Municipal Water Authority Meeting Minutes 2014


January 7, 2014

Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Dave Cohill, William Hewitt.

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Reports: 

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Cohill, to approve the December 2013 Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Cohill to approve Bill List #1 for 2014.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Cohill, to approve General Account Report for December.  Motion carried unanimously.

Reorganizational Meeting:

It was noted that Debra Hahn was reappointed to the Municipal Authority Board for another 5 year term, by the Franklin Township Board of Supervisors, at their January 2014 meeting.

Election of Officers:

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to appoint the following officers for 2014:  Chairman Wally Kane, Vice-Chairman William Hewitt, Secretary/Treasurer Debra Hahn, Open Records Officer William Hewitt, Plant Operator Jeremy Davis and Back-up Plant Operator Shannon Trostle.  Motion carried unanimously.

Appointed Positions:

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hahn, to appoint the following positions for 2014.  Motion carried unanimously.

Depository: ACNB

Excavators/Plumbers:  D&T Construction

Backup Plumber:  Carl Frantz

Testing Agent:  Trent Stumbaugh of Negley’s Well Drilling

Solicitor:  Robert McQuaide

Accountants:  Musselman & Creager

Chemical Supplier:  Coyne Chemical

Engineer:   WM Hill & Associates

Dates of Monthly 2014 Board meetings are stated as:  January 7, February 4, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3, July 1, August 5, September 2, October 7, November 4 and December 2.

Yearly salaries remain the same:  Plant Operator $5500, Secretary/Treasurer $3600.  And Back-up Operator @ $13.00/hour.

Discussion continued on the 99 year lease agreement with the Franklin Township Elementary School.  Member Bill Hewitt reclused himself from the discussion.  The Board felt that communication needed to continue with the school district on this matter.   Cohill was asked to draft a letter containing the Board’s continued concerns and bring to the February meeting for review.

Hahn advised that the Authority was still not in receipt of the State Road Boring Permit, which was requested from the Pa. Department of Transportation in November.  Kane advised he would contact them to find out status.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn


February 4, 2014

Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane and Joe Sharrah

Guests present:  Jeremy Davis & Dick Sharrah

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Reports: 

Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Hahn, to approve the January 2014 Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Kane, to approve Bill List #2 for 2014.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hahn , to approve General Account Report for January.  Motion carried unanimously.

Members tabled discussion on the proposed water hookup fees & the proposed updated Rules & Regulations until the March Board meeting.

Discussion was held on whose responsibility it would be, or who would pay for a water pit to be installed for existing water customers.  Kane advised that the Authority would pay the costs to install a water pit for existing customers.   Any new customers would be responsible for the water pit installation.

Kane advised there was a recent situation at 328 High Street, where the water meter on the property had frozen up and stopped working, due to the home owner’s neglect, in having the area around the meter insulated against the elements.  At the present time, the home is being rented  and due to the frozen water meter, there was no water being supplied to the home.  Kane advised he had tried numerous attempts to contact the land owner via telephone messages & visiting the property and was never able to contact anyone.  Secretary Hahn had mailed the property owner a letter on 1/29, advising the owner to immediately contact Kane, to discuss the situation.  Kane advised on 2/1, the owner finally made contact with him.  He advised the owner that a new water meter could not be installed, under the present environment of the un-insulated area.  He requested that they have a plumber install a direct line, bypassing the frozen meter so water could be supplied to the renters, until a meter pit could be installed.  Davis advised he was  hopeful, if the weather held out, to have the pit installed before the weekend.  Davis stated he felt that the property owner should be responsible for replacing the frozen water meter, due to their neglect in not having the area insulated around the meter.  Kane noted he would research the matter to see if the owner could be held liable for costs to replace the frozen meter.

Discussion on the Gettysburg Area School District 99 year water lease was tabled to the March meeting.  It was noted that member Dave Cohill, who was not present at the meeting, was to bring a draft letter  to the school board for Authority members to  review.

Davis advised that he researched the cost of a low usage water meter for the school.  He stated that such a meter would cost approximately $2500.  The Authority would be responsible for the cost of the meter and its installation, if the Board chose to replace the current school water meter.

Davis reported that he had not had a chance yet, to move the new storage shed at the Rock Top Well site back to its final location.  Once the shed was moved, he would have the electricity installed in the shed.  Davis also reported that the newly purchase generator was put together and ready to roll, in case an emergency rose for it’s use.

Board members reviewed End of Year Summary Expense/Receipts report for 2013.  Members than reviewed & created the 2014 Budget.    Motion by Hahn, seconded by Sharrah, to accept the 2014 Budget.  Motion carried unanimously.

Davis advised that the dehumidifier at the School pump house was not operating.  He noted that this time of the year it was not necessary to run the dehumidifier when the heaters were running.  But as warmer weather approaches, the dehumidifier would be needed.  Davis suggested it might be less expensive to purchase a new humidifier, instead of trying to see if the present one could be repaired.  Davis advised he would research prices of a new dehumidifier and bring quotes back to the March meeting.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn

March 3, 2014

Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane , Bill Hewitt & Dave Cohill

Guests present:  Jeremy Davis & Randy Bailey of Hill & Associates

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Reports: 

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Cohill, to approve the February 2014 Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Hahn, to approve Bill List #3 for 2014.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Cohill , to approve General Account Report for February.  Motion carried unanimously.

Davis updated the Board of the situation at 328 High Street, where the pipes & meter froze due to the homeowner’s negligence in keeping that area insulated.   Davis advised he had not yet had a chance to install a meter pit, due to winter weather conditions.  As soon as the weather was fit, he would install the pit.  Hahn & Kane also advised that they had checked the Authority’s Rules & Regulations and found that the land owner was responsible for replacing the damaged meter,  due to their neglect in not having the area around the meter insulated.    Hahn requested that Davis get her the cost of a new meter, so she could send an invoice to the home owner.

Board members reviewed the draft letter created by Cohill, concerning the lease agreement between the Gettysburg Area School District & the Authority for the well located at the school.   Discussion was held on how to proceed further, in working out a plan, to be able to invoice the school for water usage.  It was the general consensus of the Board, to seek outside legal council, to review the lease to find out what options would be available.   Kane stated he would research for local council.  Hahn advised she would check with the two Municipal Authority Associations, of which the Board were members,  to see if either would have legal council available to help.

Board members reviewed the 2013 total gallons reported, submitted by Davis.

Davis advised that due to weather conditions, the shed at the Rock Top well site had not been moved yet, nor electric service installed.  He noted that as soon as the weather was fit, this work would be done.

Davis also advised that he researched costs of a new dehumidifier, needed in the School pump house.  He stated that a heavy duty dehumidifier would cost around $350.  A more commercial range dehumidifier would cost between $600 – $1200.    MOTION by Hahn, seconded by Hewitt, for Davis to purchase heavy duty dehumidifier for around $350.   Motion carried unanimously.

Davis also stated that he was having issues in the pumphouse, with the injection ports becoming clogged with chlorine buildup.  He advised the Board that he showed Trent Stumbaugh that by relocating the injection port, the buildup could be avoided.  MOTION by Cohill, seconded by Hewitt, for Davis to perform the work, to relocate the injection port, to prevent the buildup.  MOTION carried unanimously.

There being no further  business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m .

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn


April 1, 2014

Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane , Bill Hewitt, Joe Sharrah & Dave Cohill

Guests present:  Richard Sharrah

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Reports: 

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Cohill, to approve the March 2014 Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Hahn, to approve Bill List #4 for 2014.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Cohill , to approve General Account Report for April.  Motion carried unanimously.

Secretary Hahn handed out Statements of Financial Interest forms to all Board members.  She requested that everyone needed to complete the form and bring back to May’s Board meeting.  She noted that the forms did not need to be sent in, just keep on file, in the Authority’s records.

Kane advised that the new water pit had been installed at 328 High Street.  Hahn advised that the owner of that property would be sent an invoice for a replacement water meter.   It was noted that the water meter at the property had frozen during the winter, due to the customer’s neglect in keeping the area around the meter insulated.

Kane advised that he was not sure if the new shed at the Rock Top Well site had been moved to its permanent location.  He noted that once the shed was in its permanent place, he would be contacting an electrician to have electricity installed in the shed.

Discussion was held on seeking legal counsel to go over the 99 year Water Lease Agreement between the Authority and the Gettysburg Area School District.  Kane noted that he was given the name of local attorney John Phillips, as a suggested attorney who might be able to offer legal advice in the matter.   Members were in agreeance for Kane to contact Phillips to set up an appointment to discuss.  Hahn offered to attend the meeting with Kane.

Discussion was also held on whether or not the Authority should install a new water meter at the school.  Kane noted that the current meter was not registering all water usage.  He stated that Davis had previously advised, a new meter would cost approximately $2500.  This would not include the labor to install the meter.  Hahn felt that a new meter should be installed, so the Authority would know exactly how much water was being used at the school.  Kane offered to get with Davis to get an updated cost of a new meter & labor costs to install to bring back to the May meeting.

Kane also recommended that the Authority prepare a calendar, to document all tasks that needed to be done throughout the year for the water operation.   He noted that if items were kept on the calendar, the Authority could keep better track of when certain tasks needed to be done, i.e. blowing off the water valves, etc.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn


May 6, 2014

Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane , Bill Hewitt, Joe Sharrah & Dave Cohill

Guests present:  Richard Sharrah

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Reports: 

Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Hewitt to approve the April 2014 Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Hahn, to approve Bill List #5 for 2014.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Cohill , to approve General Account Report for  May .  Motion carried unanimously.

It was reported that the shed at the Rock Top well site had been moved to its permanent location and electricity was installed.   A dehumidifier had been purchased and installed at the School pump house.   Blow off of water valves was completed.

On the GASD School Lease agreement, Kane reported that he had contacted local attorney John Phillips to see if he would speak with Kane, to review the current lease.   Phillips advised he was too busy at the time to meet with Kane.  Kane noted that he would like to research and read any communications between the GASD and the Municipal Authority, back in 1991, when the School and the Authority reached the agreement for the 99 year lease.   It was noted that the Freedom of Information Act, would require the GASD to supply the Authority with any information on the subject, if the Authority requested it in writing.   Kane also noted that the Solicitor at the time, John White, might also have files on hand, concerning the subject.  Kane advised he would investigate and report back at the June meeting his findings.

On the subject of installing a low-flow usage water meter at the Franklin Twp. School, Kane suggested the Board wait until they get more information on the Lease Agreement, before going to the expense of purchasing/installing a new meter.

Board members reviewed the Commitment letter submitted by Musselman & Creager, for the yearly audit.   Kane suggested that the Authority research pricing from other local accountants, before committing to having Musselman & Creager, do the yearly audit.  Sharrah advised he would talk with his accountant to get a cost.  Hahn advised she would check with the Township Supervisors to see who they use for their audit.  She also advised she would check other local accountants to get quotes.

There being no further information to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn

June 3, 2014

Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane , Bill Hewitt & Dave Cohill

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Reports:

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Cohill, to approve the May 2014 Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Cohill, to approve Bill List #6 for 2014.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Cohill, seconded by Hahn , to approve General Account Report for May.  Motion carried unanimously.

Hahn advised the Authority received an estimate from Accountant Raffensberger for a cost of $3800 to do the Authority’s yearly audit.  Musselman & Creager’s estimate was $3220.   Motion by Hahn, seconded by Cohill to retain the services of Musselman & Creager to prepare the yearly audit.  Motion carried unanimously.

Kane advised that he would be getting with Jeremy Davis, to prepare the calendar of tasks that needed to be done throughout the year.  He hoped to have the document prepared for the July meeting.

Kane advise that he had been in contact with Attorney Campbell at Campbell & White, in an attempt to get the legal files for the case with the Authority and the Gettysburg Area School District on the installation of the school well.  Campbell advised that his office staff had searched for the files and they could not be located.  Kane requested that Secretary Hahn,  submit a “Right to Know Form’ to the Gettysburg Area School District, in an attempt to get copies of all correspondence regarding the agreement, both internal & external.  And copies of any legal documents.

Board members also discussed, the potential to apply for grant monies, that Kane noted was again available through the state.  Hewitt advised that HACC in the past, had offered classes to the public, on how to apply for grants.  Kane offered to see if any classes were currently being offered.  If so, he advised he would be willing to attend classes to gather info on how to apply for an Authority grant.   Grant monies could be used to extend the water lines, install meter pits, etc.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn

July 1, 2014

Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane ,  Dave Cohill, Joe Sharrah.  Also present Jeremy Davis.

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Reports: 

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Cohill, to approve the June 2014 Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Cohill, to approve Bill List #7 for 2014.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Cohill , to approve General Account Report for June.  Motion carried unanimously.

Hahn advised that Musselman & Creager were working on the Authority’s yearly financial audit.  Quoted costs for them to perform the audit were $3220.

Hahn also confirmed that on June 13, a letter was sent to the Gettysburg Area School District along with a Right To Know Form, requesting copies of info related to the agreement between the Authority and the District on the School well.  The letter requested the District supply the Authority the requested info by July 1.  Kane advised that the District did have 30 days from receipt of the letter, to respond.  He stated that if they did not respond/supply requested information, the next step would be to go to the School Board for assistance in obtaining the information.

Kane also noted that he was continuing to research information on grant writing classes.  He advised he had contacted the local Ag office and presently had his name on a list, to be contacted as soon as classes were available.

Board members reviewed the current status of getting the Authority Rules & Regulations updated.  It was noted that some time back, Ben Shull of Wm Hill & Assoc. had provided the Authority with an updated paper & electronic copy of new sample Rules & Regulations.  It was requested that Plant Operator Davis, review the packet and suggest/make updates as needed.  It also was noted that once the Rules & Regulation info had been updated, that the Water Rates & Billing information be added.  Kane advised he would contact Solicitor McQuaide, to find out what further steps needed to be taken, to have the updated document adopted and put into place.

Kane discussed the process of the Authority keeping inventory sheets on hand of all part/supplies purchased.   As part/supplies were used, it was to be documented.   He suggested getting a clipboard to hold the inventory sheets, to be kept on location at the Rock Top Well site, where stock would be stored, in the new storage shed.  Davis also suggested the Authority purchase stock piles of screenings of 2A & #4 along with some cold patch, to store at the Rock Top Well site.

Discussion was held of a major water leak issue just found at 328 High Street this date.  Kane advised that Assistant Plant Operator Trostle was doing the quarterly readings and discovered that the customer’s meter showed that over 500,000 gallons had ran through the meter since 4/1/14.  Trostle immediately contacted Kane & Davis.  The water to the rental property was shut off to prevent further water loss.  The property owner was contacted and advised that the leak was between the meter pit and the house, which meant they were responsible for repairing the leaking line.  Davis advised he would be working on helping remedy the situation over the next few days.

Davis advised that he had to have the relay switch at the School Well, replaced again.  He noted that this was the third time the switch had malfunctioned.  He believed that lightening running through the phone lines that control the pumping between the two wells caused the switches to malfunction.  He contacted Randy Becker of Control Systems 21 concerning the issue.  Becker suggested looking for alternate methods to provide transmissions between the two wells.   He noted a radio system or cell phone system may be a better choice to use.  Hahn suggested that Davis contact Becker and have him provide estimates on a different signal transmitting system to be reviewed at the August meeting.

Davis also advised he had been running into issues with the Authority’s chlorine stock, becoming weak in strength, the longer it was held in inventory.  The Authority had presently been purchasing chlorine annually.  It was recommended to Davis that it would be better, if the chlorine was purchased every 6 months, to insure it’s potency.  Davis advised he would begin doing this immediately.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn



August 5, 2014


Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane ,  Dave Cohill, Joe Sharrah & Bill Hewitt.  Also present Jeremy Davis and Dick Sharrah.


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Cohill, seconded by Hahn, to approve the July 2014 Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Hewitt, to approve Bill List #8 for 2014.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Cohill , to approve General Account Report for July.  Motion carried unanimously.


Hahn advised that Musselman & Creager reported they were finishing up the Authority’s yearly financial audit and hope to have it completed by the end of the week.


Members discussed the major water leak discovered on the Young rental property at 328 High Street.  Davis reported finding the source of the leak on July 7.  Water was rushing into a hand dug well, located at the rear of the residence.  Davis worked with the property owner in repairing the leak.  Amount of water ran through the meter was 521,700 gallons.   Costs to the owner for the leak (including their 2ndquarter invoice) was $5387.  Board members agreed to continue to provide water service to the rental property, if Young continued to pay the quarterly invoices.  MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Sharrah, to have a municipal lien filed against the property, for the amount of $5137.  Motion approved.  Hahn was directed to provide information to Attorney McQuaide, to have the lien filed.  Davis also advised that he had given Young instructions on insulating and covering up the line, where the repair work had been completed.  To date, Davis advised the line was still exposed.


Davis reported that he had met with a representative from Control 21 Systems, on finding an alternate way to transmit signals between the two wells, other than the present phone lines.  Davis quoted a price of $4667.89 for Control 21 Systems to install a system, based on radio frequencies.  Hahn noted that presently the Authority was paying $80 a month, for the two phone lines.   She commented that she wasn’t in favor of changing the transmitting system, due to the high costs of converting to a different system.   Kane noted he was in agreeance.  No further discussion was held on the matter.


Kane reported that he was still waiting on information concerning grant writing classes to be held.  He would follow up and report back at the September meeting.


Davis reported that an area at the Rock Top Well site had been cleared off, to create a place  to stock pile materials.  He reviewed a list of parts/supplies he felt the Authority should have on hand, to handle emergency water line repairs.  MOTION by Sharrah, seconded by Hewitt, for Davis to order the part/supplies from LB Waters, to keep on hand at the well site.  Motion carried unanimously.


Davis also reported that he had some concerns about water run-off at the Rock Top well site, due to the neighboring property, installing sewer lines to camper sites.  Kane noted that he also had observed the area and had discussed the issues with the property owner.  Kane stated he would contact Franklin Township Supervisor Ed Sharrah, to discuss the matter with him.


Members reviewed copies of documents received from the Gettysburg Area School District, concerning the lease agreement between the Authority and the School District.  (Board member William Hewitt, secluded himself from any discussion/comments on this subject.)  Members were somewhat confused with language contained in the documents, concerning Well #1 and Well #2.  After much discussion, members felt it was time to approach the Gettysburg Area School Board, to request the School help pay for at least half of their water usage.  This thought was based on the fact that the School was using water that was also being pulled from the Rock Top well.  Kane and Hahn were assigned to research information needed, to approach the School Board and report back at the September meeting.


Davis advised he reviewed the proposed updated Rules/Regulations document and made noted changes.  Hahn advised did have the file for the document available and would attempt to make the noted changes, with Davis’ help.   After all updates were made, it was stated that the Authority’s Engineer would need to review and document, before it could be voted on to replace the Authority’s current Rules & Regulations.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn



September 2, 2014


Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane ,  Dave Cohill, Joe Sharrah.

Guests present:   Richard Sharrah

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Reports:

 Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Cohill, to approve the August 2014 Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Cohill, to approve Bill List #9 for 2014.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Cohill, seconded by Sharrah , to approve General Account Report for August.  Motion carried unanimously.

Hahn reported that Musselman & Creager had completed the Authority’s 2013 audit report and submitted a copy of the audit to Penn Vest and completed the annual report for Department of Community and Economic Development.   She noted that the audit reflected that the expenditures exceeded revenue by $5,741.

Kane reported that Heather Young, owner of the property located at 328 High Street had recently filed bankruptcy.  Kane said that currently Ms. Young owed the Authority $5,137 for a major water leak that occurred between 4/1/14 to 7/1/14 on the property.   A motion was made and approved at the August board meeting, to file a municipal lien against the property to collect the debt.  Kane stated that he had spoken with Attorney McQuaide and was advised when a property is engaged in bankruptcy proceedings, a lien could not be filed within 30 days of the filing.   McQuaide suggested to Kane that he would contact the attorneys handling the bankruptcy filing, to discuss the matter.   Kane directed Hahn to supply McQuaide with the total amount due and owing to the Authority for the water leak, a replacement water meter and second quarter past due water invoice.

Hahn reported that Davis and she was working on updating the Authority’s Rules & Regulations.  Once the updating was complete, she stated the document would be forwarded to the Authority’s engineer for his review/approval before the Authority would be able to vote to approve the updated document.

Kane advised he had spoken with Franklin Township Supervisor Arrison, advising him of the Authority’s concerns with the water run-off at the Rock Top Well site.  He stated that Arrison advised the Supervisors would follow up on the situation.

Kane stated that he was continuing to work on gathering information to be presented to the Gettysburg Area School Board, concerning the agreement between the Authority and the school district on the well located at the school.  He was hopeful to bring additional information to the October meeting to be shared with the Board.

Kane also advised he had recently spoken with Attorney McQuaide who advised that the Authority needed to obtain all renter’s names, for any rental properties that were customers of the Authority.  Kane noted that Hahn was to review the list of customers to determine which homes were rental properties, and send communication to the landlords to obtain the renter’s names.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn