January 3, 2006
Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Wally Kane and Debra Hahn.

Guests Present: Max Stoner of Glace Associates

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by acting Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m

Election of Officers:

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to appoint Robert Cullison as Chairman. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hahn, to appoint Wally Kane as Vice-Chairman. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to appoint Debra Hahn as Secretary/Treasurer. Motion carried unanimously.

Appointed Positions:

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane for the following appointed positions: Motion carried unanimously. Adams County National Bank as Depository. Mike Baumgarder & Davis’ Construction as plumbers. Mason Dixon Environmental as Testing Agent/Operator. Robert McQuaide as Solicitor. Musselman & Creager as Accountants. Robert Cullison as Plant Operator. Glace Associates as Engineering Firm.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Cullison to hold monthly Board meetings on the following dates in 2006: February 7, March 7, April 4, May 2, June 6, July 11, August 1, September 5, October 3, November 7 and December 5.

Approval of Reports:

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the minutes of the December Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to approve the General Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve the Reserve Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve Bill List #1 for January. Motion carried unanimously.

Max Stoner of Glace Associates was present at the meeting to discuss his assistance in obtaining Road permits from DEP. Kane advised Stoner that he was having a difficult time, getting a permit from the local DEP representative. The Authority advised Stoner they needed a permit to bore under the Orrtanna Road, in order to connect two homes to the existing water system. After reviewing the facts, Stoner advised he would contact Kane, to make arrangements for them to meet on location, to review the situation. Stoner advised once he gathered all the info, he would complete the necessary paperwork to DEP, to obtain the permits.

Members reviewed the End of the Year report prepared by Cullison, showing water pumped in the year 2005. A copy of this report is attached to these official minutes.

There being no further business to review, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Debra Hahn, Secretary



February 7, 2006
Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Wally Kane, Dick Hartman and Debra Hahn.


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m

Approval of Reports:

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hartman to approve the minutes of the January Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hartman to approve the General Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hartman, to approve the Reserve Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hartman, to approve Bill List #2 for February. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve the End of the Year – General Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve the End of the Year – Reserve Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Kane advised he met with a representative from Glace Associates last month at the site along the Orrtanna Road, where the Authority needed a permit, to bore under the road for two water hookups. Glace Associates presented the permit application to DEP. Cullison advised he had received the approved permit in the mail. Kane was directed to notify the contractors that the work could begin for the hookups.

Kane also addressed the Board about a problem with a piece of the Authority’s land, at the Rock Top Well Site. During a title search of an adjacent property, it was discovered that years ago, the Authority deeded a small piece of property to a Lee Hartman for the sum of $1. The roadway on to the Rock Top Well site, is part of this piece of property. The solicitor of the future owners, contacted Bob McQuaide to discuss the situation with him. The owners would like to propose to sell this piece of property back to the Authority, with the Authority granting them a right of way to use the roadway, to access their property. Kane noted he would be attending a meeting with the owner’s solicitor and the Authority’s solictor on February 14.

Cullison advised that a chemical feed pump had recently broke and was replaced by George Kritchen. Cullison noted he was sending the old pump out to have the motor rebuilt for a cost of $120. This would allow the Authority to have a spare pump on hand, in case of a future emergency.

Cullison also reported that Mike Baumgardner will be replacing four malfunctioning meters over the next few weeks. He also advised he would like to get estimates on having the heads in the old meters rebuilt, instead of having to buy new meters. He noted he had about 8 meters now, that could be sent away to be rebuilt.

Cullison also advised that resident Tony Leedy was concerned that his meter was not reading properly as his water usage had doubled, since the previous quarter. Leedy said he checked his residence for leaks and found none. He did state though, that he did not want the meter replaced at this time, but would wait another quarter, to see what the usage was, before making this decision.

Board members reviewed & proposed the 2006 Budget. MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Kane for 2006 Budget be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Copy of Budget attached to this minutes.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn




March 7, 2006


Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Wally Kane, Dick Hartman and Debra Hahn.

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m

Approval of Reports:

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve the minutes of the February Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to approve the General Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman, to approve the Reserve Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt, to approve Bill List #3 for March. Motion carried unanimously.

Board member Kane reported that he had met with Robert McQuaide and Wendy Beacheaut regarding the piece of property at the Rock Top Well site. Ms. Beacheaut represented the property owners. Discussion was held that the property owners would be willing to deed back to the Authority a small strip of land that was illegally given away years ago by the Authority, to the former property owners. In exchange for deeding back this strip of land, the new owners would get a right of way, to cross over the Authority’s property, to gain access to their land. Kane advised he was meeting with surveyor, Mark Kuntz on March 22 at 8 a.m. to determine the property bounderies.

Cullison advised that there was a delay in getting the four new hookups completed. He also advised there was a delay in getting the replacement water meters installed. He advised that the work orders had been given to Plumber Mike Baumgardner, but Baumgardner had not yet started the work. Kane advised he would contact Baumgardner to let him know that if he was not interested in doing the work, a replacement plumber would be contacted.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
Debra Hahn, Secretary


April 4, 2006


Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Wally Kane and Debra Hahn.

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m

Approval of Reports:

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane  to approve the minutes of the March Board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kanet, seconded by Hewitt to approve the General Account Report.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve Bill List #4 for April.  Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Cullison read a letter from Robinson’s Excavating that beginning April 1, 2006, they would no longer be offering services of snow removal or cindering.  After some discussion, it was decided to contact Jeremy Davis, to see if he would be interested in taking this job over for next winter.  Kane advised he would contact Davis.

Kane and Hewitt advised they had meet with the surveyor at the Rock Top Well site, to have the piece of ground surveyed that would soon be deeded back the Authority.  Discussion was held on who the Authority would be giving the right of way to.   Those names discussed were Bob Martin, the Heckmans and Bream Orchards.  More info would be forthcoming at the May meeting.

Members discussed the delay in getting the 3 new hookups completed, along the Orrtanna Road.  Kane advised he would contact Jeremy Davis, to begin the project.  Secretary Hahn was advised to send a letter to Mike Baumgardner to advise him his services would no longer be needed for the project.

Secretary Hahn was also advised to send a letter to Andy Hansen, and inform him he needed to contact Bob Cullison, to have his water meter replaced.  He will also be  requested to send Secretary Hahn his water meter reading.

Cullison advised that some time in the near future, all the curb boxes needed to be marked for the sewer project.   Discussion was held to have Authority members do the work, and be compensated for their time.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
Debra Hahn, Secretary


May 2, 2006


Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Wally Kane, Richard Hartman and Debra Hahn.

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m

Approval of Reports:

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the minutes of the April Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hartman to approve the General Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman , to approve Bill List #5 for May. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Cullison reported that work for the new water hook-ups along the Orrtanna Road and Old Route 30 was going to begin soon. Plumber Mike Baumgardner approached Mr. Cullison and Kane, requesting if the Authority would reconsider, and let him do the work for the hookups. Both agreed that he could do the plumbing, with Jeremy Davis to perform the excavation. Baumgardner was advised that the Board would not tolerate any more delays from Baumgardner, in getting the work started.

Kane reported that Jeremy Davis agreed to undertake any snow removal work next winter.

Kane advised that the legal work for the Right of Way agreements at the Rock Top Well site had been put on hold. Solicitor McQuaide had tried several times to contact Surveyor Mark Kuntz, for his information on surveying the property. According to Kane, Mr. Kuntz had not responded to McQuaide’s request. He noted that McQuaide could not proceed, until he received this info.

Board members reviewed a letter from DEP stating that the state of Pennsylvania was in a drought watch. Board members were in agreeance to not put any water restrictions on at this time.

Members also reviewed a revised monitoring schedule from DEP, on arsenic testing. This testing had been inadvertantly missing, on the previous schedule issued by DEP.

Cullison advised that he wanted to get started on the work for locating the curb boxes soon.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn, Secretary


June 6, 2006


Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Wally Kane, Richard Hartman and Debra Hahn.

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m

Approval of Reports:

Motion by Hartman, seconded by Kane to approve the minutes of the May Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hartman to approve the General Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve Bill List #6 for June. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt, to approve Reserve Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.


Board member Kane reported that the Right of Way Agreement for the Rock Top Well Site is still on hold. Kane advised that surveyor Mark Kuntz had contacted Solicitor McQuaide, but to date, Kuntz had not given McQuaide all the information needed to draw up the agreement.

Kane also advised that TNT was scheduled for Monday, June 12, to begin drilling under the Orrtanna Road. This is the first phase of work for the three new water hookups located in this area.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn, Secretary




July 11, 2007


Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Wally Kane, Richard Hartman and Debra Hahn.

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m

Approval of Reports:

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the minutes of the June Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hartman, seconded by Kane to approve the General Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman, to approve Bill List #7 for July. Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullision advised the area around the Rock Top plant, suffered damage from the recent flooding. He advised that the culvert pipe under the driveway to the plant had washed out. He noted that the roadway was usable, but there was a considerable dip across the roadway. He suggested that a culvert pipe be put back in and smoothed out. Kane advised he would notify Jeremy Davis for an estimate for this work.

Cullison also advised the Authority suffered approximately $4,400 of damage, due the flood. He had contaced the insurance agent to see if any of the damages where covered. He was informed that flood damages were not covered under the policy.

MOTION by Kane, seconded by Hewitt for monies to be transfered from the reserve account to the general account, to pay the expenses for the four new water hookups. Motion carried unanimously.

Kane also advised that there still was no activity on resolving the Right-of-Way agreement at the Rock Top Well site. He noted that Surveyor Mark Kuntz was still witholding the necessary information to move forward on the matter. Kane advised he would contact Kuntz again to request the necessary information.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn, Secretary



August 1, 2006


Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Wally Kane and Debra Hahn.

Guests Present: Robert McQuaide, Esquire

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m

Approval of Reports:

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the minutes of the July Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to approve the General Account Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane , to approve Bill List #8 for August. Motion carried unanimously.

Robert McQuaide brought the Board up to date on the progress of the proposed right of way agreement at the Rock Top Well site. He advised that he had spoken with Surveyor Mark Kuntz on July 24. Kuntz advised at that time, he was getting ready to do the survey work at the site. McQuaide was hopeful that by the September meeting, the survey results would be available in order to proceed in getting the right of way agreement drawn up. Kane mentioned the fact that the roadway was used by more than just the Authority and the Heckmans. He noted that something needed to be drawn up, to include everyone who used the roadway. McQuaide was in agreeance and said he could work up an agreement that addressed all parties involved.

Cullison announced that he and Kane would be attending a meeting on Wed., 8/2 held by the Adams County Emergency Management. The meeting was being held by FEMA, to address possible reimbursement for storm damages during the recent flood. Cullison noted that the Authority suffered approximately $5,000 worth of damage.

Hahn advised that she had been contacted by the renter of the Harris property located at 997 Old Route 30. The renter asked if he could make payments on the 2nd quarter water bill. Hahn told the renter that as long as he showed good faith in paying the past due balance off, by the beginning of the third quarter, the Authority would not shut off his water service.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn, Secretary


September 5, 2006



Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Dick Hartman and Debra Hahn.


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman  to approve the minutes of the August Board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt , seconded by Hartman  to approve the General Account Report.  Motion carried unanimously.


 Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman  , to approve Bill List #9  for September .  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison advised the Board that he attended an August  meeting held by FEMA where he applied for reimbursement of $4412.00 for storm damages which occured in July of 2006.  Cullison advised that the project costs had been approved for reimbursement and the check should be forthcoming.


Cullison presented the Board with the Surveyor’s draft of the Rock Top Well site property.  The draft which was prepared by Mark Kuntz, showed a small piece of property, owned by John Caskey, Rock Top Hotel.   Cullison advised that it would be in the best interest of the Authority to purchase this small piece of property from Mr. Caskey.   Secretary Hahn was instructed to talk to  Solicitor McQuaide, requesting that he send a letter to Mr. Caskey for this request.


Cullison advised he had been approached by the future owners of the motel along New Route 30 for water services.  He advised that the new owers were proposing to build a laundry mat at this site.   No commitment will be made to the owners, until a formal proposal is presented to the Authority.


There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn,



October 3, 2006



Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Richard Hartman, Debra Hahn


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hartman, seconded by Hahn  to approve the minutes of the September  Board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hartman , seconded by Hahn to approve the General Account Report.  Motion carried unanimously.


 Motion by Hahn, seconded by Hartman , to approve Bill List #10  for October .  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison presented the Board with copies of his recently  earned Certificates issued by FEMA for National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Introduction to Continuity of Operations (COOP).


Board members discussed the overdue water account at the Dorothy Harris rental property.  It was noted that the secretary would be sending a termination of services letter to the renters.


Secretary was also directed by Chairman Cullison to send a letter to property owners at 265 High Street.  The letter would be sent to request that the owners, remove the spray paint that was on their water meter.  Cullison noted that he could not do an actual reading, due to the paint covering the read area.


Cullison advised that DEP had conducted their annual inspection of the Pump House at the school and the Rock Top well site.  He noted that the inspection went well.


There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted


Debra Hahn,



November 7, 2006



Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Richard Hartman, Debra Hahn, Bill Hewitt



The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hartman, seconded by Hahn  to approve the minutes of the October  Board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hartman , seconded by Hewitt to approve the General Account Report.  Motion carried unanimously.


 Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman , to approve Bill List #11  for November .  Motion carried unanimously.


Board members discussed three outstanding water accounts.  Secretary Hahn advised she was working with the customers in getting the past due balances paid off before the end of the quarter.


Hartman was advised that his term on the water board would expire at the end of December.  He expressed an interest to serve another term.  Secretary Hahn advised she would submit Hartman’s name to the Board of Supervisors, for his re-appointment at their January re-organizational meeting.


Secretary Hahn advised that the Authority’s Mita copier was no longer in working condition.  She presented the board with a quote, to purchase a scanner, that could be hooked up to the Authority’s computer system.  MOTION by Hartman, seconded by Hewitt for the purchase of a scanner.  Motion carried unanimously.


Members discussed the options of having equipment on hand to test water meters.   Hartman advised he would talk to Plumber Carl Frantz to see if he would be interested in getting the equipment to test meters.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted


Debra Hahn,



December 5 , 2006



Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Richard Hartman, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane & Bill Hewitt

Guests Present:  Robert McQuaide, Esquire


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane  to approve the minutes of the November Board meeting, with the additionn of adding Bill Hewitt to the list of Board Members present at that meeting.   Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the General Account Report, with the exception of not paying the Glace Associate invoice of $2405.53.  Motion carried unanimously.  Secretary Hahn was advised to send Glace Associates a letter, requesting a breakdown of the 26 hour charge for the Engineering Technician.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve Bill List #12 for December.  Motion carried unanimously.


Solicitor McQuaide addressed the board concerning the Right of Way agreement at the Rock Top Well Site.  McQuaide advised that he had spoken with Attorney Phillips, attorney for the Caskey’s, about obtaining a legal agreement for the Authority to be able to use an existing roadway to access their well site.  McQuaide presented the Board with a draft Deed of Right of Way.  Board members reviewed the draft, requesting minor changes.  McQuaide noted he would give the draft to Attorney Beauchat, attorney for the Heckman’s for their review.  Once he received approval from Attorney Beauchat, he would then give the draft to Solicitor Phillips for his client’s review.


Chairman Cullison advised the Board that he had been approached by the Franklin Twp. Supervisors, concerning the future water sewer project.  He said that the Supervisors were requesting that the Authority extend their water line from the School, to McKnightstown, at the same time that the sewer lines are installed.  It was the general consensus of the Board that this would probably be a good move, if the Authority could financially afford to extend the line.  There was some question as to whether or not engineering fees could possibly be shared between the Authority/Superviors.  Cullison suggested that the Township’s engineer be invited to the January Board meeting, to discuss the matter further.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn