board.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to appoint Lori Killinger as Secretary/Treasurer with a wage of $15.00 per hour.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to appoint the Road Crew and their wages as follows: Jeff Black $13.00/hr., Rivers Grove $13.00/hr, and Louis Holbrook $12.25/hr.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to appoint Charles Ritter as the Roadmaster with a wage of $15.50 per hour.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to appoint James Temchack as the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer with a wage of $12.50 per hour.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to establish the Treasurer’s Bond at $600,000.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to appoint Walton V. Davis at the township Solicitor.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to appoint KPI Technology as the township’s engineering firm.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to appoint Gil Picarelli as the Sewage Enforcement Officer.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to appoint Dominic Picarelli as the alternate Sewage Enforcement Officer.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to appoint Linda McDannell as the Vacancy Board member.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to appoint Mary Lower, Stanley Sprankle and John Newell to the Planning Commission board for another term ending in 2007.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to appoint Deb Hahn to the Municipal Authority Board for another term ending in 2008.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to appoint Elizabeth Fetter to the Zoning Hearing Board for another term ending in 2006.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Hartley, to appoint Gary Deardorff as auditor for a term ending in 2009.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to reestablish PLGIT and Adams County National Bank as depositories for township funds.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to set the 2004 Board of Supervisors meetings for the first Thursday after the first Wednesday of each month at

7:30 p.m.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to certify Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter and Tim Biggins as State Convention delegates with Craig Hartley acting as the voting delegate.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to observe the same holidays as last year, with the exception to Primary and General Elections days, for township employees.  Motion carried.



MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Biggins, to approve the minutes of the December 4, 2003 public hearing as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried.


There were no comments from guests.


MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Hartley, to approve Bill List #1, checks 22732-22814 totaling $84,509.09.  Motion carried.






MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to grant Randall Tenney another 90 day extension.  Motion carried.


Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer, reported that for the month of December there were 3 building permits issued with a construction value of $250,000 as well as 9 use and occupancy certificates, 1 sign permit and 1 storage of mobile homes permit.  He issued 3 written warnings and addressed 3 complaints.  Temchack also received 1 variance application for the zoning hearing board and scheduled the hearing for January 28, 2004.

In addition, Temchack reported that the township received final copies of the Code from General Code.

Temchack reported that he visited building permit sites and issued use and occupancy certificates for completed projects.

Temchack also handed out an end of year report summarizing the number of permits issued for the year 2003 and a map indicating the areas for which building permits were issued.

Lori Killinger reported that she sent out letters to local CPA’s requesting quotes to perform an audit of the township’s records for 2003.  Killinger received only one response from Stambaugh Ness who proposed to do the audit for $4,650.  Smith Elliot Kearns, who audited the previous year’s records, submitted a proposal to do the audit for $4,475.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to authorize Stambaugh Ness to conduct the 2003 audit.  Motion carried.

Killinger also reported that Greg Hertz, KPI Technology, drafted a letter for the Poplar Springs residents whose properties have been connected to the new sewer system.  The letter outlined the costs involved with the system and the quarterly payment which will be required of the residents.  Killinger requested that the Supervisors and Solicitor review the draft.  Supervisor Hartley asked that Solicitor Davis write a resolution authorizing the township to collect sewer fees.

Craig Hartley issued the Road Master report and stated that he received a check for the Dirt Road Grant project in the amount of $19,000.00.  He reported that the F550 was having transmission problems.  The new International single axle dump truck is ready to use. The road crew is going to start cutting brush and putting new tile in on Spigot Valley and Hilltown roads in preparation for next year’s paving project.

Solicitor Davis stated that he reviewed the personnel policy and sent his comments in email form.  Supervisor Hartley stated that Killinger will make the appropriate changes and put it on the February agenda.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded Biggins, to adopt Ordinance no. 2004-01, the Attorney Fee Recoupment Ordinance.  Motion carried.

Secretary Killinger presented Resolution no. 2004-01 to be approved and signed by the Supervisors.  This resolution is required by Adams County National Bank before the township’s loan can be approved.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to adopt Resolution no. 2004-01, the Adams County National Bank Corporate Authorization.  Motion carried.


James Temchack presented the Supervisors with a revised fee schedule, on behalf of a local massage business owner, on which the fee for a massagist’s permit changed from $250 to $50.  The local business owner also requested that the massage ordinance be changed to allow them to work until midnight.  The Supervisors declined both changes.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to tentatively adopt the Water Connection Ordinance at the February 5, 2004 Board of Supervisor’s Meeting and authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.

Secretary Killinger presented the Supervisors with a written complaint from the owners of the Cashtown Inn which requested a dog barking ordinance for the township.  Supervisor Hartley advised Killinger to keep a log of complaints regarding dog barking.  If the complaints increase, the Supervisors will consider drafting another dog barking ordinance.

There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 1:41 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Lori J. Killinger


FEBRUARY 5, 2004

SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter, Tim Biggins

OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor, Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer; Jim Temchack, Zoning / Code Enforcement Officer

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Craig Hartley.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to approve the January 5, 2004 minutes of the re-organization and regular meeting as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried.


Joel Riddlemoser was present to contest the application of the 70/30 split rules for agricultural properties.  Riddlemoser stated that he understood the purpose behind this rule, however, his complaint is that he is not permitted to subdivide the parent tract.

Merry Bush, Planning Commission Chairperson, stated that she contacted Ellen Dehoff, Adams County Preservation, to clarify the definition of a farm. According to the state, they will not put anything less than 50 acres into preservation.  Adams County prefers that the farms they preserve be at least 100 acres unless they are adjacent to other property already in the ag preservation program, then they will allow less than 100 acres.

Supervisor Craig Hartley stated he wants to maintain the preservation of 70 percent in the ag zoning ordinance.  Hartley suggested the Planning Commission create a formula indicating how many subdivisions are allowed according to how many acres are involved.


MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to approve Bill List #2, checks 22815-22939 totaling $103,553.31.  Motion carried.


Randall Tenney presented a preliminary / final subdivision plan for his property on Seven Stars Road.

There was some debate regarding the submittal of preliminary / final plans.  Merry Bush, Planning Commission Chairperson, requested that the Supervisors list all situations in which a plan can be directly reviewed as a final, skipping the preliminary review.  Walton Davis, Solicitor, suggested the Planning Commission review all plans labeled ‘preliminary / final’ as preliminary.  Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, suggested the same and added that the Supervisors can then make the decision the following night whether to review it as preliminary and require a final or review it as a final.  Solicitor Davis stated that the Planning Commission can also recommend to the Supervisors that a plan be reviewed as a final.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve final plan no. 02-218 and Form B of Randall Tenney, pending KPI’s comments 1 and 2 are addressed and a revised plan is submitted.  Motion carried.


Allen Beckett presented Kathie Hutson’s final subdivision plan for a property on Chambersburg Road.

MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Hartley, to approve final plan no. 04-239 and Form B of Kathie Hutson, pending KPI’s comments 1, 2, 9, 10 and 11 are addressed and a revised plan is submitted.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to grant the Gettysburg Youth Soccer Club an extension until March 5, 2004.   Motion carried.


Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer, reported that for the month of January there were 10 building permits issued with a construction value of $882,000.  Temchack issued 1 verbal warning, 2 written warnings and 4 citations and addressed 3 complaints.

Temchack reported that the Middle Department Inspection Agency (MDIA) had given a presentation at the township office regarding the building code, which will be in effect in April.  According to the MDIA, the duties of the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer will not change.  In order to enact the new building code, the township is required to adopt an ordinance, which Solicitor Davis will draft.

Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer, reported that she scheduled the 2003 audit with Stambaugh Ness, PC for February 17th through February 20th.

Craig Hartley, Road Superintendent, issued the Roadmaster’s report.  Hartley reported that the township is required to use driving surface aggregate for the 2004 Dirt Road project.  This affects his original budget since it costs more than the crush and run already budgeted.  Hartley stated he is working on these details with Deb Mussleman.

Hartley reported that the road crew has been plowing snow.

Supervisor Tim Biggins reported that he spoke with Dave Neff, Gettysburg School District, and he is interested in meeting with the Supervisors to discuss the school-owned treatment plant and its potential use for the future sewer system in Cashtown and McKnightstown.

Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, reported on the Spigot Valley Road project.  Picarelli stated that there are bog turtles in the area, which requires special permission to move forward with this project.  In addition, Picarelli asked the Supervisors what the plans were for the abandoned section of road.  Hartley stated a decision has not been made yet regarding this section of road.

Picarelli also reported on the Crooked Creek Road Bridge replacement project.  He stated that PennDot needs a letter from the Supervisors stating this project meets the township’s flood plain ordinance.  Picarelli explained that this project will increase the width of the flood plain and flood way.  The property owners will be slightly affected by this.  Picarelli stated that he can write this letter on behalf of the Supervisors and include in the letter that PennDot will deal with the property owners and negotiate any financial dealings themselves.  Hartley asked Picarelli to let Solicitor Davis review the letter prior to mailing.

Merry Bush, Planning Commission Chairperson, reported that there was a zoning workshop the previous evening.  Topics discussed included the golf course ordinance and Joel Riddlemoser’s special request to deviate from the 70/30 agricultural split.

Bush also reported that there has some discussion regarding regional municipal zoning for Butler and Menallen Townships and Arendtsville and Biglerville boroughs.  Franklin Township has been invited to consider being included.  Hartley stated that he hesitates to do this but would attend a meeting to hear the discussion.

Bush stated that another zoning workshop is scheduled for March 3 at 6:00 p.m.

Hartley requested the Planning Commission start discussing the comprehensive plan and how it should be updated.  He stated that although not budgeted this year, a comprehensive plan update would be budgeted for in 2005.


Secretary Killinger presented the Supervisors with an Adams County National Bank Resolution to replace Resolution no. 2004-01 previously adopted in January.  The Resolution is required to apply for the Poplar Springs loan.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded Biggins, to adopt Resolution no. 2004-02 which replaces Resolution no. 2004-01.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to adopt Resolution no. 2004-03 establishing the sewer fees for the Poplar Springs sewer system.  Motion carried.

Ordinance no. 2004-02, as pre-read by the Supervisors, requires all owners of improved property within 150 feet of a water main to connect to the water system.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to adopt Ordinance no. 2004-02, the Water Connection Ordinance.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to adopt the updated Franklin Township personnel policy.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to tentatively adopt the updated Township Code prepared by General Code Publishers and authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.


There was no new business to conduct.

There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 8:27.

Respectfully submitted,


Lori J. Killinger


MARCH 4, 2004

SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter, Tim Biggins

OTHERS PRESENT: Greg Hertz, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor, Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Craig Hartley.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Biggins, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried.


Tom Campbell, attorney for Chuck Szarowski and the Gettysburg Youth Soccer Club (GYSC), was present to request a waiver from a full land development plan to replace the barn on the GYSC’s property. Campbell stated that the GYSC intends to build a new barn in the exact footprint of the old one. Campbell’s second request was to get approval to start constructing the driveway off of Route 30.

Supervisor Hartley stated that he didn’t see that a land development was required for the barn since it wasn’t being moved and it was going to be the same size building. Solicitor Davis stated that it was his understanding that it was going to be built in the same footprint but it was going to be slightly different than the old barn which is considered the ‘improvement of a tract of land for a non residential purpose’. To be on the safe side he recommended GYSC request a waiver. Merry Bush, Planning Commission Chairperson, stated that the Planning Commission agreed that a land development was not required.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to waive a land development plan for GYSC to build a barn pending that it is constructed in the exact footprint of the previous barn and that it is not larger than the previous barn. Motion carried.

To address the driveway issue, Supervisor Hartley stated that as long as GYSC had a driveway permit from PennDot, he was not aware of anything that would stop the GYSC from being able to start construction on the driveway.

Bob Vines, Chief of the Arendtsville Fire Department was present to introduce himself to the Board. Mr. Vines presented the Board with some information and statistics for 2003. He also gave Secretary Killinger a list of the Arendtsville Fire Department’s officers to keep in the township files.

Joel Riddlemoser and his family were present to discuss the Planning Commission’s progress on amending the 70/30 split language in the zoning ordinance. Merry Bush stated that the Planning Commission had not come up with a solution yet but they were still working on one. A possibility was to create 2 agricultural zones. Mr. Riddlemoser expressed his discouragement at the delay. Supervisor Hartley stated that the entire process takes at least 3 months to change a zoning ordinance. He reiterated that the Planning Commission has been scheduling workshops to work on this and they would come up with a solution as soon as they could.

Tom McGlaughlin presented the Supervisors with a proposed project for his property on Route 30. His project entailed a golf range, pitch and put holes, miniature golf course and a short game area. Merry Bush stated the Planning Commission’s opinion was that this was an agricultural area and it should not have any commercial activity within it. McGlaughlin argued that this is a turf grass project which is agricultural. He stated that the amount of impervious surface to be created is minimal and the land is reclaimable space.

Supervisor Hartley stated that this type of project is not permitted in the current agricultural zone. Hartley stated that over the years, the public had made it clear that they didn’t want any commercialism along this area of Route 30. Hartley stated that McGlaughlin could try to get the property changed to commercial but that he would vote against it. Supervisor Tim Biggins agreed and said if they approved this for one person then they would have to approve it for other agricultural property owners who requested it.

McGlaughlin argued that he would be growing turf which is agricultural. Hartley stated that it would also be used commercially and McGlaughlin argued that a farm is also used commercially. McGlaughlin argued that the GYSC fields are doing the same type of thing. Solicitor Davis reiterated that this project was clearly not allowed in the zoning ordinance. It was considered an ‘outdoor recreational use’. GYSC was permitted to do their particular project because it was considered a ‘park or other open space are of a nonprofit nature’. Hartley told McGlaughlin that his only option would be to try and change the wording in the ordinance to allow this type of project in the agricultural zone, however, he would have to convince the Planning Commission first.

Randall Tenney asked if he was permitted to put a shop building on the industrial portion of his property. Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Office said that Tenney would have to submit a land development plan.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve Bill List #3, General Fund checks 22940-22994 totaling $39,238.90 and Sewer Fund checks 0001 for $286.10.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve preliminary plan no. 04-239 and Form B of Larry Dillon, pending a comment is added stating that if a driveway is to be constructed off of the township road, a permit must be obtained from the township office and the driveway must meet all site distance requirements.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Hartley, to approve sewage facilities planning module no. 04-240 of Matthew Rebert.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to grant the Gettysburg Youth Soccer Club a 90 day extension.   Motion carried.


Merry Bush, Planning Commission Chairperson, stated that 2 zoning workshops are scheduled for April 7 and April 8 at 6 p.m.

Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer, reported that for the month of February there were 3 building permits issued with a construction value of $54,000.  In addition, he issued 12 use and occupancy certificates, 2 driveway permits, 2 sexually oriented/massage establishment permits and 1 demolition permit.  Temchack also issued 2 verbal warnings.

Temchack reported that he attended the Building Code Official class and took the test given by the Construction Codes Academy. He stated the new building code regulations will be effective on April 9 and by July 8 the township must pass an ordinance stating whether it opts-in or opts-out.

Temchack reported that he attended a meeting in Biglerville concerning multi-municipal zoning and comprehensive plans.

Temchack read aloud a letter from Knouse Fruitlands which stated that they granted permission for the township to use the roundbarn on the new township seal.

Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer, reported that the ordinances are on the township website for anyone to access.

In addition, Secretary Killinger stated that Stambaugh Ness, PC has almost completed the 2003 audit.  One of their recommendations is to cancel the township credit cards if they are not going to be used.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to cancel the township’s MBNA credit cards.  Motion carried.

Craig Hartley, Road Superintendent, issued the Roadmaster’s report.  Hartley reported the road crew has been cutting brush and replacing drain tile on Spigot Valley and Hilltown Roads.  The Ford F550 is back and has a new transmission.  The repair costs to this vehicle were covered under the warranty.

Supervisor Tim Biggins asked Greg Hertz, KPI Technology, what the status was of the Cashtown / McKnightstown sewer project.  Hertz stated that they were working on delineating the work area for the Act 537 plan.

Supervisor Hartley stated that he scheduled a meeting for Tuesday at 3:30 to meet with Gil, Tim and the property owners to look over the proposed road change for Spigot Valley Road.

Solicitor Walton Davis stated that he is working on the flea market/yard sale ordinance.  In addition he is going to prepare a stormwater management ordinance that complies with the Monocacy River and Conococheague Creek stormwater management plans.  He will also review the MDIA contract which he received that morning.

Greg Hertz, KPI Technology, stated that Weidner is waiting for better weather to finish the final details on the Poplar Springs sewer project.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded Fetter, to adopt Ordinance no. 2004-03, the           re-codified Township Code.  Motion carried.

Supervisor Hartley announced that a township seal had been created to put on township stationary and on all equipment.

MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to adopt the first official township seal. Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to adopt Resolution no. 2004-05 granting permission to open a Sewer Fund account with Adams County National Bank.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Hartley, to tentatively adopt to Uniform Construction Code Ordinance and authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to tentatively adopt the Flea Market Ordinance and authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to adopt Resolution no. 2004-04 approving the Installation and Maintenance Agreement with Daniel and Carol Glatfelter for their spray irrigation wastewater disposal system.  Motion carried.

There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 8:25.

Respectfully submitted,


Lori J. Killinger


APRIL 8, 2004

SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley and Dan Fetter

OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor, Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Craig Hartley.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Hartley, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried.


Gene Williams was present, upon the recommendation of County Tax Assessor, Barb Walter, to discuss his 2.5 acre property at the intersection of High St and Route 30 which is also transected by Route 30.  Williams’ property is in Clean and Green, which only allows 2 acres a year to be sold.  Williams’ requested a letter from the Supervisors stating that the township requires him to sell the entire 2.5 acre tract as a whole and that he is not permitted to subdivide off the northern area on the other side of Route 30.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to authorize the Secretary to send a letter to the Adams County Tax Assessor stating that the township will not allow Gene Williams to subdivide this property into a 2 acre and a half acre lot and that he must sell the 2.5 acre lot as a whole.  Motion carried.

Numerous residents were present concerning the proposed Flea Market Ordinance.  Supervisor Hartley stated that the township had received numerous complaints from residents, the fire department, State Police and PennDot regarding the vehicles parked on both sides of Route 30 in the area of the flea market posing a safety hazard.  Hartley stated that the purpose of the ordinance was to address the safety concerns.

Frank Bumbaugh, resident, expressed his concern over the township stopping the flea market.  Supervisor Hartley stated that was not the intention.

Another resident stated he was for enactment of the ordinance and pointed out an additional parking problem along Route 30 which occurs on the weekend evenings in front of the two taverns.  This resident stated that an issue with the flea market supporters was the fees and time frame outlined in this ordinance.

Bill Parr, Jr. was present on behalf of his father who attends the flea market every Saturday and Sunday.  Parr stated that in the last 4 or 5 years that the flea market has existed, no accidents have occurred.  He added that the flea market is visible for at least a half mile in both directions.  Parr requested that ‘no parking’ signs be put up in front of the two taverns if the township was going to require them in front of the flea market.

The residents, not in favor of the ordinance, were concerned about the fees, the time frame, limiting parking along all of Route 30 and the limitation on the number of flea markets and yard sales permitted throughout the year.  Supervisor Hartley stated the Supervisors could be flexible with the fee requirements and time limitations.  However, he stated, there is still a safety issue associated with flea markets and yard sales along Route 30 that needs to be resolved.

Mr. Donald Jones stated that he was against any ordinance that would govern yard sales and flea markets along Route 30.  He stated there’s always a safety hazard there, people are going to cross Route 30 whenever they want.

Debbie Carr, owner of the candle shop in the area of the flea market, was present to support the ordinance.  Carr stated that she had lost business due to the parking problem.  People have parked along Route 30 blocking off the entrance to her parking lot.

Supervisor Hartley stated that the ordinance would be reevaluated and stated a compromise was necessary.  Supervisor Fetter suggested the people put up signs and regulate them themselves for a month and see how that helps the safety situation.

Roger Forsythe asked what the township right-of-way is for a new road.  Supervisor Hartley stated if it’s a new road, the right-of-way is 50 feet.  An existing road has a right-of-way of 33 feet.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve Bill List #4, General Fund checks 22995-23080 totaling $69,272.25 and Sewer Fund checks 1001-1002 totaling $301.47.  Motion carried.


Merry Bush, Planning Commission Chairperson, stated the Planning Commission would like the Supervisors to approve the plan as a preliminary/final plan as long as KPI’s comments are addressed.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve preliminary/final plan no. 04-241 of Lee Horst as a final plan, pending KPI’s comments are addressed and a revised plan is submitted.  Motion carried.

Joel Riddlemoser’s plan was tabled because Adams County had not yet submitted their comments.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter to approve final plan no. 04-243 of Larry Dillon as submitted.  Motion carried.


Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer, reported that for the month of March there were 18 building permits issued with a construction value of $778,000.  In addition, he issued 3 use and occupancy certificates, 1 home occupation permit, 2 sign permits and 1 sexually oriented business license.  Temchack also issued 3 verbal warnings.  He received a special exception application and scheduled a zoning hearing for April 26, 2004.

Temchack reported that he attended a meeting concerning the new building code regulations and has been reviewing the regulations and Middle Department Inspection Agency’s building permit forms.  In addition, he completed a 24 hour Hazardous Materials First Responder Operations class at the Adams County Emergency Services Training Center.

Merry Bush, Planning Commission Chairperson, read aloud a list of changes the Planning Commission would like to make to the zoning ordinance.  In summary, these included the uses by right in the agricultural zone, uses by right for non-agricultural uses, non-agricultural uses by special exception, limitations on subdivision of an agricultural tract and delineation of the development area.

The Planning Commission had also been discussing some changes to the Planned Golf Community section of the zoning ordinance.

Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer, reported that in March the township received the DEP reimbursement for 2002 in the amount of $3,458.17.  In addition, the township received liquid fuels in the amount of $206,482.03.

Killinger recommended the Supervisors authorize the CDBG bank account be closed as there was no further use for it.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to close the Poplar Springs CDBG bank account with Adams County National Bank.  Motion carried.

Craig Hartley, Road Superintendent, issued the Roadmaster’s report.  Hartley reported that the road crew had started grading the township’s dirt roads.  Hartley met with Sherm Wright, PennDot Municipal Services Supervisor, to set up the Spigot Valley and Hilltown Road paving  projects.  The road crew had almost completed installing new drain tiles on Hilltown and Spigot Valley Roads.  Weather pending, milling on Hilltown Road is scheduled to begin on May 17.  Hartley registered the road crew in the LTAP Road Scholar program in which they will take one class a month.  Road crewmen, Rivers Grove and Jeff Black attended a Dirt Road seminar in March.

Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, reported that KPI would be conducting site visits as part of the Cashtown/McKnightstown area 457 Plan.


There was no old business to discuss.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to advertise and bid the 2004 road materials to be opened at the May 6 Board of Supervisors Meeting.  The 2004 road materials and conditions are 5,000 ton #2 stone, 4,000 ton #1b stone, 6,000 ton #2a stone, 2,000 ton #2b stone, 1,000 ton #3 stone, 3,000 ton #3a (crushed aggregate sub-base), 1,000 ton rip rap, 2,000 ton anti-skid, 250 ton cold patch, 60,000 gal. E-3-M, 10,000 gal. E-3, 55,000 gal. E-5, 5,000 gal. RC 250, 20,000 gal. Premium diesel fuel, 5,000 gal. Mid-grade gasoline & 250 gal. Kerosene. 

Conditions: 1) All road emulsion shall be delivered within 15 hours of request.  2) The E-5, E-3-M, E-3 emulsion & RC 250 will be let as a total package: (i.e.: one company will get the bid on all three emulsions). 3) Successful bidder shall provide the following: a double drum, dual drive steel wheel vibratory roller w/operator, dust truck w/operator, water truck w/operator, paver w/operator.  4) Hourly rate for Midland motor paver, roller, dust truck and water truck with operators shall be listed on the bid.  5) The distributor feeding the motor paver shall be capable of holding a minimum of 2,800 gallons of emulsion.  Motion carried.

Per DEP’s request, Solicitor Davis drafted a Holding Tank Ordinance which stated that all holding tanks must be inspected each year and a written report filed with the township.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to tentatively adopt the Holding Tank Ordinance and authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.

Solicitor Davis, presented the Supervisors with a Waiver and Indemnification Agreement between a landowner, who unknowingly built an accessory building within the building setbacks, and the township, which stated that the township would not require the landowner to remove the building if the landowner held the township harmless for any damage which may be done to the building through township road maintenance activities.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve the Donahue Waiver and Indemnification Agreement.  Motion carried.

Merry Bush asked the Supervisors what the status was with the regional comprehensive plan.  Supervisor Hartley stated that although the township had not officially been approached on the topic, his opinion was that he was willing to work with the other municipalities on the regional comprehensive plan.

Bush stated that a seminar would be held on June 15 for municipalities to discuss developing parks and recreation plans so impact fees could be charged.

There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 8:30.

Respectfully submitted,


Lori J. Killinger


MAY 6, 2004

SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley and Dan Fetter

OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor, Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Craig Hartley.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Hartley, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried.


Corporal Riley, Pennsylvania State Police, was present. He gave some statistics on crime in Franklin Township.  Last year between January and May, they had 191 calls.  This year, during the same period, they’ve had to 214 calls.  There have been 42 accidents so far this year.  This is up by 11 from last year.  There have been 49 criminal investigations this year.  The other 123 calls include everything from dogs to abandoned cars among other things.  Supervisor Hartley requested that troopers be placed on Old Route 30 to check speeding.

Several Boy Scouts were present as a requirement to get their Citizenship of the Community badge.


MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Hartley, to approve Bill List #5, General Fund checks 23081-23176 totaling $84,048.95, State Fund checks 6192-6195 totaling $24,620.62 and Sewer Fund checks 1003-1006 totaling $858.67.  Motion carried.


Joel Riddlemoser was present to request an extension for his subdivision plan until the agricultural zoning amendments were adopted.  Solicitor Davis approximated this time to be 45-60 days.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to grant Joel Riddlemoser and Amy Masenheimer an extension on their subdivision plan until the agricultural zoning amendments are adopted.  Motion carried.






Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer, reported that for the month of April there were 31 building permits issued with a construction value of $664,000.  In addition, he issued 9 use and occupancy certificates, 1 driveway permit, 1 home occupation permit, 3 sign permits, 1 storage of motor vehicle nuisance permit and 1 demolition permit.  Temchack also issued 3 verbal warnings and 5 written warnings.

Craig Hartley, Road Superintendent, issued the Roadmaster’s report.  Hartley reported that the road crew was finishing the brush cutting.  The road crew had been working on Hilltown and Spigot Valley Roads, prepping them for paving and they finished grading the dirt roads.

Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, reported that Richard Weidner had finished the Poplar Springs sewer project and recommend the Supervisors take a final look at the project site themselves and make a motion to issue the final payment to Richard Weidner.  Picarelli stated that the project was substantially finished on December 4, 2003, which is the date from which the 24-month maintenance bond started.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to issue payment Richard E. Weidner in the amount of $8,982.68 for his completion of the Poplar Springs sewer project, pending the inspection of the site by the Board of Supervisors.  Motion carried.

Picarelli brought up the topic of the Monocacy River Watershed Ordinance.  Solicitor Davis stated that he sent a draft of the ordinance to DEP for their approval last June and recommended the Supervisors not adopt the Ordinance until DEP approved it first.

Picarelli reported on the final review of the Lee Horst plan.  He stated that every comment was addressed.  He added that the Adams County Conservation District issued their NPDES permit before a land development plan was done.  Basically, the County approved their  storm water plan before the township had a chance to look at it. Therefore, Picarelli stated that, should there ever be storm water problems there, the concern should be directed to the county since they issued the permit prior to township review.


Supervisor Hartley discussed the revision of the Flea Market Ordinance.  Hartley stated his opinion was to revise the Ordinance by eliminating the sections regarding permit fees and time frames.  He would still like to see the Ordinance passed so parking is restricted along Route 30.  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer stated a permit would still be required to prove that there is access on and off Route 30 and adequate off-street parking.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to tentatively adopt the Flea Market Ordinance and authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.

Picarelli stated that DEP would not allow him to issue holding tank permits until some words were changed in the Holding Tank Ordinance.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to adopt Ordinance no. 2004-05, the Holding Tank Ordinance.  Motion carried.

Opening of 2004 Material Bids


Wilson Paving

E-5                                $1.08 gal. delivered

E-3M                               $1.16   “           ”

E-3                                $1.08   “           ”

RC-250                             no bid

Roller w/ operator                 $75.00/hr

Dust truck w/ operator             $65.00/hr

Water truck w/ operator            $45.00/hr

Paver w/ operator                  $175.00/hr

Hammaker East Ltd.

E-5                                 $1.03 gal. delivered

E-3M                                $1.02   “           ”

E-3                                 $0.92   “           ”

RC-250                              $1.44   “           ”

Paver w/ operator                   $170.00/hr

Roller w/ operator                  $55.00/hr

Dust truck w/ operator             $50.00/hr

Water truck w/ operator             $0.00/hr

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to award Hammaker East Ltd. the 2004 road oils bid.  Motion carried.


Valley Quarries, Inc.


#2                                                              $6.75 ton

#1-B                                                            $8.35  “

#2-B                                                            $6.75  “

#2-A                                                            $5.55  “

Anti-skid                                                       $6.65  “

Rip rap                                                 $9.00  “

#3-A                                                            $5.65  “

#3                                                              $6.75  “

Cold patch                                              $47.00 “


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to award Valley Quarries, Inc. the 2004 aggregate bid.  Motion carried.


J.F. Waybrant & Sons, Inc.


Premium diesel fuel                 $1.30 gal.

Mid-grade gasoline                  $1.62  “

Kerosene                            $1.50  “

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to award J.F. Waybrant & Sons, Inc. the 2004 fuel bid.  Motion carried.


Supervisor Hartley confirmed with Solicitor Davis that the Board could change their minds about opting-in after the Uniform Construction Code Ordinance has been adopted should they decide to do so.  Solicitor Davis stated this is true but there is a 180 day wait before the change can go into effect.  In addition, Davis stated that an appeals board must be appointed and a fee schedule adopted when the Ordinance is adopted.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to tentatively adopt the Uniform Construction Code Ordinance and authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.

The Supervisors reviewed the suggested Agricultural Zone amendments as proposed by the Planning Commission.  Temchack discussed additional changes proposed to be made to the Zoning Ordinance including changes to the Planned Golf Community section, the Accessory Uses and Structures section and the Home Occupation section.

The Supervisors decided to change the June meeting to the night of the public hearing.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to authorize the proposed Agricultural Zoning amendments be sent to Adams County Office of Planning and Development for review and to authorize the Secretary to advertise the amendments and a public hearing scheduled for June 10, 2004 at 7:15 p.m.  Motion carried.

Supervisor Hartley asked Solicitor Davis for an update on the situation with Ford and the township’s defective Ford F550.  Davis stated he had not received a response from Ford.  Motion was made by Hartley to authorize the Solicitor to commence litigation against Ford.  Supervisor Fetter stated it would probably be more cost effective to get it fixed as opposed to suing Ford.  Hartley rescinded his motion.

There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 8:30.

Respectfully submitted,


Lori J. Killinger


June 10, 2004

SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter and Tim Biggins

OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology and Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer

The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Craig Hartley.

The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.


MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried 


There were comments from the guests regarding the proposed Flea Market/Yard Sale Ordinance.  See Old Business.


MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Biggins, to approve Bill List #6, General Fund checks 23177-23248 totaling $53,733.85, State Fund checks 6196-6199 totaling $6,427.30 and Sewer Fund checks 1007-1008 totaling $1,475.35.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to grant the Gettysburg Youth Soccer Club an extension until September 3, 2004.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve preliminary plan no. 04-244 of David Kuhn and Sue Ann Deardorff Osterman.  Motion carried.




Secretary Lori Killinger issued the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer’s report for May.  Killinger reported that for the month of May there were 14 building permits issued with a construction value of $405,000.  In addition, 7 use and occupancy certificates, 2 driveway permits, 3 sign permits, 1 storage of movable dwelling unit permit and 2 demolition permits were issued.  Temchack also issued 4 verbal warnings and addressed 9 complaints.

In addition, Temchack attended a meeting of Adams County Zoning and Code Enforcement Officers to discuss forming a county wide Uniform Construction Code Appeals Board.

Lori Killinger, Secretary / Treasurer, reported that the Township received the 2003 DEP Reimbursement in the amount of $6,713.82.

Craig Hartley, Road Superintendent, issued the Roadmaster’s report.  Hartley reported that the road crew had completed 2 of the 10 LTAP Road Scholar classes.  Shoulder milling is almost complete on Hilltown Road.  The roads have been mowed twice.  Work on Pine Tree Road will be started this month so the Township can get the Dirt Road Grant as soon as possible. The Township seal has been applied to some trucks.

Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, reported work on the Act 537 plan is going according to plan.  They are finishing surveys and well testing and starting to focus on options.

Secretary Killinger mentioned that the Township had not yet received the replacement filters that Greg Hertz, KPI, had ordered.  Picarelli informed the Supervisors that a filter from one of the Poplar Springs system connections had been taken and they had ordered a replacement.  Killinger has since sent all property owners who are connected to the system a letter stating the property owners are responsible for the cost of missing filters.


Supervisor Hartley discussed the adoption of the Flea Market/Yard Sale Ordinance.  Hartley stated that the Ordinance had been revised based on the public concerns.  The sections regarding permit fees and time frames were eliminated.  The only remaining requirement is that the public notify the Township prior to having a flea market or yard sale along Route 30.  The purpose of this is to communicate to the Township that enough off-street parking is available to have the flea market or yard sale.  Hartley stated that he is not flexible when it comes to parking restrictions.  Supervisors Fetter and Biggins agreed.  The Supervisors showed the guests a picture of a recent accident, along the flea market area, where a customer’s car parked along Route 30 had been hit by another car.  Daniel Keys, Franklin Township resident, voiced his opinion that accidents can happen anywhere at anytime.  Mr. Ness, Franklin Township resident, inquired about signs and the purpose of permits.  Supervisor Hartley reiterated that the main purpose of the permit is to notify the Township that there is enough off-street parking.  Supervisor Biggins stated that Straban Township was in the same situation a few years ago with a flea market along Route 30 and that township ended up shutting down the flea market.  Biggins stated the purpose here is not to shut this flea market down but to get the cars off the road and make it safer.  Hartley stated if ‘no parking’ signs are posted and there is an accident because of someone parked along the road, the car owner will be liable not the Township or property owner.

MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to adopt Ordinance 2004-04, the Flea Market / Yard Sale Ordinance.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to adopt Ordinance 2004-06, the Uniform Construction Code Ordinance, and approve the services contract with Middle Department Inspection Agency.  Motion carried.           

Supervisor Hartley explained the resolution for the appeals board.  As a requirement under the Uniform Construction Code, all municipalities who opt-in must have an appeals board for anyone who wishes to contest a ruling by an inspector.  A multi-jurisdictional appeals board is being formed and this resolution indicates Franklin Township’s interest in joining.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to adopt Resolution 2004-07, the Appeals Board Resolution.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to adopt Resolution 2004-08, Middle Department Inspection Agency’s fee schedule.  Motion carried.

Resolution 2004-09 is a revision of the Franklin Township fee schedule to incorporate any changes as a result of opting in to the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code.

MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to adopt Resolution 2004-09, the revised Franklin Township fee schedule.  Motion carried.

Supervisor Hartley stated that due to comments received on Ordinance 2004-07, the agricultural zoning ordinance changes, the Ordinance is being revised and going through another public comment period.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to authorize revised Ordinance 2004-07 be sent to the Adams County Office of Planning and Development, the Franklin Township Planning Commission and the Solicitor for review and to authorize the Secretary to advertise the amendments and a public hearing scheduled for July 20, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.  Motion carried.


The Planning Commission submitted other suggested changes to the zoning ordinance specifically concerning planned golf communities, non-attached structures, home occupations and the term ‘land use permit’.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to authorize the Solicitor to put the suggested amendments to the zoning ordinance into ordinance format and to authorize the amendments be sent to the Adams County Office of Planning and Development for review and to authorize the Secretary to advertise the amendments and a public hearing scheduled for July 20, 2004 at 7:15 p.m.  Motion carried.

Supervisor Hartley explained that the Township’s comprehensive plan from 1983 is out of date and that the Adams County Office of Planning and Development is interested in creating a joint comprehensive plan with six municipalities including Franklin Township.  Hartley had asked KPI Technology what a comprehensive plan for just Franklin Township would cost.  KPI approximated $65,000.  The cost to Franklin Township would be approximately $1,700 if Franklin Township decided to participate in the joint comprehensive plan.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to adopt Resolution 2004-06, the Northwest Adams County Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan Resolution.  Motion carried.

Secretary Killinger explained the grant consulting services available through Sand Associates.  Killinger stated she met with Mike Sands of Sand Associates who summarized the services he provided including finding grants, writing grants and reviewing grants.  Townships have the option to pay for services by the hour at $90 per hour or monthly at $1800 per month.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve the Grant Consulting Services Agreement with Sand Associates.  Motion carried.

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to reschedule and advertise the next Board of Supervisor’s meeting to July 20, 2004 at 7:30.  Motion carried.

Roger Forsythe inquired about the status of the Spigot Valley Road relocation project.  Hartley stated that the project has been postponed until next Spring due to concerns voiced by residents of the project area and consequently, the delay in completion of the subdivision plan.

There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 8:22.

Respectfully submitted,


Lori J. Killinger


July 20, 2004


SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter and Tim Biggins

OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer, and Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Craig Hartley.


The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.



MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Biggins, to approve the minutes of the June 10th public hearing and last meeting as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried.



There were no comments from guests.



MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to approve Bill List #7, General Fund checks 23249-23334 totaling $71,559.03, State Fund checks 6200-6206 totaling $11,155.71 and Sewer Fund checks 1009-1011 totaling $329.02.  Motion carried.



MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to approve preliminary plan no. 04-242 and sewage module of Joel Riddlemoser, pending the final adoption of Ordinance 2004-07 Agricultural Zoning Ordinance Amendments.  Motion carried.


Joel Riddlemoser inquired whether his final subdivision plan needed to be reviewed by the Adams County Office of Planning and Development again.  Solicitor Davis stated that it does.


The Board of Supervisors did not take action on preliminary plan no. 04-245 and sewage module of Barb Dillon due to no receipt of comments from Adams County Office of Planning and Development.  Supervisor Hartley recommended that Dillon submit the plan as a final for the next Planning Commission meeting.







Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer Jim Temchack reported for the month of June there were 34 building permits issued with a construction value of $617,300.  In addition, 5 use and occupancy certificates, 1 driveway permit, 1 home occupation permit, 1 sign permit and 8 flea market/yard sale permits were issued.  Temchack also issued 4 verbal warnings, 7 written warnings and addressed 7 complaints.


Lori Killinger, Secretary / Treasurer, reported the Township’s 2003 Liquid Fuels records were successfully audited by the Department of the Auditor General.

Secretary Killinger acknowledged receipt of a proposal for an addition to Agricultural Security Area (ASA) #4.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to schedule a public hearing for September 2, 2004 at 7:15 p.m. to receive comment on the proposal for an addition to ASA #4 and authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.


In addition, Secretary Killinger stated that ASA #2 is up for a seven year review.


Craig Hartley, Road Superintendent, issued the Roadmaster’s report.  Hartley reported that the road crew had completed 3 of the 10 LTAP Road Scholar classes.  The road crew is preparing Hilltown and Pine Tree Roads for paving in September.  The roads are still being mowed.


Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, reported work on the Act 537 plan is going according to plan.  They still need to get approximately 60 more surveys and the well testing is done.  Picarelli recommended the Supervisors have a workshop in August to discuss budgeting for the ongoing sewer project.


Solicitor Davis stated that a stormwater ordinance has still not been adopted by Franklin Township.  DEP has not reviewed the drafted ordinance he sent to them.  Solicitor Davis stated the Township can either wait for DEP to approved the draft or go ahead and adopt it. Picarelli stated he would like to add construction standards to the ordinance.  Picarelli stated he would work with Solicitor Davis on finalizing the ordinance.


Supervisor Hartley asked Picarelli what the status was on the Spigot Valley Road project.  Picarelli stated they are finishing the subdivision plan.



MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Hartley, to tentatively adopt Ordinance 2004-07, the Agricultural Zoning Ordinance Amendments, for August 5, 2004 and authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.



Supervisor Hartley stated a few items need to be added to proposed Ordinance 2004-08.  Merry Bush, Planning Commission Chairperson, stated one of the items that needs to be added is a statement indicating Planned Golf Community development is limited to properties which adjoin existing residential districts.  Hartley stated the other item is to change rear setbacks from 25 feet to 10 feet for accessory structures which have an area that is less than 500 square feet.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to authorize the Solicitor to revise Ordinance 2004-08, the Zoning Ordinance Amendments, and the Secretary to send the revised Ordinance to Adams County Office of Planning and Development for review, to schedule a public hearing for September 2, 2004 at 7:00 p.m., to tentatively adopt the Ordinance for September 2, 2004 and authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.



MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to appoint John Kramb to the Franklin Township Planning Commission to finish the term of Stanley Sprankle.  Motion carried.


Secretary Killinger explained Resolution 2004-10, the Pension Plan amendments.  Killinger stated that the Resolution addresses three items: an participating employee who is terminated is not allowed to take his/her distribution until the first of the year following his/her fifth Break in Service year, administrative expenses associated with the plan can now be paid with excess state aid, and Lori J. Killiger is appointed as Chief Administrative Officer to perform duties outlined in the Plan.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to adopt Resolution 2004-10, the Pension Plan Amendments.  Motion carried.


Picarelli explained Resolution 2004-11, the Sewage Enforcement fee schedule.  The only changes made were name changes and the increase in fee for spray irrigation (IRSIS).  He stated no other fees had been changed.


MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Hartley, to adopt Resolution 2004-11, the Sewage Enforcement fee schedule.  Motion carried.


There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 7:58.


Respectfully submitted,




Lori J. Killinger



August 5, 2004


SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Dan Fetter and Tim Biggins

OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Walton Davis, Solicitor, Lori Killinger,Secretary/Treasurer, and Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Vice-Chairman, Dan Fetter.


The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.



MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to approve the minutes of the two July 20th public hearings and last meeting as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried.



Joel Riddlemoser inquired about getting the results from the water test that KPI had done.  Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, told Mr. Riddlemoser to call KPI’s office for the results.


Robert Barber, purchaser of a parcel at the intersection of Route 30 and High Street, was present to get the Supervisors’ opinion on his plans for the property.  Mr. Barber stated his intent is to remodel the barn into a restaurant/tavern and to transform the house into 4 apartments.  Supervisor Fetter suggested Mr. Barber meet with Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.  Supervisor Biggins stated his immediate concern would be parking.  Mr. Barber stated he owned the property on both sides of Hilltown Road and parking shouldn’t be a problem.  Temchack told Mr. Barber to give him a call and they could set up an appointment to meet and discuss his plans further.


Robert Cullison, Municipal Authority Chairperson, presented the Board with a copy of the Municipal Authority’s recent audit.  In addition, Bill Hewitt, Board Member of the Municipal Authority, was present and stated he attended a meeting regarding a County water budget.  Cullison added that the goal is to know where water lies in Franklin Township.  A way to find out may be to ask residents, when they come in for a building permit, for their well depth and productivity numbers.  Supervisor Biggins asked how many municipalities have a well ordinance.  Picarelli stated municipalities with a lot of construction have them.  Solicitor Davis stated none of the township he represents have one but Mt. Joy Township is working on one.  Davis added that according to the Well Drillers Registrations Act, every time a well driller drills a well he is supposed to record the depth and yield.  Davis suggested the local well drillers be contacted for this information or to find out where this information is catalogued.



Bill McMasters, representing Aero Energy, was present to discuss placement of a propane tank on their Route 30 property and whether the Township would require him to submit a land development plan.  McMasters stated that the discussion at the Planning Commission meeting centered around whether or not the tank was considered a structure or building.  Planning Commission Chairperson, Merry Bush, read the definition of a structure as defined in the zoning ordinance.  Solicitor Davis read the definition of a land development as defined in the subdivision and land development ordinance and the definition of a building as defined in the zoning ordinance.  Davis’ opinion was that this tank would be considered a structure and would not require a land development plan but would have to abide by the setbacks.


Roger Forsythe, resident, asked that the Supervisors see what can be done about removing the sign at Miss Lindsay’s on Route 30.  Forsythe stated the sign with a woman’s figure on it is degrading to women and obscene.  Solicitor Davis stated that he would look into it.

Mr. Forsythe also suggested that the Township not accept Islam religious buildings into the Township.  The Supervisors and Solicitor stated that something like that, by law, cannot be stopped.



MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to approve Bill List #8, General Fund checks 23335-23396 totaling $45,372.28, State Fund checks 6207-6210 totaling $10,692.36 and Sewer Fund checks 1012-1017 totaling $764.25.  Motion carried.



MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Biggins, to approve preliminary plan no. 04-245 and sewage module of David and Barbara Dillon.  Motion carried.






Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer Jim Temchack reported for the month of July there were 4 building permits and 4 land use permits issued with a construction value of $754,350.00.  Temchack stated that if a person had a contract with a builder prior to the effective day of the building code, a building permit would still be issued according to the old permit procedure.

In addition, 3 use and occupancy certificates, 2 driveway permits, and 1 flea market/yard sale permit was issued.  One zoning hearing board application was received by Hundredfold Farm Joint Venture and a hearing for a special exception was scheduled for August 25th.  Temchack also issued 4 verbal warnings, 8 written warnings and addressed 4 complaints.

Temchack stated he attended a hazard mitigation meeting concerning federal funding for disaster relief.  Municipalities must adopt a hazard mitigation resolution by October to be eligible for federal funding in the case of a disaster.



Lori Killinger, Secretary / Treasurer, reported on behalf of Craig Hartley, Road Superintendent, that the road crew was still working on preparing Hilltown Road for paving and the road crew has also been hauling stone.


Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, reported a workshop had been scheduled with the Supervisors to discuss the sewer project.



MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to adopt Ordinance 2004-07, the Agricultural Zoning Ordinance Amendments.  Motion carried.



Secretary Killinger explained that it is necessary to appoint an Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee to review agricultural security areas (ASA)  that are up for a 7 year review and any additions that are proposed to an ASA.           


MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Biggins, to appoint Dan Fetter, Mark Bream, Gary Deardorff, Dave Kuhn and Sidney Kuhn to the Franklin Township Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee.  Motion carried.


There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 8:04.


Respectfully submitted,




Lori J. Killinger




Chairman _________________________________







September 2, 2004


SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter and Tim Biggins

OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer and Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Craig Hartley.


The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.



MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried.



There were no comments from guests.



MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Biggins, to approve Bill List #9, General Fund checks 23397-23462 totaling $72,529.34, State Fund checks 6211-6215 totaling $20,299.11 and Sewer Fund checks 1018-1019 totaling $301.76.  Motion carried.



Mark Ounan of Green Ridge Road requested exoneration from a land development for a garage he would like to build on his property prior to building a house.  The garage will not be used commercially and will not have water or sewer.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to grant Mark Ounan a land development exoneration.  Motion carried.



Secretary Killinger presented the Supervisors with a letter from Chuck Szarowski of the Gettysburg Youth Soccer Club requesting an extension until July 2005 for their project on Route 30.  The Supervisors agreed to get an opinion from Solicitor Davis at the next meeting and for the time being grant a month extension.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to grant the Gettysburg Youth Soccer Club an extension until October 8, 2004.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to grant Ron Parr an extension on his preliminary subdivision plan until October 8, 2004.


There was a concern with the subdivision plan of Robert and Helen Kimple that the Supervisors wished to discuss with Solicitor Davis who was absent from the meeting.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to table the preliminary plan of Robert and Helen Kimple until October 8, 2004 and to approve the sewage module of Robert and Helen Kimple.  Motion carried.


The preliminary plan of Jerry Justice was found to be incomplete.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to table the preliminary plan of Jerry Justice until October 8, 2004 and to approve the Form B of Jerry Justice.  Motion carried.



MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve final subdivision plan no.

04-242 of Joel Riddlemoser pending the #3 note be changed to read 175-9, the well on Lot 1 be shown in the developable area, the date be changed to August 5, 2004 and a revised plan be submitted.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to approve final subdivision plan no.

04-244 of David Kuhn and Sue Ann Osterman as submitted.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Hartley, to approve final subdivision plan no.

04-245 of David and Barbara Dillon as submitted.  Motion carried.


Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer Jim Temchack reported for the month of August there were 5 building permits and 6 land use permits issued with a construction value of $349,300.00.

In addition, 17 use and occupancy certificates, 1 driveway permit, 1 home occupation permit, 1 sign permit and 3 flea market/yard sale permits were issued.  Temchack also issued 1 citation, 4 verbal warnings, 4 written warnings and 2 stop work orders and addressed 7 complaints.

Temchack stated he attended a second hazard mitigation meeting concerning federal funding for disaster relief.  Municipalities must adopt a hazard mitigation resolution by October to be eligible for federal funding in the case of a disaster.

Temchack reported the Zoning Hearing Board approved a special exception for cluster housing for Hundredfold Farm.



Craig Hartley, Road Superintendent, issued the Roadmaster’s report.  Hartley reported that the Hilltown road paving project was completed.  Hilltown Road was paved from the Fairview Fruit Road intersection to the Chambersburg Road intersection.  The Dirt Road Grant state funded project was completed on Pine Tree Road.  The road crew will begin oil and chipping after September 13th.

The township  has $80,611.00 remaining in liquid fuels money to spend.  $35,000.00 will be reserved for the Spigot Valley Road project in 2005.  The remaining money will be used for oil and chipping in 2004.


Supervisor Dan Fetter reported that the Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, September 9, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss Agricultural  Security Areas and Clean and Green issues.  Fetter asked Secretary Killinger to advertise the meeting.



MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to adopt Ordinance 2004-08, the Zoning Ordinance amendments.  Motion carried.



Temchack explained Ordinance 2004-09, the Parking Ordinance.  He stated the Ordinance permits the Township to place ‘no parking’ signs in problem areas along Route 30 between the intersection of 234 and the Franklin County boundary.  The Ordinance also authorizes the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer to enforce the parking restrictions.


MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to tentatively adopt Ordinance 2004-09, the Parking Ordinance, for October 7, 2004 and to authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.


Randall Tenney, resident, approached the Board and asked if it was possible to swap 40 acres of the industrial zone around his house with 40 acres of the agricultural zone that he owns across the street.  Tenney stated the bank won’t refinance his house because it is located in the industrial zone.  Supervisor Hartley stated the Board could not take any official action before discussing it with the Planning Commission.  Hartley stated if something could be done it wouldn’t be until 2005.


Merry Bush, Planning Commission Chairperson, asked about the status of the Regional Comprehensive Plan.  Secretary Killinger stated she attended a meeting to discuss the grant application for this project.  Richard Schmoyer, Director of Adams County Planning and Development, was going to send in the grant application after addressing the comments brought up at the meeting.  Bush stated she wished to be on the steering committee for the project.


Roger Forsythe, resident, asked what was being done about the sign at Miss Linsay’s on Route 30.  Temchack replied that the sign was there before zoning went into effect and nothing can be done to remove it now.  Supervisor Hartley stated that, according to Solicitor Davis, the sign is not breaking any criminal or civil law and the owners cannot be forced to take it down.

There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 8:02.

Respectfully submitted,




Lori J. Killinger




Chairman _________________________________







October 7, 2004


SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter and Tim Biggins

OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Walton Davis, Solicitor, Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer and Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Craig Hartley.


The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.



MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to approve the minutes of the September 2nd public hearing and last meeting as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried.


John Hubley, resident, was present to ask for a land development exoneration to build a pole barn on his property which did not have a principle building.  Hubley presented the Supervisors with a copy of a subdivision plan depicting his three properties.  James Temchack inquired about another building he observed on the property.  Hubley stated that building was a fiberglass moveable shed and he wasn’t aware that a permit was required for it.  Temchack stated he would have to get a permit for that building.

Hubley indicated on the plan where he proposed putting the pole barn.  Hubley said the building he wanted to put there was a 24 foot by 24 foot antique log cabin that he would use as a storage building.  The building would have no water and no sewer.  Hubley said it would be located well within the setbacks.  Solicitor Davis read the final plan which indicated that two of the lots were to be joined together upon completion of the subdivision process.  If this final plan was approved, then a land development exoneration would not be necessary since a principle building, the house, already existed on the property.  The building Hubley wanted to build would be considered an accessory building.  Hubley stated he was still paying taxes on three separate deeds.  Supervisor Hartley reiterated if the subdivision plan was recorded, a land development exoneration would not be required as the pole barn would be considered an accessory structure.



Glenn Snyder and Lucy Lott, two of the Adams County Commissioners, were present as part of their goal to visit all Adams County municipalities and have a dialogue with the elected officials.  Snyder asked the Board of Supervisors if they had any questions for the Commissioners.  Supervisor Hartley informed the Commissioners of the Cashtown/McKnightstown sewer project and requested the Commissioners keep in mind the need in Franklin Township for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) money over the next four years.  Snyder stated the County would get the new CDBG allocation at the beginning  of the year.  Snyder said he would check with Anne Thomas to see when the application process begins.  Lott congratulated the Supervisors on being part of the joint municipal comprehensive plan involving six municipalities.


Tom McGlaughlin was present with his attorney, Susan Smith, to discuss permitted uses for a piece of property along Chambersburg Road.  McGlaughlin stated he would like to have a landscaping/nursery/gardening center on the property.  McGlaughlin stated he wished to preserve the non-conformance of retail usage as established by the previous owner, Mr. Barbour, and have an ice cream shop/gift shop/café within the building.  McGlaughlin added that there were 3 lots he intended to subdivide off as well as the existing farm house.

Solicitor Davis confirmed what McGlaughlin stated: that the current retail usage was the sale of antiques and the proposed retail usage was ice cream shop/gift shop/café and, assuming it was a non-conforming use in the existing building, there would be no expansion of the building.  Solicitor Davis stated his question was whether the retail McGlaughlin proposed was the same as the pre-existing retail and he said he would discuss that with the zoning officer, Jim Temchack.  Supervisor Hartley recommended McGlaughlin meet with Jim Temchack to discuss his plans.



MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to approve Bill List #10, General Fund checks 23463-23550 totaling $65,785.86, State Fund checks 6216-6222 totaling $61,155.14 and Sewer Fund checks 1020-1021 totaling $311.88.  Motion carried.



MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Hartley, to grant the Gettysburg Youth Soccer Club an extension until July 8, 2005.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve the preliminary/final plan no. 04-246 of Ron Parr pending KPI’s comment #1 be addressed, the road agreement in the deed be referenced on the plan and a revised plan is submitted.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve the preliminary plan no.

04-247 of Robert Kimple as submitted.  Motion carried.



MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to approve the form B of David Kuhn and Sue Ann Osterman.  Motion carried.






Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer Jim Temchack reported for the month of September there were 2 building permits and 15 land use permits issued with a construction value of $659,450.00.

In addition, 7 use and occupancy certificates, 1 sign permit, 1 storage of moveable dwelling permit, 1 demolition permit and 2 flea market/yard sale permits were issued.  Temchack also issued 1 citation and 3 verbal warnings and addressed 4 complaints.

Temchack stated he attended the 2004 Pipeline Safety Training Program with EMA Director Bob Cullison.  The pipeline emergency response training was conducted by The Pipeline Group – Midwest Inc.


Craig Hartley, Road Superintendent, issued the Roadmaster’s report.  Hartley reported that the following roads had been oil and chipped: Hilltown, Poplar Springs, Ragged Edge, Greenridge and Fox Hill Roads.  Brush was cut along Old Route 30.  Hartley stated he submitted the reimbursement request for the Dirt Road Grant in the amount of $24,330.00.  Deb Musselman, Adams County Soil Conservation, contacted Hartley regarding the use of  Poplar Springs Road as a project to demonstrate road repair techniques to various people around the state.


Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, reported that DEP issued a permit to Hundredfold Farm for their treatment plan system.  Picarelli recommended KPI review it for the township.

Picarelli presented the Supervisors with the Spigot Valley subdivision plan.  Solicitor Davis stated the applicants should sign the plan prior to submitting it to the Planning Commission.  Picarelli stated he would send a copy of the plan to each of the involved landowners and set up a meeting with them to get them to sign.

Picarelli advised that the township have a policy regarding additions of bedrooms and bathrooms to homes.  He suggested if more than one bedroom is proposed or one bedroom with additional inhabitants is proposed, Replacement Area Testing should be required.  Picarelli stated it should be a policy of the township.  Solicitor Davis recommended either a motion be made by the Supervisors to make this a policy or a resolution be passed.  Supervisor Hartley told Davis, Picarelli and Temchack to work out the details.



MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to adopt Ordinance 2004-09, the Parking Ordinance.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to schedule a public hearing for November 4, 2004 at 7:15 p.m. for the seven year review of Agricultural Security Area #2 and to authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.


Temchack explained that FEMA requires municipalities to adopt the Hazard Mitigation Resolution in order to be eligible for monetary help during disasters.  Every year the Hazard Mitigation Plan will be evaluated and any necessary changes will be made to it.



MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to adopt Resolution 2004-14, the Hazard Mitigation Resolution.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to set Trick-or-Treat for October 31st from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins, to schedule a budget workshop for October 14, 2004 at 7:45 a.m.  Motion carried.


There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 8:38.


Respectfully submitted,




Lori J. Killinger




Chairman _________________________________







November 4, 2004


SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley and Dan Fetter

OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Walton Davis, Solicitor, Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer and Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Craig Hartley.


The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.



MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Hartley, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried.



There were no comments from guests.



MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Hartley, to approve Bill List #11, General Fund checks 23551-23626 totaling $84,512.46, State Fund checks 6223-6226 totaling $71,754.52 and Sewer Fund checks 1022-1025 totaling $846.22.  Motion carried.



MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve the preliminary/final subdivision plan no. 04-249 of John Cole and Ruth Myers and Form B as submitted.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve the preliminary/final subdivision plan no.04-248 of Jerry Justice as submitted.  Motion carried.



MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve the final subdivision plan no. 04-248 of Robert and Helen Kimple as submitted.  Motion carried.



Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer Jim Temchack reported for the month of October there were 17 land use permits issued with a construction value of $304,250.00.


In addition, 11 use and occupancy certificates, 2 driveway permits, 1 home occupation permit and 1 demolition permit were issued.  Temchack also issued 3 verbal warnings, 2 written warnings, 2 stop work orders and addressed 2 complaints.

Temchack stated the “no parking” signs were placed along both sides of Route 30 in the area of the flea markets and he ordered parking tickets to help enforce the Ordinance.


Craig Hartley, Road Superintendent, issued the Roadmaster’s report.  Hartley reported that the partial project completion report for the 2004 Hilltown Road project was submitted to PENNDOT.  The road crew has been grading dirt roads and preparing for snow removal.  Hartley stated he ordered a skid of calcium and 130 tons of salt.  Hartley stated the township ordered a tractor and will be ordering a boom and mower.  The Township applied for a grant to receive up to fifty percent of the cost of this new equipment.


Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, presented the Supervisors with a letter from a resident, Robert Barber.  Barber requested by this letter to consider his newly bought house on High Street as a repair situation and permit him to have a holding tank permit for it until he is permitted to hook up to the new sewer system.  Picarelli stated they tested around the property and it wouldn’t perc.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to authorize the SEO Gil Picarelli to issue a holding tank permit to Robert Barber under the conditions that there be an auditory alarm for the holding tank inside the home as well as a visual alarm on the holding tank.  Motion carried.






Supervisor Hartley asked Merry Bush, Planning Commission Chairperson, to get an opinion from the Planning Commission regarding recreational impact fees.  In addition, Supervisor Fetter asked Merry Bush to discuss with the Planning Commission the possibility of turning some industrial properties back to agricultural and to research how many acres the Township is required to have in the industrial zone.


Temchack mentioned that Township would have a box for Toys for Tots and would be accepting bears for the Bears for Children Tree.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to tentatively adopt the 2005 Budget, showing no increase in taxes, at the December 2, 2004 meeting and to authorize the Secretary to advertise.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to adopt Resolution 2004-15 to participate in the PACC (Pennsylvania Capital City) for the purchase of a Tiger mower and Tiger boom.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to authorize the Treasurer to order a John Deere 6320 Tractor and Tiger boom mower and side rotary mower in the total amount of  $99,175.00.  Motion carried.


There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 7:59.


Respectfully submitted,




Lori J. Killinger




Chairman _________________________________







December 2, 2004


SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter and Tim Biggins

OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Walton Davis, Solicitor, Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer and Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Craig Hartley.


The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.



MOTION by Fetter, seconded by Biggins, to approve the minutes of the November 4th public hearing and last meeting as pre-read by the Supervisors.  Motion carried.



There were no comments from guests.



MOTION by Biggins, seconded by Fetter, to approve Bill List #12, General Fund checks 23627-23693 totaling $43,121.09, State Fund checks 6227-6229 totaling $3,743.13 and Sewer Fund checks 1026-1027 totaling $301.47.  Motion carried.



Merry Bush, Planning Commission Chairperson, said the Planning Commission approved the preliminary plan for Hundredfold Farm pending KPI’s comments are addressed.  Supervisor Biggins inquired about who would be inspecting Hundredfold’s private road to make sure it was constructed properly.  Picarelli stated KPI can inspect it as well as their stormwater management.   

MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to approve the preliminary land development plan of Hundredfold Farm pending KPI’s comments are addressed.  Motion carried.






Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer Jim Temchack reported for the month of November there were 4 land use permits issued with a construction value of $84,500.00.


In addition, 11 use and occupancy certificates, 1 sign permit and 1 demolition permit were issued.  Temchack also issued 3 verbal warnings and 2 written warnings and addressed 5 complaints.


Craig Hartley, Road Superintendent, issued the Roadmaster’s report.  Hartley stated the road crew is continuing to grade the dirt roads.  The grader broke down and is being repaired.  Six loads of salt were delivered and Secretary Killinger is going to inquire about getting two more loads.  Next week the road crew goes back to the winter work schedule.  Lines were painted on Greenridge and Hilltown Roads.  The township received the Dirt Road Grant money which was approximately $23,000.00.


Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, reported that KPI representatives had met with Tom Norman to discuss using a piece of his property for the sewer treatment plant site for the future sewer system in McKnightstown and Cashtown.  KPI had also met with Mr. Norman to show him an actual sewer treatment plant.  Picarelli recommended the Supervisors, Solicitor Davis and KPI representatives set up a meeting with Mr. Norman again to discuss an agreement.  Picarelli stated he was going to send a letter to DEP explaining the delay in submitting the Act 537 plan.


Merry Bush, Planning Commission Chairperson, reported that the Planning Commission scheduled a zoning workshop for Wednesday, February 2, 2005 at 6:00 p.m.  Topics to be discussed will be the industrial zone, open space zone and recreational impact fees.



MOTION by Hartley, seconded by Biggins to adopt the 2005 Budget, with no increase in taxes which are currently 1.1312 mills.  Motion carried.





There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 7.43.


Respectfully submitted,




Lori J. Killinger
