Municipal Water Authority Meeting Minutes 2012




January 3, 2012


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Joe Sharrah

Guests present:  Jeremy Davis


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by acting Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Election of Officers:


Motion by Hahn, seconded by Kane to appoint Robert Cullison as Chairman.

Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Hahn to appoint Wally Kane as Vice-Chairman

Motion by Kane, seconded by Sharrah to appoint Debra Hahn as Secretary Treasurer.

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Kane, to appoint Bill Hewitt as Open Records Officer

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Kane, to appoint Robert Cullison as Plant Manager.


All motions were unanimously approved.


Appointed Positions:


Motions were made and unanimously approved for the following appointed positions:

ACNB as Depository

D&T Construction as Excavators/Plumbers

Carl Frantz as backup Plumber

Trent Stumbaugh of Negley’s Well Drilling as Testing Agent

Robert McQuaide as Solicitor

Glace Associates as Engineer

Musselman & Creager as Accountants

Coyne Chemical as chemical supplier


Motion by Hahn, seconded by Kane, to reappoint Joe Sharrah, to a four year term, as an Authority Board member.  Motion carried unanimously.



Cullison advised monthly board meetings would be held on the following days in 2012:

January 3, February 7, March 6, April 3, May 1, June 5, July 3, August 7, September 4, October 2, November 6, December 4 and January 2, 2013.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Kane, to approve the Minutes from the December meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Sharrah  to approve Bill List #1 for 2012.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Kane, seconded by Sharrah to approve General Account Report for January.  Motion carried unanimously.


Board members reviewed and discussed 2012 Budget Worksheets.  Hahn advised she would prepare Budget documents to be approved at February’s meeting.


Board members reviewed Resolution #1 of 2012, for Returned Check Fee for Insufficent Funds.  The Resolution will give the Board, authority to charge a $25.00 fee, for any returned checks for insufficient funds.  Motion by Kane, second by Sharrah, to adopt the Resolution.  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison gave Jeremy Davis an updated list of water customer who’s meters needed to be replaced.  A total of 17 names were on the list.  Hahn was requested to send letters to three of the customer’s who had failed to respond to the Authority’s request to contact Davis, to make arrangements to have the meters replaced.   Hahn was directed to advise these customers that if they did not contact Davis by March 31, the cost of the meter replacement and the new water meter, would be billable to them.


Cullison submitted his End of the Year Report on water usage.   He noted that 7 million gallons of water had been pumped through the system in 2011.


A letter received from Victoria Cullison was presented by Robert Cullison.  Victoria, Robert Cullison’s daughter, was currently helping her father with his duties of water testing, when he was not able to test, due to other circumstances.  She noted in the letter that she had been training on testing the water for over a year and she felt confident that she could do the job professionally and effectively.  Board members were in agreeance, that a backup tester was needed, as currently Robert was the only person doing the testing.   Victoria was requesting an hourly rate of $10.00 to perform water testing on the weekends and days that Robert was not available.   A time sheet would be submitted at every meeting showing the dates she performed the testing.  Cullison advised that the water testing typically took about a hour a day.  MOTION by Sharrah, seconded by Kane, to hire Victoria Cullison to perform part-time water testing, on an as needed basis.  Motion carried unanimously.


Hahn advised that the Authority’s Certificate of Deposit would mature on 1/6/2012.   MOTION by Kane, seconded by Sharrah to renew the Certificate of Deposit with ACNB for another year, at an interest rate of .450.   Motion carried unanimously.


Kane asked if any packets had been purchased yet, to offer water customers to test if their toilets are leaking.   Cullison said the packets were available at L/B Waters.  He advised he would purchase some the next time he was there.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.


Respectfully submitted

Debra Hahn – Secretary/Treasurer



February 7, 2012


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Joe Sharrah, Bill Hewitt

Guests present:  Joe McDowell from Martin & Martin


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Kane, to approve the Minutes from the January meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve Bill List #2 for 2012.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt, to approve General Account Report for February.  Motion carried unanimously.


Joe McDowell of Martin & Martin, discussed two letters received from DEP, concerning operation permits for both the Rock Top and School well.    DEP had enclosed the operating permit for the Rock Top Well.   McDowell reviewed the special conditions that the Authority needed to comply with for the permit.  McDowell said all the conditions were currently being met, with the exception of the last condition, which requested that a water meter spool piece be obtained for temporary use, when the water meter was removed and/or repaired.  McDowell also noted that the permit was good for a period of five years.


The other letter from DEP was the issuance of a minor permit amendment, for construction at the School well.  The letter stated that DEP needed to be notified at least 30 days prior to the completion of the construction.    Cullison advised that the construction needed,  included digging out the tank and putting in a new 55’ line from the well to the roadway.  He estimated that the construction at most, should take one week, pending good weather.  Kane advised he would contact Jeremy Davis to begin the work as soon as possible. At the request of Chairman Cullison, McDowell advised he would write a letter to DEP advising them that the Authority was beginning construction.  McDowell also advised that the construction needed to be complete and the site inspected by DEP before April 1.  Once the construction was complete and in compliance, DEP would then issue the well operating permit.


Authority members then discussed with McDowell, two invoices received from Martin & Martin dated 12/2 for $853.00 and 1/6 for $352.08.  Both invoices were for consulting services for revisions to the 4-Log Demonstration Worksheet.  Hahn advised McDowell, that these two invoices were well above the contracted price, agreed upon by the Authority for the work.   She noted that the invoices were for work performed for revisions needed to the initial application.  Speaking for the Board, she advised that the Board felt they should not have to pay Martin & Martin for them to make revisions to application, that wasn’t done properly, when the initial application was filed.  After some discussion, McDowell agreed to have the two invoices voided.


Chairman Cullison advised that Dave Nett,  head of Maintenance, at the Gettysburg Area School District, recently asked Mr. Cullison about the lease the School District had with the Authority, for their use of the school well.  Mr. Cullison then produced original copies of the agreement between the Authority and the School District.  The legal document was dated July 8, 1991, advising that the Authority could use the school well to provide water to the Authority’s customers for a period of 99 years.  In return the Authority would provide the school, up to 4,000 gallons of water a day at no charge.  If the usage would exceed 4 million gallons of water a year, the school would then be charged for water.


It was noted that at least one, possibly two properties in Cashtown, were subject to Sheriff’s Sale in the near future.  Both properties currently held delinquent water accounts.   Hahn advised she thought that the Authority would be compensated for past due water invoices once the Sheriff’s sale was held, without having to file a municipal lien.  Cullison advised he felt that a municipal lien had to be filed, in order for the Authority to get reimbursed for the delinquent accounts.  Kane advised he would talk to Attorney McQuaide about the matter and report back to the Board.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn




March 6, 2012


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane,  Bill Hewitt


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve the Minutes from the February meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve Bill List #3 for 2012.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt, to approve General Account Report for March.  Motion carried unanimously.


After reviewing and approving the General Account report, Hahn suggested moving some funds from the Authority’s checking account, into a Certificate of Deposit or savings account.  Present balance in the checking account is $34,741.  Hewitt suggested opening a savings account, so the money could be easily accessible if needed.  Hahn advised she would check with ACNB  for interest rates, etc and bring info back at April’s meeting for discussion.


Cullison reported that he had recently met with Mac Groft, from Adams County Planning and Development Office.  Mr. Groft was seeking a map or schematic of the water system for their office.  Cullison advised he did not have any maps to share with Groft, but did supply him with information on the layout of the water system.


Cullison also advised that five water shutoff notices had recently been sent to customers with overdue balances on their accounts.  He advised that he had to shut off the water for one of these customers, Penny Weaver of 1072 Old Route 30, due to a water leak.   He said that he had been notified by a relative that there were broken pipes in the home, leaking water from the upstairs throughout the house.  Cullison had no access to get in the house.  The property is currently up for Sheriff’s Sale March 16.   Cullison attempted to contact the attorney and bank who is handling the sale, with no success.  After contacting  Solitor McQuaide, Cullison was advised to not attempt to gain access to the inside of the house, but to turn off the water outside the residence. He also noted that at that time, an odor of natural gas could be smelled outside the residence, so the gas was also turned off.


Cullison advised that three of the other customers who received shut-off notices had paid in full.  One customer, Phillip Sowders of 873 Old Route 30 had not responded to the certified mail, regular mail and a physical notice posted on the residence that the water would be shut off for non-payment.   Sowders residence was scheduled to have the water shut off on Wednesday, March 7.   Cullison did note that this property was also scheduled for Sheriff’s Sale on March 16 and there were currently residents living in the home.


Cullison advised that he did not think the brush had been cleared away from the water meter area located at the residence located at 246 High Street.   Ellen Falk, owner of this residence, had been sent a notice, requesting that the area in front of her water meter be cleared of obstruction.  Cullison noted that he would clear the brush away himself, if it had not been removed by the time the meter was read for the first quarter billing.


Cullison asked Kane if he had any information on when Jeremy Davis was going to start the excavating project at the School well.  Kane said he had communicated with Davis that the project had to be completed by April 1.   He advised that Davis had plans to begin the work, the 2nd or 3rd week of March.  Cullison also asked Kane if Davis had plans to finish installing the rest of the new water meters.  Kane said Davis reported he had one or two more meters to install.


Kane advised that the Heckman’s had once again requested the permit for the Right of Way across the Authority’s property from Solicitor McQuaide.  Kane stated that the Heckmans were still not in compliance with the list of items they needed to complete, before the Right of Way could be issued.  He noted that Jeremy Davis was working with the Heckman’s in getting the area in compliance.   Guardrails to protect the wellhead still needed to be installed and trees planted.  Cullison did note that the Heckman’s had moved into the residence.


Kane asked Cullison if the Authority had purchased the water tablets to test for leaking toilets yet.  Cullison advised he had purchase approximately 200 packets from L/B Waters.   Kane suggested distributing the packets to the customers as a courtesy gesture.  Cullison advised he could do that when the water meters were read at the end of March.   Hahn requested Cullison supply her  information  from the packet, so a note could be attached to each one, before they were distributed.


There being no further information to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn




April 3, 2012


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Bill Hewitt, Joe Sharrah

Guests present:  Jeremy Davis & Shannon Trostle


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, to approve the Minutes from the March meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt , to approve Bill List #4 for 2012.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Sharrah, to approve General Account Report for April.  Motion carried unanimously.


Secretary Hahn provided Board members with information on ACNB interest rates on Certificates of Deposits.  After reviewing and approving April’s Bill List, it was decided by the Board to table putting any funds into CDs, until all invoices were paid, for the work being done at the School well site.


Shannon Trostle addressed the Board, advising that Davis & Trostle excavated and installed the new water lines at the School Well site, per the plans prepared by Martin & Martin (and approved by DEP)  based on  DEP’s new Groundwater Rules.  Trostle advised the baffling tank had been removed and replaced with  PVC pipe, per the engineer’s plan.  The project started on March 19. By March 23, all pipe was underground and had water in the line to do the testing.  Davis had requested to let the pipe settle until 3/26, before pulling water samples.  A leak was then discovered in the building, which Frantz was called to repair, before line was put under pressure.  First water test was pulled 3/26.  A second water test was scheduled for 3/29.  On 3/26 & 3/27, Trent Stumbaugh had the line charged, to pull water samples.  Frantz repaired the leak in the building on 3/29.  Cullison advised that on 3/29, the line was filled up from the water main, and the fire hydrant opened, to relieve the pressure.  When everything was shut down, the line blew apart.  Cullison stated he called Joe McDowell of Martin & Martin and advised him that the lines had been installed, per his drawings, and the lines had blown apart.   McDowell advised Cullison that it was impossible that this could happen, if the lines had been installed, per their drawings.  Cullison also advised that Stumbaugh questioned why PVC pipe was used, as opposed to ductal iron.  Cullison told Stumbaugh that PVC pipe was specified on Martin & Martin’s plans and DEP had approved the plan.   Cullison suggested that the area that blew apart, be replaced with ductal iron.  Board members reviewed the engineer’s plan again and questioned, whether or not the plan was faulty.    Davis advised he had spoken with L/B Waters and the cost to purchase ductal iron, to repair the area would cost approximately $2,685.  To replace all PVC with ductal iron, would cost approximately $12,735.  These costs did not include labor to excavate or install the iron.    MOTION by Kane, seconded by Sharrah, to replace only the faulty area with ductal iron & contract the services of Davis, to excavate/install the iron.  Motion was unanimously approved.


Board members requested that Secretary Hahn, send a letter to Martin & Martin requesting their presence at the May meeting, to discuss the entire situation.   Kane was asked to contact Solicitor McQuaide, to request his presence also at the meeting.


Kane also made the statement to the Board, that on all future work performed on the water lines, that the Contractor who installed the line, must be present, when the water line is charged for the first time after construction.


There being no further info to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn



May 1, 2012


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Bill Hewitt, Joe Sharrah


Guests present:  Robert McQuaide, Esquire, Jeremy Davis & Joe McDowell


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Sharrah, to approve the Minutes from the April meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane , to approve Bill List #5 for 2012.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Hewitt, to approve General Account Report for May.  Motion carried unanimously.


Joe McDowell of Martin & Martin presented info to the Board pertaining to the recent issues with the construction work at the School well site.  Kane asked McDowell, why the upgrades at the site were needed.  McDowell explained that DEP had recently issued a New Groundwater Rule on 4 Log treatment of viruses for groundwater services of the Authority.    When McDowell met  Robert Cullison, at the School well site, Cullison had advised him that there was a 1,500 tank with baffles.  McDowell advised Cullison that the previous Glace Associates drawings he had for the site, only showed piping.  Cullison then produced an updated mylar which showed a tank had also been installed.  Joe said in his opinion the tank was a poorly baffled tank which had 99 % distribution, only getting 2 logs interaction, when 4 log was required.  He determined that additional storage was needed in the system, to become compliant with the new rules, which required 99.9% distribution.  He made the recommendation that additional storage was needed before the first customer and that could be done by installing 24’ of PVC pipe and removal of the poorly baffled tank.   McDowell then, applied for the permit from DEP to upgrade the site, to be in compliance with the new rules.   Kane asked McDowell, if there was any other way to correct the system, with out removing the tank.  McDowell replied, there were other options that the Authority could have taken.  He did mention that the tank might have been able to remain, adding an additional 25’  – 30’ of pipe, to get into compliance.  But after speaking with Cullison, McDowell felt that his plan to remove the tank was the best choice.


Kane asked McDowell if ductal iron should have been spec’d on the plans, as opposed to PVC pipe.  McDowell said that PVC pipe should have been ok.  He noted that PVC was the lower cost alternative to ductal iron, so they designed the plan, using PVC.


Kane asked McDowell, if the site had only contained pipe, as shown on the old Glace Associates’ drawings, would the Authority had to made any changes to be in compliant.  McDowell responded, probably not, but when Cullison advised that there was a tank installed, that changed things.


Kane then asked McDowell, why, when the contractor removed the tank and installed the system, per his plans, did the one end of the piping explode, when the line was charged.  McDowell advised, he had no idea, why it exploded and he did not feel there was anything negligent in his plans, that would have caused the explosion.


Sharrah then asked McDowell that since the tank had been removed and  the lines previously installed had blown up, what was the Authority’s next step.  Jeremy Davis then approached McDowell, with the engineer’s plan, asking him suggestions on how to change the system, so they didn’t blow apart the ¾” line again.  Davis asked McDowell, if the ¾” line was adequate to release the pressure.  McDowell, stated he did not know.  McDowell advised he would work directly with Davis to review the plans, to discuss the best way to install the pipe, so it did not blow again.


MOTION by Kane, seconded by Hewitt for McDowell and Davis to discuss the plans and present all info to the Board at the June Board meeting, before any further work is performed.  Motion carried unanimously.


In other business, Cullison advised that the Authority had one customer who would not respond to Davis’ request, for a convenient time to replace his old water meter.  Cullison noted that this customer approached him and requested that anyone replacing his meter, had to be a certified plumber.   Hahn suggested that a letter be sent to the customer, advising him that if he would not allow Davis to exchange his water meter, than he could hire a private plumber, but the cost would not be responsibility of the Authority.  Board members then directed McQuaide, to send the customer a letter, advising the same.


Davis reported he only had five more meters to be replaced, from the list that Cullison had given him.


Davis also approached the Board, concerning the ongoing construction problems, at the school site.  He advised that he had spoke with Ben Hill of Hill & Associates, showing Hill the plans and advising him of the recent explosion of the line, after the lines were charged.  Davis said that Hill had some different ideas about the plan.  Hahn asked McQuaide, if it would proper for the Authority to seek a second opinion from Hill.  McQuaide advised if was ok for us to ask Hill to work with us to come up with a second opinion.


MOTION by Hahn, seconded by Kane, for Davis to get in contact with Hills, to seek a second opinion and bring it back to the Board by the June meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


It also was noted that the construction as the School well site needed to be completed as soon as possible.  Presently, the Authority’s system was only operating off the Rock Top Well site.  If something were to go wrong at that site, the town would have no water.  Davis advised they could get the School well site operating, but it would not be a quick fix.  Board members were in agreeance that a plan needed to be put into place as soon as possible, in order to avoid a water emergency for the town.


Kane also asked McQuaide, if the Township Supervisors could dictate, the operation of the Water Authority.  McQuaid advised that they could not.  He stated that the Authority was its own entity, and the Township had no grounds, to dictate their activities.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn




June 5, 2012


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Bill Hewitt, Joe Sharrah


Guests present:   Jeremy Davis


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Hewitt, to approve the Minutes from the May meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane , to approve Bill List #6 for 2012.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Sharrah, to approve General Account Report for June.  Motion carried unanimously.


Jeremy Davis gave an update to the Board, on the project at the School Well.  He advised that two weeks ago, they had received all the materials to begin hooking up the PVC pipe, to the ductal iron on the end of the line.  They discovered that the fitting received from L/B waters, to connect the PVC pipe to the iron, would not work.  Davis advised he immediately consulted L/B Waters, who worked with Davis to send him specific written instructions on connecting the fitting.  Davis advised it still would not work.   L/B Waters then contacted a different supplier and found a different kind of fitting to connect the PVC to the iron.  The part had to be special ordered and Davis expected it to delivery 6/7 or 6/8.    He also advised that he also needed to install the blowoff, for the 24” pipe.   Davis advised that he was going to be out of town the week of 6/11, but his co-owner, Shannon Trostel would be available to install the fitting.  After reviewing the invoice, it was noted that the fitting that would not work, cost the Authority $418.36.  Davis advised he would return the fitting to L/B Waters for a refund.



July 3, 2012


Board members present: Robert Cullison, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Joe Sharrah


Guests present:   Jeremy Davis, Robert McQuaide, Ben Shull of WMF Hill & Associates.


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Robert Cullison at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Kane, to approve the Minutes from the June meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sharrah, seconded by Hahn , to approve Bill List #7 for 2012.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hahn, seconded by Sharrah, to approve General Account Report for July.  Motion carried unanimously.


Board members reviewed a compiled list of invoices from recent construction of the water line at the School Well.  Secretary Hahn advised there would be more invoices to come, for the ductal iron and Davis’ labor to put together the lines.   The estimated the total project would be at least $40,000.


McQuaide asked for an update on the project.  Kane advised that the Board requested DEP to approve using ductal iron, not PVC pipe, that was specified, on the submitted plan.   Kane stated that DEP granted permission for this change and documented the change via email.   L/B Waters delivered the ductal iron and Davis advised that he needed one more gasket fitting, before he could connect the line. He anticipated to have everything together by Thursday, 7/5.    Davis also advised that L/B Waters had picked up the damaged PVC pipe, to send away for testing to see if any of the piping was defective.  He noted that the testing was being done by a third party, and not the pipe manufacturer.  McQuaide asked Davis who would be responsible for the costs of the testing and Davis answered that he understood that to be L/B Waters.


Kane advised McQuaide that throughout the entire construction process, the Board had questioned Joe McDowell of Martin & Martin on the plan design & materials specified for the plan.   He stated that each time McDowell was questioned, he did not seem knowledgeable enough of the plan, to satisfactory answer any questions.   McDowell had even commented that he had not personally drew up the plan, it was drawn up by another M&M employee.  The Board wondered whether or not the Authority even had to make any changes to the well site at all, as past  water testing from that site, were in compliance with DEP.


Ben Shull of WMF Hill  & Associates informed the Board that Davis had asked him to visit the site and review the Martin & Martin drawings, for a second opinion.   Shull advised that the drawings should have contained a specific wall thickness for the PVC.  The plan simply stated PVC pipe.  He also was of the opinion that the Authority could have quite possibly been allowed to keep the existing system, if the proper paperwork had been submitted to DEP, by the Engineer.  He noted that he had worked on a similar project for a nursing home, where DEP granted their request to keep the existing system, after the proper paperwork had been submitted for DEP review/approval.


Davis advised that he felt the issue was a combination design issue and defective pipe.   Kane noted that he felt that the Board needed to try and recoup some expenses, from the pipe manufacturer and Martin & Martin.


McQuaide advised it would be in the best interest of the Board, to get the test results of the damaged pipe from the third party, before proceeding with any attempt to recoup expenses.  He also noted that if the Board would want to proceed further, they would need a second opinion from another engineer, to try and help prove that the plan was faulty.  McQuaide stated he would need a detailed list of all expenses/labor to date for the project.


Cullison advised that one more form would need to be completed & submitted to DEP, after the water line was hooked up/charged and two bacteria tests performed.  Shull advised that Chairman Cullison could sign the completion form.  It did not need to be signed by the engineer.  Shull noted that once the form was submitted, DEP would immediately issue the operating permit.  Shull looked for the completion form, that should have been in the project notebook. He could not find it.  He suggested that Cullison contact DEP and asked for a copy of the form.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn




August 7, 2012


Board members present: William Hewitt, Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Joe Sharrah


Guests present:   Jeremy Davis, Trent Stumbaugh, William Cohill, Craig Schmitt


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Vice-Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Hewitt , seconded by Sharrah, to approve the Minutes from the July meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hahn , seconded by Hewitt , to approve Bill List #8 for 2012.  Motion carried unanimously.  (There were insufficient funds in the General account to pay all bills on list #8.  MOTION by Hahn, seconded by Sharrah, to cash in the Authority’s Certificate of Deposit, and have the funds transferred to the General account. Motion carried unanimously.  After the transfer of funds was complete, all bills could then be paid.)

Motion by Sharrah , seconded by Hewitt , to approve General Account Report for August.  Motion carried unanimously.


Craig Schmitt approached the Board, advising them of his interest in the Backup Plant Operator position.  Members reviewed his letter of interest.


William “Dave” Cohill approached the Board, advising them of his interest in serving as Board member, to fill the unexpired term of Robert Cullison.  Cohill advised the Board he worked at Mount St. Mary’s in their accounting department.  Mr. Cohill lives in Cashtown and is a water customer.


Secretary Hahn advised there were four people who expressed an interest in the Backup Operator Position.  Craig Schmitt,  Bruce Strasbaugh, Jesse Shull & Scott Brigaman.   Kane advised there was one person who expressed an interest in being the Plant Operator, Dave Becker.


The Board broke the regular meeting to go into Executive Session at 7:25 p.m..


After the Executive Session, the Board regrouped the Regular meeting at 8:30 p.m.


MOTION by Kane, seconded by Hahn, to request that the Franklin Township Supervisors approve William ‘Dave’ Cohill as a Municipal Authority Board member, to fill the unexpired term of Robert Cullison.  Motion carried unanimously.  Hahn advised she would contact the Supervisor’s secretary and have her put this request on the agenda for the Supervisor’s next meeting.


Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Sharrah, to hire Jeremy Davis & Shannon Trostel of D&T Excavating to be plant operators at a salary of $5,000 a year, effective September 1, 2012.  And to retain the services of Victoria Cullison as Backup Plant Operator, effective September 1, 2012.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Kane, seconded by Hahn to add William Hewitt to the list of authorized signers for all Authority accounts with Adams County National Bank.   Motion carried unanimously.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Debra Hahn




September 4, 2012


Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Joe Sharrah

Guests present:   Jeremy Davis


The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Vice-Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.


Approval of Reports:


Motion by Sharrah , seconded by Hahn, to approve the Minutes from the August meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Hahn , seconded by Sharrah, to approve Bill List #9 for 2012, with the exception of the three invoices from Carl Frantz Plumbing.    Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Sharrah , seconded by Hahn , to approve General Account Report for September.  Motion carried unanimously.


Board members reviewed the three invoices from Carl Frantz, for repair work at the School pumphouse.   Members felt that the Authority was being charged, to fix leaks, caused by inferior work, when the line was repaired in March of 2012.  Kane suggested that Davis and he met with Frantz on site, to discuss the invoices.   Kane advised he would contact Frantz, to set up this meeting.   Hahn was instructed to scan a copy of the May invoice for work performed in March and email it to Kane & Davis for reference.


Board members reviewed the Emergency Response Plan and the Operator’s Maintenance Plan that was currently in place with DEP.  It was noted that the plans dated 2006.  Kane advised he would contact Trent Stumbaugh to assist in getting the plans updated with current information and submitted to DEP.


Hahn advised that Victoria Cullison had contacted her, advising that vendor US Blue Book was looking for new contact info, on who ever will be ordering supplies from their company.   Kane directed Hahn to contact US Blue Book and have the account set up for Jeremy Davis to be the supply buyer.


Hahn stated that she had requested that the Franklin Township Supervisors approve William Cohill as an Authority Board member at their Thursday, 9/6 Board meeting.  If Mr. Cohill was approved, he could begin his term on the Board starting in October, 2012.


Kane advised that the DEP Annual inspection of the wellheads was to be scheduled for September 10, 11 or 12th.  Kane requested that Trent Stumbaugh contact DEP to set up the inspection date.


Kane advised that the SOC Testing absolutely had to be done this month (September).  Hahn had received the carton of water testing bottles from the Cullisons.  Davis advised that he and Shannon Trostel would handle the testing.  The instruction sheet to go with each bottle was missing from the carton.  Davis advised he would contact Stumbaugh for the info.  Kane requested that Hahn put together a list of 12 water customers that could pull water from their residence for the testing.   Davis suggested that the testing be done on September 18.  Sharrah offered to pick up the filled water bottles and deliver them to the school pumphouse, for Stumbaugh to retrieve and submit for testing.


Members reviewed the Rules & Regulations of the Municipal Authority, to determine who is responsible if there is a leak in the water line, from the curb stop, to where the line enters the residence.   It was confirmed by the Rules/Regulation Handbook, that the customer is responsible for all maintenance, for the water line running from the curb box, to the residence.


Kane also noted that going forward, that a meter pit would be installed, for any new water hookups.


Kane advised that a schedule needed to be set, for blowing off the water lines.  Davis suggested that the lines be blown off two times a year. Once in the spring and once in the fall.   Kane suggested setting April and September as the months for this operation to be done.    It also was noted that this operation would be the responsibility of the Plant Operator.


Board members reviewed a letter of resignation from Victoria Cullison as Backup Plant Operator, effective September 10, 2012.  MOTION by Kane, seconded by Sharrah, to accept the resignation.  Motion carried unanimously.


Hahn advised that she had spoken with Bruce Strasbaugh, to see if he would be interested in accepting the position of Backup Plant Operator.  She stated that Strasbaugh wanted to see a list of responsibilities before deciding whether or not, he would be interested.  Members advised that the responsibilities would be:  All weekend water testing, quarterly meter readings and to report any issues to designated persons.  Salary was set at $10.00 an hour and a monthly time sheet would need to be turned in, one week prior to the monthly board meetings.  Hahn was requested to put the duties in letter form and submit it to Strasbaugh for review.  MOTION by Kane, seconded by Sharrah to hire Strasbaugh immediately, if he accepted the position.  Motion carried unanimously.  Davis requested that Strasbaugh contact him by the end of the week (9/7), if he accepted the job.


Kane reported to the Board, that an inspection was done by Kane & Hahn, in the area above the Rock Top well site, where the Heckman’s had replanted trees, to replace trees that were removed in error.  Hahn counted 16 living trees.  Kane advised that the agreement was that at least 40-50 trees were to be planted to replace those torn out.  Davis advised that he would inspect the area and get in touch with the appropriate parties to get the issue resolved.


Members reviewed the Plant Operator’s List of Responsibilities again and made changes.  Hahn was requested to retype the document and submit it to Kane for final review.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted.


Debra Hahn


October 2, 2012

Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Joe Sharrah. William Hewitt, Dave Cohill

Guests present:   Jeremy Davis

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Vice-Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Reports:

 Motion by Sharrah , seconded by Hewitt, to approve the Minutes from the September  meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt , seconded by Sharrah, to approve Bill List #10 for 2012.   Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hahn , seconded by Hewitt , to approve General Account Report for October.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board members welcomed new Board Member, Dave Cohill.  Cohill is stepping on to the Board, to replace the term of recently deceased Robert Cullison’s term, which expires December 2014.

It was announced that the position of Backup Plant Operator, offered to Bruce Strasbaugh was declined.  Davis had advised that Shannon Trostle, would be interested in the position.  MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Hahn, to hire Shannon Trostle, as the Backup Plant Operator, for an hourly wage of $10.00.   Motion carried unanimously.

Vice Chairman Kane announced that the balance of the SOC testing for lead & copper, will now be done in November.   It was noted, that if the tests failed, another test could be submitted to DEP.  If the test passed, another test would not be required for three years.

Kane also suggested that the Board create a calendar to note all water testing & activities needed for the operation of the water system.  He advised that the calendar would be helpful for Plant Operator Davis and for Board members to be aware of all testing/activities taking place.

Kane also noted that he and Jeremy had not had a chance  to talk to Carl Frantz, about the three outstanding invoices.  He was hopeful that they would be able to connect with him soon to discuss.

Kane also advised that he and Davis met with Kim Snook of DEP at both well heads, for an inspection.  He noted that Ms. Snook was very helpful in discussing items needed to be in compliant with DEP.  One of the items discussed, was the possible need to have a better system in place, to notify someone, should the water level drop in the wells and a boil water notice would need to be distributed.  The current system at the Rock Top Well plant, has an alarm that buzzes inside the building, if the level drops to 6’.   The only way someone would be made aware that the alarm would be sounding was if a neighbor heard the alarm and notified the Authority.  Ms. Snook recommended that a call system alarm be installed, which calls out to a board member or plant operator’s phone, to alert them.   The systems are expensive.  Davis advised that he talked to Randy Becker of Control 21 Systems, and Becker advised there were less expensive systems available.   Kane requested that Davis get some estimates for a simple system, from Becker and bring them to the November meeting for review.

Davis advised that he had spoken with Contractor Lautenslager about the situation with the trees, on the Authority’s property, above the Rock Top Well site.  He advised Lautenslager that many of the trees he planted had died and needed to be replaced.

Kane noted that Ms. Snook of DEP did request, that a Contact List of Board members and other personnel, be posted in each pump house.  Hahn was requested to compile a typewritten list for each building to be posted.  Kane advised he had one more emergency number for the State, to add to the list. Once that number was submitted to Hahn, she could create both lists and have them posted.

Kane discussed the needs of the Plant Operator.  He advised that a chair and a calculator, was needed in the School Well House, which would be helpful for Davis to perform his duties.  Davis also suggested that a ledger book be purchased, to record the daily water testing results.  MOTION by Hahn, seconded by Sharrah, for Davis to purchase these items and submit his expenses for reimbursement.  Motion carried unanimously.

Sharrah expressed an interest in changing the Authority’s meeting night to a different night, than the first Tuesday, due to other interests on his calendar.  It was suggested that the meeting night be changed to the second Thursday of the month.  Hahn advised she would check with the Township Secretary, to see if there was a conflict, in having the meeting changed to that month.

MOTION by Hahn, seconded by Sharrah, to appoint Kane as acting Chairman, and Hewitt, as acting Vice-Chairman, until the end of 2012.  Motion carried unanimously.

Kane advised that the scuba divers had contacted him, about going into the water tank and cleaning it out.  They advised that Bob Cullison had requested they contact the Authority, after they performed the maintenance about three years ago.  Kane noted that he asked the team to contact the Authority next year, to see if their services were needed at that time.

Kane noted that the Emergency Response Plan, required to be kept on the well site by DEP may have been found.  Both he and Davis found a notebook which appeared to contain updated plan in a box of documents, that Bob Cullison had in his possession.  The plan would be reviewed to confirm it contained the most current info.

There being no further info to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn-Secretary



November 6, 2012

Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Joe Sharrah, Dave Cohill & William Hewitt

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Reports: 

Motion by Sharrah , seconded by Hewitt, to approve the Minutes from the October meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt seconded by Sharrah, to approve Bill List #10 for 2012.   Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Sharrah , to approve General Account Report for October.  Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Kane advised that the SOC testing for lead & copper was still on schedule for the month of November.  He advised he would be speaking with Engineer Trent Stumbaugh, to firm up the exact date for the testing and pass the info along to Board members.

Kane also advised he would be following up with Terry Lautenslager, owner of the property above the Rock Top Well site.  Lautenslager had been notified by Jeremy Davis in September, that several of the trees planted in the proposed right of way area, had died during the drought.  Kane noted that if the conditions given to Lautenslager by the Authority were not met, the Authority would not grant the legal Right of Way to his property.

Kane reported that during Hurricane Sandy, the Township had offered their portable generator and gasoline, to keep the Rock Top Plant functioning, in the event of a power failure.  Kane & Davis worked to set up the generator at the plant. They discovered that the plant was already wired for generator use.  They had contacted Randy Becker of Control 21 Systems and he visited the plant and did some minor work, to complete the wiring, so the generator could be plugged in for use.  After the Hurricane threat, the generator was given back to the Township.  Kane advised that the Authority needed to think about purchasing their own generator, to have on hand in case of emergencies.   He requested that Davis research generators/pricing and bring the info to the December meeting for review.

Kane also noted that during Hurricane Sandy, he had notified the local radio station, WGTY to request that they place an announcement on the radio for Cashtown residents to draw water for their homes, in the event of a power failure at the water plants.  He advised that Brenda Staub,  coordinator of the program,  asked if the Authority would be interested in joining their program, so all information would be on file.  Kane advised he had received the email from Ms Staub, listing the info needed.   He advised he would forward the info on to Secretary Hahn, for her to complete and send back to Ms. Staub.

Kane distributed the contact info to Board members for the One Call Now.   He instructed Hahn that the customer contact list needed updated.  Hahn advised she would work on updating the info on the list.

Kane distributed the new Emergency Contact Number list to Board members.  This list of numbers will also be posted in each pump house, per the request of DEP.

Kane advised that he and Davis were continuing to work on/monitor several meter reading issues.   Meter at 942 Old Route 30 was being monitored frequently, watching for spikes in usage.  To date, meter was reading normal water usage for the household.  He also advised that it was still unknown what was causing the continuing reading issues at the Trinity Church.   He advised that the wiring to the meter had been replaced, plus both he and Davis had did some testing on their own, drawing water and reading the meter to check if the meter was registering usage properly.  He noted that to date, they could not find the problem, but were continuing to investigate.

Kane advised that there was no additional info on the pipe explosion incident at the school well, due to the poorly designed system done by Martin and Martin.   He noted he would followup on the situation and advise at the December meeting.

Kane announced that the Authority had received their blanket Emergency Permit Card to permit Emergency Repairs from the Pennsylvanian Department of Transportation.  The permit is good for one year, expiring 10/15/13.

There being no further information to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn




December 4, 2012

Board members present: Debra Hahn, Wally Kane, Joe Sharrah, Dave Cohill & William Hewitt

Guests Present:  Jeremy Davis

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Wally Kane at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Reports: 

Motion by Sharrah , seconded by Hewitt, to approve the Minutes from the November meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt seconded by Kane, to approve Bill List #11 for 2012, with the exception of changing the Control 21 Systems amount from $490.00 to $188.00   Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Sharrah , to approve General Account Report for November.  Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Kane updated the Board on the status of the SOC testing which will take place in December.  He advised that he had been in contact with Trent Stumbaugh that the testing would be done on Monday, December 17.  Kane & Jeremy Davis would deliver the bottles to water residents on the 17th, with Board member Joe Sharrah picking them up on the 18th.  Bottles would then be given to Stumbaugh for testing.

Jeremy Davis reported that he had been in contact with Terry Lautenslager advising him that several of the trees Lautenslager had planted on the proposed right of way to the Heckman property had died, due to drought conditions this summer.    Davis advised he would followup with Lautenslager to see if he had replaced any of the trees.

Davis also reported that he did research on what kind of generator the Water Authority would need, to support its needs, if a power outage occurred.  He advised that a 7,500 – 10,000 watt generator should be sufficient.  He estimated costs of such a generator to be around $3500.  He suggested that a Generac generator be purchased.  He advised he would get a quote for this type of generator and present it at the January meeting.

Davis also reported he had been sporadically checking Harriet Cameron’s meter for usage and was not observing any erratic readings.  Kane advised that the Authority had spent many man hours & expense, to try and fix the Trinity Church meter.   Since church services are only held every other week and water usage is very low, it was agreed that no further repair work would be attempted, since the minimum charge would apply each quarter.

Hahn reported that the Authority was not receiving any response from the property owner  located at 1145 Old Route 30, in having their  defective meter replaced.  She noted that the readings had been estimated for quarterly billings, since September 2011.   It was stated that letters and phone calls to the property owner had been unanswered.   Kane advised Hahn to send the owner a letter via regular and certified mail, advising that they contact either Davis or Kane, within 10 days of receipt of letter, or legal action would be initiated to get the meter replaced.

Kane also advised that the Schultz new home construction at 997 Old Route 30 was soon to be completed.  The present water hookup on the property was to the mobile home, situated directly in front of the new construction.  Kane suggested that a complete water hookup fee not apply, but advised that a new meter pit & labor costs would need to be paid by Schultz, before the existing water line could be connected to the newly constructed home.  Hahn was advised to send a letter to the Schultz’s, advising them that a full hookup fee would not be required, but an upgrade fee between $700 – $1,000 would be required to install a new meter pit.

Kane also suggested that the Authority consider increasing the fees for new water hookups, due to increase costs in labor/materials.  He advised he would speak with Solicitor McQuaide to get his input on how much the fee could be increased.  Davis also advised he would research labor/material costs of installing a new water hookup and bring those figures to the January meeting.

Davis also suggested that the Authority may want to think about redesigning the placement of the meter pit/meter/main shutoff when new hookups are installed, or updates are needed.   It was also suggested that the current Rules & Regulations be reviewed to see if changes were needed, to insure the customer was responsible for certain costs, regarding new or updated work.

Kane noted that there had been no correspondence from L/B Waters on the piece of piping that had been sent away for testing,  from the exploded pipe, at the School Well site in March, 2012.  Kane advised he would contact L/B Waters, to get the status of the testing.

Sharrah approached the Board, to see if the meeting dates for the Water Authority’s meetings, were going to be changed to a different day in 2013.  Hahn stated that she felt the meetings should stay at the first Tuesday of the month, to keep in line with the Planning Commission & Supervisor’s meetings, which all occurred the first Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday of every month.  MOTION by Hahn, seconded by Hewitt, to keep the Water Authority meetings on the first Tuesday.  Motion unanimously approved.

Kane advised that his term on the Board, would expire at the end of December 2012.  He stated that he continue to serve on the Board.  Hahn was asked to send the Supervisors notification so they could re-appoint Kane, at their January meeting.

There being no further info to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn