Municipal Authority Meeting Minutes 2007




JANUARY 2, 2007


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Wally Kane, Bill Hewitt, Richard Hartman and Debra Hahn


Guests Present:   Gil Picarelli & Craig Zack of KPI Technology.


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by acting Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Election of Officers:


Motion by Hahn, seconded by Hewitt to appoint Robert Cullison as Chairman.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hartman, seconded by Hewitt to appoint Wally Kane as Vice-Chairman.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to appoint Debra Hahn as Secretary/Treasurer.  Motion carried unanimously.


Appointed Positions:


Motion by Hahn, seconded by Hewitt to appoint ACNB as the depository.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to appoint Carl Frantz as plumber.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt, to appoint Mason Dixon as testing agent.

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Hartman, to appoint Robert McQuaide as solicitor.

Motion by Hartman, seconded by Hahn, to appoint Musselman & Creager as accountants.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to appoint Robert Cullison as plant operator.

All motions unanimously approved.


No motion was made to appoint an Engineer for 2007.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hartman to approve the minutes of the December meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve Bill List # 1 of 2007.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve the General account report.  Motion carried unanimously.


Gil Picarelli & Craig Zack of KPI Technology, addressed the Board about the pending sewer project.   Board members asked exactly where the proposed sewer lines were going to be installed.  Picarelli & Zack showed members the proposed sewer line drawings.  Members asked if the Authority would decided to extend their existing water lines at the same time that the sewer lines were installed, if there would be any cost savings to the Authority.  They were advised that the engineering plans for the sewer line had already been prepared and presented for approval, so there would not be any savings as far as plan preparation.  But they felt that there might  be savings in contractor fees, if the Authority would plan to extend the lines at the same time that the sewer lines were installed.   Picarelli felt that extending the water lines out High Street to Route 30, might be best, because High Street in it’s entirety would need to be repaved, after the sewer lines were installed.  It was noted that the water line had to be a least 10 feet from the sewer line.   The Authority felt that this might be an issue, especially in McKnightstown, where the sewer line would be installed along the road shoulder.  Board members told Picarelli & Zack that a financial study would have to be done, before the Authority would make plans to extend the water lines.  Chairman Cullison asked Picarelli if the Authority would decide to extend their lines, would KPI Technology be interested in being the Authority’s engineer.   Picarelli felt this would not be an issue, but stated that he would need the approval of the Township Supervisor’s before agreeing to work with the Authority.


Board member Hewitt advised he would measure the distance down High Street, out Hilltown Road and the Orrtanna Road.  Measurements would be brought back to the February meeting for review.   Secretary Hahn was also requested to contact the Adams County National Bank, to find out costs for a 20 year loan.


In other business, board members reviewed the 2005 audit report, prepared by Musselman & Creager.   Motion by Hartman, seconded by Hewitt to hire Musselman & Creager to perform the 2006 audit.  Motion carried unanimously.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by 8:10 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Debra Hahn, Secretary



FEBRUARY 6, 2007


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Wally Kane, Bill Hewitt,  and Debra Hahn


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by  Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the minutes of the January  meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve Bill List # 2 of 2007.  Motion carried unanimously.   Members decided to table the payment of the Glace Associates invoice, until the next board meeting.   Member’s reviewed the breakdown of the work completed for the PennDot Highway Occupancy permit and still had concerns of the amount of time spent on work performed.  Kane advised he would contact Max Stoner to discuss the matter further.


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to approve the General account report.  Motion carried unanimously.


Hewitt addressed the Board on estimated costs of extending the water lines.   Discussion was held on the possibility of extending the line along High Street to New Route 30, out the Orrtanna Road and to McKnightstown.  Board members were in agreeance that extending the lines during the sewer project would definitely be a good business venture.  Cullison advised he would invite the township’s engineers to the March meeting, to discuss the matter further.


Cullison read a letter from Mr. Caskey’s attorney , concerning the proposed right of way agreement at the Rock Top Well Site.   Caskey is proposing he would be willing to grant a 10 feet right of way, to the Authority only.  After discussing the proposal, members thought it best to invite Solictor McQuaide to the March meeting, to obtain legal advice on the best way to proceed.


Secretary Hahn advised that the delinquent account at the rental property located at 997 had been paid in full.   She noted that the renters advised they did not want their water bill being in their landlord’s name.   Board members agreed, that as long as the account was kept current, the bill could be put back in the renter’s name.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 A.M.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn





MARCH 6, 2007


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Wally Kane, Bill Hewitt,  Richard Hartman and Debra Hahn


Guests present:  Robert McQuaide, Esquire


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by  Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hartman  to approve the minutes of the February  meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hartman to approve Bill List # 3 of 2007.  Motion carried unanimously, with the exception of the Glace Associates invoice.   After reviewing the revised invoice, Motion was made by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to only pay $1000.00 of  the invoice.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the General account report.  Motion carried unanimously.


Solicitor McQuaide addressed the Board concerning the proposed Right of Way agreement at the Rock Top Well site.  Members reviewed a letter from Solicitor Phillips, attorney for Mr. Caskey.  Board member discussed the possibility of decreasing the width of the right of way from 16 to 12 possibly 10 feet.   McQuaide also advised that contrary to Mr. Caskey’s belief, the Heckmans do not have any other access to their property, other than the present gravel road.  Members discussed the reimbursement of Mr. Caskey’s legal fees, in exchange for the rights to the gravel road.    Mr. McQuaide advised he would be contacting Mr. Phillips, to discuss the same.


Chairman Cullison requested advice from Mr. McQuaide on possibility of the Authority applying for a tax exempt loan, to help pay for water line extensions.  McQuaide advised the fees to get bond counsel letters drawn up, would be rather costly, initially, but the Authority would save money in the long run, due to lower interest rates on the loan.  No decision was made as to whether or not the Authority wanted to make arrangements to apply for this type of loan.


Hewitt addressed the board on his recent studies concerning growth areas within Franklin Township.    Hewitt had maps showing areas within Franklin Township that are expected to grow in population over the next five years.   One of the areas was the end of High Street, towards New Route 30.  Hewitt advised it might be better to wait until the growth began, before extending the water lines.   The assumption being that a developer might be willing to split the cost of extending the water lines, which would be a huge financial savings for the Authority.   No decision was made on whether or not to extend the lines in this area.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn




April 3, 2007


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Wally Kane, Bill Hewitt,  Richard Hartman and Debra Hahn


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by  Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.



Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane  to approve the minutes of the March  meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hartman to approve Bill List # 4 of 2007.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the General account report.  Motion carried unanimously.


Board members reviewed the End of the Year reports for both the General and Reserve accounts.


Board members discussed the Bream property located along Old Route 30, rented by the Bill Sanders family.  Kane note that the property did fall within the limits of the mandatory hookup requirements.   Cullison advised that the existing water main was about 4″ above the creek, located between the line and house.  He advised that the line would have to be placed under the creek and possibly insulated.  Board members agreed that it might be best if Jeremy Davis reviewed the situation.  Jeremy would be asked for his opinion on the best way to connect the property to the water main.  Kane advised he would contact Davis and set up an appointment for him to visit the property.


Cullison advised he was having some issues with the electronic readings in the meter reading devices.   He advised that the readings on the recently installed water meters, were not consistent with the readings on the other meters.  Cullison thought there might be a problem with how the new meters were wired.  He advised he would talk to Plumber Frantz, to see if he had any suggestions on why the readings were different.  Cullison noted, if Frantz knew what the problem was, he would have Frantz correct the problem.


Board members worked on the 2007 budget worksheet.  It was noted that the 2006 budget was very accurate to the 2006 actuals.  2007 budget was very similiar to 2006 budget.  Secretary Hahn will prepare the official Budget worksheet, to be approved at the May meeting.


Secretary Hahn advised that the Monn’s delinquent account, had been paid in full.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn





May 1, 2007


Board members present: Robert Cullison and Debra Hahn


Due to lack of quorum, no meeting was held.


Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn, Secretary





June 5, 2007


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Wally Kane, Bill Hewitt,  Richard Hartman and Debra Hahn

Guests present:  Jeremy Davis & Shannon.


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by  Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane  to approve the minutes of the April  meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


There were no minutes to approve for the May meeting as no meeting was held, due to lack of quorum.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve Bill List #5  of 2007.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve Bill List #6.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman  to approve the General account report for April.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hartman to approve the General account report for May.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Davis addressed the Board on the work that was going to be involved, in the new hook up at the Bill Sander’s residence, located along Old Route 30. Davis advised there would be no cost for applying for the permit to go under the creek to lay the pipe.   He said that a plan needed to be submitted to DEP for the work but the plan could be filled out by him, not an engineer.   He advised an estimate of approximately $3,700 to run the line under the creek and to the house. It was noted  that the house measures approximately 110′ from the water main.   This property falls within the criteria of the mandatory hookup guidelines.    Davis advised DEP would have to approve the plans and visit the site before any work could be performed.   MOTION by Hartman, seconded by Kane to have Jeremy begin the application process.  Motion carried unanimously.   Kane was requested to contact Solictor McQuaide to have him send a letter to Bream Orchards, owner of the property, advising them of the manadatory hookup.


Board members reviewed the most recent draft of the Right of Way agreement between the Caskeys, the Authority and the Heckmans.  MOTION by Kane, seconded by Hartman to have Solicitor McQuaide submit the agreement to the Caskey’s attorney for signatures.   Motion carried unanimously.


Members also reviewed the most recent Consumer Confidence Report of the water system which was prepared by George Kritchen.   Secretary Hahn was instructed to make copies of the report, so Mr. Cullison could distribute it to customers when he read the water meters for the 2nd quarter.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn, Secretary




July 3, 2007


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Wally Kane, Bill Hewitt and Debra Hahn


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by  Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane  to approve the minutes of the June  meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve Bill List #7  of 2007.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to approve the General account report for June.  Motion carried unanimously.


Kane advised that Jeremy Davis was finishing up the process of obtaining the permits, to begin work on laying the pipe to hookup the Bream property at 1402 Old Route 30.  Davis hoped to get information to Cullison later in the week.   It was noted that no response had been received from Breams, since they received notice of the mandatory hookup request.


Kane addressed the board concerning the pending Right of Way agreement between the Caskeys & the Authority.  Kane advised that Mr. Caskey decided he was not going to sign the agreement.  MOTION by Kane, seconded by Hewitt, to proceed with Eminent Domain proceedings, to acquire the piece of property in question.  Motion carried unanimously.


Cullison gave Secretary Hahn a list of property owner’s who’s  water meters are being obstructed by weeds/brush.  Hahn was instructed to send the property owners notice, that the obstructions had to be cleared by August 1.    If not, the Authority would have to hire someone to clear the obstructions and invoice the owner, for labor.


Hahn was instructed to send information to Solicitor McQuaide, to have a water shut off notice sent to the property owner at 246 High Street, due to non-payment of water bill.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn, Secretary




August 7, 2007


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Wally Kane, Bill Hewitt and Debra Hahn


Guests present: Shannon Trostle


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by  Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane  to approve the minutes of the July  meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve Bill List #8  of 2007.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to approve the General account report for July.  Motion carried unanimously.


Before Bill List #8 was approved a motion was made by Cullison, seconded by Hewitt to pay the legal expenses of John & Dottie Caskey.  $2,094.00 worth of legal expenses were incurred by the Caskeys for fees involved in working towards a Deed of Right of Way between the Authority and the Caskeys at the Rock Top Well site.  This right of way will allow the Authority to cross over the Caskey’s property, to obtain access from Old Route 30, to the water plant.  Motion carried unanimously to pay the legal fees.


Shannon Trostle from Davis Construction submitted a partially completed DEP General Permit for the application needed to go under the creek at the Bream Property along Old Route 30.  Mr. Trostle advise that they had filled out most of the application and had the drawings made up for the permit.   He advised the Authority needed to complete the rest of the application, before it could be submitted to DEP.   Board members reviewed the application.  Hahn and Cullison will add the missing info and have the application submitted to DEP.   Once the permit is approved, work can begin to hook up the Bream rental house to the water line, to be in compliance with the Mandatory Hookup Ordinance.


Cullison and Kane addressed the Board about a recent water leak that had been discovered at a customer’s home in August.  Cullison said that a neighbor of the adjoining property at 960 Old Route 30, called Mr. Cullison and advised there was water coming out of a pipe at the back of the house.  Cullison was advised that the occupants of the house were on vacation at the time.  Cullison made several attempts to get in contact with the occupant’s extended family to gain access inside the house to look for the leak, but was not successful.  Cullison advised he contacted  the Pa. State Police for direction on what to do.  He said he was advised that if there was a leak that needed to be stopped, to do whatever necessary to gain access inside the house.  Cullison and Kane used forced entry to open a door to the house and found that a toilet had been leaking.  Upon reading the water meter, it was discovered that over 11,000 gallons had been used in 11 days.


In other business, Secretary/Treasurer Hahn advised that the customer at 246 High Street with the overdue water bill, had paid their bill in full.


There being no further business to address, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn






September 4, 2007


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn & Richard Hartman


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by  Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hahn, seconded by Hartman  to approve the minutes of the August  meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hahn, seconded by Hartman to approve Bill List #9  of 2007.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hartman, seconded by Hahn to approve the General account report for August.  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison advised that he had submitted the completed application for the DEP permit to install the water line under the creek at the Bream property.  He noted that he had not gotten a response from DEP to date.   It was also noted that Breams had not responded to the request sent to them concerning the hookup.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn





October 2, 2007


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Bill Hewitt & Richard Hartman


Guests Present:  Rita Harrison and Kathy Adams


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by  Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman  to approve the minutes of the September  meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hahn to approve Bill List #10  of 2007.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve the General account report for September.  Motion carried unanimously.


Board members reviewed a letter from Beauchat & Beauchat concerning the proposed Heckman right of way.  The letter addressed concerns the Heckmans had, on particulars concerning the right of way i.e., how wide it could be, if they could improve the roadway and if any tree removal would be allowed.  Board members were in agreeance that the right of way would need to be 25′ per township ordinance.  It was also agreed that the road could be improved in a way that would accomodate emergency vehicles.  They also agreed that tree removal would be allowed, within the right of way area.    Secretary Hahn was advised to send Solicitor McQuaide a letter, outlining the Authority’s answers.


Guests Rita Harrison a physican from York Hospital and Kathy Adams, realtor from Long & Foster, addressed the Board on property located in the 3500 block of the Chambersburg Road.   Ms. Harrison advised she was interested in purchasing the piece of property for a Healthcare Facility.   But, she was advised there was a township ordinance in place, that required any Healthcare facility to be hooked up to Municipal water/sewer.  Ms. Harrison was there to request information on getting a variance to construct a Healthcare facility, and use the private well, that was on the property.    Board members advised Ms. Harrison there were no future plans, to extend the water main to that area.   They also advised her she would have to approach the Board of Supervisors on requesting a variance to the Township ordinance.


In other business, Cullison advised that the Authority had received the permit from DEP to go under the creek to lay a water line, at the Bream property along Old Route 30.   Cullison advised that Jeremy Davis would be contacted, to begin the excavation to lay the line.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn,





November 6, 2007


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Bill Hewitt, Wally Kane

Guests Present:  Robert McQuaide, Esquire


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by  Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt  to approve the minutes of the October  meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve Bill List #11  of 2007.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the General account report for October.  Motion carried unanimously.


Solicitor McQuaide addressed the Board concerning the matter of the proposed Right of Way Agreement between the Heckman’s and the Authority.   At last month’s meeting Authority members had decided that the proposed right of way would need to be at least 25′.   McQuaide advised when he gave Wendy Beauchat, attorney for the Heckmans this information. they were not agreeable to such a wide Right of Way.  After discussing  the matter further, members agreed that the Right of Way would only need to be a minimum of 10′.  Member Kane asked McQuaide if a subdivision plan would be necessary, before any right of way agreement could be made.  McQuaide reply that a subdivision plan would be required.   McQuaide advised he would put together a proposal for the right of way and submit it to Attorney Beauchat for review.  Once the proposal was agreed upon, he would begin the process of obtaining a subdivision plan.


Chairman Cullison advised that the water line had been placed under the creek at the Bream Rental property located along Old Route 30.  He also said that the water line had been installed to the dwelling.  It was noted that Breams had been sent a mandatory hookup letter, requesting that the hookup fee be paid in full earlier in the year.  No response had been received from the Breams.    It was requested by Board members that Mr. McQuaide send another letter to the Breams, requesting their compliance with the ordinance.  Hahn asked Mr. McQuaide if the hookup fee was never paid, could the Authority begin charging water usage to the property.  McQuaide advised he would have to research the matter and get back to the Authority with answers.


Cullison read a letter from the renter of Apartment #1, located at 336 High St.   The letter addressed the Board about the high water bills the renter had been receiving.  The letter stated that the renter lived alone, did not have a dishwasher or did laundry at the residence, yet every quarter, his water usage was high.  It was also noted that at the last billing, the water meter of Apartment #2, located at the same address, had used over 64,000 gallons last quarter.  Chairman Cullison and Kane volunteered to visit the residence on Saturday, to test the meters and check for leaks.


Secretary Hahn reminded Kane, that his term on the Board, would expire at the end of 2007.  Kane said he would agree to stay on the Board, unless someone else from the community stepped forward to take his place.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted.


Debra Hahn





December 4, 2007


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Bill Hewitt, Wally Kane


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by  Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt  to approve the minutes of the November meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve Bill List #12  of 2007.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the General account report for December.  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison advised that he visited the property at 336 High Street, to investigate high water usage.  He advised that Biesecker Plumbing also inspected the plumbing and no leaks had been found.


Cullison also advised that a representative of CS Davidson, a Gettysburg Engineering firm contacted him about the Heckman’s property.  Cullison noted that he observed that someone had surveyed the Heckman’s property.   The representative asked, if the Water Authority would mind, if the Heckman’s made improvements to the roadway.  Cullison suggested that the representative contact the Authority’s solicitor to discuss the matter.


MOTION by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to increase Chairman Cullison’s salary to $5,000.  The increase in salary for this plant operator’s position to be effective January 1, 2008.  Motion carried unanimously.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn
