Franklin Township Planning Commission
Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance
Merry Bush Pat Schindel Henry Crushong, Jr. Dennis Robinson Matt Williams Mary Lower
Election of Officers for the Year 2010:
MOTIONS were made nominating the following by acclamation:
Merry Bush as Chairman, Mary Lower as Secretary and Henry Crushong Jr. as Vice-Chairman. Motion carried.
HS Group – Sketch plan – 3585 Chambersburg – Commercial zone
Conway Williams, ERA Real Estate presented the sketch plan.
The owners (Little Italy site) and would like to subdivide a 1.0 +/- acre tract off of the total acreage of 3.47 +/- acres. The lot would have 218’ road frontage. Their question was whether they could start without having to install the well first. We felt they could start the plan. The proposed sites for the driveway, well, etc. will need to be shown on the plan.
New Business
Addition to Ag Security Area #3 – The Shrivers (Ernest, Linda and Ethan) would like to have their property, which totals 120.6 +/- acres added to ASA #3. No objections were seen with the addition. Recommended approval of the addition request.
Northwest Joint Comprehensive Plan – There will be a public meeting to discuss the plan on January 21st at 7:00 pm at the Upper Adams High School, Biglerville, PA.
Meeting adjourned at 7:19 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower
Planning Commission Secretary
Franklin Township Planning Commission
Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance
Merry Bush Pat Schindel Henry Crushong, Jr. Dennis Robinson Matt Williams Mary Lower Sandra Spence
Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.
Approval of January 2010 Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Schindel to approve the January minutes. Motion carried.
Marsh Creek, LLC – Sewage Module – Chambersburg Road – Ag zone
MOTION by Williams, seconded by Robinson to approve the module. Motion carried.
RB Enterprises LLC – Preliminary Plan – Hilltown Road & High Street – Commercial Zone
Subdivision of a 1.320 +/- acre tract into two lots. Lot 1 = 27,848 sq ft and Lot 2 = 29,646.4 sq ft. The existing commercial property is located on Lot 1. Merry Bush read the Adams County comment’s dated 2/3/2010 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 2/3/10.
KPI’s comments are as follows:
MOTION by Spence, seconded by Crushong, to recommend approval of the preliminary plan pending the resolution of KPI’s comments. Motion carried.
New Business
South Mountain Summit – There will be a workshop on 2/19/10 in Newville, PA.
Northwest Joint Comprehensive Plan – The plan should be adopted by the Supervisors at Thursday’s meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower
Planning Commission Secretary
Franklin Township Planning Commission
Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance
Merry Bush Pat Schindel Henry Crushong, Jr. Dennis Robinson Matt Williams
Mary Lower Sandra Spence
Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.
Approval of February 2010 Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Williams, seconded by Spence to approve the February minutes. Motion carried.
Mary Ann & William Oyler – Sketch Plan – near Fairview Fruit Road – Ag Zone
Would like to build 2 or 3 farm buildings (cold storage, multipurpose, packing line, etc.) on the property for the first phase. Later additions would be for a small farm market/office, etc.
They will need a land development plan and stormwater management.
Dave Shaw – Sketch Plan – off of Mountain Drive – near Gettysburg Camp Sites – Ag Zone
Owns 10 acres and would like to purchase a neighboring 20 +/- acres and then subdivide about 10 acres. His only access is through the Camp Site. He would only be able to sell the 10 acres to an adjoining landowner.
The Village of Laurel Run – Preliminary – US Rt. 30 – Open Space & Commercial Zone
For the addition of ten (10) independent living units on the side of an existing drive. Two units will be fully detached while the remaining four units will be semi-detached.
Merry read KPI Technology comments dated 2/23/10 and Adams County comments dated 3/1/10. There are many small issues to be resolved.
MOTION by Spence, seconded by Schindel to table the plan, with Robinson abstaining. Motion carried.
Marsh Creek, LLC – Preliminary/Final – US Route 30 – Ag zone
Subdivision of a 14.988 +/- acres into two single-family residential lots. Lot 1= 10.608 +/- acres and Lot 2 = 4.380 +/- acres.
Merry read KPI Technology comments dated 3/2/10 and Adams County comments dated 2/25/10.
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Crushong to recommend approval of the module pending resolution of the Highway Occupancy Permit approval and the sewage module being approved. Motion carried.
RB Enterprises LLC – Final Plan – Hilltown Road & High Street – Commercial Zone
Subdivision of a 1.320 +/- acre tract into two lots. Lot 1 = 27,848 sq ft and Lot 2 = 29,646.4 sq ft. The existing commercial property is located on Lot 1. Merry read KPI Technology comments dated 3/2/10 and Adams County comments dated 2/3/10.
MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Crushong, to recommend approval of the final plan. Motion carried.
Bonnie Holland – Sketch – US Rt. 30 and Old Rt. 30
Would like to add a new property line to separate two building on the current plan.
This will be a subdivision and they should supply an offer of easement.
New Business
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower
Planning Commission Secretary
Franklin Township Planning Commission
Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance
Merry Bush Pat Schindel Henry Crushong, Jr. Dennis Robinson
Mary Lower Sandra Spence
Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.
Approval of March 2010 Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Crushong to approve the March minutes. Motion carried.
Mary Ann & William Oyler – Sketch Plan – near Fairview Fruit Road – Ag Zone
170 +/- acres total – They would like to build 2 or 3 farm buildings (cold storage, multipurpose, packing line, etc.) on the property for the first phase. Later additions would be for a small farm market/office, etc.
Bob Sharrah was present to inform the commission that they are working on the stormwater management issues. No wetlands are present.
The Village of Laurel Run – Preliminary/Final – US Rt. 30 – Open Space & Commercial Zone – For the addition of ten (10) independent living units on the side of an existing drive. Two units will be fully detached while the remaining four units will be semi-detached.
Merry read KPI Technology comments dated 3/16/10. Issues are as follows:
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Crushong to recommend conditional approval of the plan pending the resolution of KPI’s comments. Motion carried, with Robinson abstaining.
The Village of Laurel Run – Erosion & Sediment Pollution Control Report
Merry read the questions and the answers were noted on the report.
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Lower to recommend approval of the Erosion & Sediment Pollution Control Report. Motion carried, with Robinson abstaining.
Floyd Kuhn – Final Plan – Old Route 30 – Village Overlay Zone
Subdivision of an 18,283 +/- square foot lot (Lot 2) from an existing 28,633 +/- square foot parcel of land (Lot 1) to be conveyed to an adjoining lot owner. Merry read Adams County comments dated 4/6/10 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 3/31/10.
No problems were seen with the plan.
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Crushong, to recommend approval of the final plan. Motion carried.
New Business
Business at US Rt 30 & Cashtown-Arendtsville Road intersection – Commercial Zone – seems like it is in operation although the hearing for the special exception isn’t until April – ? – will be a recycling center
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower
Planning Commission Secretary
Franklin Township Planning Commission
JR Crushong called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance
Pat Schindel Henry Crushong, Jr. Matt Williams Mary Lower Sandra Spence
Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.
Approval of April 2010 Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Williams to approve the April minutes. Motion carried.
Ron Bennett – Sewage Planning Module – Bottom Road
Has there been a revised plan submitted?
MOTION by Williams, seconded by Schindel to table the plan due to no approval being received from the state. Motion carried.
Mary Ann & William Oyler – Preliminary/Final Plan – Pleasant Valley Road – Ag Zone
170 +/- acres total – They would like to build 2 or 3 farm buildings (cold storage, multipurpose, packing line, etc.) on the property for the first phase. Later additions would be for a small farm market/office, etc.
Bob Sharrah was present to show the members the revised plan, which was just completed. Since it has not been officially submitted, no action was taken on the plan this month.
HS Group – Final – Chambersburg Road – Commercial Zone
The plan was tabled since we didn’t receive any Adams County comments for review.
New Business
Creed White, Metals Preparation/Metals Transport – Commercial Zone – 3920 Chambersburg Road – Special Exception Application
There was a hearing on April 21, 2010 (no final decision was made by the board) with a second one to follow on May 18, 2010. The intent is to follow up to make sure they meet code requirements.
The members concerns are the following: we would like to see routine inspections by the township’s Zoning Officer and DEP, drain socks should be routinely inspected, a buffer of fencing or screening should be erected between the business and the neighboring residence (Sharrah’s). We would also like to have the members of the Zoning Hearing Board do a site visit of the business and property prior to the hearing on the 18th.
If the above issues are taken into consideration, implemented and the business meets all other code requirements the planning commission members recommend approval of the use by special exception.
MOTION by Williams, seconded by Schindel to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower
Planning Commission Secretary
Franklin Township Planning Commission
Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance
Merry Bush Pat Schindel Henry Crushong, Jr. Dennis Robinson Mary Lower
Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.
Approval of May 2010 Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Schindel to approve the May minutes. Motion carried.
Wayne Cogswell – Sketch Plan – 3031 Buchanan Valley Road
He owns a lot that he would like to subdivide into 3, each to be sold to 3 adjoining landowners. No problems seen with the plan.
Roy Smethers – Sketch Plan – Poplar Springs Road – Ag Zone
He is thinking of purchasing approximately 21 +/- total acres and would like subdivide 3 lots off of the total – he would have approximately 3 acres left to subdivide in the Ag Zone – There is already one house on the remainder property and if he wanted to build a new house on the remainder then he would only be allowed to subdivide two lots. Road frontage shouldn’t be an issue.
Mary Ann & William Oyler – Preliminary/Final Plan – Pleasant Valley Road – Ag Zone
170 +/- acres total – They would like to build 2 or 3 farm buildings (cold storage, multipurpose, packing line, etc.) on the property for the first phase. Later additions would be for a small farm market/office, etc.
Merry read Adams County Office of Planning & Development’s comments dated 5/27/10. KPI’s comments were mainly stormwater issues. The main concern is the low-flow orifice being a 1” orifice. It is going to be more of a maintenance issue, due to it being susceptible to clogging. Eric Mains, PE-KPI Technology will be present at the Supervisor’s meeting to explain.
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Lower to recommend approval pending clarification of the 1” orifice issue noted above by Eric Mains at the Supervisor’s meeting. Motion carried.
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Schindel to recommend approval of the plan as a Preliminary/Final Plan. Motion carried.
HS Group – Final – Chambersburg Road – Commercial Zone
Merry Bush read Adams County comments dated 5/19/10 and KPI’s comments dated 6/1/10. KPI’s issue is the following:
MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to table the plan pending explanation of the Highway Occupancy Permit issue. Motion carried.
Bonnie A. Holland – Final Plan – Old Route 30 – Residential Zone
Subdivision of 1.111 +/- acre parcel of land into two separate lots. Lot 1 (36,505 +/- sq. ft.) single-family residence fronts on Fairview Fruit Road. Lot 2 (11,890 +/- sq. ft.) will have an existing single-family residence and is zoned Village Overlay and fronts on Old Route 30.
Both lots are on one deed. No Adams County comments have been received. KPI’s issues focus on Lot 2 not meeting the minimum lot width.
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Crushong, to table the plan. Motion carried.
Ronald Bennett – Preliminary plan – Bottom Road – Ag Zone
Subdivision of a 10.608 +/- acre lot (Lot 3) from an existing 130.0 +/- parcel of land (Lot 1).
No Adams County comments have been received.
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Schindel to table the plan due to Adams County comments not being received. Motion carried.
Ronald Bennett – Sewage Planning Module – Bottom Road
MOTION by Bush, seconded by Robinson to approve the module. Motion carried.
David Kuhn – Sketch plan – Old Route 30
Would like to sell an alley to an adjoining property owner. Mr. Backus already uses the alley as a driveway. No problems seen with the plan.
New Business
Follow up of the Creed White, Metals Preparation/Metals Transport – Commercial Zone – 3920 Chambersburg Road – Special Exception Application hearing on May 18th
The planning commission would like to be notified the outcome of the Zoning Hearing Board’s decisions.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower
Planning Commission Secretary
Franklin Township Planning Commission
Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance:
Merry Bush Pat Schindel Henry Crushong, Jr. Dennis Robinson Mary Lower Matt Williams
Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.
Approval of June 2010 Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Schindel to approve the June minutes. Motion carried.
Marsh Creek LLC – Sketch Plan – Fairview Fruit Road – Ag Zone
Ed Mort was present representing Marsh Creek LLC – 83.038 +/- acres and would like to subdivide 20 lots. These lot would be on 24.911 +/- acres – Remainder would be 58.127 +/- acres – The would have on-lot water and sewer
Harry Borger – Sketch Plan – 134 Crooked Creek Road
.3 +/- acre would be added to an adjoining 1.58 +/- acre lot – no problems seen
HS Group – Final – Chambersburg Road – Commercial Zone
Carl Bert was present to address the comment about a cross access easement onto the restaurant property if they could not get a highway occupancy permit. Mr. Bert stated he was at the Supervisor’s meeting and they all felt there was no reason why they couldn’t get a highway occupancy permit and therefore wouldn’t need a cross access easement.
MOTION by Williams, seconded by Crushong to approve the plan. Motion carried.
Dave Kuhn – Request for Planning Waiver & Non-Building Waiver – Bottom Road
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Crushong to approve. Motion carried.
David Kuhn – Final Plan – Old Route 30
Would like to sell an alley to an adjoining property owner. Mr. Backus already uses the alley as a drive way. Merry read KPI Technology’s comments dated 6/21/2010 and Adams County Comments dated 7/1/10.
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Schindel to recommend approval of the plan pending resolution of KPI’s comments. Motion carried with Robinson abstaining.
New Business:
Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for the Implementation of the Northwest Joint Comprehensive Plan – The NW Comp Plan has been completed but we need to make a recommendation to the Supervisors about implementing the intergovernmental agreement. Everyone read the Solicitor’s letter regarding his concerns about the agreement. The consensus is that we agree with the Solicitor’s comments. There are many problems with the concepts of the agreement and there are concerns raised on how this implementation agreement would be of a real benefit to the Township. We understand that when applying for grants there may be a more favorable consideration given to municipalities that are part of a regional comp plan but we are not sure that the other issues that we consider problems would outweigh this benefit. The planning commission would like to have a meeting with Dick Schmoyer (or a representative of his office). We would like him to be invited to come at 6 pm on the day of our next meeting, August 4, 2010. He would have from 6 pm to 7 pm to give us all the reasons why this would be a benefit to the township, otherwise our consensus seems to not be a part of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for the Implementation of the Northwest Comprehensive Plan. We would also like the Supervisors to be invited to the meeting at 6 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower
Planning Commission Secretary
Franklin Township Planning Commission
Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance:
Merry Bush Pat Schindel Henry Crushong, Jr. Dennis Robinson Mary Lower Sandy Spence
Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.
Approval of July 2010 Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Schindel to approve the July minutes. Motion carried.
Linwood and Karan Verdier – Final Plan – Old Rt. 30 – Open Space
Subdivision of a 12,496 +/- square foot parcel of land (Lot 1A) from a 3.45 +/- acre lot (Lot 1). Lot 1A will be conveyed to an adjoining lot owner.
Merry read KPI Technology’s comments dated 7/23/2010 and Adams County comments dated 7/27/2010. Issues were the following:
MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Crushong to recommend conditional approval pending resolution of issues shown above. Motion approved.
William & Mary Ann Oyler – Request for Planning Exemption – Pleasant Valley Road – Ag Zone
The Oyler’s did dual testing and Gil Picarelli signed off on it.
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Spence to approve the Planning Exemption.
Ronald and Deborah Bennett – Preliminary and Final Plan = Bottom Road – Open Space & Ag Zone
Subdivision of a 10.608 +/- acre lot (Lot 3) from an existing 130.0 +/- parcel of Land (Lot 1).
Merry read KPI Technology’s comments dated 7/29/2010 and Adams County comments dated 6/16/2010.
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Schindel to recommend approval of the Preliminary and Final Plan. Motion carried.
New Business:
Ed Gotwalt – Mr. Ed’s Elephant Museum – The Fire Marshall is going to release the building tomorrow. They are going to rebuild the one damaged room. They are going to stay on the same footprint and are not expanding. He would like to start demolition to clean up the fire damage. We told him to contact Wilbur Slothour, Zoning Officer to get a Demolition Permit.
Action on Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for the Implementation of the North West Joint Comprehensive Plan – No objections with the implementation of the joint comprehensive plan.
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Spence to recommend implementation of the plan. Motion carried.
Addition to the Agricultural Security Area #3
Mark Rarrick would like to add 104.55 acres to Ag Security Area #3
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Robinson to recommend approval of the addition to the ASA #3
Carl & Marsha Frantz’ proposed zoning ordinance amendment
They would like to change the official zoning map to change tax parcel 12C10=0054BB—000 from Agricultural Zone to the Commercial Zone. This was already approved several years ago to be changed to Commercial, but was inadvertently missed on the map change.
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Crushong to recommend approval of the proposed change to the zoning map.
Merry Bush’s resignation – Tonight was Merry’s last meeting as a planning commission member as she will be relocating out of the township. The members expressed gratitude to Merry for serving on the Planning Commission for the last 6 years.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower
Planning Commission Secretary
Franklin Township Planning Commission
Dennis Robinson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance:
Pat Schindel Henry Crushong, Jr. Dennis Robinson Mary Lower Sandy Spence Chris Santay
Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.
Approval of August 2010 Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Crushong to approve the August minutes. Motion carried.
David & Joan Swisher – Land Development Plan – Mummasburg Road – Ag Zone
Construct a residential addition (on-lot septic system) to the existing garage that already has a single-family residence (with an existing on lot septic system). 72.611 +/- acres
Robinson read KPI Technology’s comments dated 9/1/2010 and Adams County comments dated 8/31/2010. Issues were the following:
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Spence to recommend conditional approval pending resolution of issues shown above. Motion carried.
David & Joan Swisher – Sewage Facilities Planning Module
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Spence to approve the module. Motion carried.
Bonnie Holland – Final Plan – Old Route 30
Subdivision of a 1.111 +/- acre parcel of land into two separate lots. Lot 1 (36,505 +/- sq. ft.) is an existing single-family residence, is zoned Residential and fronts on Fairview Fruit Rd. Lot 2 (11,890 +/- sq. ft.) is an existing single-family residence, is zoned Village Overlay and fronts on Old Route 30. The plan is considered nonconforming because of existing buildings being located within the minimum building setback area. This plan will not eliminate the nonconforming issues; but the property will be divided along the zoning district line.
Robinson read KPI Technology’s comments dated 8/26/2010 and Adams County comments dated 6/2/2010. Issues were the following:
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Spence to recommend approval of the Final Plan pending resolution of the above issues. Motion carried.
Sherry Turner – had a question regarding her parcel along Pine Tree Road. She is considering building a church and perhaps a cabin. She wondered whether she would be able to hook up to public sewer along Old Route 30. She was informed that she would be the one responsible for all hook-up expenses to public sewage.
New Business:
Complaint – It was brought to our attention that there was a conflict of interest complaint about Dennis Robinson taking over the chairmanship of the Planning Commission due to the resignation of Merry Bush. The Planning Commission was aware at the reorganization meeting in January that Merry Bush would be leaving at some point during the year. We agreed that when Merry resigned that Dennis Robinson would take over as chairman at that point. Robinson does not expect to be in this position long term. If he decides to resign from the position before the end of the year, then Henry Crushong Jr. will become the chairman. Dennis Robinson always abstains from any motions that would be deemed a conflict of interest. Since the planning commission is just an advisory group and does not make decisions, we do not see any reason to remove Dennis Robinson from the position as Chairman.
County Reassessment – Pat Schindel would like to recommend to the Supervisors that they write a letter to the Adams County Commissioners voicing our concerns about the reassessments. Zoning ordinances and floodplains did not seem to be a consideration in the appraisal process. We would like the letter to reflect our views that this reassessment process is flawed, ineffective and that no considerations were given to zoning ordinances and floodplains limiting development potential.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower
Planning Commission Secretary
Franklin Township Planning Commission
Dennis Robinson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance:
Pat Schindel Henry Crushong, Jr. Dennis Robinson Mary Lower Sandy Spence Chris Santay
Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.
Approval of September 2010 Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Schindel to approve the September minutes. Motion carried.
Dave and Mary Scott – Sketch plan – Hilltown Road – located behind Little Italy pizza
Carl Bert presented the plan. 1.6 +/- acres, would like to subdivide into two lots – .795 +/- acre and .650 +/- acre – One well serves both properties – public sewer
Judith Kern – Preliminary/Final plan – Knoxlyn Road
Most of the development is in Highland Twp and only a small portion is in Franklin Twp
We need to know Highland township’s decision on the plan.
MOTION by Santay, seconded by Spence to table the plan. Motion carried.
David & Joan Swisher – Final Plan – Mummasburg Road – Ag Zone
Construct a residential addition (on-lot septic system) to the existing garage that already has a single family residence (with an existing on lot septic system). 72.611 +/- acres
Robinson read KPI Technology’s comments dated 10/6/2010. All of the issues have been addressed.
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Spence to recommend approval of the final plan. Motion carried.
Erin Mistry – Guest – Questions regarding opening an Inn on the Bushey Farm located at 1009 Winding Road. Approximately 72 acres, farm house, barn and accessory buildings. They would like to make it an inn or bed & breakfast. A bed & breakfast is allowed as a special exception in an Ag Zone. They would need to go before the Zoning Hearing Board for a special exception.
MOTION was made to recommend approval of the special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board. Motion carried.
Joe Dingus – Guest – Has land along US Rt. 30 and Fairview Fruit Road – approximately 108 acres – in an Ag Zone – Years ago DEP required a hydro study performed and found high levels of nitrogen – due to this they would need larger sized lots, also since it is an Ag Zone they are limited to 30% – Now there is public sewage across the road and if they could hook up then they could have smaller sized lots. Lot quantity would go from around 20 to 69 +/- lots. They would need to have a zoning change in order to develop the 69 lots.
Although 69 lots would be a significant change to the area it would be a cluster development near a public sewer which is better than having lots popping up here and there in the township. It wouldn’t cost the township money for road maintenance since it is along State highways. The Dingus’s would be responsible for running the sewer lines under Rt. 30 and for all the hook ups. Suggested they discuss the zoning change with the Supervisors. The planning commission members should consider meeting sometime with the Supervisors to discuss this plan since this is a major change for the township.
Carl & Marsha Frantz’ revised land use ordinance amendment
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Schindel to recommend reapproval, with Robinson and Spence abstaining. Motion carried.
New Business:
Ag Tourism – It was brought to the attention of the township of agricultural activities that we do not have defined in the zoning ordinance. Activities which promote Ag tourism such as haunted barns, concerts, mazes, etc. We should look into revising our definitions, etc. in the ordinance. Gil Picarelli will look into the issue and will get information for the planning commission for further discussion.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower
Franklin Township Planning Commission
Dennis Robinson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance:
Henry Crushong, Jr Mary Lower Dennis Robinson Chris Santay Pat Schindel Sandy Spence
Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.
Approval of October 2010 Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Schindel to approve the October minutes. Motion carried.
Judith Kern – Preliminary/Final plan – Knoxlyn Road
Most of the development is in Highland Twp and only a small portion of the tract is in Franklin Township. We have no issues with the plan since none of the property changes are located in our township. We will sign the plan once Highland Township approves the plan.
MOTION by Santay, seconded by Schindel to approve the plan for the property that is located in Franklin Township. Motion carried.
New Business:
Workshop – We decided to have another group meeting to discuss zoning changes. Our zoning needs to be reviewed and updated. Decided to have one more meeting to discuss any issues or concerns with the supervisors before we start zoning workshops.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower
Franklin Township Planning Commission
Henry Crushong Jr. called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
In attendance:
Henry Crushong, Jr Mary Lower Chris Santay Pat Schindel Sandy Spence
Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.
Approval of November 2010 Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Spence, seconded by Santay to approve the November minutes. Motion carried.
Ken Mott – question – Mr. Mott is interested in the proposed development at Fairview Fruit Rd and US Rt. 30 and wanted to know if water studies would be performed. Gil Picarelli informed him that he believes they have been done and there is plenty of water available.
If not, the township will be investigating the water situation before any plan would be approved.
Randall Tenney – Seven Stars Road – He is interested in selling a couple of acres. He has 48 acres zoned Ag. He owns two tracts of land. This will need further research to determine if he has any acres left to sell.
Frank Gerhart – Village of Laurel Run
They would like a “text change” to the zoning ordinance. This would be to the Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) section of the ordinance. They are interested in building a 30 room apartment building approximately 60 +/- feet high which would not be allowed in the current ordinance. There are other issues with parking, multi-unit building terminology, minimum habitable floor area size, stream buffer issues, etc. Mr. Gerhart handed out a proposed ordinance with the changes. He would like us to send it to the Adams County planning office for review.
Our concern is with the height of the building in case of a fire and also we need time to evaluate these additional text changes. We would like Mr. Gerhart to get a written letter from the 1st responder fire department stating they are comfortable with the 65’ building height.
MOTION by Santay, seconded by Spence to table our decision to send the proposed ordinance to the County for review until we see the letter from the fire department and our engineer has time to research the proposed changes.
New Business:
Zoning workshop – It was decided to have a workshop to discuss the Village of Laurel Run changes and other issues on Wednesday, December 29th at 6 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower
Franklin Township Planning Commission
Zoning Workshop-December 29, 2010
Henry Crushong Jr. called the workshop to order at 6:00 p.m.
In attendance:
Henry Crushong, Jr. Mary Lower Chris Santay Pat Schindel Sandy Spence
Also present: Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.
The Village of Laurel Run –
Our solicitor, Wally Davis does not have a problem with the legal wording of the proposed ordinance changes.
One major area of concern is the 65’ height change. We did receive a letter from the Fire Chief of the Buchanan Valley Fire Department that states that “it would be best for the wording to state that each building will be reviewed by the Fire Chief of the First Due Department and a letter of approval shall be turned in before any permits can be issued.” This isn’t quite what we had in mind as a letter of approval from the fire department.
Our zoning ordinance has a definition of building height as “The total overall height in feet of a building measured from the basement floor or grade level (if no basement exists) to the highest point of the roof.” This prompted us to consider maybe not changing our maximum height but changing the definition from “the highest point of the roof” to something like the top/ceiling of the highest livable floor (not include the attic).
There are still many other issues to be considered. We haven’t had time to discuss the stream buffer changes. Consensus is that we need to consult with the Adams County Planning Office before the next zoning workshop. We should also have our Solicitor draw something up to present (text ordinance changes) to The Village of Laurel Run for review before the February meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lower, Secretary