Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 2007


Franklin Township Planning Commission

January 3, 2007


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson        Mary Lower              Pat Schindel

Sandra Spence         John Newell              John Kramb


Also present:  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of December  Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the minutes of the December planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.


Election of Officers for the Year 2007:

MOTIONS  were made nominating the following by acclamation:

Merry Bush as Chairman, Mary Lower as Secretary and Dennis Robinson as Vice-Chairman.  Motions carried.



 There were no plans or guests present.


Jim Temchack reported that the Zoning Hearing Board approved the special exception for the Kalathas mini-storage facility located at 7040 Chambersburg Road, Fayetteville, PA.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary


Franklin Township Planning Commission

February 7, 2007


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Mary Lower              Sandra Spence


Also present:  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of January  Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Lower to approve the minutes of the January planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.



Knouse Fruitlands Sketch plan – Cashtown/Arendtsville Road – Ag Zone

Would like to build a 60’ x 120’ building to the rear of the Round Barn for a small CA storage, cider-making area and small fruit packing line.  The will also make some renovations to the building directly behind the barn.  More parking spaces will also be added.  No problems seen with the plan.


Dennis Bishop – Sketch Plan – New Road

They would like to add another home on the 8.253 +/- acres they already own.  Proposed home would be on the other side of the drive on approximately 3.5 acres.


James Pennington – Sketch Plan – New Road – Open Space

He has 128.093 +/- acres and would like to subdivide four lots.  Lot 1 has 18.753 acres, Lot 2 has 17.359 acres, Lot 3 has 15.904 acres and Lot 4 has 16.798 acres.  Pennington would keep the 59.279 as the remainder.

Gil Picarelli will discuss the issues with Riley Redding.  Also, the calculations should exclude those areas such as wetlands, steep slopes, etc.  Calculations need to be shown on the plan.


Cecil & Marian Gulden – Sketch Plan – Belmont Road – Ag Zone

They have 37 acres and would like to subdivide 6 lots.  This parcel is also located in Cumberland Township.

Lot 1 – 1.1 +/- acres, Lot 2 – 1.89 +/- acres, Lot 3 – 1.63 +/- acres, Lot 4 – 1.9 +/- acres, Lot 5 – 1.82 +/- acres and Lot 6 – 1.76 +/- acres.  They also show a 1.12 +/- acres as access road to the portion in Cumberland Township.  Remaining acres 26 +/- acres.


Ping Huang & Jessica Yu – Sketch Plan – US Rt. 30 & Lincolnview Drive – formerly Scott Ham’s property  – They have 2.555 +/- acres combined with .420 +/- acre and are looking into putting a business establishment on the property with parking and will need an access drive.  Issues seen and Gil Picarelli discussed some of these with Jessica Yu.


John & Laura Tarbet – Preliminary Plan – Poplar Springs Road

No Adams County comments.

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Lower to table the plan due to no county comments being received.  Motion carried.


Tarbet Planning Module Componets – We reviewed and answered the questions for the 4A Component – Sewage Facilities Planning Module.

MOTION by Lower, seconded by Spence to approve the module.  Motion carried.


Elliot Schlosser – Preliminary/Final Plan – Bottom Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 2.020 acre lot from an existing 28.097 acre parcel of land.

Adams County comments dated 1/23/2007 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 2/7/2007 were reviewed.  Issues are the following:

  1. Sewage facilities planning approval is required.
  2. A typical detail for single lot sediment control should be shown on the plan.
  3. A corner monument should be placed along common lot line.

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Lower to approve the plan pending resolution of the issue listed above.  Motion carried.


Schlosser Sewage Facilities Planning Module

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Lower to approve the module.


John R. Unger, Jr. – Preliminary/Final – Gun Club Road – Ag Zone

No Adams County comments.

MOTION by Bush, seconded by Spence to table the plan due to no county comments being received.  Motion carried.


Unger Sewage Facilities Planning Module

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Lower to approve the module.


Regina Orndorff – Preliminary/Final – Subdivision plan – Chambersburg Road

No Adams County comments.

MOTION by Spence, seconded by to table the plan due to no county comments being received.  Motion carried.


Thomas L. McGlaughlin – Final Plan – Chambersburg Road – Ag Zone

This plan is to revise a previous subdivision that was approved in November 2005. No issues seen on the plan.  Reviewed Adams County comments dated 1/29/07 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 1/5/07.

MOTION by Lower, seconded by Spence to approve the plan.  Motion carried.


Franklin Township Wastewater Treatment Plant – Preliminary/Final

Two acre subdivision for the treatment plant.   Reviewed the plan subdivision and E & S plan.  No problems seen.

MOTION by Bush, seconded by Lower to approve the plan.  Motion carried.


New Business:

Ordinance No. 2007-01 regarding the Agricultural Worker Family Housing definition and allowing the Ag worker housing as a special exception use in the Ag Zone.

MOTION by Bush, seconded by Spence to recommend approval of the ordinance.


Reviewed a list of Zoning Amendments based upon the approval of the proposed SALDO.


John Kramb will be resigning from the Planning Commission.  We are unsure of the resignation date and will need to confirm the date.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary

Franklin Township Planning Commission

March 7, 2007


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson                 Pat Schindel

Mary Lower              Sandra Spence


Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of February Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Bush to approve the minutes of the February planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.




John R. Unger, Jr. – Preliminary/Final – Gun Club Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 14.580 +/- acre parcel into two lots – Lot 4 will be 1.250 +/- acres and Lot 5 will be 1.430 +/- acres

Merry read Adams County comments dated 2/23/07 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 2/23/07.

It appears that Lots 4 & 5 do not meet the required sight distances for the proposed driveways.  Although the planning commission notes the merits of the plan and understands the difficulty of sight distances on this unposted road it would like the Supervisors to make a determination regarding the required sight distances for the proposed driveways.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Robinson to table the plan for further clarification by the Supervisors regarding the sight distance issue. Motion carried.


John & Laura Tarbet – Preliminary plan – Poplar Springs Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of three 1.0 +/- acre lots from an existing 10.165 +/- acre parcel.  Merry read Adams County comments dated 2/7/07 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 2/19/07.

Issues are the following:

  • While available sight distance has been indicated, the required sight distances for all lots should also be shown on the plan.
  • An executed owner’s acknowledgement needs to be provided.
  • The front of the property is covered by wetlands according to FEMA maps.  A floodplain also runs through the southwest part of the property.  These features should be illustrated on the plan for future submissions.


MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to approve the preliminary plan pending resolution of the above issues.  Motion carried.


MOTION by Robison, seconded by Spence to amend the previous motion adding Preliminary/Final instead of Preliminary plan.  Motion carried.


Regina Orndorff – Preliminary/Final – Subdivision plan – Chambersburg Road

Subdivision of a 34.53 acre parcel into two lots.  Lot 1 (residential zone) is 29.7 +/- acres and Lot 2 (commercial zone) is 4.8269 +/- acres.

Merry read KPI Technology’s comments dated 3/6/07 and Adams County comments dated 2/27/07.    Loss-Stair Civil Engineering, Inc. representative was present and provided a revised plan to the commission members, which addressed the issues from KPI and Adams County.

Issues that still need addressed are the following:

  • Plan needs to show a 50’ setback from the right-of-way of Chambersburg Road.
  • Landscape screen needs to be show on the plan around the perimeter.
  • “Lightening strikes” need shown on the plan.
  • The zoning boundary lines are not shown on the plan.


MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to approve the plan pending resolution of the above issues.  Motion carried.


New Business:

Someone (Mr. Cashour) is interested in erecting storage buildings on a 2 acre lot across the Chambersburg Road from Jesus Is Lord Ministries.  They will need a special exception.


John Kramb – Supervisors will call John to confirm his resignation.
Zoning Ordinance Application
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Robinson to approve the changes to the Zoning Ordinance.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary


Franklin Township Planning Commission

April 4, 2007


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson                 Pat Schindel

Mary Lower              Sandra Spence


Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of March 2007 Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Robinson to approve the minutes of the March planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.




Elizabeth McCleaf – Sketch plan – 425 Hilltown Road – Ag Zone

Approximately 21 +/- acres – She would like to subdivide two lots – Lot 1 – 1.64 +/- acres and Lot 2 – 2.05 +/- acres.  No problems seen with the plan.


Regina Orndorff – Planning Waiver – Chambersburg Road

Subdivision of a 34.53 acre parcel into two lots.  Lot 1 (residential zone) is 29.7 +/- acres and Lot 2 (commercial zone) is 4.8269 +/- acres.

The Engineer from Loss-Stair Civil Engineering, Inc. was present and informed us of the current concerns with the plan in regards to the screening.  They are not sure how much screening they are willing to install at the moment.  This issue will have to go before the Zoning Hearing Board for their decision.


MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Lower to approve the planning waiver and the plan that we reviewed at the March 7, 2207 meeting.  Motion carried.


John R. Unger, Jr. – Preliminary/Final – Gun Club Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 14.580 +/- acre parcel into two lots – Lot 4 will be 1.250 +/- acres and Lot 5 will be 1.430 +/- acres.

All issues regarding sight distances, etc. have been corrected.


MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Spence to approve the plan. Motion carried.
Franklin Township Land Development Wastewater Treatment Plant – Preliminary/Final
Merry Bush read the Adams County Office of Planning and Development’s comments dated 4/4/07.


MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the plan.  Motion carried.


Strategic Communication Services – Preliminary/Final –  Land Development – Chambersburg Road – Open Space zone

Cellco Partnership – Proposal is to construct an 11.5’ x 30’ equipment shelter and additional antennas within a fenced, communication site.

There was a question about whether this should go before the zoning hearing board but

Jim Temchack said the solicitor was consulted and he (Walton Davis) said a land development plan would be all that is needed.

Other issues were a note needs to be added to the General Notes on the plan regarding a reference to the Special Exception and date; there isn’t a signature block on the plan for the planning commission, etc.

There were no Adams County Comments received for this plan.


New Business:

Mr. Kim Paterno was present to discuss the proposed Hauser Estate Winery, which is located on property along Cashtown-Arendtsville Road, between Round Barn and Boyer Nursery Road.   Mr. Paterno is requesting a change to our zoning ordinance.  Township Attorney Walton Davis prepared a draft ordinance change No. 2007-02 to add subsection E which shall read as follows:

  1. An owner of land may establish and/or operated a Limited Winery (as that use is defined and regulated by Section 5-505.2 of the Pennsylvania Liquor Code [47 P.S. 5-502.2] at the date of the adoption of this subsection) without complying with subsection A. and B. of this section 175-48.


MOTION by Bush, seconded by Robinson to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance.  Motion carried.


John Kramb has resigned from the planning commission.


Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary


Franklin Township Planning Commission

May 2, 2007


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson                 Pat Schindel

Mary Lower              John Newell                       J.R. Crushong


Also present:  James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of April 2007 Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Bush to approve the minutes of the April planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.



Strategic Communication Services – Preliminary/Final – Land Development – Chambersburg Road – Open Space zone


Cellco Partnership – Proposal is to construct an 11.5′ x 30′ equipment shelter and additional antennas within a fenced, communication site.


Issue regarding a note that needs to be added to the General Notes on the plan regarding a reference to the Special Exception and date.


Merry Bush read Adams County comments dated 4/20/2007.


MOTION by Bush, seconded by Schindel to approve the Preliminary/Final plan pending the addition of the note referencing the special exception and date. Motion carried.


Kim Paterno – Hauser Estate Winery – informational update


Mr. Kim Paterno, his son and Robert Sharrah were present to discuss the updates to the sketch plan for the winery.  The well has been dug and it has adequate water supply for the irrigation and for the potable water.  They will be seeking a highway occupancy permit to have a driveway available in order to install electricity to the site and also for the construction phase of the project.


New Business:


Charles & Patricia Cashour’s Special Exception hearing is scheduled for May 16, 2007 at 7:00 PM.


Meeting adjourned at 7:19 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary


Franklin Township Planning Commission

June 6, 2007


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson                 Pat Schindel

Mary Lower              John Newell                       J.R. Crushong


Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of May 2007 Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Crushong to approve the minutes of the May planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.




Ken Ketterman –  Sketch Plan – Fox Hill Road

Would like to subdivide a 2.004 +/- acre lot into two lots.  Fox Hill Road goes through the property.  Land is in Clean & Green.  Duke Energy also has a right-of-way on the property.


Kim Paterno – Hauser Estate Winery – Preliminary/Final Plan

We reviewed the comments of KPI Technology dated 6/6/07 and Adams County comments dated 6/5/07.

There were many issues that need addressed.  Robert Sharrah will address these issues on the plan.


Issues that will either be addressed by the developer to obtain compliance or issues that are already in compliance are the following:

  1. The zoning officer’s comments should be received and considered.
  2. A minimum of three physically handicapped parking spaces is required.
  3. Lighting is required for all parking areas that have greater than five parking stalls.
  4. A graphic scale should be provided for Sheet No. 3.
  5. A clear site triangle, available sight distance and required sight distance should all be shown for the proposed driveway.  Also, the proposed monument signs are not permitted to be located within the clear sight triangle.
  6. Existing contours of the entire tract of land need to be shown unless modification waiver has been granted. (KPI’s office does not object to a waiver of this requirement for this project and neither did the members of the planning commission that were present at the meeting.)
  7. An approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, including potentially an NPDES stormwater discharge permit, is required.
  8. An executed owner’s acknowledgement needs to be provided.
  9. A note is provided on the plan indicating that wetland delineation has been completed on the property and wetlands exist; however, no wetlands appear to be shown on the plan.  Furthermore, the reference to “Marsh Creek” in the wetland note should be removed.
  10. It is noted that a State Highway Occupancy permit is required for the proposed access.
  11. It is unclear if the intent is to provide a vertical curb and sidewalk section or if the sidewalk is to be constructed flush with the proposed parking lot surface.  The first option would be the preferred given safety considerations.
  12. The C4 reference, located in the parking aisle of the southern most parking area, does not appear to be appropriate as it is used elsewhere.
  13. The northernmost retaining wall should be clarified if it is to be concrete, similar to the other proposed retaining wall.
  14. A copy of the architectural plans should be submitted to verify various elevations that are proposed by the grading plan.
  15. Public Improvements Bonding will be required to be posted, prior to the Plan approval.  An estimate of the bond amount should be submitted to KPI Technology for review.


Issue that will be reviewed and approved by the Township Engineer and necessary State Agencies is the following:

  1. Sewage facilities planning should be submitted, reviewed and approved prior to Plan approval.
  2. NPDES Plan must be approved by Adams County Conservation District


Issues to be modified to obtain compliance are the following:

  1. As shown on the plan representing three (3) ten foot parking spaces with two (2) ten foot aisles separating the parking spaces as shown on the plan.
  2. Production of a more detailed proposal and approval of the zoning officer of signage.
  3. Compliance with Franklin Township Engineers letter dated 6/6/07 regarding the Stormwater Management Plan.
  4. Developer is in the process of obtaining bids regarding the two pavement section details.
  5. Developer will provide signage prohibiting public entrances beyond the parking areas.
  6. Developer will provide general public non-entry signage in the event any interior agricultural roads come close to the main public road.
  7. Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Section 179-19-I-1, with the knowledge that developer may seek variance.


MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Lower to approve as a Preliminary plan pending resolution of the issues listed above. Motion carried with Robinson abstaining.


Kerry W. Woerner – Preliminary/Final – Mummasburg Road – Ag Zone

No Adams County comments.

MOTION by Bush, seconded by Schindel to table the plan due to no county comments being received.  Motion carried.


Cindy Grove – she has some questions regarding different properties.  First property is the Ken Ketterman property shown above.  Concern about the gas right-of-way and whether the property on the other side of Fox Hill Road can be included.  May need clairification from the solicitor.  Also a 6-1/2 acre property off of Orrtanna Road.  It is a farm property that is now in a residential zone.  Prospective buyers would like to have horses and ordinance prohibits livestock in a residential zone.


New Business:

The July meeting will be at 7 PM on Tuesday, July 3, 2007.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary


Franklin Township Planning Commission

July 3, 2007


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson                 Pat Schindel

Mary Lower              J.R. Crushong


Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc.


Approval of June 2007 Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Crushong to approve the minutes of the June planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.




Mary Ann Clapsaddle –  Sketch Plan – Poplar Springs Road – Ag Zone

Would like to subdivide four lots. Lot 1 – 21.73 +/- acres (remainder), Lot 2 – 1.3 +/- acres, Lot 3 – 1.1 +/- acres, Lot 4 – 1.3 +/- acres and Lot 5 – 1.16 +/- acres

No problems seen with the plan.  Mark Kuntz had a question about the road being posted at 35 mph or 55 mph.  He was asked to speak to the Supervisors about posting the road.


Willie M. Burcham – Preliminary/Final – Church Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of 2.0 +/- acres from 46.3 +/- acres for a single-family residential lot.

No Adams County comments.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Robinson to table the plan due to no county comments being received.  Motion carried.
Burcham – Sewage Facilities Planning Module
MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the module.  Motion carried.


Edward Spence Sr. & Edward Spence Jr. – Sewage Modules

MOTION by Crushong, seconded by Lower to approve the modules for Edward Spence Sr. and Edward Spence Jr.  Motion carried.



Hauser Estate Vineyard & Winery – Final Plan – Cashtown Road – Ag Zone

Develop a 170.585 +/- acre tract into a vineyard and winery.  Proposed development currently has 2 single family residences located on the property.   The NPDES stormwater permit acknowledgement package is being mailed to the Township along with an official letter.   Merry read the Exemption from Sewage Facilities Planning letter dated 6/29/07 stating they are exempt.


Merry read KPI Technology’s comments dated 7/3/07.  Issue is the following:

  • Public Improvements Bonding will be required to be posed prior to Plan approval.  An estimate of the bond amount should be submitted to KPI Technology for review.


MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Crushong to approve as a Final plan pending resolution of the issues listed above. Motion carried with Robinson and Lower abstaining.


Kerry W. Woerner – Preliminary/Final – Mummasburg Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of 125.172 +/- acres into a single family residence/ag lot (Lot 1) and an ag lot (Lot 2).  Located jointly in Franklin and Cumberland Townships.  Lot 2 is in the Ag Zone but no construction is being proposed on this lot.

Merry read Adams County comments dated 6/12/07, Cumberland Township’s resolutions and KPI Technology’s comments dated 6/5/07.

Issues are the following:

  • A note should be added to the plan indicating that any future development on Lot 2 will require submission of a stormwater management plan.
  • Sewage facilities planning approval is required if built upon.
  • It should be noted that any driveway entering onto Mummasburg Road will require a Highway Occupancy Permit.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Crushong to approved the plan pending resolving the issues noted above.  Motion carried.
Woerner – Planning Waiver and Non-Building Declaration
MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Lower to approve the Planning Waiver and Non-Building Declaration.  Motion carried.


New Business:

Cashtown-McKnightstown Sanitary Sewer System – A letter of support needs to be written to PENNVEST in support of the project.  Lower will take care of the support letter and send it to KPI Technology to be included in the package to PENNVEST.



Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary


Franklin Township Planning Commission

August 1, 2007


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson        Pat Schindel             Sandra Spence

J.R. Crushong           Mary Lower


Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of July 2007 Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the minutes of the July planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.




Eileen Keating – Sketch plan – Plantation Road – Ag Zone

15.694 +/- acres. Would like to subdivide into 4 lots – Lot 1 has 11.1 +/- acres, Lot 2 – 1.1 +/- acres, Lot 3 – 1.1 +/- acres and Lot 4 – 2.4 +/- acres

A 25’ drive will go between lots 2 & 3 to reach lot 4

Clear site triangles will need to be shown.


Kevin Chester – Sketch plan – Church Road – part Ag Zone/part Residential

Needs to have a full acre on the north side of the road.  Mr. Chester states that it is one deed with 3 separate tracts.  If so, then it would already be subdivided and he could build a house.  Suggested he check with a solicitor.


Jeff & Luann Summers – Sketch plan – 790 Greenridge Road – Ag zone

10.02 +/- acres – they are interested in purchasing the lot.  There is a land-locked property adjacent. Would like to subdivide the total acres into 3 lots but are not sure how to configure the acreage.  Suggested he speak to our solicitor about subdividing the 10.02 +/- acres in the Ag zone.


Jim Pennington – revised Sketch plan – New Road – Open Space

128.093 +/- acres and would like to subdivide four lots.  Lot 1 has 18.753 acres, Lot 2 has 17.359 acres, Lot 3 has 15.904 acres and Lot 4 has 16.798 acres.  Pennington would keep the 59.279 as the remainder.  This sketch plan shows the revised right-of-ways and they do not cross the pan-handles as they did on the last sketch plan.


Roy Plank – Sketch plan – Poplar Springs Road – Ag Zone – (A. Peachey property)

214 +/- acres – would like to establish a campground on the property.  Cabins, campsites and RV parking.  Membership only.  Phase 1 would have 220 sites on 24 acres.  Will need a Special Exception for the use.

Concern:  Safety issue with RV’s traveling on the road.  Suggested he come to the next Supervisor’s meeting to discuss.


William Burcham – Preliminary/Final plan – Church Road

Subdivision of 2.0 +/- acres from 46.3 +/- acres for a single-family residential lot.

Merry read Adams County Office of Planning & Development’s comments dated 7/2/07.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Spence to approve the plan.  Motion carried.


Thomas & Patricia Cashour – Land Development & Stormwater Management Plan – Chambersburg Road – Commercial District

Construct two storage units (120’ x 30’ each)

Merry read KPI’s comments dated 6/7/07 and the county comments dated 7/30/07

Issues: Setback issue of 50’ instead of 35’ and the verbiage of the note regarding the variance for the row of trees/shrubbery needs reworked, estimate of Public Improvements Bonding hasn’t been submitted, etc.

MOTION by Spence, seconded by Schindel to table the plan.  Motion carried.


Pat Schindel – Sketch land development plan

Would like to have a separate building next to her home for a home office.  Less than 600 square feet.


New Business:


Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary



Franklin Township Planning Commission

September 5, 2007


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson        Pat Schindel             Sandra Spence

J.R. Crushong           Mary Lower


Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of August 2007 Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Crushong to approve the minutes of the August planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.




Wayne Biesecker – Sketch plan – Hilltown Road – Ag Zone

Mr. Biesecker has a potential buyer interested in purchasing his parent’s tract but they would like the house subdivided from the total of 2 ¼ +/- acres.  Remainder would remain in farmland and to be sold to an adjoining property owner.  Potential buyer is interested in an approximate 200’ x 215’ area around the house.  Statement needs added to the plan about remaining in Ag.


Charles & Carol Mason – Sketch plan – 550 Orrtanna Road – Ag Zone

6.18 +/- acres – Would like to subdivide a 1.8 +/- acre panhandle lot.  Must obtain a Highway Occupancy Permit.


Thomas & Patricia Cashour – Preliminary/Final Plan – Chambersburg Road – Commercial District

Construct two storage units (120’ x 30’ each)

Merry read KPI’s comments dated 9/4/07 and the county comments dated 8/31/07


  • An executed owner’s acknowledgement needs to be provided.
  • The Township should consider executing a formal Maintenance and Monitoring Agreement to ensure that the various proposed stormwater management facilities are properly maintained.
  • Language should be provided on the Plan indicating that no work can occur within the State right-of-way until such time as a Highway Occupancy Permit has been obtained.
  • It is our understanding that an NPDES Permit has been submitted and is being actively reviewed.  As such, approval of the Adams Co. Conservation District should be provided prior to Plan signature.
  • With regard to the proposed Public Improvements Bonding, we note the following:

o        The unit cost, associated with the 24” silt soxx, should be increased to $9.00 per lineal foot.

o        A unit cost should be provided for the lineal “trench core” that is part of the constructed embankment.

o        A unit cost should be provided for engineering services during construction as well as an As-built Survey following completion.


MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Spence to approve the plan pending resolution of the issues listed above.  Motion carried.


Old Business:

SALDO review – Mobile Home section

Attachment IX-1 – remove the word “Park” from the attachment’s title and add Page 2, which is referenced in #6.


New Business:



Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary


Franklin Township Planning Commission

October 3, 2007


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush              Dennis Robinson        Pat Schindel             Sandra Spence

J.R. Crushong           Mary Lower              John Newell


Also present:  Dominic Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of September 2007 Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Crushong to approve the minutes of the September planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.




Bob Mahone – Sketch plan – Buchanan Valley Road – Ag Zone – former John McFadden farm  – Mahone would like to subdivide a 1.1 +/- acre lot from the 55 +/- acre farm.  This lot has perced.


David & Mary Myers – Crooked Creek Rd – Ag Zone

The State Transportation Department is taking some of her land for a road/bridge easement.  She should go back to the PennDOT to have them pick up the costs for the redrawing the line on her plan.  She also has questions about the tract still qualifying for the Clean and Green program.


Mary Ann Clapsaddle – Preliminary Plan – Poplar Springs Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 26.47-acre parcel of land into four single-family lots and the residue lot.

The Adams County comments dated 9/21/07 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 9/21/07 were read.

Issues are the following:

  • A not on the plan should state that an approved stormwater management plan is needed prior to issuance of a building permit.
  • An executed owner’s acknowledgement needs to be provided.
  • The “Engineers Approval” block should be removed.
  • The Planning Commission block should read, as “Recommended” not Approved.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to recommend approval of the plan as preliminary pending resolution of the issues noted above.  Motion carried.
Mary Ann Clapsaddle Sewage Module
MOTION by Newell, seconded by Crushong to recommend approval of the module.  Motion carried.

Old Business:

SALDO review – Mobile Home section

Now states that permit needs approved in 15 days, should be changed to 60 days.

Completion time period should be extended from 1 year to 2 years.

Driveway/entrance width – 20’ maximum – change Section 404.A.1 – should be “Within 10 feet of a street right-of-way line, an access drive may not exceed 35 feet in width nor be less than 20 feet in width.”


Plank Zoning Hearing Board decision – The request for a special exception was denied for the campground/resort.


New Business: None


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary


Franklin Township Planning Commission

November 7, 2007


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance

Merry Bush             Dennis Robinson     Pat Schindel            Sandra Spence

J.R. Crushong         Mary Lower


Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of October 2007 Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the minutes of the October planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.




Tom Kalathas – Sketch plan – mini-storages – US Rt. 30 – old site of the Caledonia Manor – Approximately 101 – 10’ X 20’, 28 – 12’ X 40’ and 20 – 12’ X 12’ storages


Lloyd Atkins – Sketch plant – US Rt. 30 and Seven Stars Road

He would like to subdivide two lots from the remainder – a 3-acre lot and a 5-acre lot

Has road frontage on Seven Stars but doesn’t have good sight distance.  There is a gravel road off of US Rt. 30 that gives access to two of the lots.  Highway Occupancy Permit for Commercial was already granted.  A private road is not a matter of right – this will need to go before the Supervisors.  Also, will PennDot go along with a shared driveway panhandle to the other lot.


Charles and Carol Mason – Sketch – 550 Orrtanna Road

One lot subdivision – 1.7 +/- acres from 6.182 +/- acres.  Question regarding how far property lines have to be apart and whether he can be granted a Highway Occupancy Permit which he will need for the plan.


Eileen K. Keating – Preliminary Plan – Plantation Road – Agricultural Zone

Subdivision of a 16.051 +/- acre lot into three single family lots with a remainder residue lot.  No AdamsCounty comments.

We reviewed KPI Technology’s comments dated 10/29/07.  Issues were the following:

  • A wetland delineation will be required prior to issuance of a building permit; however, we recommend that a wetland delineation be performed prior to final approval because the proposed driveways are located in hydric soils and it should be assured that driveways will be permitted on the proposed lots.
  • Documentation should be provided indicating that available sight distances conform to a 55 MPH speed limit (since it is unposted).

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to table the plan due to lack of Adams County Comments.  Motion carried.
Eileen K. Keating Sewage Facilities & Planning Module
Motion made to recommend approval of the module.  Motion carried.


Mary Ann Clapsaddle – Final Plan – Poplar Springs Road – Ag Zone

Subdivision of a 26.47 +/- acre parcel of land into four single-family lots and the residue lot.

The Adams County comments dated 11/5/07 and KPI Technology’s comments dated 10/22/07 were read.

It appears the previous comments have been addressed.

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Crushong to recommend approval of the final plan.  Motion carried.


Old Business:

David & Mary Myers – Crooked Creek Rd

Letter from the Franklin Township Planning Commission was read addressing her question concerning the Clean and Green program and her sketch plan. Letter states that if the property fails to meet the qualifications for Clean and Green after a portion is taken for the bridge project, it should be left out without rollback taxes, but it would still need to meet the eligibility requirements in order to stay in Clean and Green.


New Business:


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower

Planning Commission Secretary


Franklin Township Planning Commission

December 5, 2007


Merry Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance:

Merry Bush          Dennis Robinson          Pat Schindel          J.R. Crushong          Mary Lower

Also present:  Gil Picarelli from KPI Technology Inc. and James Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer


Approval of November 2007 Planning Commission Minutes

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Schindel to approve the minutes of the November planning commission meeting.  Motion carried.



Sherry Turner – Preliminary/Final plan

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Lower to table the plan due to no Adams County comments being received.  Motion carried.


Eileen Keating Estate – Preliminary plan – Plantation Road

No one was present to represent the Keating estate.  There is still an issue with safe sight distance even if they get a safe traveling speed established.

MOTION by Schindel, seconded by Robinson to table the plan.  Motion carried.


James Pennington – Preliminary plant – New Road

We nave not received a revised plan nor do we have Adams County comments.


James Pennington – Sewage Facilities Planning Module

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Crushong to recommend approval of the module.  Motion carried.


Sherry TurnerSewage Facilities Planning Module

MOTION by Robinson, seconded by Crushong to recommend approval of the module.  Motion carried.


New Business:

Tom Kalathas– mini-storages – US Rt. 30 – old site of the Caledonia Manor Kalathas will ask the Zoning Hearing Board for a time extension.


Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lower, Planning Commission Secretary