January 4, 2005

Board Members Present: Debra Hahn,  Robert Cullison, Wallace Kane, Richard Hartman and William Hewitt.


The meeting held at Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by  acting Chairman Cullison at 7:00 p.m.

Election of Officers:

Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to appoint Robert Cullison as Chairman. Motion
carried unanimously.

Motion by Hartman, seconded by Hewitt to appoint Wallace Kane as Vice-Chairman.  Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to appoint Debra Hahn as Secretary/Treasurer.  Motion carried unanimously.

Appointed Positions:
Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane for the following appointed positions.  Motion carried unanimously.  Adams County National Bank as Depository, Mike Baumgardner, Ron Kuykendall & Frantz’s Plumbing as Plumbers, Mason Dixon Environmental as Testing Agent/Operator, Robert McQuaide as Solicitor, Logue & Associates and Musselman & Creager as Accountants, Robert Cullison as Plant Operator and Glace Associates as Engineering Firm.
Motion by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to hold monthly Board meetings on the following dates in  2005.  Motion carried unanimously.  February 1, March 1, April 5, May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6.
Approval of Reports:
MOTION by Kane, seconded by Hewitt approve the minutes of the December 2004 meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve Bill List #1 of 2005.  Motion carried unanimously.


MOTION by Hartman, seconded by Hewitt to approve General Account Report for January 2005.    Motion carried unanimously.


Cullison read his end of the year report for water usage.  A copy of the report is attached to these minutes.


Cullison also reported that all water customers who had been sent letters about trimming the brush/shrubbery away from their water meters had complied.


Kane inquired as to whether or not Robinson’s Excavating had finished the water line replacement and additional work tasks that needed to be completed at the Rock Top Well site.  Cullison advised the work had not been done.  Kane suggested that another Plumber be contacted to see if they could perform the work in a more timely fashion.  Cullison advised he would contact Mike Baumgardner to see if he could complete the job.


Cullison advised there were new updates to the UCC (Uniform Construction Code) concerning water line inspections.  It was suggested that the Authority give the Supervisors a copy of their regulations for them to review.  The Supervisors could then decide if the Authority’s regulations were more stringent than those of the UCC.  They could then decide who’s regulations (the Authorities or the UCC’s) should be adopted/enforced.


Hahn presented a letter from Ann Marie Logue, offering her services for the yearly audit.  After some discussion, it was decided to have Hahn check with Musselman & Creager to see what they would charge to do the yearly audit.  Hahn was requested to bring their costs back to the February Board meeting for further discussion.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,



Debra Hahn,




MAY 10, 2005



Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Dick Hartman, Wally Kane and Debra Hahn.

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m.

Approval of reports :
MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve the minutes of the April meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Hartman, seconded by Kane to approve Bill List #5 for 2005. Motion carried unanimously.

MOTION by Hartman, seconded by Hewitt to approve the General Account report for April. Motion carried unanimously.


Board members briefly reviewed papers submitted by Glace Associates concerning a revised hook-up fee. It was noted that the calculation for the water hook-up fee was significantly lower, than the existing hook-up fee. Board members were very concerned with this new info. Cullison advised that Max Stoner would be at the June meeting to discuss the subject. Members were encouraged to review the papers and bring any questions to the June meeting.


Discussion was held on the delinquent water accounts. Secretary Hahn advised that May 16 was the deadline for payment of overdue accounts. After that date, certified letters and water shut off notices would be posted on the residences.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
Debra Hahn, Secretary



June 7, 2005


Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Dick Hartman, Wally Kane and Debra Hahn.

Guest Present: Max Stoner of Glace Associates

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m.
Approval of reports:
MOTION by Hartman, seconded by Hewitt to approve the minutes of the May meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve Bill List # 6 for 2005. Motion carried unanimously.

MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the General Account report for May. Motion carried unanimously.

Max Stoner presented to the Board, The results of the Capital Charges Study Pursuant to Act 57 of 2003. The results of the study showed the Authority the maximum they would be allowed to charge for new customer Tapping Fees. After much discussion a MOTION was made by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to approve a Resolution of the Authority Board Establishing Water System Tapping Fees in Accordance With Act 57 of 2003. Motion was approved, pending the Solicitor’s approval. Kane advised he would see that Mr. McQuaide received a copy of the Resolution, for his review.

Discussion was held on beginning to work on a three phrase project, to extend the existing water lines in three directions. East on Old Route 30, north on High Street and South on Orrtanna Road. An informal work session was scheduled to be held on Wednesday evening, June 15, 6:30 p.m. at the Cashtown Fire Hall parking lot. A MOTION was then made by Cullison, seconded by Hewitt, to begin to develop a plan, to extend the water lines. Motion was unanimously approved.

Secretary Hahn presented Mr. Cullison with a list of three delinquent accounts. Cullison advised he would place shut off notices on each of the three properties the next day.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Debra Hahn, Secretary



July 5, 2005


Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Dick Hartman and Debra Hahn.

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m
Approval of reports:
MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve the Minutes of the June meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Hartman, seconded by Hewitt to approve Bill List #7 for 2005. Motion carried unanimously.

MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the General Account report for June, with the addition of adding the comment “moved to open a Reserve account, beside the June Expense to ACNB for $1623.90. Motion carried unanimously.

Secretary Hahn advised that the customers of the three delinquent accounts from last month had paid the past due balances in full. Even though water shut off notices had been posted on the properties, the accounts were paid, before service had to be shut off.

Discussion was held on the possible water line extension along the Orrtanna Road. Cullison advised that an engineer would need to be hired, to prepare the bid package. After disussing the financial ramifications of extending the line, a MOTION was made by Hartman, seconded by Hewitt to put the project on hold, due to the financial costs. Motion was approved.

Hartman advised that the Authority should give some thought to raising the water rates, by the end of the year. Board members decided to take this under consideration and hold discussion at the August meeting. Secreteary Hahn advised she would contact some local municipal authorities, to take a survey of their rates.

Chairman Cullison advised that the water line replacement at the Rock Top Well site, was to begin soon. The work will be done to replace a 4″ line with 6” line.

Cullsion also advised he was looking for an alternate way of transporting chemicals from the School Well Site, to the Rock Top Well site. Cullison noted he had been hauling the chemicals in his personal vehicle, but did not want to continue to do so. He advised that the chemical supplier could not deliver chemicals to the Rock Top Well site, as they could not access the site, in their truck. Hartman advised he would talk to one of the Franklin Township Supervisors, Dan Fetter, to see if the Township could help with the transport of the chemicals.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn, Secretary



August 2, 2005


Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Dick Hartman, Wally Kane and Debra Hahn.

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m
Approval of reports:
MOTION by Kane, seconded by Hartman to approve the Minutes of the July meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve Bill List #8 for 2005. Motion carried unanimously.

MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the General Account report for July. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Cullison advised that the water line replacement at the Rock Top Well site had been completed. Work was performed by Jeremy Davis.

Member Hartman advised that he had spoken with Franklin Twp. Supervisor Dan Fetter, about helping with the hauling of chlorine chemicals from the school to the Rock Top Well site. He advised that the Supervisors would provide the service to transport the drums, but needed at least two days notice, before they needed to be transported. Chairman Cullison advised, he would contact the Supervisors when he needed the chemicals transported.

Secretary Hahn presented a list containing water rates from surrounding local authorities for members to review. After reviewing the rates, Member Hewitt presented the Board with a draft letter to be sent to customer’s concerning a rate increase. Members reviewed the letter and decided to have it typed up on official letter head, for members to review at the September meeting. At that time, a final decision would be made, as to whether or not the rates would be increased by the first of the year.

Board members also voted to have official notices sent to three residents within the current water distribution area, directing them they needed to hook up to the

municipal water, according to the mandatory water hookup ordinance. MOTION was made by Hewitt, seconded by Kane, for notices to be sent to: Elizabeth Brice, Mike Keller and Bream Orchards. Motion carried unanimously. Secretary Hahn was requested to send the info to the solicitor, so he could put together the official notices. It was noted that the ordinance states that residents have 90 days from official notice, to comply with the ordinance.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn, Secretary



September 6, 2005


Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Dick Hartman, Wally Kane and Debra Hahn.

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m
Approval of reports:
MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve the Minutes of the August meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to approve Bill List #9 for 2005. Motion carried unanimously.

MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the General Account report for August. Motion carried unanimously.

Board members reviewed the draft letter to be sent to water customers, concerning the proposed increase in water rates. Kane suggested that the wording read $1.00 for every hundred gallons used over the minimum, as opposed to $10.00 for every 1,000 gallons over the mininum used. MOTION was then made by Kane, seconded by Hewitt, to raise the water rates, effective January 1, 2006 to $100 for 8,000 gallons used, with $1.00 per hundred gallons, for usage over the minimum. Motion was unanimously approved. Secretary Hahn was instructed to send the notification letters to the water customers, as soon as possible.

Chairman Cullison announced that he had signed an agreement with PA One Call, for them to e-mail him directly, when any excavation was to be performed, within a 5 mile radius of the water system. Cullison advised that some messages from the One Call center had been received at the Township office, with the messages never being relayed to the Authority. By signing this agreement, Cullison will be able to respond directly to the One Call center, after the notification e-mails are received.

Board members reviewed the recent changes made by DEP for Monitoring Requirements for Arsenic.

Board member Hewitt advised, he would be willing to attend the Township’s Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday, 9/7, to let the Planning Commission know that the Authority would like to be informed of the developing plans for the Golf Course, He also advised he would let them know, ideally, where the Authority would like the main water line to be installed for the development.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra Hahn, Secretary


Franklin Township Municipal Authority

November 1, 2005

Board Meeting results


Board Members Present:  Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt and Wally Kane, Solicitor Robert McQuaide was present.

Absent: Dick Hartmand and Debra Hahn.

The meeting at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chariman Cullison at 7 p.m.

Approval of Reports:
MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Kane to approve the Minutes of the Oct. meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Kane, seconded by Hewitt to approve Bill List #11 for 2005.  Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Cullison also noted the Reserve Account Report remained unchanged.


The members reviewed the letter from Beauchat & Beuchat regarding the Hartman property (Map parcel C10-0191).  Solicitor McQuaide explained the history of the property.  Hartman sold the property to Heckman; the Authority in 1978 granted and conveyed the strip of land for $1.00.  The land is approximately ’20 wide.  Solicitor McQuaide discussed the preference to gain an easement right of way from the Rock Top property, and stated he will do a property search to ensure full knowledge for the Board to act on that preference.  Chairman Cullison will also informally open discussion with the Rock Top owners.


Solicitor McQuaide also advised on the Brice connection issue.  He recommended the Board move to establish a universal fixed duration for connection payments.  Hewitt made a motion, seconded by Kane and passing unanimously that a universal fixed duration schedule should be formalized and that citizens would wish to schedule payments must make a formal request.  McQuaide will send a formal letter to Ms. Brice, notifying her of her obligations and inviting her to address the next Board meeting.


McQuaide reviewed the water rate increase notification: Resolution #2.  Hewitt moved to pass the resolution and Kane seconded.  Resolution passed unanimously.


Hewitt notified the Board that the owner of parcel D11-6A the potential Golf Course development was the Carl Sturges Trust c/o Carroll Valley Golf Course.  Hewitt volunteered to write a draft letter for consideration informing the parcel owner of the Board approval process for connection of Authority System.


Hewitt will attend the Water Workshop on November 3rd, and provide a report at the next Board Meeting.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

William Hewitt, Acting Secretary



December 7, 2005


Board Members Present: Robert Cullison, Bill Hewitt, Dick Hartman, Wally Kane and Debra Hahn.

The meeting held at the Franklin Township Municipal Building was called to order by Chairman Cullison at 7 p.m
Approval of reports:
MOTION by Kane, seconded by Hartman to approve the Minutes of the November meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve General Account report for November. Motion carried unanimously.

MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve the Reserve Account report for November Motion carried unanimously.

MOTION by Hewitt, seconded by Hartman to approve Bill List #12 for December. Motion carried unanimously.

Board members discussed sending Carl Sturges a letter, inviting him to attend a Board meeting, to submit any water connection proposals, for the future golf course. MOTION by Cullison, seconded by Kane, to send the letter. MOTION carried unanimously.

Hewitt reported he attended the Water Workshop on November 3. He advised the workshop was mainly a regional workshop.

Kane advised he had unsuccessfully attempted to obtain a Orrtanna Road boring permit from DEP. Kane advised the permit was needed, to bore under the road in order to connect the two new hookups. Kane stated that the local DEP representative was less than helpful, in helping him complete the permit information. Kane was advised by the representative, that the Authority’s engineer needed to take care of applying for the permit. Cullison advised he would contact Glace Associates, to have them begin the process of obtaining the permit.

Board members reviewed the audit letter from Musselman & Creager. The 2004 audit booklet was on hand for review. It was noted in the letter that the Authority would benefit from having a second person review the bank reconciliations and bank statements. Hewitt volunteered to review the statements at each Board meeting.

Member Hewitt also advised he would be willing to serve another 5 year term as a board member. Hewitt’s term expires on 12/31/05. He advised that the township’s secretary already contacted him to ask him if he could serve.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
Debra Hahn, Secretary