Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Reorganization / Regular Meeting
January 3, 2006
SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter, Sandy Spence
OTHERS PRESENT: Walton Davis, Solicitor; Lori Killinger, Office Manager/Treasurer; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer
The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.
MOTION by Supervisor Fetter, seconded by Supervisor Hartley, to appoint Lori Killinger as temporary Secretary. Motion carried, 3-0.
The meeting, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by the temporary Chairman, Craig Hartley.
MOTION by Supervisor Spence, seconded by Supervisor Hartley, to elect Dan Fetter as Vice-Chairman of the Board. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to appoint Lori Killinger as Office Manager/Secretary/Treasurer with a increase of $1.25 per hour. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to appoint Corinne Higgs as Assistant Secretary with an increase of $.50 per hour for 5 hours per week. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to establish the Treasurer’s Bond at $600,000. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to appoint Charles Ritter as the Roadmaster with an increase of $.50 per hour. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to appoint Rivers Grove as the Assistant Roadmaster with an increase of $1.00 per hour. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to appoint the Road Crew as follows: Jeff Black with an increase of $1.00 per hour and Curtis MacBeth with an increase of $1.00 per hour. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supevisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to appoint Bill Singley as part-time Road Crew employee with an increase of $.50 per hour. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to appoint James Temchack as the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer with an increase of $.50 per hour. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to appoint Walton V. Davis as the Township Solicitor. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to appoint KPI Technology as the Township’s Engineering Firm. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Fetter, to appoint Gil Picarelli as the Sewage Enforcement Officer. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to appoint Dominic Picarelli as the alternate Sewage Enforcement Officer. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to appoint Linda McDannel as the Vacancy Board member. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to appoint Dennis Robinson to the Franklin Township Planning Commission for another term ending in 2009. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to appoint William Hewitt as a Municipal Authority member for another term ending in 2010. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Fetter, seconded by Supervisor Hartley, to appoint Joel Riddlemoser as a Zoning Hearing Board member for a term ending in 2008. Motion carried, 3-0.
Executive Session 1:17 p.m. – 1:22 p.m.
Present: Solicitor Davis, Supervisors Hartley, Fetter and Spence.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to appoint Sandy Spence as the Representative to the York Adams Tax Bureau Board of Directors. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to appoint Lori Killinger as the Alternate Representative to the York Adams Tax Bureau Board of Directors. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to establish PLGIT and Adams County National Bank as the depositories for Township funds. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to set the 2006 Board of Supervisors meetings for the first Thursday after the first Wednesday of each month. On odd months the meetings will start at 10:00a.m. and on even months the meetings will start at 7:30p.m. The dates are as follows:
FEBRUARY 2 7:30 P.M.
MARCH 2 10:00 A.M.
APRIL 6 7:30 P.M.
MAY 4 10:00 A.M.
JUNE 8 7:30 P.M.
JULY 6 10:00 A.M.
AUGUST 3 7:30 P.M.
SEPTEMBER 7 10:00 A.M.
OCTOBER 5 7:30 P.M.
NOVEMBER 2 10:00 A.M.
DECEMBER 7 7:30 P.M.
Motion carried, 3-0.
SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter and Sandra Spence
OTHERS PRESENT: Eric Mains, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor; Lori Killinger, Office Manager/Treasurer; Tina Williams, Secretary; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.
Pete Califano with ATM Advanatage Inc. presented the Supervisors with a revised proposal from last month’s meeting for the McGlaughlin property along Route 30. The waterpark, as previously discussed, was eliminated and the revised plan consisted of a concert venue, commercial area with restaurants, a pharmacy, a convenience store, a bank and a motel. Mr. Califano presented the Supervisors with estimates of income for the Township generated by this development. The estimates were from $66,000 to $116,000.
Califano asked Brian Gilphin, engineer, to explain how the sound from the concert area would be minimal. Califano stated there would be about 30-40 dates a year that the concert area would be used for approximately 5 hours each time. Many different types of concerts would be held.
A resident asked Califano, who felt there was a need for this project. Califano responded that his company had looked from Dillsburg all the way to the Maryland line to place a project like this and ATM Advantage Inc. determined, after their study, that Franklin Township was a good area for it.
Several residents complained about future noise pollution from the concert area.
Supervisor Hartley asked what the projected attendance was for the concerts. Califano responded approximately 250,000 people during a year. 7,000 to 8,000 people per concert.
Supervisor Hartley asked if ATM Advantage Inc. had contacted PennDot to inquire about traffic impact. Califano stated they had not approached PennDot yet. Califano stated roughly 20,000 vehicles a day travel Route 30 in the area of the proposed development.
Richard Schmoyer, Director of the Adams County Office of Planning and Development, discussed the amount of development occurring within Adams County. He explained that the hotel, visitation and convention interest was definitely growing in the Gettysburg area, however, it was being proposed for the east side of Gettysburg not on this side. There was very limited ability in the streets of Gettysburg to access such an attraction as ATM Advantage Inc. was proposing. This would be an enormous challenge.
A resident asked why this proposal was even being discussed. It was being proposed for agriculturally zoned property. Supervisor Hartley responded that this was just proposed a month ago. Initially this company was told by the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors that they were not in favor of it. This company asked to come to another meeting to present more details. That was why the advertisements were placed in the paper so that the Franklin Township residents could come to the meeting and voice their opinion. This didn’t mean that the zoning was going to change.
A resident asked who was going to provide security for this. Califano stated approximately 50 security guards would be present at each concert and the Pennsylvania State Police would also be used when necessary.
Ron Shultz, Orrtanna Road resident, complimented the Supervisors on creating a public forum for these kind of proposals. He asked if the property owner was aware that this area was zoned agriculture. Proposals like this should be for commercially zoned land. The basic question was should the ag land be rezoned. Property owner, Tom McGlaughlin, stated it was not good agricultural ground. Soil scientists have studied it and have found it is bad soil.
Pete Califano stated he understood that this was not a welcomed project in this area and he was going to pull the proposal.
Supervisor Fetter stated as Supervisors they want to know what the people of the Township want. The property owner has a right to ask for a change and make a proposal. Everyone makes good points. The Supervisors want to do what’s best for the Township with input from the residents.
Bicky Redman, resident, suggested to the property owner that an agriculture related business such as equestrian may be a possible use for his property.
Mr. McGlaughlin stated he had approximately 26 acres of development rights that will be used. This project proposal did not exceed 26 acres. He tried to put something together with ATM Advantage Inc. that not only brought monetary value to the Township but also tried to preserve the ground.
Supervisor Hartley asked the audience how many were in favor of the proposal. Four people were in favor, 50 were against.
Bicky Redman, with Adams County Solid Waste Department, was present regarding the garbage complaints in the Hidden Pines Development. Redman stated there was language in the waste contract requiring the waste hauler to use rear loading compactor collection units in residential areas. IESI had been using a top loading collection unit.
Ken Murdock, IESI District Market Manager, stated at a pre-bid meeting for the waste contract a question was raised why rear loading trucks were requested. The answer was that the Borough of Gettysburg was so congested that they needed two people on a truck. Prior to bidding on the contract, Murdock stated that he followed Waste Management and they were using side loading trucks. The reason for using side loading trucks was that they require only one man on the truck which reduced costs. Murdock stated he had looked for the littering problem in the Hidden Pines development.and had never found a problem that was caused by an IESI truck. Murdock stated if one of his trucks caused a problem he would respond.
Redman stated that the complainant said the litter was still there. Supervisor Hartley clarified with Lori Killinger that as far as a litter problem, resulting from the use of top loading trucks, the complaint from Hidden Pines was the only one received. Killinger stated she drove through the area last Friday and did not see a litter problem.
Redman suggested someone from the Township follow the truck and see what happens.
Supervisor Fetter asked if there was anything in the waste contract stating people must bag their garbage. Murdock stated there was no requirement that all garbage must be in bags since they supply containers. Redman suggested the Township make all residents use containers.
Candy, resident of Chambersburg Road, inquired about the zoning change that was discussed at the public hearing. Supervisor Hartley explained the proposed ordinance. Candy said she was opposed to the ordinance.
A resident expressed concern about the required septic tank pumping every three years. Supervisor Hartley explained that the sewage management ordinance was a requirement of DEP as a result of updating the 537 plan.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to approve the two new private driveway names of Bear Cove Lane and Sayber Trail off of Oak Drive. Motion carried, 3-0.
Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer, stated that for the month of April he issued 10 UCnC Building Permits, 9 Land Use Permits, and 1 Old Style Building Permit Renewal for a total value of $158,700.00, with mileage of 314 miles. He issued 19 Use and Occupancy Certificates and 2 Flea Market and Yard Sale Permits. He issued 4 verbal warnings, 11 written warnings, 1 dangerous structure order, 1 verbal yard sale warning and addressed complaints regarding barking dogs. Additionally, he addressed complaints about the intersection of Hilltown Road and High Street as well as complaints regarding the enforcement of the vehicle ordinance. He addressed a concern about the use of the alley in Mummasburg. Knouse foods picked up the litter on Flohrs Church Road. The zoning hearing board went against Jim Temchack’s decision regarding the Mannis property and found in favor of Mannis.
Supervisor Spence brought up that at the April 5th Planning Commission Meeting, Rick Hise from the Adams County office of mapping and Anthony Herring of the Cashtown Fire Department,expressed concern over the mislabeling and lack of labeling of some Township roads and lanes. Some of the lots have non-sequential numbering and a number of the private lanes and roads are not labeled on the map, creating a time delay for emergency services. The areas of concern were on Old Route 30 and Green Ridge Road. Craig Hartley replied that the current ordinances as they stand should address the issues and that it was the County that labeled and issued the addresses in the first place.
Wally Davis, expressed that he was astounded by the zoning hearing board’s decision at the Mannis zoning hearing. He stated that the Board of Supervisors has 30 days to appeal that decision. He recommended that the Supervisors appeal it if they don’t adopt the change in the zoning ordinance in proposed ordinance 2006-02 at the current meeting.
Opening of the 2006 Road Materials Bids
Valley Quarries, Inc. was the only bidder for stone. They bid the following:
#2 $7.45 ton
#1-B $8.95 “
#2-A $5.95 “
#2-B $7.45 “
#3 $7.35 “
#3-A $6.05 “
Rip rap $9.60 “
Anti-skid $7.35 “
Cold patch $55.00 “
Hammaker East Ltd. was the only bidder for road oils. They bid the following:
E-5 $1.79 gal. delivered
E-3 $1.68 “ ”
E-3M $1.89 “ ”
RC-250 $2.79 “ ”
Paver w/ operator $190.00/hr
Roller w/ operator $65.00/hr
Dust truck w/ operator $60.00/hr
Water truck w/ operator $0.00/hr
Shipley Energy Co. Inc. was the only bidder for fuel. They bid the following:
Premium diesel fuel $2.34 gal.
Kerosene $2.39 “
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to rebid midgrade gasoline for 2006. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to approve Ordinance 2006-02, Single Family Residence allowance in Agricultural Zone. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to approve bonding for Tina Williams, part-time Secretary/Treasurer, in the amount of $600,000.00. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to approve the Engineering Services Agreement with KPI Technology. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to approve Resolution 2006-03, the Adams County National Bank Corporate Authorization. Motion carried, 3-0.
Township resident, Mr. Molloy, had a question of whether there were any confirmed reports or sightings of mountain lions in the Township. Supervisor Hartley replied that the PA Game Commission would deny that any mountain lions existed in the area.
There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 11:22 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina Williams
Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
June 8, 2006
SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter and Sandra Spence
OTHERS PRESENT: Eric Mains, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor; Tina Williams, Secretary; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer, Rivers Grove, Assistant Roadmaster.
The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.
Merry Bush reported that there is a Saldo Workshop scheduled for July 5th at 5 P.M. Scott Ham, asked that we redefine the definition of screens and buffers and where exactly he would need to put them on his plan. He asked if we could delay a buffer zone. Mark Rehrig, a township resident, brought his Preliminary/Final Subdivision plan for approval.
Rivers Grove, Assistant Roadmaster reported that for the month of May, they Township Road Crew cut tile crossisng for Tyrone Township with Franklin Township’s saw. They put the mower back on the John Deere. Bill Singley has started to mow roads now. They hauled more 2A and 3A to Valley for road jobs. They took the #6 Antrim Diesel for a tune-up. They put tiles in on Hilltown road where a water problem existed. The township road crew worked on Plantation Road and Mountain Road on the side ditch work and bank work. They did 2 driveway permits. They put a new stop sign up at Pine Valley Road and Old Route 30. They picked up #6 and took it to S&S to get the tire work done. They are continuing the upkeep on all township equipment. There is still some widening to do on Mountain Road.
Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer, stated that for the month of May he issued 12 UCnC Building Permits, 16 Land Use Permits, and 8 Old Style Building Permit Renewal for a total value of $805,600.00, with mileage of 338 miles. He issued 17 Use and Occupancy Certificates, 1 Driveway permit, 2 demolition permits and 1 Flea Market and Yard Sale Permit. He issued 1 verbal warning, 10 written warnings and 1 verbal yard sale warning and addressed complaints regarding a building built before zoning was enacted being within 4 feet of a property line. The building is not in violation. Temchack attended 1 EMC training class at the Adams County Emergency Training Center.
Sandy Spence attended a NIMS training. Tina agreed to check on additional training for PSATS.
There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina Williams
Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
July 6, 2006
SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter and Sandra Spence
OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor; Tina Williams, Secretary; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer; Rivers Grove, Assistant Roadmaster.
The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.
Rivers Grove, Assistant Roadmaster, reported that for the month of June 2006, they completed service on the Loader, the back hoe, the rock splitters and the grader. They made a list of road spots that need to be milled out and hot mix needs to be put back in. They started to cut the shoulder with a grader on Peach Tree Road, Scott School Road, Hickory Bridge Road, Mt. Carmel Road, Jack Road and Old Route 30 Extended. They cleaned out tiles on Old Route 30 at the upper part of Mr. Ed’s, Newman Road and Old Route 30 extended. The work continues on Mountain Road and Plantation Road and they were ready to pave until the flooding occurred. They cut out a bad spot of tile on Mountain Road. They put a new cutting edge on the grader and put an Adopt A Road Sign on Bottom Road. They cut brush at the intersections of Miltonberger and Route 234 as well as Bottom Road and Route 234. There was very bad flooding all over the township. Discussion ensued regarding the clean up of damage that occurred due to the flooding.
Jim Temchack, Zoning and Code Enforcement Officer, stated that for the month of June he issued 8 UCnC Building Permits, 9 Land Use permits and 2 Old Style Building Permits with a total construction value of $740,800.00. His mileage was 374. He issued 15 use and occupancy certificates, 1 driveway permit, 1 home occupation permit, 1 sign permit, 1 demolition permit and 2 flea market permits. Additionally, he issued 1 verbal warning and 29 written warnings as well as issued 1 citation. There were complaints of water running onto neighboring properties. Jim Temchack reported that he helped out with all EMA activities and wrote an Initial Damage Report to Adams County when the flood hit the Township. He also was appointed to PABCO.
Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, relayed some problems regarding holding tanks in Gettysburg Campground. Craig responded that we will take a closer look at what is going on and check them out individually. They will be setting up a meeting with the board from Gettysburg Campground to discuss some of the concerns.
Craig Zach, KPI Technology, updated the Board on the status of the Sewage Project. He added that they need a SALDO plan stating that they may have the land to put their Sewage Treatment Facility on. Craig Hartley reported that he received a call from Senator Spector’s office securing $300,000.00 for the upcoming sewage project. A discussion occurred regarding people who cannot afford the hookup to the sewage system and options that will be available to them.
There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Williams
Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
August 3, 2006
SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Dan Fetter and Sandra Spence
OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, Tina Williams, Secretary, Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.
Dan Moul, Republican Candidate for State Representative for the 91st District introduced himself to the Supervisors and offered his support to the Supervisors should he be elected in the upcoming elections..
Jim Monn, representing the South Mountain Rangers, Inc. requested a holding tank for the facility. The existing facility has a privy which they would like to upgrade to make it more pleasing for the members of the facility. Gil Picarelli suggested that a motion be made to clean up the agreement and bring it in for Craig and Tina to sign and submit it to Gil Picarelli, which he will send to DEP for authorization.
Ron Lynch, a resident of Chambersburg Road, with questions regarding excessive lighting onto his property. He spoke to the resident with the lighting and the resident has turned off some of the lights, but not all of them. Mr. Lynch offered to install motion sensor lights for the neighbor, but the neighbor has not taken him up on the offer. Supervisor Fetter agreed to stop out at the property and possibly have a conversation with the neighbor.
George Queen, a resident had questions regarding the sewage treatment facility. Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology reported that the facility will only be on Mr. Norman’s property. Expressed concerns regarding the placement of the facility. Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology addressed those concerns and addressed Mr. Queen’s questions.
Rivers Grove, Assistant Roadmaster, was unable to attend the meeting but submitted a report for the month of July stating that the road crew was called in on the 4th of July for wind and rain storm trees down on Jack Road and Green Ridge Road. Additionally, they started the clean up of the flooded roads. KPI did core samples on the lower part of Old Rt. 30. They met with the EMA, FEMA, PEMA and DEP about flood damage in the township. They replaced, cleaned out and added new tiles on Mountain and Plantation Roads and the roads are again ready to be paved. They are continuing all work on roads that were damaged by the flood. They used a chipper to put down 1B’s where oil has been coming up through the roads and they continue the upkeep and maintenance on all equipment.
Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer, stated that for the month of July he issued 3 UCnC Building Permits, 4 Land Use Permits, and 2 Old Style Building Permit renewals for a total value of $301,900.00 with a mileage of 248. He issued 5 Use and Occupancy Certificates, 1 Demolition Permit and 2 Flea Market and Yard Sale Permit. He issued 2 Verbal warnings, 10 written warnings/Notices, 1 Dangerous Structure order and 1 Verbal Yard Sale warning. He also addressed resident complaints regarding lighting on a resident’s property and trash pickup at the Gettysburg Campgrounds. He reported that on July 11th, there was a Zoning Hearing Board Meeting for an appeal for Daniel Keyes and that is still pending. He attended a meeting at the Adams County Emergency Department Center regarding Flood relief for the Township. He completed the initial forms necessary, and Craig has an appointment to meet with FEMA at the Emergency Center to discuss money. Gettysburg Campground declined the invitation to attend township meetings, but offered to have Supervisors come to them for a meeting, which the Supervisors in turn declined.
Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology offered the following information to the Board of Supervisors to update the activities that KPI Technology has been involved with associated with design of the sewer system project. KPI is in the process of preparing the subdivision and land development plan on behalf of the Township for the Norman property. The plan will be done in conjunction with the contingent agreement with Mr. Norman to obtain the property. Core borings of Old Route 30 have been done to determine the depth and thickness of concrete below pavement for contract purposes and they showed approximately 8” of concrete of 12” total road thickness. The Erosion and Sedimentation (E&S) plan is nearly complete and expected to be sent to the Adams County Conservation District by the end of next week for approval. Attached is a form that the Township may sign or designate KPI to sign.
There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Williams
Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
September 7, 2006
SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Dan Fetter and Sandra Spence
OTHERS PRESENT: Craig Zack, KPI Technology; Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor; Lori Killinger, Office Manager/Treasurer; Tina Williams, Secretary.
The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.
James A. Entwistle, resident of Mummasburg Road, Parcel No. E10-0030A, was present to appeal a decision by the Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) in which the SEO denied a sewage system proposed by Mr. Entwistle. Gil Picarelli responded that there was currently no way that he as an SEO could approve the system due to the conditions of the lot. Walton Davis, Solicitor, responded that Mr. Entwistle would need to contact the state to get more information about experimental systems and to get approval for such.
Ron Lynch, resident of Chambersburg Road, discussed concern over Ordinance 175-24 which addressed excessive illumination. He asked where the township stood in regards to that particular issue. Supervisor Fetter responded that he had been to the area of concern to assess the lighting issue. In his opinion, Supervisor Fetter did not think there was excessive lighting in the area. He spoke with the owner of Desert Flower. The owner expressed that he did enough to address the issue. Supervisor Fetter stated that he recommended Mr. Lynch speak with Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
Mr. Lynch reported that there were 25 lights visible from his home. Supervisor Hartley stated that he would have Jim Temchack address this issue with Solicitor Davis. If there is something the township could do, it would. However, this may be a civil issue between Mr. Lynch and the owner of Desert Flower.
Daniel Keys, a township resident, expressed thanks to the Township for picking up the trash consisting of old tires and debris along Old Route 30.
Mr. Keys requested that the Zoning Hearing Board and Planning Commission be present at the meeting, but according to Mr. Keys, they declined.
Mr. Keys informed the Board that the pictures he was submitting had been given to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), Channel 8 News, Channel 43 News, the Chambersburg newspaper, the Hanover newspaper, and the Gettysburg newspaper, as well as the Harrisburg newspaper.
Mr. Keys claimed that the township gave the state permission to remove a large collapsed pipe on his property. He asked that the township replace the pipe that was removed and that it be graded so that he could continue to mow the area at 3535 Old Route 30.
Mr. Keys went on to discuss Route 30 extended, which is a spur, across from Bobby A’s. Supervisor Hartley responded that according to the state, that is a township road only to the edge of the concrete, regardless of how many people reside there. It is a private driveway. Mr. Keys suggested that the township plow that particular road when there is snowfall to which Supervisor Hartley responded “it is not our road”.
Next, Mr. Keys discussed parking along Route 30 in the area of the flea markets. Mr. Keys presented the Board with photographs showing people parked along Route 30 near the area of the flea markets on both sides of the road. Supervisor Hartley agreed to address the issue with Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
Mr. Keys brought to the attention of the Board that for the last 28 days the doors to the Route 30 Motel, owned by the White/Bell Partnership, had been open. The Supervisors made a note of the complaint.
Mr. Keys voiced his concern that Dennis Robinson currently had “hundreds of tires hidden” on his property along Route 30. He stated that it is a possible mosquito breeding ground according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Mr. Keys asked that Dennis Robinson submit his resignation and that the Board accept it. Supervisor Hartley stated that he would not ask for Mr. Robinson’s resignation.
Leander Ansky, resident of Orrtanna Road, had a concern about a SALDO workshop being improperly advertised. He stated that the Planning Commission did not properly inform the public in attendance that the meeting was not an open meeting for questions to be raised. Supervisor Spence stated that the Planning Commission explained to the public that they were working on revising the SALDO and that the public was welcomed to stay.
Additionally, Mr. Ansky stated that he agreed that a member of the Planning Commission who is in violation of township ordinances should not be sitting on that board and it is the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors to address that particular issue. Supervisor Hartley agreed to look into the issue of the tires on Mr. Robinson’s property. Walton Davis, Solicitor, recommended that Mr. Ansky read the Sunshine Act and the Municipalities Planning Code, Section 206, concerning removal of Planning Commission members. Solicitor Davis stated if Mr. Ansky had a better understanding of the law then he would better understand what’s going on at these meetings.
A township resident approached the Board with questions regarding flooding in her basement. The resident stated that she was new to the area and was unfamiliar with local laws and ordinances. She needed guidance about whom she should speak with regarding the problem of water coming onto her property from a state road and subsequently flooding her finished basement. The Board of Supervisors recommended that she speak with an engineering firm.
Danny Keys offered everyone present at the meeting the phone number for the EPA.
Lori Killinger read the monthly report for Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer. The report stated that for the month of August Temchack issued 10 UCnC building permits and 16 land use permits with a total construction value of $1,220,100.00. He issued 16 use and occupancy certificates, 2 driveway permits, 2 sign permits and 2 flea market and yard sale permits. Additionally, he issued 1 verbal warning and 3 written warnings as well as 1 dangerous structure order. He addressed complaints and concerns over lighting on property, neighbor fences and 4 X 4 sport vehicles trespassing and on roads. He attended a magistrate hearing, Township vs. Diaz, and Diaz was found guilty with a $200 fine, plus he has 90 days to have the vehicles inspected or removed.
Craig Hartley gave the Assistant Roadmaster report for August, stating that all work on Mountain and Plantation Roads was done and those roads have been paved. The road crew will seal coat both roads in about a month and put berm down where it is needed. They cleaned out the bridges at Flohrs Church Road, Twin Run Road and Short Cut Road; filled potholes on the dirt part of Newman Road and in areas that had been washed out; cleaned up a pile of stone and dirt that had washed out onto Old Route 30 extended; helped Tyrone Township for one day putting down berm and cutting a tile crossing; put new tile in on Flohrs Church Road at Love Joys; replaced one tile on Flohrs Church Road between Sunset Road and Tillietown Road; picked up a new Sweepster broom; filled a washed out ditch on Old Route 30 at Sanders with RipRap stone and cleaned out the other side; repainted lines at the stop signs at the Old Route 30 intersection at Tick Tock and also the lines at the intersection of New Road and Cashtown Road; cut a side ditch on south end dirt section of Flohrs Church Road and the dirt section of Oak Tree Road. The road crew is continuing upkeep on all equipment.
Solicitor Davis pointed out that not one item, with the exception to Mr. Entwistle who was on the agenda, addressed to the Board under Guests was required to be entertained by the Board under the Sunshine Act. Public comment is allowed for items that are before the Board for action which are listed on the agenda. However, it is this Board’s current policy to permit any members of the audience to speak.
Craig Zack, KPI Technology, updated the Board on the status of the Cashtown/McKnightstown sewer project. He stated that they had a very productive meeting with Solicitor Davis regarding the wastewater treatment site and changes to the zoning ordinance that they suggest. Aqua aerobics has invited the Supervisors and engineers to visit the factory. They also met with Wally regarding the right-of-way agreements and who would do the legwork of knocking on doors. Zack sent an update to the PA Historical and Museum Commission based on the status of the sewer project today. He awaits a determination from them. Their determination is required for some of the other permits that will be applied for.
Supervisor Hartley announced that there is a good possibility we will get a $300,000 grant though Senator Specter’s and Santorum’s offices.
John Molloy, Franklin Township resident, suggested a thank you note be sent to Senators Specter and Santorum.
There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori Killinger
Office Manager/Treasurer
Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
October 5, 2006
SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Dan Fetter and Sandra Spence
OTHERS PRESENT: Craig Zack, KPI Technology; Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor; Lori Killinger, Office Manager/Treasurer; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.
Mary Lower, Franklin Township Transportation Impact Fee Advisory Committee (TIFAC) member, introduced Jim Cullision, an Engineer with Trans Associates, who was present to provide an overview of the Act 209 study for Franklin Township. Ms. Lower added that the TIFAC approved the Roadway Sufficiency Anaylsis and Transportation Capital Improvements Plan and she was presenting them to the Supervisors for their review and approval on behalf of the Committee.
Bob Sharrah, surveyor, posed a question in regards to the Tarbet’s property on Poplar Springs Road and shared driveways. Mr. Sharrah stated the township ordinance read that private roads were only permitted at the discretion of the Supervisors. He asked the Supervisors whether they would prefer three panhandles with a shared driveway or a private road. Gil Picarelli suggested a shared driveway be used. Solicitor Davis stated, as a township, the Supervisors would only want one access.
Jim Cullison, Engineer with Trans Associates, presented the results of the Roadway Sufficiency Analysis and summarized the Act 209 process in Franklin Township. He stated that the TIFAC scheduled a public hearing for October 30, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. on the Transportation Capital Improvements Plan. Then, at the November Board of Supervisors meeting the Supervisors may adopt the Transportation Capital Improvements Plan and Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance.
Mr. Cullison stated that it is important for the TIFAC to meet once a year to, at a minimum, adjust the cost estimates for inflation and to adjust the implementation schedule if not enough impact fee money had been collected to fund a project.
MOTION by Supervisor Spence, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to approve Bill List #10, General Fund checks 25540-25608 totaling $90,372.34, State Fund check 6285 totaling $128,514.25, Sewer Fund checks 1102 totaling $60.00 and 2006 Project Account check 1011 totaling $17,088.11. Motion carried, 2-0.
Gil Picarelli stated the Aquillas O. Peachey stormwater report had not been reviewed by KPI as of yet.
MOTION by Supervisor Fetter, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to table the Aquillas O. Peachey preliminary/final subdivision plan. Motion carried, 2-0.
Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer reported that for the month of September he issued 5 UCnC building permits and 7 land use permits with a total construction value of $800,900.00. He issued 9 use and occupancy certificates and 1 flea market/yard sale permit. Additionally, he issued 2 verbal warnings, 3 written warnings and 1 dangerous structure order.
Temchack addressed complaints and concerns over lighting at a commercial property, parking along Route 30 flea markets, a building being demolished along Route 30, abandoned tires on Route 30 property and fencing. Temchack reported that the Zoning Hearing Board voted to deny the application of Daniel Keys.
As Deputy EMC, Temchack handled a gas line rupture in Cashtown caused by telephone pole drilling, a gas line rupture near the DCNR office on Route 30 caused by a DCNR backhoe and a motor oil, transmission oil and battery spill caused by a three vehicle rear end chain collision on Route 30 near Mr. Ed’s.
Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer, reported that, following Supervisor Hartley’s meeting with FEMA regarding the summer flood, an application for financial assistance was submitted. Killinger spoke with a PEMA representative who stated the application was in the final review stage and the township should receive an estimated $64,302.60 in assistance.
Craig Zack, KPI Technology, updated the Board on the status of the Cashtown/McKnightstown sewer project. He stated that he had a preliminary site layout for the Supervisors to comment on; a visit to Aqua Aerobics was scheduled for the following week; ordinances for hookups and right of way agreements need to be discussed; and favorable feedback was received from the Pennsylvania Historical Museum Commission regarding the project and no archaeological impact.
Solicitor Davis drafted an agreement for the land which will be the future site of the wastewater treatment plant. Craig Zack had given his input on the agreement and the agreement was presented to the Supervisors for their approval. The Supervisors granted permission to the Solicitor to forward the agreement to Thomas Norman and his attorney to see if they recommended any changes before the agreement was finalized.
Craig Zack stated that the drafts of the Right of Way agreements should be discussed later in the project.
MOTION by Supervisor Spence, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to tentatively adopt Ordinance 2006-04 – Sewer Amendment in the Zoning Ordinance, authorize the ordinance be sent for review to the Adams County Office of Planning & Development and to the Franklin Township Planning Commission, schedule a public hearing for December 7, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. and authorize its advertising. Motion carried, 2-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Fetter, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to schedule a public hearing on the Capital Improvements Plan for October 30, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. and authorize its advertising. Motion carried, 2-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Fetter, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to tentatively adopt Ordinance 2006-05 – Traffic Impact Fee Ordinance, schedule a public hearing for November 2, 2006 at 9:30 a.m. and authorize its advertising. Motion carried, 2-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Fetter, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to approve the purchase of a new John Deere loader under the PACC contract through the John Deere Lease Program. Motion carried, 2-0.
Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, stated that the Hundredfold Farm project had been inspected and he recommended the financial security be reduced to $5,000.
MOTION by Supervisor Fetter, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to reduce the security required by Hundredfold Farm to $5,000. Motion carried, 2-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Fetter, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to schedule Trick-or-Treat for Tuesday, October 31, 2006 from 6-8 p.m.
Motion carried, 2-0.
Daniel Keys, resident, requested a copy of Franklin Township’s financial report
and a copy of Jim Temchack’s meeting report. Mr. Keys stated he would stop by the township office the following morning for the information.
There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori Killinger
Office Manager/Treasurer
Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Public Hearing -November 2, 2006
SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Daniel Fetter, Sandra Spence
OTHERS PRESENT: Craig Zack, KPI Technology; Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor; Lori Killinger, Office Manager/Treasurer; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
The purpose of the hearing was to receive comments from the public regarding proposed Ordinance 2006-05, an ordinance amending the Franklin Township Code of Ordinances by adding a new chapter titled “Traffic Improvement Districts and Impact Fees”, imposing an impact fee upon new development within transportation service areas within the township and establishing procedures and standards ancillary thereto.
The hearing, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by the Chairman, Craig Hartley.
The only guests present were Jim Cullision and Brian Shunk with Trans Associates.
Jim Cullison, an engineer with Trans Associates, presented the results of the Act 209 (traffic impact fee) study in Franklin Township. He stated that the fees for zone 1 were $2,853 per evening peak hour trip per single family residential house. For zone 2 the fees were $2,535 and for zone 3, $2876. Cullison recommended that during final approval of a land development or subdivision plan, the Supervisors give the applicant an estimate of what impact fees will be do upon applying for a building permit. Cullison stated that the next step would be to get some of the projects in the Capital Improvement Plan on PennDot’s 12 year plan if the project involved a state road. In addition, Cullison stated that the Transportation Advisory Committee should meet annually to review the Capital Improvements Plan and reprioritize the list. Every project needs to be done within three years of its schedule date but those dates can be changed at the Committee’s annual meeting. Estimated construction costs can also be adjusted annually to take into account changes in the cost of materials. Cullison stated that the township could be reimbursed by the Traffic Impact fund for the cost of the Roadway Sufficiency Analysis which was $75,000.
Jim Cullision expressed his thanks to the Transportation Advisory Committee.
There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 9:39 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori Killinger
Office Manager/Treasurer
Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
November 2, 2006
SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Daniel Fetter and Sandra Spence
OTHERS PRESENT: Craig Zack, KPI Technology; Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor; Lori Killinger, Office Manager/Treasurer; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.
Mark Kuntz, surveyor, and Ron Martin, realtor, were present on behalf of
Aquillas Peachey, who submitted a subdivision plan for Poplar Springs Road. Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, stated that all comments were addressed and the Planning Commission approved the plans. Financial security was required for each basin in the stormwater management plan.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to approve the final subdivision plan for Aquillas O. Peachey of Poplar Springs Road pending financial security is posted for each stormwater basin and receipt of Adams County comments on the final plan. Motion carried, 3-0.
Mark Kuntz, surveyor, was also present on behalf of Scott and Kim Ham, who submitted a subdivision plan for Chambersburg Road. Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, stated a note needed to be added stating a driveway cannot be put on the lot without a highway occupancy permit.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to approve the final subdivision plan and Form B for Scott and Kim Ham of Chambersburg Road pending receipt of Adams County comments on the final plan and the addition of a note regarding a highway occupancy permit. Motion carried, 3-0.
Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer reported that for the month of October he issued 7 UCnC building permits and 7 land use permits and renewed 1 building permit with a total construction value of $807,200.00. He issued 5 use and occupancy certificates, 3 driveway permits, 1 storage of movable dwelling unit permit and 1 flea market/yard sale permit. He received 1 zoning hearing board application to be held November 8, 2006. Additionally, he issued 1 verbal warning and 2 written warnings.
Temchack addressed complaints and concerns over garbage on Mountain Road at the Irvin’s entrance. Temchack attended a Uniform Construction Code seminar titled “Is Your Municipality UCC Compliant?”
Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer, reported that, she and the Assistant Roadmaster, Rivers Grove, completed the final paperwork to submit to PEMA for reimbursement from the summer flood. Killinger stated the final paperwork indicated an estimated $72,000 in damages as opposed to PEMA’s original estimate of $64,000. PEMA will have to review the paperwork submitted again to approve the estimated $72,000. However, Killinger submitted a DAP-9 form requesting PEMA release the original estimated $64,000 in the meantime.
Supervisor Craig Hartley gave the Assistant Roadmaster’s report for October. All tiles and trees on Bottom and Orchard Roads that need to be cut down for next year’s road project were marked; 3 driveway permits were completed; Grove was called in twice for trees blown down on Mountain Road; Grove started a road maintenance spreadsheet for each township road; all roads going to be oil and chipped were swept; first seal coats were applied to Mountain and Plantation Roads; spot oil and chipping was done on White Pine and Crooked Creek Roads; the road crew assisted Cumberland Township with putting berm down for 2 days; berm was put down where needed on Mountain and Plantation Roads. Currently, the road crew is cutting shoulder along the road. The Ford F 550 has been repaired.
Supervisor Hartley submitted a request to be included on the township’s health insurance plans retroactive to February 2002.
Supervisor Fetter submitted a request to be included on the township’s health insurance plans retroactive to February 2001. In addition, Supervisor Fetter suggested that, during meetings, people that are listed on the agenda may speak in the beginning when “Guests” are addressed. Anyone else who wishes to speak and is not on the agenda may be permitted to do so at the end of the meeting.
Supervisor Spence reported that she attended a meeting at the York Adams Tax Bureau and heard the auditors’ explanation regarding the overpayment of earned income tax. At the meeting, Spence requested the deadline to payback the excess earned income tax be extended to 2010. She was told that issue had to be discussed with the school boards who were underpaid the tax. In addition, Spence submitted a request to be included on the township’s health insurance plans retroactive to April 2005.
the current situation in which the York Adams Tax Bureau (YATB) claims that the township was overpaid earned income tax by the now non-existent Adams County Earned Income Tax Collection Agency (ACEITCA). Solicitor Davis stated that the Board of Supervisors must be assured that the amount of the claim is accurate because the Supervisors have a fiduciary responsibility to see that monies that come out of the township’s treasury are justified. Once the Supervisors agree that the claim amount is correct, the next step is to determine what a reasonable payback period is. If the ACEITCA cannot come up with a way to satisfy the Supervisors that the claim amount is justified, one option is to tell the school districts that we need to get a year or two of YATB information under our belt which will enable us to determine better what we should have been paid and what we’ve been overpaid. Solicitor Davis stated we should meet with Rager, Lehman and Houck, the auditors, and compare their figures to the township’s figures. If they are comparable and it does appear that we owe the claim amount then we can proceed to the next step which is to determine a payback period.
Gil Picarelli, KPI Technology, reported that the Planning Commission somewhat finalized the changes to the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) during their workshop the prior night. The Planning Commission will have one more workshop concerning the SALDO changes and then it will be turned over to the Supervisors and Solicitor Davis for review.
In addition, Picarelli gave the Supervisors a copy of Berwick Township’s fee schedule for subdivision and land developments to look over and compare to the township’s current fee schedule.
Picarelli also suggested that the road maintenance spreadsheet the Assistant Roadmaster is creating would be a perfect application for GIS.
Craig Zack, KPI Technology, updated the Board on the status of the Cashtown/McKnightstown sewer project. He stated that work continues on Part II of the Water Quality Management Permit. He is in the process of preparing a land development plan in connection with the wastewater treatment facility. Zack asked about the status of the Norman agreement. Solicitor Davis stated he would contact Norman’s attorney, Wendy Beauchat. A meeting was scheduled for November 7th for the Supervisors and Craig Zack to discuss options for the proposed sewer line in Cashtown along Old Route 30. The following permit applications will soon be submitted: Wetlands Encroachment Permit, NPDES Permit and Erosion and Sediment Permit.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to adopt Ordinance 2006-05 – the Traffic Impact Fee Ordinance. Motion carried, 3-0.
There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 10:43 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori Killinger
Office Manager/Treasurer
Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Public Hearing – December 7, 2006
SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Daniel Fetter, Sandra Spence
OTHERS PRESENT: Craig Zack, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor; Lori Killinger, Office Manager/Treasurer; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
The purpose of the hearing was to receive comments from the public regarding proposed Ordinance 2006-04, an ordinance amending Section 175-61 (Public Utility Building and/or Service Structures) of Article VI (Standards for Uses) of Chapter 175 (Zoning) of the Franklin Township Code of Ordinances by adding a new subsection F. permitting a public water or public sewer facility constructed by the Township of Franklin to be built without regard for any of the dimensional, use or special exception requirements of the zoning ordinance.
The hearing, held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the Chairman, Craig Hartley.
There were no comments from the audience.
There public hearing was adjourned at 7:01 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori Killinger
Office Manager/Treasurer
Franklin Township, Adams County
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Craig Hartley, Daniel Fetter and Sandra Spence
OTHERS PRESENT: Craig Zack, KPI Technology; Walton Davis, Solicitor; Lori Killinger, Office Manager/Secretary/Treasurer; Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in unison.
Jim Temchack, Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer reported that for the month of November he issued 3 UCnC building permits and 4 land use permits and renewed 2 building permits with a total construction value of $627,700.00. He issued 5 use and occupancy certificates, 1 sign permit and 1 flea market/yard sale permit. He received 1 zoning hearing board application. Additionally, he issued 2 verbal warnings, 5 written warnings and 1 stop work order.
Temchack addressed complaints and concerns over garbage on Mountain Road and neighbors complaining of water draining onto eachothers property. The zoning hearing for a special exception for storage buildings in a commercial zone was rescheduled due to lack of information from the applicant. Temchack attended a PEMA class at the Adams County Department of Emergency Services titled “Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator Damage Reporting”.
Lori Killinger, Secretary/Treasurer, reported that she submitted another Single Application for Assistance to DCED for the design phase of the Cashtown/McKnightstown sewer project. Killinger also reported that the John Deere loader will be delivered the week of Christmas.
Supervisor Craig Hartley gave the Assistant Roadmaster’s report for November. The road crew was called in on November 30 for trees down on roadways due to high winds. The road maintenance log book was completed and up to date. The township line locations were marked and their GPS locations noted. An equipment maintenance log book was being created. Berm was cut, side ditches and tiles cleaned out on Fox Hill, Flohrs Church, Camp, Pleasant Valley and Winding Roads. All equipment was ready for snow and ice.
Supervisor Fetter asked what the criteria were for tree removal estimates for the road project. Supervisor Hartley stated he made up a criteria list and Assistant Roadmaster Grove was in the process of getting three estimates. Supervisor Fetter asked if the estimates needed to be sealed. Supervisor Hartley stated if the job was quoted at over $10,000 the project needed to be bid, advertised and the bids must be sealed.
Supervisor Spence reported that she, Secretary Killinger and Solicitor Davis attended a meeting with the York Adams Tax Bureau regarding the overpayment of earned income tax. The executive board met and maintained that the money must be paid back by May 2008. At the January Board meeting, all members will vote on the payback time period. In addition, the auditors, Rager, Lehman and Houck, are to be providing additional information regarding how they calculated the payback amount.
Supervisor Spence called for an executive session to discuss personnel matters following the meeting in session.
Supervisor Hartley stated that he and Assistant Roadmaster Grove met with Dave and Mary Margaret Kuhn to discuss taking some trees down on their property in addition to their barn and shed on Orchard Road. The Kuhn’s are not against this, they just ask for compensation. Supervisor Hartley asked the Kuhn’s to let Secretary Killinger know what they request as far as compensation.
Solicitor Davis reported that a status conference was held with John Wolfe, representing Dan Keys, Clayton Wilcox, representing the Zoning Hearing Board and Solicitor Davis representing the township. A briefing was scheduled for January. The judge asked if there was anything that could be done in this case. Solicitor Davis stated the cars that aren’t inspected must be removed.
Temchack added that Diaz appealed his case and hired an attorney.
Craig Zack, KPI Technology, stated that KPI reviewed and approved the bonding estimate for Aquillas Peachey. The bonding estimates were for Lot No. 3 through Lot No. 8. There was discussion regarding the number of lots on the approved Peachey final plan. The final plan indicated only 3 lots. Craig Zack stated he would discuss with Eric and Gil at KPI.
Zack also updated the Board on the status of the Cashtown/McKnightstown sewer project. He was working on the application for the Part II Water Quality Management Permit. He met with the Supervisors on December 4 with respect to finalizing sewer line layout and locations. Following the execution of the Thomas Norman Agreement, a subdivision and land development plan will be submitted to the township. He mentioned the meeting with the Supervisors, Secretary Killinger, himself and the Adams County Commissioners. Zack suggested Secretary Killinger send a letter to the Commissioners requesting consideration of using Act 137 funds.
Supervisor Hartley mentioned sending letters to property owners surrounding the future site of the treatment plant to invite them to tour an existing treatment plant. Craig Zack suggested a meeting be held first to see how many people have concerns and then organize a tour. Secondly, Hartley stated another letter should go out to residents who will be hooking up to the sewer asking them to contact their local and state elected officials.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to adopt Ordinance
2006-04 – Sewer Amendment in the Zoning Ordinance.
Motion carried, 3-0.
Secretary Killinger stated a change was made to the tentatively adopted budget following a discussion with the auditor at Stambaugh and Ness. Killinger was told that the cost of the yearly audit increased to $8,000 due to changes in auditing standards which would require more time on the auditor’s part. Killinger changed the budget line item “Auditing Services” and took the difference from budget line item “Reconciliation of EIT”.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to adopt
the 2007 budget showing no increase in taxes. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Spence, to approve
the Thomas Norman land agreement. Motion carried, 3-0.
MOTION by Supervisor Hartley, seconded by Supervisor Fetter, to set the
date for the Board of Supervisors’ Reorganizational meeting as January 2,
2007 at 1:00p.m. with the regular monthly meeting immediately following
and to authorize its advertising. Motion carried, 3-0.
Joel Riddlemoser, resident, inquired about the classified advertisement in the Gettysburg Times regarding accidents due to distractions at the intersection of State Route 30 and High Street. Supervisor Hartley stated the ad was placed by Dan Keys and does not know the reason behind it.
Executive session called to discuss personnel matters.
8:02p.m. – 8:24p.m.
There being no further business to conduct meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori Killinger
Office Manager/Treasurer